xxxdollyangelxxx · 5 months
Ya’ll ever get mad?
No, not irritated mad or mad that you lost your keys or upset that someone lied about something. But a hateful, skin tearing and bone breaking rage?
An anger so deep you start to wonder if you’re a monster? You feel like a monster. You want to be a monster. You want to claw and tear and bite and scream your woes into the ground. You’re so angry. So angry. You’re ruined. They ruined you. They ruined your life. You’re broken. They broke you. And you hate them. And hate yourself.
You wanna break. You wanna bleed. You can’t even sleep without remembering. Remembering. That’s the crux of it. You remember.
You remember everything. You can’t stop. Everyday, a whisper in the back of your mind. A faint static over your eyes. You can never stop remembering.
Yall ever get so mad you just sit there. Sit there, broiling, gut churning with fury. You’re mind screaming and howling. You can almost see the blood on your knuckles. So you just sit there silently.
No? Just me? Okay sry for asking :,<
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xxxdollyangelxxx · 5 months
Romanticizing>>>> any other coping mechanisms
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