the-empires-reason · 11 years
OOC| Would anyone like to start a thread? I have actually added a second fandomless verse for Anastasia && I'm also willing to just go totally crazy with plots!
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the-empires-reason · 11 years
Child Meme: Ask me anything as my child. Go to my ask box and rip out my heart in any and every way possible. I dare you.
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the-empires-reason · 11 years
"Hello, apologies but I do not recognize you. Might I inquire as to who you are exactly?"
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the-empires-reason started following you
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"Hey there." 
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the-empires-reason · 11 years
OOC| Really want to come back to this blog & start some threads. But there are still 0 The Risen Empire roleplayers out there. Any fellow sci-fi roleplayers willing to plot an AU style thread?
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the-empires-reason · 11 years
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"Empress Anastasia Vista Khaman," the female paused briefly for a moment consulting her eye-screen for more information but was greeted with a blank. On the edge of her field of view the Child Empress noted a small flashing light that indicated she was no longer connected to her handler. Blinking away the UI she subvocalized to her confidant reassured when the familiar voice replied, she returned her attention back to reality. “I do not quite understand how or why I am here but please return me to Legis and you shall be rewarded.”
3 aboard the USS Ranger
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"Hello, I’m Captain Jaina Prince of the USS Ranger, welcome aboard"
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the-empires-reason · 11 years
Headcanon #1
Anastasia is extremely passionate about the history of Earth prime and tends to spend most of her time out of stasis reading historical articles. In particular she loves to read about the changes in clothing and “fashion” throughout time and oft times likes to re-create the dresses she reads about. However she is also fascinated how the civilizations of the past believed that the sun orientated around Earth prime and their lack of space travel. The latter of which is certainly now taken for granted.
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the-empires-reason · 11 years
OOC NOTE|| Anyone like to plot? I would really love to start a thread up even if it is only a short one. I have a few ideas in regards to those that are Stark Trek roleplayers on how a cross-over could be done! 
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the-empires-reason · 11 years
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"The Emperor had been the first to pass the threshold, taking the supreme gamble to test his creation, offering his own life in what was now called the Holy Suicide. He performed his final experiment on himself rather than on his dying little sister, whom he was seeking to cure of a childhood wasting sickness. Anastasia was the Reason."
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the-empires-reason · 11 years
An Empress' Duties || Open to All
Warm hues lit up the Child Empress’ face from the salmon pink morning sky. While the soft southern wind tugged at her auburn waves she herself sat with an inhuman stillness. Today Anastasia was to be visited by numerous guests all of which were more than likely hungry for immortality and none did Anastasia particularly desire to spend her day with. She exhaled in a slight sigh desiring nothing more than today to be over so that she could perhaps reconcile with her brother over the previous evenings disagreements.
‘M’lady your guests have arrived,’ her confidant informed her.
“Thank you.” The Empress subvocalized the words to her confidant and with a certain degree of hesitation she stood. She pressed her thumbs to her ring fingers and blinked, and without delay her confidant’s utility menu was pulled to her attention in synesthsia. Anastasia proceeded to adjust her confidant’s volume so that it would not over-power the voices of her guests. Then with a sharp inhale she blinked away the utility menu from her eye screen and began to walk to her audience chamber.
The walk may have been short but Anastasia was relieved to sit once more and this time the seat was far more comfortable than her pleasure garden bench. As she reclined those pale eyes of hers began to glance over those that had already begun to step forward. Anastasia subvocalized once more this time asking for a detailed list of all the names of those in the room. A smile curved her lips upwards as she listened to her handler reel a list of names. Finally when silenced returned to her the Empress spoke, “welcome I hope that your journey to the Palace was pleasant.”
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the-empires-reason · 11 years
A Note on Imperial Measures One of the many advantages of life under the Imperial Apparatus is the easy imposition of consistent standards of infostructure, communication, and law. For fifteen hundred years, the measures of the Eighty Worlds have followed an enviably straightforward scheme.
There are 100 seconds in each minute, 100 minutes in an hour, and ten hours in a day.
One second is defined as 1/100,000 of a solar day on Home.
One meter is defined as 1/300,000,000 of a light-second.
One gravity is defined as 10 meters per second squared acceleration.
The Emperor has decreed that the speed of light shall remain as nature has provided
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