the-real-slim-shadie · 17 hours
I have never felt this alone.
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the-real-slim-shadie · 17 hours
My heart is fucking shattered dude.
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the-real-slim-shadie · 18 hours
Once again I'm here with no where else to go. There's comfort of knowing when you scream into the void that no one will hear it.
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the-real-slim-shadie · 3 months
What the fuck
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the-real-slim-shadie · 3 months
I think it might be time to check out.
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the-real-slim-shadie · 3 months
Days like today I want to end it all. Just take my game piece off the board.
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the-real-slim-shadie · 6 months
Very thankful for everything I have. Very thankful for the new beginnings upon my family and I. Still trying to navigate it all.
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the-real-slim-shadie · 7 months
I remember going down to the lobby of NY dorm to get 2 mountain dews to get ready for gaming with the fellas that night. 9-10 years ago. What a difference time makes.
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the-real-slim-shadie · 7 months
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the-real-slim-shadie · 7 months
Something about being able to post here knowing most, if not all of the ppl that actually follow me on here, are inactive is comforting. It's almost like being able to scream at the top of my lungs into the void. No matter how loud no one will hear. Maybe one day someone will come across these things again.
I love Justice and Kaiden so much. They are my lifelines. I have no doubt in my mind had I not met her and had our son together I wouldn't be here. I'm thankful everyday for them.
I don't know what the point of this was. I miss my friends alot. I feel like I don't really have any anymore. If I don't reach out they would never talk to me. Just random occurrences. I wish them all the best tho. I want everyone I know to succeed. I wish we could all hang again and mean everyone. Ty, Slade, O, Rj, D. I miss being 19 and trying to decide who's house we were gonna be at that night or decide what movie we were gonna see that weekend. That's almost 10 years ago now. So weird how time isn't real but time still passes. Idk man.
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the-real-slim-shadie · 9 months
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"Here's to Survival"
Story by @SchweitzerMan
Art by @millicay95
Letters by @mrcomiceditor
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The version of you right now is deserving of love. Not you two years ago when you had more of your shit together, or the five years later version where you’ll surely be thriving. The version of you right now. The one that might just be okay, or is really struggling, or is bored and unproductive. That version deserves love. Having trouble accepting this is fine, but actively denying it is not. Your value is intrinsic, and finding confidence in that is mandatory.
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Sewer alligators aren’t just a myth. Here’s the original video
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Twista | Overnight Celebrity (feat. Kanye West) Kamikaze (2004) 
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Someone had a crush on you, was totally secretely in love with you, dreamed at you at night and you have no idea
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