Have any of you (GD Steven, GP, Lapis, and Green Spinel) thought about what your plans are going to be in the future after the fight against Homeworld is over?
(unfortunately for you this ask is spoilers as they technically haven't started that arc yet, the blog is on super hiatus until I can get the comic finished and posted some more of, and also while I do appreciate the asks to keep me afloat I'm more working on my hazbin hotel themed blog @the-dragon-twin-demons if you're interested in following that and keeping contact I prefer to be sent things there for I've recently been obsessed and wanted to expand my roots in tjst fandom as well.)
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Steven, have you ever been curious about what your fusion would look like if you fused with either a human or gem?
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Kinda...but at the same time I've accidentally fused with other mes temporarily so it's not that far from possible that I could fuse with other gems but I didn't know I could with humans too so now I got something to try one day when I master my powers
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Steven, how's it been going lately?
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Pretty good all things considered. I mean work at the big doughnut has been a bit slow but good.
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If you support gay marriage reblog this. If you're on the homophobic side, keep scrolling.
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As a bisexual, it sickens me that some people WILL keep scrolling.
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About two maybe 3 years almost. It's a strong suit of mine. I hope that we find Muzan and end the demon threat soon because I'd love to eventually have children with mitsuri and rina.
(for some reason it won't let me reblog?)
@askmitsuri-kanroji @ask-suma-uzuii @ask-hinatsuru-uzui @askbeastdemonslayerkazato
"oi! Kazato! Wanna fight?!" She yelled, pointing her kunai at him with a smirk on her face.
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I'm not defending at all but at the same time humans have free will and as such have a choice to make. Take the bigger path and just block a blog you don't like at all instead of verbalizing your hatred. Because if you don't use that very simple button you could be part of the next s*****e/s*****e attempt and ruin more lives than ever need to be. Shame on any who do this to any blog that doesn't actually deserve it.
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How are you?
Doing well
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Hello friend.
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Mini canon fact Steven likes demon slayer now.
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Temporarily migrating here until asks come in or until next episode comic comes in. I would like to see what I can do with that blog as it's a very large enough story as is. Since there are so many ducks in that family and even a phoenix (custom raced one from a friend on amino)
Before anyone says a thing, yes this is a semi-crossover oc mostly in name and base family crest. The original name and Crest of the Casterwill family branch (pictured below) belong to all companies involved with the show Huntik: Secrets and Seekers. If I could have found a better crest that seemed arcane yet tribal in nature I'd have used it and just the name is borrowed from the show.
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Now then as for slight background story, the Casterwill family of this universe are ducks (mostly now but originally was all ducks) which had 7 total families. The family defacto leaders and it's namesake and most powerful mages the Casterwills, the would be exiled and one day restored to a seat; the DeSpells, the warrior mages known as the Steelvein, the noble illusionists of the Flarehearts tended to mingle in royal circles to keep knowledge of magic to a low for true power of magic is dangerous in the wrong hands, the healers known as the Shadewind family, the oracles of the Seer Clan, and finally the upper class adventurers and masters of luck magic known as the Ebonbeaks. Below are all the current generation has to offer as far as they know since the families have been nearly wiped out. Leaving them and possibly others to wander the land as nomads on one mission to protect the world at all costs. Of course, the DeSpells were a large force to keep in check which is what's taken the largest amount of power and subsequently lives on both ends.
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Each has many a story to be told. Of course if you'd like to be involved in helping form the families larger please dm this blog as we go into details. Same if you wish to make art for the blog to help it visualize the stories (as I'm gonna write it as a script style storyline but need to figure out what I'll do for that at first) then again dm me here on this blog. I wish you good day friends.
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That being said if you recognize me from any of my amino profiles please send in asks to at least keep the blog semi alive. Nothing that can seem to be story spoilers for anyone of the characters. Interaction via reblog between some characters can be done if you'd prefer as well
I'm just waiting for the mass of people on amino to swarm here because amino is sucking on mobile now.
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I'm just waiting for the mass of people on amino to swarm here because amino is sucking on mobile now.
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Amethyst. What's ur opinion on mohawks?
CG!Amethyst: hmmm...I personally wouldn't wear one unless it was just before the "what's cool" thing of the time. But I personally don't think they're bad.
Mod: please use "CG!" in front of any of the crystal gems. At least until I'm also sure I want to add an (any of their team aside from pearl as there's already a green pearl) for the green squad or not.
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R we allowed to ask questions during the hiatus?
Mod: as long as you don't use text talk for future questions and don't ask any possible spoiler ones yet then yes. The characters here are enigmatically immune to any major ones like the pink diamond reveal
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During the hiatus (Especially since they're out) I'm gonna be playing wow. This is my female Dracthyr. Her name is at the bottom of the picture.
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Connie: not really but they kinda go from the pink they are to a darker or brighter shade because of light angles.
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