the-nerdy-stjarna · 3 years
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I know I haven’t been here in forever but this just happened and I just can’t even 😭😭😭
Thanks for all the love for this fic that’s so dear to my heart.
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 3 years
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For @lilsciencequeen​. Happy birthday! Thanks for being a great friend and always brainstorming with me! Miss you!
Thank you to @dilkirani​ for the beta.
This totally did not happen because I just started watching the Great British Baking Show.
What a treat!
Summary: Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons are finalists in a baking competition. Having started out as bitter rivals, they seem to have developed a relationship of mutual respect for each other’s talents—or is there more to it?
Ships: FitzSimmons, Pipsy
Sneak peek:
Daisy turned on the TV, pulling her legs under her butt and shifting around a little on the sofa to get comfortable. She stared at the screen, her lips pulling into a wide smile when she realized the commercial break was coming to an end.
“Babe,” she called over her shoulder towards the kitchen, “Babe, it’s about to start. Get your ass over here!”
Piper appeared with a fresh bowl of popcorn, stuffing a handful into her mouth as she rounded the couch to sit down next to Daisy, her eyes fixed on the TV.
The show started with the usual recap of past episodes, narrated by the host, Lance Hunter. “—and it all led us to this day: the finale,” Hunter announced, standing in a green meadow outside a vast English country house. “Our three finalists are proofed, kneaded, and ready to bake. But who will it be? Jemma Simmons, who impressed the judges each week with her technical finesse and modern takes on old favorites, earning her the title of Star Baker several times? Leo Fitz, with his traditional approach and yet bold and new flavor combinations, who became Star Baker as many times as his rival? Or Milton Winchester, who never earned the title of Star Baker, and who some argue only reached the finals because it had to be three contestants and his slightly-above-mediocre talents saved him throughout the competition?”
“Well, I don’t know who it’s going to be, but it’s definitely not going to be Milton,” Piper announced, grabbing another handful of popcorn.
“Amen to that,” Daisy agreed. “I honestly can’t decide whom to root for. They’re both so good!”
[Read the rest on Ao3]
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 3 years
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For @lilsciencequeen​. Happy birthday! Thanks for being a great friend and always brainstorming with me! Miss you!
Thank you to @dilkirani​ for the beta.
This totally did not happen because I just started watching the Great British Baking Show.
What a treat!
Summary: Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons are finalists in a baking competition. Having started out as bitter rivals, they seem to have developed a relationship of mutual respect for each other’s talents—or is there more to it?
Ships: FitzSimmons, Pipsy
Sneak peek:
Daisy turned on the TV, pulling her legs under her butt and shifting around a little on the sofa to get comfortable. She stared at the screen, her lips pulling into a wide smile when she realized the commercial break was coming to an end.
“Babe,” she called over her shoulder towards the kitchen, “Babe, it’s about to start. Get your ass over here!”
Piper appeared with a fresh bowl of popcorn, stuffing a handful into her mouth as she rounded the couch to sit down next to Daisy, her eyes fixed on the TV.
The show started with the usual recap of past episodes, narrated by the host, Lance Hunter. “—and it all led us to this day: the finale,” Hunter announced, standing in a green meadow outside a vast English country house. “Our three finalists are proofed, kneaded, and ready to bake. But who will it be? Jemma Simmons, who impressed the judges each week with her technical finesse and modern takes on old favorites, earning her the title of Star Baker several times? Leo Fitz, with his traditional approach and yet bold and new flavor combinations, who became Star Baker as many times as his rival? Or Milton Winchester, who never earned the title of Star Baker, and who some argue only reached the finals because it had to be three contestants and his slightly-above-mediocre talents saved him throughout the competition?”
“Well, I don’t know who it’s going to be, but it’s definitely not going to be Milton,” Piper announced, grabbing another handful of popcorn.
“Amen to that,” Daisy agreed. “I honestly can’t decide whom to root for. They’re both so good!”
[Read the rest on Ao3]
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 3 years
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Hello @hauntingofbimanor​,
It’s me! Your FitzSimmons Secret Santa. I really hope you enjoy your gift. I had fun writing it :) 
Big thank you to @dilkirani​ for the beta.
Little ugly banner by me :) 
Little Ugly Christmas Tree
Summary: 4 Christmases spent on Zephyr One (and one not)
Sneak Peek from Chapter 1 (After Jemma is rescued from Maveth)
Fitz stirred when Jemma placed her hand on his knee and rested her head against his body, trying to feel safe, trying to feel whole, trying to feel home. She knew right away that she had woken him, even before he placed his arm on her shoulder for comfort.
She sat up, looking at him with guilt—not just because she was causing him to miss sleep he clearly needed, but also because—
But he smiled at her, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, and a comfortable warmth settled in her stomach, almost pushing the guilt aside.
“Can’t sleep?” he asked softly.
One corner of her mouth ticked up into an acknowledging half-smile. She shrugged, not quite daring to meet his eyes. “There’s just so much going through my mind.”
“Want to talk about it?” he replied, pressing his lips into a thin line.
Jemma sighed. “I don’t even know where to begin?”
[Read the rest on Ao3]
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 3 years
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Omg!!! I love it so much! This is pure perfection. It’s so cute and fluffy. And I love how you squeezed Deke in there with the picture on the shelf and the fourth Christmas stocking!
There’s so much detail!! Their photo over the fireplace and the monkey toy in Jemma’s lap. And Alya looks so adorable decorating the card.
Thank you so so much! You’re so talented!!!
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Here it is! This is my gift for @the-nerdy-stjarna for the Fitzsimmons Secret Santa exchange🤗
The prompt was Fitzsimmons family fluff, which then turned into Christmas fluff. I honestly had so much fun doing this and while I couldn’t include Deke due to composition issues, I hope you like my “solution”😂
Happy Holidays to everyone and I hope you enjoy the gift!🎄💙
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 3 years
Hi! I’m your secret Santa again. Just wanted to wish you a merry Christmas and a happy birthday to your daughter! Hope you’re having an awesome day🤗🎄🎄
Thank you, Secret Santa. We had some nice days with lots of presents and lots of food. Our daughter seems pretty happy.
I hope you had a nice day, too.
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 4 years
Hey! Just wanted to swing by to let you know I finished your gift and I’m super excited to show it to you!! Hopefully you like it hehe.
On top of that, your dog is super cute!! And I love the backstory (and the name). Hope you’re having an awesome week🤗
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Omg. I’m so excited! You’re so fast to be done already. I can’t wait!
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 4 years
Hi!!🤗 Secret Santa again. I loved reading your response about your Christmas traditions, it was super sweet! It really made me smile haha. And we also unwrap our gifts on the evening of the 24th, so it’s cool to know you do too!
I hope you’re having a good week, and I wanted to know, what’s your favorite color🤔?Also feel free to tell me anything about yourself, I don’t really know what to ask you but would love to get to know you!
Hello Secret Santa,
Sorry for the late response. I somehow thought I had already responded 😂
My favorite color is blue.
Oh boy. I don’t know what to tell you about myself. You already know from my previous response that I’m German, married to an American, living in Iceland, and I have a daughter who was born on Christmas Day.
I suppose I can tell you that we got a dog this year. He is a whippet and his name is Ruffalo (like Mark Ruffalo). He comes from a litter of three brothers, so their official names are the three Musketeers (he is Athos). I’ve known the breeder for ten years and it was always my dream to one day have one of her dogs. When we lived in the States, we had a retired racing greyhound. Her name was Juno.
Here is Ruffalo snuggling with me.
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 4 years
Hello hello! Your Secret Santa here. I hope you’re doing well and safe! I was wondering, do you have any special Christmas traditions?
And while we’re at it, what is your favorite fs scene? I would love to know!🎄💕
Hello Secret Santa,
Our daughter was born Christmas Day, so one of our traditions (though I unfortunately think we can’t do that this year due to Covid) is to bring treats to the maternity ward at the hospital as a thank you to the folks who have to work Christmas. (Fun fact: I often let FitzSimmoms offspring be born Christmas Day in my fics 😀). Otherwise, our Christmas is a bit of a blend of German (I’m German), American (my husband is American), and Icelandic (we live there) traditions. For example, we unwrap presents on the evening of the 24th, as is the custom in Germany and Iceland, and focus on our daughter’s birthday on the 25th. While we live in the States, we unwrapped presents on the morning of the 25th, and the afternoon was birthday celebration (we have a little “birthday tree” for her birthday presents).
Oh my. Favorite FitzSimmons scene is hard. There are so many. I still absolutely love their hug after Skye is shot in S1. It’s such a short but sweet scene.
And then I would say the whole “something magnificent” scene in Fitz’s bunk in S3 because that’s one of my favorite kissing scenes of all times.
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 4 years
Hi! This is your secret santa again and I just wanted to wish you a happy rest of the week. Hope your doing well (plus the weekend is closer!)😊✨
Hello Secret Santa,
Thanks for checking in :) I don’t know why I keep missing notifications about your messages. Glad I’m checking manually from time to time.
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 4 years
What I just learned watching Picard is that IKEA still exists in the 24th century, and they still make the same exploding death star lamps.
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 4 years
Hey!! I’m your secret santa🤗 I will be drawing some fs family fluff for you, and I was wondering if you had any specific scenarios in mind. I’ve already thought of a few ideas, but feel free to suggest something you’d like for me to include!
Hello there, sorry for the late reply. Somehow didn’t see the notification about your message. I’m super excited! Honestly, anything cute and fluffy with FitzSimmons family would be awesome. Since this is a holiday exchange maybe a Christmas on the Zephyr with FitzSimmons, Alya, and Uncle Enoch. Or a Christmas once they’re home and in the Scottage in Perthshire. Maybe with a surprise visit by Deke (who figured out cross-timeline travel). But honestly, it could be them going for a walk, eating pancakes, watching the stars from their backyard. Really. Anything! If you already have a good idea, go with your gut!!
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 4 years
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Hello FitzSimmons shippers!
It’s that time of year again - it’s time for the FitzSimmons Secret Santa Exchange! The FS Secret Santa has been a wonderful part of our fandom’s history, and even though the show has ended I think it’s still a great way to celebrate the fandom and the holidays together. I’m running it by myself this year, so we’ll see how that goes!
I will be using the tag #fitzsimmonssecretsanta for all of my posts regarding the exchange, so look out for announcements. You will also be using that tag when you post your gifts.
Important Dates:
Sign ups are open until Sunday, November 15th at midnight PST.
Participants will be notified of their assignments on Wednesday, November 18th.
The first posting day for gifts is on Monday, December 28th. This gives you almost six weeks to work on your gift. A few weeks before December 28th, you will sign up to select a posting day so I can stagger the gifts throughout the week.
Read more to learn how you can participate in the Secret Santa Exchange!
In participating in the Secret Santa exchange, you will create a fanwork for your assigned giftee. This can consist of fanfiction, gifs, graphics, moodboards, aesthetics, fanmixes, fanvids, fanart, or any other creation. Fic must be at least 1000 words in length, and all gifts must be complete when posted (unless you plan to stagger out fic chapters).
Participants must follow these rules of the exchange:
Send your entry form no later than Sunday, November 15th at midnight PST.
Reblog this post to spread the word!
Create an original gift for your giftee following their prompt, preferences, and the guidelines of the exchange. Your gift must be at least 1000 words or an equivalent amount of effort in another medium.
Keep your ask box open with Anon turned on.
Send your giftee anonymous asks at least once a week (questions, compliments, quotes, whatever you like!).
Post your gift and reveal your identity to your giftee on your selected posting day!
To sign up for the exchange, please fill out the entry form below and email it to [email protected] (mused with a d and not an s like my Tumblr username!).
Tumblr username: (please specify if you plan to change your url during the holidays so we can find you!) Your prompt: Your fandom talents: (what can you create for your giftee?) 
Preferences: (for what you would like to receive AND what you would be willing to create - ex: I would like to receive a fic with smut, but I will not write smut for my giftee.)
Mentions of traumatic canon events (4x15, 4x20, 5x14, 5x22, etc.):
Other preferences for what you would not like to give/receive: (type of fanwork, triggers, issues, genres, tropes, etc.)
When filling out the entry form, please be as specific as possible. This helps me to best match people up, as well as ensures that you receive a gift that you’ll love! If you receive your assignment and still have questions about creating your gift, I recommend that you send your giftee anonymous asks for clarification.
If something comes up and you can no longer participate, please let me know ASAP. In the past, participants have disappeared from Tumblr, so I really want to ensure that everyone that signs up will receive a gift.
❄️Good Luck and Happy Holidays! ❄️
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 4 years
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We were supposed to go to a convention in June of this year. My daughter and I were going to cosplay as Jemma and Mini-Jemma from “Inescapable.”
Of course the con was cancelled.
Since our kid is going to outgrow her jumper soon (diligently knitted by my mum), we decided to at least recreate this awesome BTS shot.
My husband even went so far as to photoshop us into the correct background. Still sad that the con didn’t work out, but this photo still makes me so happy.
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 4 years
The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. finale was three weeks ago.
I’m still not over it.
At least I’m not alone.
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Thanks, @dilkirani
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 4 years
I wrote
Handywman Fitz to the Rescue
It has two chapters, one in which Fitz meets Jemma’s parents for the first time at their home outside Sheffield (Academy time), and the other later when FitzSimmons are married and visit Jemma’s parents again.
It’s not very long but may fit the bill of what you’re looking for.
Hi do you know any good FS fics where fitz meets jemma’s family after they get together? Thank you!
Hi Anon,
I know there are a number of fics out there where Fitz meets Jemma’s family both before and after they get together, but often the meeting of the parents, on both sides, isn’t the main plot of the story rather part of the story.  
So I’m gonna ask fic writers to go ahead and plug their own works that meet your request here.
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the-nerdy-stjarna · 4 years
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