About Me
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·         IN GENERAL:
REAL NAME: Special privilege to close people ^^ but everyone knows me as Aya~
NICKNAMES: Aya, Prez, Fluffball, Goldfish [I will kill you btw ^^], ma-…*quiets down*, Sprinkles, Hen and many more..>.> It’s funny cuz I get called Jesus and Lucifer as well XD
SEXUALITY: Okay…so I had a loooooong time figuring this one out and turns out I’m demi-sexual. For a while I thought I was an asexual cookie…but yeah XD Maybe I’m aliensexual x’D
ARE YOU A MORNING PERSON?: I wish. Not even God can wake me up before 11 am…I am sorry but I need my sleep! ^3^
WHEN SWIMMING, DO YOU PREFER TO DO IT IN THE OCEAN, OR IN A LAKE?:  Ocean all the waaay. I even once went to a water cave and jumped from the boat inside! It was freezing as hell! D’x But so freaking worth it!!! The water was beautiful as well…crystal clear and blue~ *loves water* cx
·         ON TUMBLR:
ANYONE YOU WOULD LIKE TO MEET IN REAL LIFE?: @bite-x-the-x-bullet because that one is rather obvious? Ma babu!! xc I want to meet you right now! Fly over to me!!! D’X or…I’ll have to illegally travel there rn myself‼ (;-;) Sounds fun though~ @raiiju and when we do meet, imma steal ur cat XD @thundermoon12 Aleeex my love, we need to meet one day and just run around the city!! XD @emashino and let us take great pictures Emily!!! cx @the-bloodied-rose cuz lil sis come here!! XD @silvercrossblade I will kidnap you…just you wait ^^ *evils smile* not even your PS4 can stop me muahahha  @moonlit-theft aside from being an awesome person and a God…I want ur dolls woman!! Gimme!!! DX @shxdowofclarines cuz Mari my love (;-;) [I read the story btw lovely as ever!] @xx-watch-me-fly-xx Serah you dork, c’mere!! *huggles* @monster-with-a-stopsign don’t think I forgot about my plan to cut ur hair!!! @bethy-hime ur a sweetheart, nuff said! XD @listlesshermit …I won’t ever let you faint my child-No! You’re the person God sent to make TV more fun! *nods…adds a huggle* cx and actually a lot more people…I wanna meet so many (;-;)
ANYONE YOU HAVE MET IN REAL LIFE?: Just my best friend @dilovhell I luff chu bestie!! cx
WHEN DID YOU FIRST JOIN? Hm…Last year? A bit stronger…but not this fandom! XD This is my…forth one!
YOUR CURRENT ACCOUNT?: This one and @the-crimson-haired-princess
ANY PEEVES?: Nada. I’m a chill person ^^
·         FEELINGS:
DO YOU EASILY GET JEALOUS?: I’d be lying if I said no. It’s not often that I get like that…but when it happens I get a bit clingy and demand attention.
DO YOU EASILY GET ANGRY?: I am unable to get angry at someone. Only in rare occasions I can get like that if someone close to me is hurting because of a random person. I’m the type who won’t get angry if you hurt me, I’ll just be sad and distant, will forgive you, but best of luck winning my trust back!
ARE YOU EASY TO CHEER UP?: Mhm~ Just talk to me, maybe throw in a funny story and I’ll be already in a good mood!
WHAT’S THE VERY BEST WAY TO CHEER YOU UP?: Well…this might be hard but…the best way is to notice I’m upset! But as I mentioned, it’s not the only way, just the best way ^^
ARE YOU CURRENTLY IN A RELATIONSHIP?: Yassss‼! I am with this dork @bite-x-the-x-bullet and he makes me extremely happy‼ *squeals around happily* I luff chu so much‼ DO YOU CURRENTLY HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE: On my boyfriend, of course! But…I believe it’s on a much bigger level than just a crush. After all we do go ways back…and a lot of things happened.
IF YES, MIGHT THAT SOMEONE BE READING THIS?: Yeah, cuz he’s a perverted stalking alien…and he is tagged? X’D
DO YOU KISS ON THE FIRST DATE?: Haii‼ Given that you’d have to be my significant other for me to go on a date with you!
DO YOU PREFER GOING OUT, OR STAYING HOME, WHEN IT COMES TO DATES?: Both of course~ There are a lot of activities you can do both outdoors and indoors. And honestly any sort of activity is fun with Kavan! ^^
·         THINGS:
FAVORITE DRINK: Hot chocolate, COFFEE, milk~
FAVORITE FOOD: Italian food[mostly anything from there really] ^^
Repost :: DO Not Reblog
Tagged by: @bite-x-the-x-bullet and @silvercrossblade [sends both love and kisses cx]
TAGGING: Everyoone mentioned up there and…anyone who sees this post!!! 
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Exams are finally done with! Ah~ Starting tomorrow...I’ll be active regularly on here!! Expect my ass to bug you all!! Thank you for being patient with me!!! I love you all so muuuch!!! DX *flails around*
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I also have a new blog!! @the-tender-princess​ so I’ll be on it as well~ If any of ya wanna interact there as well...by all means I encourage ya to do so!!! *goes to apologize to everyone I neglected on im cuz of studies D’X*
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Night life
Of all the schools her father just had to send her in a night one, didn’t he? After all, due to his work trip and her stay in the city, he wanted for them to at least be awake around the same time. That alone can tell you how far he went.
Glancing down at her phone’s contact list, she kept staring at the number he left for her. Apparently it belonged to someone her father knew there, so…if it came down to that, she could have called them to ask for help.
A sigh parted her lips as she walked down the halls of her new school. Given that her attention was directed elsewhere AND that her thoughts were running wild, the redhead’s smooth stroll ended when she tripped over something, almost landing face straight to the floor. On her luck, she managed to land on her arms.
Confusion spread across her face, unsure as to what just happened. Lilac hues dropped on rather long legs which caused her to stumble down. Her gaze trailed up, falling onto a male. He was quite pale looking, messy blond hair, nice features…but…what the hell was he doing sleeping on the ground?!
Positioning herself to sit, she scooted over a bit closer to him, placing a hand on his forearm.
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“Hey…wake up. You can’t sleep on the floor, you’ll catch a cold.“ Worriedly, she called out while gently shaking him.
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All it took was three words
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3 LITTLE WORDS... || starter pack         
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That is a difficult subject for everyone. There isn’t a single person in this world that hasn’t suffered from a sort of damage. They all have their own stories that left a scar. Of course, just the mention of that word started rewinding images and memories through her head, though she was quick to shake them off.
Glancing at the person who commented, her eyes fell on a rather gorgeous female.
“It does. For the good or for the bad.” In the sense that it could make one stronger...or...thirsty for revenge.
Facing the other, she couldn’t help but question her. “What caused you to change?” Even though they were strangers, even though they didn’t knew each other...for some unknown reason, Yona instantly found a connection just through those three words.
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An embarrassing meeting
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Ears caught onto those words as she turned her head to look at source of the voice. Of course she wouldn’t trip and fall down, who even does that? If it were a manga cliche then sure...and besides, she’s not clumsy- And as soon as she did turn, the female tripped over her own legs landing on the floor.
Nice job Yona. First class landing.
Slowly, she picked her self up...along with parts of her dignity that weren’t yet broken. Brushing off the dust and dirt from her rather expensive clothes, lilac hues now traveled up to the tall male. Pale complexion, unusual hair, handsome features...and...a rather distant look in his eyes.
“Guess your warning was a little late.” Jokingly, the redhead tried making this the least embarrassing as possible. Though before an answer even came, she just shook her head composing herself complete. Taking a few steps closer, now she stood in front of the silver haired stranger.
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“Thanks for the attempt though. I go by Yona...and you are?” Offering a bright smile, she couldn’t help but be slightly curious about this person.
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Leave a color in my ask         
Orange - I want to get to know you.
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Hello hello there dear! This is your Captain Aya speaking! It’d be great to get to know you as well!! I may be currently busy with preparations for my exams, buuut don’t be afraid to IM me any time if you wanna plot or chat ooc!! I love meeting new people!!
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Quickening her pace, the small redhead was making her way back home. Apparently her father was finally coming back from the week of working in some other town, so she wanted to see him as soon as possible.
Though her rather fast stroll was interrupted once she heard the sound of the ball hitting the concrete. It couldn’t be that someone was playing sport at this time...right? Curiosity took over as the female proceeded to follow the source of the sound, taking a small detour.
Her eyes soon landed on a rather huge male who was apparently practicing by himself. Though her little spying was soon stopped when the said male noticed her and sent a smile of sort in her direction.
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A giggle couldn’t help but pass her lips at that attempt of a smile. That was rather cute.
Once she was in front of him, her hands fell behind her back as she looked up at him, offering a smile of her own. “Good evening.” She greeted politely before her gaze dropped to the ball in his hands. “Sorry to interrupt you, I was passing by and got curious-” though the girl stopped mid way seeing the state of the other. Searching through her pockets, she found a handkerchief and offered it to him. “Here...in return may I take a bit of your time?”
Summer Paradise
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He´s going to collapse.
Ad yet this feels so good.
The sound of the ball hitting the ground as he dribbles it. The feel of his feet moving over the concrete. The night´s heat that hasn’t properly worn off since the sun went down a few hours ago.
Practicing during summer is both exhausting and amazing. It´s a test each time to see how much he can handle. 
The other players have gone home and he´s been dribbling and shooting by himself for the past hour. But still, despite sweat running down his forehead, he´s not stopping. Well, at least not until he sees a girl watching him.
He stops momentarily, looking back at her. Perhaps she recognizes him from his highschool time?  He, like a dumbass, tries one of Kise´s moves and smiles. But probably end up looking more like an ass than anything else.
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@bite-x-the-x-bullet and @moonlit-theft commented here
bite-x-the-x-bullet said:                                                                                                                            You little damn– I DO NOT. ))
moonlit-theft said:                                                                                                                            I’ll believe it      
          bite-x-the-x-bullet said:                                                                                                                            Motherfu–))                                        
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pls explain this to me then x’D     
And yeah, thank you! Will you help save the Martians pls? They are far away from home! DX             
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“This is your last warning. Stop calling me little.” I have one that I’m sure you’ll like~ That is if Obi annoys her enough!
@shxdowofclarines commented here
shxdowofclarines said:                                                                                                                            that pic tho “looks hella nice”
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Hell yeah! My child can be terrifying when she wants to be!! XD Obi better not piss her off too much!
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Listen!! Breaking news!! @bite-x-the-x-bullet our little dear ol Kav is actually a zoo keeper! x’D Free the Martians!! Equality!
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@shxdowofclarines commented here
shxdowofclarines said:                                                                                                                            that pic tho “looks hella nice”
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Hell yeah! My child can be terrifying when she wants to be!! XD Obi better not piss her off too much!
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bolded more noteworthy traits; italicized lesser truths
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aggressive / callous / cannibal / careless / compulsive / cowardly / domineering / envious / greedy / hypocritical / impatient / impolite / incompetent / kidnapper / lazy / liar / materialistic / murderer / obsessive / overcritical / overemotional / patronizing / sarcastic / self - indulgent / serial killer / torturer / touchy / traitorous / unclean / unpredictable / untidy / vain / vengeful
Tagged: by this lovely lady here @quxxn-of-thx-damnxd thank uuu, I love u!!
Tagging: @bite-x-the-x-bullet @shxdowofclarines @raiiju @narcasse @dilxculum @moonlit-theft and anyone who hasn’t done thiiis
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— {˙ღƸ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒღ˙} —— “Maa~ Everything is an overstatement, but there’s plenty of things I can do at least~ What’s up, buttercup? What do you need help with~?”
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“Nonsense. It’s not an overstatement...and...I...how good are you when it comes to bets and games like that...?” You see...Yona dear here tried going to a betting window, won, the won again...and got addicted and kept playing...so now she’s broke. Help!
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༄ ▐░▒ Indigo eyes watched in curiosity and wonder when he saw the female clutch her hands towards her heart. Reflecting on her face was an emotion of sorrow, as if she has lost someone very close to her. Hearing the silent but audible words that she doesn’t have anyone else and that they have all left, the captain couldn’t help but wonder what happened to her.
But as soon after the young woman immediately regathered her emotions back in place and offered a compensation for all the cheese she has gathered, Uranami tilted his head in response with the curious offer he was given; to basically act as her mercenary. Usually, he would accept offers of assassinating someone as he secretly worked as the house assassin for the family that saved him, or from strangers who pay him large sums of money. Having practically no choice considering his situation, he knew he had to go with the girl and act as her mercenary.
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“ Alright. I will eat all the cheese here n’ I shall consider yer offer of travellin’ around with ya Miss, ” Already he was choffing the cheese into his mouth as he spoke, leaving a muffled voice as he spoke.
Amethyst hues watched the male as he pondered over the offer, though once he started stuffing his moth with cheese, the girl couldn’t help but let out a small giggle. This person was interesting and kinda funny.
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“You know, if we travel together, I’ll be sure to get you as much cheese as you want.” Yeah, try and bribe him into this!
Tilting her head to the side, she looked the male over. He...didn’t seem like your everyday person, that’s for sure. Curiosity slowly taking over as a bunch of questions were suddenly thrown in his direction. “Hey...you can call me Yona. How should I address you mister?” A small smile curling up on her lips. “And may I ask where are you from? Is there a certain way you’re headed?”
Swinging her legs because they couldn’t reach the ground on the bench, the female awaited for him to finish his food, still analyzing his clothes...maybe he was from some far away kingdom? Either way, he seemed like a good person.
Lots of cheese
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“Likewise, Yona-san,” he echoed, returning the sentiment. But as he was straightening up from the bow, his smile dropped, replaced by a more bemused expression. “But isn’t this a little too…” informal. Calling her by her first name right off the bat — or ever, really; he didn’t need people thinking they were dating — wasn’t something he was comfortable with. “Impolite?”
Shifting his weight from one leg to both, he followed after her, a pang of irritation in his head. He didn’t need to be beckoned like a dog. “Narukami Yu. Just Narukami is alright, although everybody seems to have a nickname for me.”
He didn’t know about “getting to know each other”, but with how this was looking so far, there was a good chance he’ll have to get to know her. Leveling out with the girl, he stood at her side and took a quick look around. “Right now we’re on the eastern side of Samegawa. The shopping district is here, this way” he motioned his hand in a broad gesture, showing the direction, “as well as the old residential district. This is the smaller part of the town.” He also lived not that far from here, but that was beside the point. “The river is that way,” another gesture, “and on the western side there’s the modern residential district, Junes, and Yasogami.”
With that little overview done, he went silent, letting the girl take it in. There wasn’t much to see in Inaba, honestly. Boonies remained boonies no matter what. “Do you have anywhere in particular you want to visit, or should we just start with whatever’s the closest?”
Her smile quickly replaced with a confused expression as soon as the word impolite left Narukami’s lips, the girl used to everyone calling her by her first name. However, she did notice the change on his facial features...clearly he was not comfortable with this. “Impolite? I would argue.”
One hand found its way to her hair, fingers pulling onto the red lock, twirling it around in a playful demeanor. “You see...people always called me by my given name, so I doubt that I would respond to anything but Yona. You’re free to try and call me something else though.”
Once the other started walking next to her and gave her his introductions, her hand traveled from her curly locks to her lips, her gaze falling back to his face. “Narukami Yu? Hm...” Tapping her chin lightly she thought of different ways to call him, her thoughts sadly leaving her head without her notice. “Narukami is too long so that’s a no...Naru-kun? Kami-san...pfft...that would be too faltering...Yu-chan? That one is cute...Maybe just stick with Yu-kun or plain old Yu?” Buzzing with ideas on how to call him she in the end decided to let him choose.
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 “So...I have a few ideas on how I would  address you aaaaand you get to pick!” Oh...what joy for Narukami this must be! He even gets to pick which nickname is the least embarrassing one! I say stick with Yu-chan...it’s so cute.
After listening to his description of the place, the female had a few places she would like to visit. And once again...without thinking too much, she wrapped her arms around his and started dragging him to nearby shops. “Choose a place. I will treat you food as thank you.” Guess...he is doomed to spend the rest of this day with her. God help him. If they exchange numbers...he will surely be done for it. Imagine all of that spam he’ll have to deal with!
Let’s bug yu!
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Lᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ᴜᴘ, I sᴇᴇ ᴀ ғ ᴀ ʟ ʟ ɪ ɴ ɢ sᴛᴀʀ, 
ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ɪᴛs ғ ɪ ʀ ᴇ ʙᴜʀɴ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ғʟᴏᴏʀ
Lᴏᴏᴋɪɴɢ ʙᴀᴄᴋ, I sᴇᴇ ᴀ sᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ sᴜɴ
ᴀɴᴅ ᴡᴀᴛᴄʜ ᴍʏ sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ғᴀᴅᴇ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴛʜᴇ ғʟᴏᴏʀ.
Iɴᴅɪᴇ ʀᴘ ʙʟᴏɢ ғᴏʀ ᴏʙɪ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴀᴋᴀɢᴀᴍɪ ɴᴏ sʜɪʀᴀʏᴜᴋɪ ʜɪᴍᴇ. ᴘᴇɴɴᴇᴅ ʙʏ Mᴀʀɪ.
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