Ah well... Long time since I sent one of these out...
Turns out I'm stuck on earth for while. The console of my Tardis kinda... Well... blew up.
What may be worse in I'm stuck in the 20th century and that time don't really have the stuff I need to do repairs with.
But that has never stopped me before!! No worries at all, I'll just have to what the human words, hobble something together?
Yeah I thinks it's that. I'll just hobble something together. :)
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 2 months
Anyone know how to put out a fire that's from the future but is burning in the present?
I seemed to have made a small paradox fire of sorts... Or maybe is something else...
Well it doesn't seem to be spreading and it's inappropriate metal trays can so that's good at least.
If anyone knows how to fix this problem that would be fantastic....
I send out my message as a transmission for hopefully someone to pick up. I turn back to look at the fire.
Well... I hope someone gets that, or else I don't really know what to do with this.
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 3 months
Well that really depends, for Time Lord standards... No, not all the time.
For human standards...
Actually... Well um... Now that I think about it, no not at all.
Oops... Oh well I mean, it's fine. It's for science and tinkering for all! :)
I'm taking you from Earth and we will travel through space and time.
I hope you don't mind explosions. :)
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 3 months
I'm taking you from Earth and we will travel through space and time.
I hope you don't mind explosions. :)
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 3 months
I take their hand with both of mine and shake their hand a bit wildly
It's a pleasure to me you! Oh I'm sure the Artificer will show you tons of things!!
You my amazing human being have been given the greatest experience your life could ever have!!
And I do say if you and the Artificer ever come visit my TARDIS, well I'll try to keep any explosions down to a minimum. 😁
Oh oh!! You have human buddy!!
How fun! I always loved how humans look like us Time Lords. :)
Do take care of them Artificers, humans are very fragile so I've heard.
Yeah! Their name is Lex, and they're pretty cool! Actually, why don't I introduce you two- Come on Lex, say hello!
Uh, hi? I'm Lex. Artificer says you're pretty cool, so I guess I trust you? I'm kinda new to this.
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 3 months
I do believe this may also be him too.
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How can I domesticate a feral timelord?
How can I domesticate a feral Time Lord?
Hmm. Firstly, I must acknowledge the sheer implausibility and, dare I say, the absurdity of this totally outrageous concept. Time Lords, the esteemed rulers of time and space, possess intellects and abilities far beyond the grasp of most species, particularly humans. The notion of a Time Lord becoming feral is already a stretch, but the idea of domesticating one is downright preposterous.
Time Lords are known for their superior intelligence, advanced technology, their extraordinary biology, and capacity for strategy. They're not creatures to be tamed or controlled, but rather revered and respected at all times.
It's also important to note that the Celestial Intervention Agency (CIA) closely monitors all communications from GIL. They might find your inquiry particularly interesting. Don't fancy yours much 😟😲
》📫Got a question / submission? 》😆Jokes |🫀Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts 》📚Complete list of Q+A 》📜Masterpost If you like what GIL does, please consider buying a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious for future projects, including complete biology and language guides.
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 3 months
When life gives you lemons...
You lose them in the Time Vortex.. (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
Uh... If anyone in time and space finds a bunch of lemons and or one lemon at different places or times, those are mine.
You see I didn't expect to hit some turbulence in the Time Vortex and the door opened and then our went the lemons...
Oops. (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 4 months
My TARDIS had been okay, nothing I can't handle think to all my years of experience.
As for maintenance well your best option would be to learn from someone who has a proper TARDIS or really any time machine. Mine is a bit more... shambly? So maintenance is a tad bit different. (⁠^⁠~⁠^⁠;⁠)⁠ゞ
But here are some tips for time machine maintenance.
If it's not on fire, it's probably fine.
If it's something that's apart of a higher dimension... Nevermind, not everyone can do that one. Oops
Having the right tools and safety equipment is best when working with a a TARDIS, especially things that can ground you in the current moment so you weren't thrown throughout time if something goes wrong. Unless you're me I don't really use safety equipment. :]
NEVER THROUGH AWAY THE MANUAL!! The Doctor did that one rip.
I was given word your interest was piqued?
I believe that would be about me.
O:< hello!!! i looked on your page a little and i have to know: how's your TARDIS been? i've been interested in learning about time machine maintenance :)))
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 4 months
Maybe I'll make an army of them to live with me on my TARDIS...
I wish I had one honestly, it would keep me so so occupied. There would be far less explosion around here.
I love earth creatures. <3
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 4 months
I feel the same, I want to see House Wetrix again. But I also don't...
Anyway the flutterwings, I loved those! At least earth kinda has similar creatures although they are small and the closest one I could find are dragonflies.
And Otherstide, I remember that. I never really understood it, well I mean I understood the concept but I always snuck off away from it all. Never quit understood the appeal of such celebrations.
Do you miss home at all?
Because sometimes I wish I could go back to days when Gallifrey was around. But no the Council of Time Lords had to put that stuff into place to make it so we couldn't and make us live parallel time lines to Gallifrey.
I get it was so bad Time Lords couldn't come back after being banished or whatever... But now I can't see home again after the Time War. :'(
( @the-tinkerer-timelord ) (ooc: I don't know if it cannon or not but when I look up stuff about it it seems to be maybe. Doctor Who is so complicated once you add everything together. Lol)
I... yeah. Yeah I do. Sure, the High Council could be stuffy, but Gallifrey was home. I miss Otherstide, watching the flutterwings fly by from my House, the sense of familiarity amongst my cousins. I even miss the buzz from all the work in Arcadia. I know the Time Lock was for a good reason, but I really want to see House Arpexia again.
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 4 months
Hello there... You...? Or well whatever you go by. :)
Now before you say anything, I know what you're looking at looks like a red phone booth. But it's not I promise, it's a TARDIS!
Now then, let's head in shall we?
[Entering The Tinkerer's TARDIS it's huge inside. The first thing your eyes land on is raised platform in the middle of the room with six giant crystal pillars that seem to curve onward and meet in the very middle. It also seem like the crystals are holding up the raised platform which houses the console that's used to pilot the TARDIS. The console itself looks like it's been haphazardly put together and made from different console part from different TARDISES, and yet seems to work fine.... It's also full of buttons, switches, levers and the like.
You're soon drawn to look around the room as you step in more. The walls are strange, some walls are just lined with colorful glass bottles yet other walls are lined with hexagonal shelves and both reach from floor to ceiling. The shelves doo seem to have things in them but your eyes are drawn away as your move around the room to look at it all. There seems to colorful electrical wiring and some more glass bottles hanging high up in the ceiling but they seem more like decoration than anything else. As for around you, there is a multitude of hammocks and hanging chairs just scattered about from floor to ceiling, along with pipes, bars, ropes and nettings to climb up higher and higher to reach different places. There's also some ramps and stairs leading up to the raised platform and some out into almost wooden hallways? But you're not sure if they are. What you do know is that it feels wild in here or maybe like jungle gym, but also safe or some wild kind of home? There's certainly a lot of places to sit.]
I know, a lot to be taken in right? Well I kinda made this all over my years of travel through time and space.
It just feels so me, even so now at this point in my life too.
Oh and before you ask, this TARDIS isn't exactly the safest. I spent a lot of my life on this TARDIS and I don't mean living on it. I built it.
Build from junk and scrapped TARDISES. Kinda like what humans do with car... Or something like that. I don't actually know... Oh well.
Anyway take a seat and I'll get us some tea or something, then we can chat. :-]
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 4 months
Ooc: Oh... Okay then. Good thing I pre made the post cuz I just had the feeling y'all would pick it. Lol
Ooc: How do y'all think I should go about making a post about The Tinkerer's TARDIS.
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 4 months
Oh, sorry for taking a while. Just took a while getting some things with my TARDIS set up. Anyway, anything of note happen recently with you?
Hello again ( @the-artificers-tardis ) Artificer, it's been quite around here honestly.
Although I'm not surprised, I currently have my TARDIS parked on earth and well humans don't really seem to bother with things that don't seem out of place. But it does help the outside of my TARDIS looks like a plain red phone booth. :)
I have been tinkering as per normal. Thankfully nothing has blown up yet ... I hope.
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 4 months
Been very quiet around here lately... Not a lot of virtual messages come in...
Well I must say it has give me time to tinker about.
I mean look at me, I all dirty and I have so many oil stains... Well I mean think they're oil stains.
Actually I don't know if it's oil stains... I'm sure it's fine.
[Tinkerer wipes his hands on an oil rag. It's more like small towel though.]
Don't for get I'd love to chat, send in some of your virtual messages or come pop by my TARDIS, I'm always welcome to visitors!
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 4 months
Ooc: mod Star here. Lol
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We at 10 post!! Even if two have been privated...
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I mean they where old to be honest and I didn't really know what I was doing with them before cuz it was from back when I made this blog on a whim. So oh well, maybe I'll bring them back one day or I'll do something else with what the posts were. :P
Anyway, 10 post! Yay! XD
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 4 months
Oh, hello! Always nice to see a fellow engineer! I'm the Artificer. You know, I considered using the name you chose when I set out. Glad I didn't. :)
-The Artificer. 🥽
Ah yes hello!! Ha ha ah ha!!
Sorry I'm a bit excited.
It's is quite the pleasure Artificer! And a fellow engineer too, although I wouldn't quite call myself an engineer... What I do is well in the name, I am a tinkerer of sorts. Although my ways of doing things are a bit more crazy, wild... Maddening?
Is explodey even a real word?
... Well it is now!!!!
Also you almost did, did you now Artificer? Well no worries even if you did and there were two Tinkerers in time and space I don't think it would have done much harm.
Although it probably would have confused some fellow Time Lords a bit, but it's all in good fun. te he :}
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the-tinkerer-timelord · 4 months
Ooc: How do y'all think I should go about making a post about The Tinkerer's TARDIS.
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