the-canon-nebula · 2 months
Borderlands RP masterlist!
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Reblog this post and add in the tags
your URL
if you’re a single muse or a multimuse
if they’re canon or an OC
your muse’s name, and from where they come from
EXAMPLE: scrunklyrpblog, single muse, canon, Scrunkly the Mighty ( pokemon mystery dungeon )
to be added in the list!
NOTE: if you have a multimuse blog, feel free to write as many muses as you have; if you have a fandomless OC, specificy that you just have a specific verse or their “title” – and remember to reblog the fandomless masterlist too!
feel free to specify if your muse is canon divergent too!
Character list alphabetical order can be found HERE!
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the-canon-nebula · 8 months
So, Dodge himself came out and said that Pibby hasn't been greenlit, and has a low chance TO be Greenlit. Does that mean I'm gonna stop RPing as either of my Pibbies or The Darkness? Hell no!
If anything, this gives me much more room to work with.
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I'm not gonna stop creating things for Pibby. I'm gonna continue to make all the nay-sayers cry about it.
Am I disappointed? Yes. Did it come at a bad time for me? Also yes. Is it gonna deter me? Absolutely not.
Never stop creating. Take this opportunity by the balls and create something of your own with the foundation others have given.
I'm certainly not going to stop, why should any of you?
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
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“I’m an investigative reporter. You know what that means? It means I collect facts, and I figure out the story. And when I determine who the bad guys in the story are, I punish them.”
The Canon Nebula now proudly presents Spider-Man Noir, from the prior blog @spxdernxir-blog!
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
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{Then you are half-correct.}
Just throws a hell of a haymaker to send Scourge into (through) the nearest wall-
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{... Would you settle for a Jawbreaker?}
Yes, Metal knows that’s not what Scourge means. No, Metal does not care.
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
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{... Would you settle for a Jawbreaker?}
Yes, Metal knows that’s not what Scourge means. No, Metal does not care.
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‎ ‎ ‎ "Actually cravin' a bit of sugar myself." Does he mean sex or cocaine? Anyone's guess.
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
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He paused, letting his crimson eyes flicker for a mere moment; as if accessing his databanks to try and put it in the best way possible.
{I do not know about the Metal Sonic that exists as your, quote unquote ‘brother’, but my experience with the Starline from my ‘continuity’ was also dissatisfactory.
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Between him summoning the Zeti; powerful alien beings capable of controlling any metal and electronic with psychic powers- him giving them the Chaos Emeralds and expecting them NOT to turn traitor, and worse yet, dare to even insult me because my lifemate had too been turned into a Zombot... I very nearly shattered his arm when he even uttered it. To paraphrase others... Thank Gaia he is deceased.}
This Metal may not be from this universe, but we can all agree- Starline messed with the wrong robo-hog, even if unintentionally.
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{Subject Code: ‘Starline’ is, and I quote from Subject Code: ‘Dr. Robotnik:’
‘A cantankerous, copycat-like, plan-stealing, insignificant monotreme that would have better luck sweeping the sewers in Eggmanland than being at my side again.’}
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{...I have much less flattering things to say but that about sums it up.}
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
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{Subject Code: ‘Starline’ is, and I quote from Subject Code: ‘Dr. Robotnik:’
‘A cantankerous, copycat-like, plan-stealing, insignificant monotreme that would have better luck sweeping the sewers in Eggmanland than being at my side again.’}
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{...I have much less flattering things to say but that about sums it up.}
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ㅤ"So...does this make Starline my Step-Papa?"
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
(Using AoStH Sonic as icons here BC I don’t have many Modern Sonic icons)
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@diffxrentwxrlds @winters-club​
To be fair; he IS going at the Speed of Sound, hence "Sonic." According to a quick look up, Running on water also mostly has to do with the size and weight of your feet; the average human person has to go ~38 mph to run on water, whereas Sonic well clears 20 times that when at top speed. (According to sources, Sonic can run up to an astonishing 767 MPH!)
Considering that Sonic is so light and spindly compared to the average human, it’s no wonder how he can actually speed atop water.
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As for the reason why he can’t swim is... kinda mixed, really. In the AoStH canon here, Sonic actually can swim, but this is more talking about the OG games, so bear with me.
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I believe, in a developer’s standpoint, that there were two reasons as to why Sonic couldn’t swim. First one is that they wanted Sonic to still have some flaws, and second, as revealed by the Creator of Sonic, Yuji Naka, believed that Hedgehogs couldn’t swim! Yet they’ve been revealed to actually be able to.
Now, as for more of a logistical standpoint, Sonic is lean, mean, and somewhat more solid. We all know fat floats, right? Being the way Sonic is, he’s got basically no fat, so he has no buoyancy. Not to mention there’s higher friction resistance in water than there is in air.
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
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This is my own personal opinion but
Metal Sonic could kill Sonic.EXE easily. Regular Sonic has plot armor but not EXE.
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
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...he can’t help but notice that he feels like someone’s talking about him-
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
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{I do not require clothing, for I am a machine.
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...not to mention it would just burn right off of me if I used my thrusters.}
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
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... while he is flattered and inflating his ego for being more “conventionally attractive” than Sonic, y’all still need help.
He already has a girlfriend, thank you very much-
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{{ L }} Is all for fucking robot but METAL...... not so much. He is judging y'all.
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
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{Or just too busy getting denied by all the girls.}
Metal, he’s bi.
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{...Damn, nobody wants you, for real-}
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{{ L }} "Why would I be jealous when I have two hands to hold with two different people?"
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
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{Maybe it's because you can't even get ONE person to hold your hand.}
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{{ L }} "Why would I be jealous when I have two hands to hold with two different people?"
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
{{ L }} “Tch, the old loop ‘round trick? I’m not impressed so far.”
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Using her own speed, Surge ducked under Metal, watching as he zips past. Curling up into a ball, Surge spins in place before rocketing toward the metallic copy of Sonic at break neck speeds. She assumed he would use that stupid ass shield thing. No matter if he did, she would make sure to smash it.
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Normally yes; he would use the Black Shield; a normally impenetrable ward, to repel against her attacks, though he wasn’t going to make the same mistakes twice. He knew that the Dynamo Cage was destroyed, but that wasn’t going to deter him from using different methods to defeat his prey. He had been saving one technique for Sonic... but he wanted to make sure that it worked; and Surge was the prime test subject.
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Metal would quickly maneuver around Surge rocketing towards her, using her own momentum against her; being a speedster himself, he knew how to utilize his own velocity and could calculate moves much quicker than the organic brain could; and he’d since collected her bio-data and analyzed it down to the very last 1 and 0 from fighting her both times ago. Now that the fox and the cage were gone, he had a plan of attack.
Much like Sonic, Surge’s weaknesses included her overconfidence. She lets her attitude get the better of her, however, unlike Sonic. While rage and fury were a powerful and volatile force in the heat of battle, they were also a blinding red screen. Something he could use to his advantage.
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As such, Metal would decide to not sit still during this battle. Be always on the move, in a whirling tornado around her. Throw a few pot-shots here and there, then keep moving. Sucker punches, back jabs; attacks that wouldn’t let his momentum falter. Nothing too serious, but with his agility and velocity, it was gonna be hard to keep up.
@diffxrentwxrlds​ from X
Well, that decided things very quickly.
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Metal would walk straight up to Sonic without even blinking, and just deck his ass for even thinking of trying to flirt with him. He is a monogamous robo-hog, thank you.
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Since that was decided, Metal turned to Surge and moved to drag his metal thumb alongside his throat. Seems it’s his way of saying she was going down... for good.
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
“Oooh. Alright-”
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“Well. thank fuck I’m not gay then.”
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Just. Looking at her incredulously.
{...how is it that a mammal of your stature could use so little of your cranial capacity.}
Surge is 0% gay.
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“Hell yeah I’m not!-’
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“...wait what does ‘gay’ mean?”
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the-canon-nebula · 1 year
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Hmm. How to put it in a way she’d understand.
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{Example- Dr. Starline.}
Surge is 0% gay.
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“Hell yeah I’m not!-’
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“…wait what does ‘gay’ mean?”
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