“My biggest regrets in life are being too damn nice, apologizing when I didn’t do anything wrong, and making unworthy people a priority.”
— Unknown
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“One of the hardest lessons in life is letting go. Whether it’s guilt, love, anger, loss or betrayal, change is never easy. We fight to hold on and we fight to let go.”
— Unknown
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This is the Baymax of safety, he will make sure Madame Zeroni doesn't come and get you.
You are under my protection as the witch of storms.
Madame Zeroni will not bother me
3 times 3 so mote it be
“But if you forget to reblog Madame Zeroni, you and your family will be cursed for always and eternity.”
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it's okay...
...even when it seems like nothing is going right. especially then. it's okay.
it's okay to feel like everything is falling apart. it's okay if you don't feel like restarting. it's okay if you feel too tired to try again.
struggle is stressful and tiring. it's okay to feel low. it's okay to take long pauses. it's okay to rest a lot.
it's okay to just be. just keep breathing. you're okay. i'm okay ✨
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the-storm-caller-witch · 10 months
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August is a beautiful month for moon energy
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the-storm-caller-witch · 11 months
It's over. You're safe now. They can't hurt you anymore. All that you have to work through now is healing and coping with the memories. But no one can harm you anymore. It's over.
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People are like this and I hate it. I also really hate the witchtok mentality as a whole. It feels so...
Petty highschool drama?
i’m sorry but the whole tiktok ideology of “never share every ingredient of your spell working” with others because people will do a counter spell to undo your working is actually crazy to me.
if you hate me that much and have the energy to go do an entire spell just to fuck me over, shit maybe you’re just a bitter ass bitch :/
like i just want to share my spells to give other people ideas/inspiration but ok. be a negative nancy.
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~I am successful in my endeavors~
⭐Likes charge, reblogs cast⭐
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So mote it be
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Grief sucks.... It's like the tide. It comes and goes.
 Anniversaries still knock me off my feet and drag me down until my head bounces off the ocean floor.
 There's days where I'm feeling great.
 There's days where I feel joy and when talking about my Dad and Godfather don't bring me tears but uplift me.
 Those days, the tide is calm, the ocean is gently rolling in, tickling my feet as I wade into the water.
And then there's nights like this, a dark, stormy night, the water is churning into white water and crashing all around me, dragging me down, my salty tears, joining the water.
I stand out on my boat, a loan ship in the night, crying out to the darkness "WHY!?" but my voice is lost to the wind...
It crashes over me anew, dragging me down again...
I’m tossed and turned by the waves, I pop up again, take a breath of air, before the cold sea drags me under again, my memories floating up like air bubbles to the surface.
And as dawn rises over the sea, I wash up on shore, my clothes damp, my eyes stinging from sea salt, my chest sore from crying so hard I thought my whole body might break. 
I made it again, as the tide turns gentle again.
Those memories warm, like the sun...I make it through another hard time... But it's not easy... Swimming against the tide is a hard job... but it's one I must do.
For that’s what they’d want me to do.
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All my grief says the same thing— this isn't how it's supposed to be. And the world laughs, holds my hope by my throat, says: but this is how it is.
Fortesa Latifi, The Truth About Grief
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— Joan Didion, The Year of Magical Thinking
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