the-picnic-gang · 4 years
Hey.. Is this blog gonna be used anymore? It seems like star and ali haven't posted in a while, and this blog hasn't been used in a while, and when I click on the link to remy's blog in the intro post it just says that I have bad connection and stuff, but all the other links work, so I assume they deleted their blog? Sorry if this is too nosey of me...
Hey anon. Yes this account is still in use, but it is currently on hiatus because we are very busy right now.
Star and Ali have personal matters that they have to take care of and they are both high school students and have a very thick pile of work.
Me and Owl have been more active on our main blogs but we are also high school students and college preparation and SAT practice is not easy. And testing season in the US just started.(kill me now plz).
El isn’t normally very active much anyway but they also have school.
Remy had to delete their account because of a situation (I will not say anything further on the matter because I don’t want to disrespect their boundaries), but I can tell you it is a very personal matter.
Thank you for your concern, but regarding why we haven’t been active much of late can be summed up to we have lives.
-Lex 😈
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
Thicctm (noun):
a victim that is thicc
@aspex-t @poodleoodle39
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
“no shame, no dignity, catboys 4evah, uwu”
- Starìì “Catboy” Skies, 2020
@aspex-t @poodleoodle39
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
this man will now haunt me
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@aspex-t @poodleoodle39 @squidcakke @sugargliderowl
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
i don’t eat goldfish h o r i z o n t a l l y
@aspex-t @poodleoodle39 @squidcakke @sugargliderowl
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
Burn Florida 2020
@squidcakke @sugargliderowl @aspex-t @poodleoodle39
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
so what have we learned today children?
my life is very Sad
@aspex-t @sugargliderowl @poodleoodle39 @squidcakke
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
not the s o f t w a r e u p d a t e
@aspex-t @poodleoodle39
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
gator tail.
@sugargliderowl @squidcakke @poodleoodle39 @ifrickenhatedeverythingaboutthis
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
I love the new profile! :D
Aww Thanks so much! Ali made it! They’re so talented. Go and give them love @/Barely-gettin-bi!!
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
Hewo, its the anon from earlier. I understand, i read the masterpost right after i sent it. Yall are realllyyyy cool - meee
You're cool yourself friendo and we would love to be friends with you (I consider us friends already!)
- Starìì 🌟
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
Who is most likely to be the first one to die in a zombie apocalypse? Who is most likely to become a famous actor/actress? Who is most likely to break some world record, and what would it be?
First One(s) to Die in a Zombie Apocalypse - Ali and Star (based on discord convo)
Famous Actor/Actress - Lex
World Record - Owl
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
Who is most likely to marry a celebrity? Who is most likely to do weird things in public? Who is most likely to meet a ghost?
Marry a Celebrity - Lex
Do Weird Things in Public - Star
Most Likely to Meet a Ghost - Ali and Remy
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
Ali is probably the Vodka Aunt, and Star or I am the Wine Mom! The reasons would be the Vibes of the three mentioned corresponding to them. Yeah, no other explanation necessary tbh.
- Owl🦉
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
Look at Lex's amazing art!
Look at it!!
It's beautiful!!!
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there’s an imposter among the picnic gang...
(In order from left to right):
me :D
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
INFP, Sagittarius, Ravenclaw!
- Ali 💕
ISTP, Scorpio and ravenclaw babeyYy 🦅
- Remy 🌈
ESFJ, Scorpio, and Hufflepuff!
ENFP, gemini and taurus cusp (rising is gemini also and my moon sign is cancer), slytherin!
ISTJ, gemini (even tho you didnt ask my rising is leo and moon is taurus), ravenclaw (jkr sucks)
ENFP-T, Libra, and I'm kinda in the middle house wise! But I'm Ravenclaw (we don't stan JKR in the Picnic Gang)
-Starìì 🌟
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the-picnic-gang · 4 years
68: what's winter like where you live? (all of you)
cold and sometimes snowy but usually lots of slush :P
- Ali 💕
It’s either beautiful with a bunch of snowww and christmasss and joyyy or just muddy, brown and disgusting. It’s usually pretty cold but it’s nice!
- Remy 🌈
It’s mild. It barely snows to the point of us having snow days when there is any snow. It’s not bad tho!
- Owl🦉
What the heck is a winter?
um...cold and snowy usually. which is cool!
Winter is alright. It snows sometimes which sucks, and it's pretty cold and annoying. I personally don't enjoy winter that much, but it's alright.
- Starìì 🌟
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