the-guy-who-arts 2 months
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Due to a lack of metal in their environment Desert tinkatink collect bones to create their tools and weapons. These implements are often stolen by Vullaby.
Evolves at level 24
Desert Tinkatuff have managed to harness their previously weak fire control into a devastating blast capable of shooting a Mandibuzz out of the sky from on the ground a mile away. They seek ever more challenging targets to take bones from and improve their cannons.
Evolves at level 38 with Fire Blast
A battling Tinkatank can be heard from miles away due to a species-wide penchant for explosions. They are also masterful mechanics and will seemingly break reality itself to maintain their armaments.
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the-guy-who-arts 6 months
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Since Greavard unintentionally absorb the lifeforce of those around them, Togepi were brought in for their companionship because they gain energy from positivity, which Greavard have in surplus.
Evolves after attaining max friendship
When Togepi and Greavard have a certain level of attachment such that they achieve a gestalt, they will evolve into Azraerro and become one. Azraerro will watch over others with the love and vigilance of two.
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the-guy-who-arts 6 months
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When a lone Magnemite went out into a city bay during a lightning storm, a Sharpedo tried to eat it. Unfortunately the electricity in the Magnemite shocked the predator to death after hitting the water. Now rusted and too heavy to exit the sea, it puppets the deceased Sharpedo鈥檚 nerves like a submersible meatsuit.
Evolves after knowing at least one Dark-type move
After giving into dark thoughts, parasitic Magnemite will evolve into Bathysfear. These aggressive Pok茅mon will tail electric boats in their territories and consume the charge out of the batteries.
Inspired by @AlvPesquera on the website formerly known as twitter
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the-guy-who-arts 2 years
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Due to faulty collision detection, these porygon have the uncanny ability to walk through walls. It is unclear who made them and why.
Trade w/ Dubious disc
Though similar in appearance to porygon2, porygon-3 are much more unstable and can somehow infect living beings with malware. Physical contact is required for this to take effect.
Trade w/ Electirizer
When exposed to the extreme voltage of the electirizer, porygon-3 becomes further corrupted into porygon-E and many of the changes made are lost or altered. This causes it to shamble about looking for it鈥檚 lost data.
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the-guy-who-arts 2 years
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These Elgyem have adapted to life in coastal areas. While friendly, they smell like low tide, so most would-be predators avoid them.
Evolve after learning Crab Hammer
Despite still being outwardly friendly, these Beeheeyem have an insatiable curiosity and will surgically operate on other beings. More often than not, medical intervention is required afterwards.
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the-guy-who-arts 2 years
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Evolve after learning night slash
Sudonamaly are very timid but fiercely territorial. While they are blind, they have excellent hearing and will track movement through use of sound. Sundonamaly also smear red berries around their mouths and under their hidden eyes to intimidate intruders.
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the-guy-who-arts 2 years
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This Yamask variation lives in forests and abandoned agricultural buildings, unlike most other ghost types they thrive during the day and even get part of their nourishment from sunlight.
Evolve by eating five berries in battle
Growthagrigus can grow berries on their bodies and will share them with smaller Pok茅mon. They will often live symbiotically with Trevanant and Morpeko, offering food in exchange for protection.
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the-guy-who-arts 2 years
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Though Widdalo look harmless they have venom in their horns and ornery attitudes, their cute appearance have fooled many an unfortunate trainer into early graves.
Evolve with dusk stone
Buffaloni can harbor grudges for years, if you catch one of their babies in front of a mother, they will hunt you down relentlessly. If you see a raging mother it is already too late.
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the-guy-who-arts 2 years
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These Yamask are said to be the lost souls of drowned divers, they lie in wait to surprise prey and feed off of their shock.
Evolve by leveling up after learning Dive
Diverigus stalk sunken ships and guard them from intruders, when threatened they can spin their lower arms like drills or use their higher arms to blast far away enemies with a variety of moves
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the-guy-who-arts 3 years
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(photo via twocuts)
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the-guy-who-arts 3 years
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Introducing my wall of fame! A collection of all the commissions and gift art I鈥檝e ever received. Thanks to all who have contributed!
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the-guy-who-arts 3 years
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the-guy-who-arts 3 years
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This Bonsly variant has taken to using its fake tears to distract travelers from the trail, once they are close enough they will attempt to scare them off and take their food.
Sudowoodo in fighting-type rich environments have developed ghostly traits to trick them into fleeing. Even if they fight, these Sudowoodo still learn ghost type moves to ward them off and preserve the ruse.
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the-guy-who-arts 3 years
They are the finest team from West Xylophone to Cowtown to Istanbul (not Constantinople).
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Drew a superhero team of super scientists. They are the Brain Guys.
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the-guy-who-arts 3 years
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(I tried to reblog from my other account, didn鈥檛 work)
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the-guy-who-arts 3 years
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This Skitty variant has taken to using its cuteness to perform comedic productions in alley theaters to acquire food. Sometimes others will pickpocket items from the crowd if one appears.
Felinddy are often managers of Skitty theaters but are notorious tricksters on their own. Using their prehensile tails and natural charisma, they can pickpocket from even the most streetwise of tourists.
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the-guy-who-arts 3 years
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Despite being pure dark-type, these Sudowoodo still feel like rock. Because of this, they only move when nobody is looking and will cloak themselves in darkness to avoid prying eyes.
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