thehazbins · 6 months
Plotted starter for @copaceticjillybean from Lux!
A library? What an odd thing to have in hell, there were hardly any in heaven even. Then again, Lux assumed that was because they didn't want people gaining actual sentience and learning to think on their own. So of course they had to go and check it out. Of course, they strutted in there like they owned the place, the eyes taking in the whole scene in front of them.
What kind of books did hell have anyway? Were they just porn, but written? Were they political? Were they dissertations on why heaven actually sucks? Any could be quite interesting. They wandered right up to the front desk spotting a young sinner there who appeared to be a librarian just judging by her location behind the desk and the manner of work she seemed to be doing.
"Hello Darling." The words were a purr as they leaned on the desk and flash ever the charming smile. "What a lovely place you have here... almost as lovely as you... why do you tell me about it? How does one decide to make a library... In hell?" The fallen angel asked with a genuine curiosity as their tail flicked behind them.
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a-hell-of-a-time · 6 months
There were reasons why the marquis rarely went out alone. He knew that there were some among the lower houses who had it out for him, waiting in the shadows for their moment to strike. While Andrealphus was nowhere near the same status as a prince such as Stolas, he was still high enough in the hierarchy to have a target placed on his back.
This fact was made known to him as he slowly dragged himself down a nearby alley, a bloodied hand clutching his injured arm which was, arguably, the worst of his injuries. If anyone were to even look at his now bruised and battered self, most would not know who he was.
Of course, the fools who tried to jump him ended up worse off. Various headless corpses littered the alley floor behind him, and those who managed to keep their heads were lacking various other parts. Others still were left covered in ice except for the gaping holes where their hearts were supposed to be. It was all quite messy, he thought as shards of ice fell from his hands, the remains of his sword scattering below. Had it been Caim, the cuts would have been far more clean, and the fight finished in an instant. She had always been better than him at this.
A hiss escaped his throat as he leaned against a nearby wall, his vision blurring as pain wracked his body. He had used the majority of his magic in the fight, and it took all of what he had left to remain conscious. He knew he should call for assistance, but his pride and unwillingness to admit that he fucked up big time pushed him forward. If either his sister or Caim were to catch wind of this, he would never live it down. Not to mention that the media would find out and descend upon him like they did when his former brother in law ended up in the hospital.
He had to do this alone.
He would get himself out of this.
He ended up collapsing in the middle of the alley, his vision fading to black before hitting the ground.
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radioiaci · 7 months
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⧐ @copaceticjillybean liked for a starter.
A perfectly putrid day in Hell always called for a personal treat when he could manage it. Didn't often just wander out and about on an outing where he didn't have an ulterior motive or some sort of meeting or task to achieve - but maybe as he thumbed through an older novel that had caught his brief interest: The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie, he would come across something worth diverting for.
For now, he'd settled casually into one of the more luxurious chairs in the building, perfectly content to mind his own business.
Even if his searching eyes did, occassionally, pinpoint a passerby with all of the intent of a predator laying in ambush.
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keeperofquestions · 3 months
@copaceticjillybean from here
Duedephelon watched the little book creature skitter around the floor of the castle curiously. He had grown used to his new 'familiar's' behavior over time as it bounced between his own castle and Jillian's library. They really should name the thing he realized. The cover was blank so that was of no help. Then it started... hacking?
It looked like it was in distress so Phel took the time to try and examine it. Was it in injured? Was it sick? Was being away from the archive damaging its magical energies? Then it spat another book in front of him. It seemed fine now.
Phel picked up the book and wiped off the thin ink that comprised the being's drool with one of his capes. In his curiosity he belatedly realized that probably was not going to wash out. "What is this? What? What? What? What? What?"
He opened the book and if felt like he fell into the pages.
He screamed as he fell through what looked like well filled on all sides with books and shelves only to collide through a massive book on the other side.
A book sitting on a table in Jillian's apartment bearing Duedephelon Noctua's name shuddered. Then it flew open and the subject of said book came careening out and onto the floor as if he'd been thrown through the window. Another book grew a pair of eyes as the creature seemed to "follow" through the other vessel and skitter toward Jillian.
Phel stood up and brushed himself off, marching after the creature. At least he was in familiar surroundings. "When were you going to inform us this was something you could do? How many of those can you create? What is there range? Must it be so disorienting? Where did my cane go? Did I leave it at the castle? How do you travel through the covers like that?" He paused as he saw the owner of the apartment. "Jillian... are you quite alright? My sincerest apologies for the sudden intrusion. I assure you I had not planned it."
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statiicstag · 5 months
x @copaceticjillybean
Alastor exhales in contentment as he steps out of Rosie's Emporium, having just had a pleasant visit with his darling little friend. The weather is fair for Hell, and the rest of his schedule for the day is clear, so he sees no reason to not take a stroll.
So he does, starting down the street and humming a pleasant tune.
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How is he to know he's in the presence of one of his biggest fans?
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demondads · 7 months
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"Definitely birds. The wings kinda give it away."
A pause.
"...what in the unholy hell is a platypus?"
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r-adio · 7 months
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HE'S NOT USED TO PLAYING THE ROLE OF NURSE FOR ANYONE, but seeing this injured DEMON, he fell into the role quite readily. they were knocked out on the street with a large gash on the side of their person. a familiar face to him, @copaceticjillybean, which was why he went through the trouble to stop and help them. if they had been anyone else, he wouldn't have put himself through the burden of making sure that they would get back up afterwards. he could hear their groaning even when they were still out of it, not worrying that he was hurting them with his help. his shadows danced around him at the ready, incase the perpetrators came back. though, the night streets were quiet for the moment.
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❝ i would recommend you not to move. ❞ he tells her, when she's trying to move her body around at the first sign of wake. it was clear that they were not expecting his presence. he wouldn't have expected it either. using some of his magic to seal up the wound, it wouldn't take long for it to heal up, not with his own powers at play. ❝ it's really a funny story, my dear. but i also wouldn't recommend you to start laughing either. any movement is going to make this hurt more than it should. just stay on the ground, it was much easier when you were out cold. ❞
pressing his hand to the wound again, there is a green glow around his fingertips, following the lines of the gash. ❝ i was merely out on a nightly stroll, and i happened to find you laying here like the dead ! isn't that quite humorous? you must have really gotten into it with someone, my you should be more careful with the battles that you pick. there are some strong DEMONS around here, or rather, some that like to play dirty. if i had to guess, you were out - numbered greatly. those sly little creatures like to travel in packs, you know. ❞ sealing up the rest of her wound, he pulls his hand back with a staticy hum, ❝ good as new, i suppose. but you shouldn't move it all too much, no, you must be more careful now. ❞
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keeperofanswers · 3 months
@copaceticjillybean from Starter Call
Great Duke Gusion of the Ars Goetia was notable for many things, but most well known of all was the expansive magical library that made up his abode. Its labyrinthine halls promised answers and knowledge to all with the proper fortitude to seek it.
Gusion was the closest thing to all-knowing the goetia had at their disposal thanks to his grimoire and subequent mastery of the clairvoyant arts, and it was his duty to answer true any question asked of him if he was sought out. As such, the door was open to all visitors, which the caveat that if they did not treat those halls with the respect it deserved, he would come find them and a very different fate awaited them.
The main hall held an expansive network of shelves and imp servants darted back and forth with stacks and carts of books. At the main desk one looked up at the newcomer. "What can we help you with, Miss Jillian?" Of course, her arrival was already recorded in the notes for the front desk. Gusion always knew of his guests ahead of time.
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goosiifer · 13 days
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@copaceticjillybean summoned Lucifer ! – ✰
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❝ Oh, your accent is just . . . SO CUTE ! I love accents ! Where are you from? WAITWAITWAIT, don't tell me ! Lemme guess, uh . . . oh, there's so many – Oh, I remember one ! Antarctica ! ❞
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grimowled · 2 months
⭐️ We haven’t written together (yet ;3) but I really enjoy seeing your portrayal of Stolas on my dash- ya done real good with him! ^u^
☽ was I a good owl boi and did I earn a gold star?? - accepting !!
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omg i'm so honoured to be one of your faves, and i thank you sm for your kind patronage my dear !! i am always filled with so much glee when one of you talented writers enjoy my messy portrayal, especially being canon divergent. glad to be doing something right !! i am forever in awe of ppl who write ocs so feel free to throw jillian at my creepy bird any time - he will be waiting ;)
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thehazbins · 5 months
Starter for @copaceticjillybean from Lux during the Blood Ball!
"Hey there, gorgeous, rumor has it you came alone." They teased as they stepped behind her, their voice loud enough to be heard but low enough to taunt her ever so slightly in her ear.
"Now, you're here alone- I'm here alone, we're both hot and dressed to the nines... Would you care to be my date for the rest of the evening? Or do I have to ask more dramatically?" The words were something akin to a purr and a smirk slid over their face.
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a-hell-of-a-time · 5 months
@copaceticjillybean (Blood Ball)
Caim swatted Andre's hand away as he reached over in an attempt to pluck a sweet off her tray.
"I told you to go get your own," she said, narrowing her eyes at him as he pouted.
"Haven't you ever heard of sharing?"
"Haven't you heard of getting off your pampered ass to get your own?" She had to refrain from rolling her eyes as he sighed dramatically.
"You are so cruel to me, but have it your way." As he made to stand, Andrealphus spotted a familiar figure not too far from their table. Even though she wore a mask, he would know those fox ears anywhere.
Caim, having followed his gaze, couldn't help but smile. "Jillian~! Finally some good company~" Her smile turned into a smirk as she felt the marquis's glare under her mask.
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radioiaci · 6 months
@copaceticjillybean ⧐ continued from here.
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"Taking your entire arm would be counterproductive. Can't get future blood from something that isn't there, you realize." He might have been not entirely interested in the more intimate implications when it came to giving someone a well-placed bite, but that did not mean he was naïve to them. Jillian seemed to be rather invested herself, if the redness of that face was anything to go by.
The request for another bite at his own expense, however, had him glancing down at Jillian a bit skeptically.
"You would need to make something like that worth my while. A bite for a bite is typical, but a mark on my skin is a privilege."
He had plenty of his own marks, but they were, for the most part, made by himself. Or Lilith, but he refused to acknowledge that as truth. Having another mark placed on him was a heavy ask.
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keeperofquestions · 2 months
💀for a Jillian, if you please!
Send 💀 for my muses biggest fear regarding your muse
"I have concerns about what sin got you here in the first place, even though it is not my place to ask. However you have taken to the more gruesome parts of Hell's society rather readily. I fear one day if the worst comes, I will be more a meal than a friend- possibly after my passing in that archive. Hopefully after my passing in that archive."
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radicheart-a · 6 months
A soft rapping at Alastor’s door would (hopefully) alert the radio demon to Jillian’s presence. A box wrapped in simple brown paper and tied with a piece of red twine was gripped tightly in her hands, with her occasionally easing her grip so as to not rip the wrapping, each time telling herself to not let her nerves overwhelm her once again. Inside the present, the skin of two familiar hands lay, dried out so as to appear like a macabre pair of gloves.
An offering for the other, from her hunt last night. After all, a gift was surely a good way to break the ice, right?
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"Good morning, miss." Huh. He's already dressed, even with it being this early in the morning. He's an early riser it seems. His eyes are drawn down to the box when he's done greeting her, and a brow perks up in curiosity. "What's this?"
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demondads · 6 months
Jillian slowly makes her way up to Sir Pentious, with an excited and playful gleam in her eyes. She’s not got a single bite mark on her this time.
Though the day is still young.
“Guess what day it is!” Jillian said, a sing songy tone in her voice. Then, without warning, she leans in to press a tiny kiss to Sir Pentious’ cheek, pulling back with a scarlet blush added to her excited smile.
“Heehee, I jus’ learned about the way a kiss sounds in Japanese- it makes a ‘chu’ noise! So, there’s a CHEWSday ‘chu’ for ya!”
She also hands Pentious a lemon blueberry muffin, because he’s a good sport, of course!
Pentious was too busy blushing at the kiss to realize the pun for a second, though when his brain finally caught up, he laughed.
"Oh! Haha, yessss, an excellent joke, my dear!" In a moment of boldness, he leaned down to return the kiss--though he made the 'chu' sound aloud, quite literally.
"I do hope you enjoy your, ah... CHEWSSSSday festivitiessss."
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