Angel giggled some more but calmed down slightly, tilting her head in amusement. "Her idea, huh? So you're just here for protection purposes?" She eyed the man, up and down, before giggling again. "No offense, but you don't look much like an exorcist, and I'm pretty sure trying to punch a ghost wouldn't turn out too well for ya."
Remus huffed and shifted, frowning deeper but saying nothing. Riella clasped her hands together, grin only holding a touch of nervousness as she gazed evenly up at Angel.
"We have proper protection measures, of course. We hoped to contact the ghosts of fallen Toppats- particularly the former leaders." Her grin turned apologetic as she added, "Apologies to Billy G for disturbing his journals. We were just searching for information on our respective species and, well... yknow." She laughed, looking around in search of any additional spirits. "...I, ah, do wonder if it worked properly."
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Angel couldn't help the uncontrollable laughter that bubbled up from within her as she watched the two of them look through the book. "Y'all- y- hehahah! Y'all are really out her summoning ghosts? What are you thinking?" She continued to giggle, though she attempted fruitlessly to smother herself. She simply found the entire situation incredibly silly.
The duo jolted at the sudden voice, a small screech slipping from Riella. After a moment, the Siren burst into half-nervous giggling, pointing to the candles- one of which had turned yellow with Angel's presence.
"It worked!" She squeaked, throwing her arms up in excitement. Angel's smokey, flickering yellow form wasn't the most solid by any means, and her voice had been distorted, but she was here! The spell had worked!
"It was her idea." Remus mumbled, eyeing the ghost warily. She didn't seem to have bad intentions, no, and his alarm bells weren't ringing... still, better safe than sorry. No possessions for him, thanks.
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“Did it work?” 
Riella’s voice trembled with excitement as she looked around, a hopeful smile on her face. The ritual hadn’t been entirely clear, with pieces missing from Billy’s old journals, but the couple had attempted it regardless. Contact with the ghosts of former Toppats would be an incredible advantage for the clan as a whole, after all! What’s the worst that could happen- it doesn’t work? They accidentally cause a tiny little fire like the last time? They’d be fiiiine.
“I dunno.” Remus was far more wary as he scanned their surroundings, hair standing on-end and a deep frown on his face. He knew something had changed, felt the wrongness in his gut, but there wasn’t any visible change. Riella frowned and pulled her hands from his to flick through the journal, reading the spell carefully once more. “Maybe a missing ingredient..?” She muttered under her breath.
The flickering candle flames between them had turned silver, the temperature had dropped a smudge, the humming of electricity was undisturbed… all just the way the journal had described. Why wasn’t anything happening?
[Remus and Riella are available for asks.]
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That second poll has 18 minutes left but the winning vote is still pretty clear, so;
The askers will be ghosts, and the answer formatting will depend on what best suits the ask! We'll start now work on the first post!
We'll figure out an icon and header eventually, probably- we may just throw some doodles on for the time being. If anyone ever does fanart, we'd love to use that!
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Setup Poll
Another one!
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Setup Poll
Gonna do a few of these to settle some things on how this is gonna be ran!
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Pardon our mess as we get things set up! This post will be edited frequently, so keep checking back!
This is an ask blog ran by @thsc-stuffs centered around our THSC ocs, namely Remus and Riella! It will have varying activity and primarily text responses, but we hope to draw occasionally for it!
Hope to seeya around! Have fun, and be nice!
Ask Box: Open Anons: On Submissions: Open OC Interactions: Open Magic Anons: Closed OOC Questions: Open Roleplay: Open with Limitations Activity: Varying Focus: Remus and Riella
Outline Info:
Present day at the start of the story is 5/24/2023
Remus is 33 (5/13/1992), Riella is 35 (4/4/1990)
Riella is a Siren, Remus is a Werewolf
Riella's codename is The Crane, Remus's codename is The Wolf
The askers and anons are ghosts. R&R used a spell from Billy G's journals to bring them here, including making them visible to certain people.
This takes place ~4 years after a variation on the Toppat Recruits ending! Most everything is the same, but Right Hand Man has cybernetics due to injuries received during the Airship crash
Tag System:
Going to try to use a fancy tag system to not clog up main tags (and to be cool)! Here's a key! {} are characters or blog aspects, [] are askers/anons!
the vote {poll}
on another note {not an ask}
from beyond the veil {ask}
the being {mod post}
under construction {setup}
flashing sign {important info}
whispers on the wind {updates}
the crane {Riella}
the wolf {Remus}
the prince {Reginald}
the guard {RHM}
the cross {Carol}
the drake {Jaques}
tw (insert warning)
soft golden light [Angel]
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