Public Art ad
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PUBLIC ART: pt 2 (people viewing it)
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PUBLIC ART: pt 1 (the project)
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Process of Social Media Project
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SoundOfPainting mixdown
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This is my sound file, “SoundOfPainting.”
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S-Town Chapter 1 Question
Question: John was very passionate and persistent about the murder when he first called in, but then as the podcast goes on he draws back and starts acting different.  What could John’s reasons for letting up on the investigation be?
Answer 1: Maybe John has been scared off by someone in town.  If the family of the young man who committed the murder has as much pull as he says they do then they could have found out that they were being investigated and possibly sent someone to scare John into making the investigation look like he was just a bored liar, maybe he was threatened by someone?  This could be possible because when John starts kind of not making sense anymore, we meet Jake’s wife, but she tells the same story that John did originally, validating his story.  
Answer 2:  Maybe John has been lying all along.  The investigator has already been thinking about this, whether he is being played for a fool because as they continue investigating John does not want to seem to dig any deeper anymore, he starts contradicting himself, and he is distracted and fooling around; maybe he feels guilty for making this whole thing and just doesn’t know how else to get out of this mess he’s made for himself.  If he made it up or stretched the truth in the slightest he probably is letting up by now because he feels bad for wasting this man’s time.  
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Something that causes me tremendous discomfort is approaching strangers.  I can be very friendly in certain situations, like if I am supposed to be talking to someone or if  I am helping someone somehow; but approaching a stranger with no real necessity makes me extremely anxious. Going up to a stranger just to say hello or to strike up a conversation or ask for a favor makes me so uncomfortable it will take me minutes of working up the nerve just to walk up to them or I will get so anxious about it I will be sick to my stomach with nerves.
 For my project I decided to go up to strangers and ask them if I could take their picture. My rules were that I have to approach people completely by myself and that they are people I have never met before.  I tell them they can pose or look however they would like but I asked them to look away or obstruct their gaze, and then I take their picture. On a few occasions I took pictures of people without them knowing, which almost made me more uncomfortable because I felt like I was invading in some way.
I was really nervous and uncomfortable throughout the duration of this project.  I tried to be friendly and act calm, but I do think in some of my pictures the people look a little uncomfortable and/or nervous, and I am not sure if it is because I was visibly uncomfortable while talking to them or if they were just nervous to have their pictures taken by a stranger.  I think it is very possible my own discomfort influenced my subject matter.  
Throughout shooting I realized when I would approach a person right after approaching a different stranger it was a little more comfortable, so the more I did it right after the other the easier it got, but if there was a gap in time between interacting with strangers, when I approached the next person all the same nerves and anxieties came back and it was not any easier.
I think the people that I shot who were a few years older than me, especially the people who were a lot older than me made me more uncomfortable than people my age.  The second week of shooting I asked mostly only adults.  I also tried to take pictures of more men because approaching and taking pictures of strangers that were men was much more intimidating to me than approaching women I didn’t know.
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UNCOMFORTABLE Final Photos Pt 2 of 2
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UNCOMFORTABLE Final Photos Pt 1of 2
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UNCOMFORTABLE project week 1 (group 2)
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UNCOMFORTABLE project week 1 (group 1)
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This photo is my favorite because I love the bright orange and yellow colors contrasting with the blues and blacks.  I like that the figure is blurred, because you cant really tell what he is doing. This photo was immediately my favorite right when I took it because it excited me.  The windows stretching across the whole length of the picture is nice because it creates a warm band in the center while the rest of the colors are cool and the objects in the back ground  are not exciting objects, so  the light from the windows really pops. I also find interesting the reflections of the trees on the windows and the lines that creates.  And lastly, this is my favorite picture because I, as the photographer know that he is bending down  to swing an axe, but I know that is not clear in the photo so when I look at it feels like I know someone the other viewers do not. 
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alphabetology project
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