Aquarium Pandemonium (Part 1)
also I wanted to do a part 3 to the "dream saga" and link them both together but then I got burnt out so here's what I wrote before that
"Can you guys please, tell me where we're going again?" Austria groaned as he was forced to a location he didn't know.
"Secret," Prussia simply answered, a smug smirk on his face.
"You must answer these riddles three and we'll give you a hint," Hungary leaned back from the front seat, holding up three fingers.
Austria rolled his eyes, "fine just do it. It'll be better than fearing the worst."
"Oh I didn't have any riddles I was just saying that," he turned back to face forward, "Prussia, do you have anything?"
"Hmm, give me a second…" He started to think.
"In a "second" we're going to be there, riddles are meaningless," Germany said from the driver's seat.
"Austria, close your eyes!" Prussia chuckled.
"As much as I know you love to make fun," Hungary started to explain, "this is going to be a healing exercise. We're not here to-"
"It was Prussia's idea," Germany stated.
"No it wasn't!" He retorted, "Hungary said it'd "heal trauma" or something… I don't really care. I just haven't been to an aquarium since the first one opened!"
"Exactly, minus the I don't care stuff. To get over your fear you must first face-"
"I literally do not care GET ME THE FUCK OUT OF HERE."
"Okay," Prussia opens his door and pushes him out.
He hits the concrete and then looks up at Prussia, "what the fuck."
"You said to get you "out of here" and "here" is the car."
Austria brushed off his knees as he stood up, "that was brash and unnecessary."
"You're brash and unnecessary!"
"Shut it you two," Germany scolded them both.
The rest of them got out of the car and Germany locked it shut.
"Would it be better if you were blindfolded?" Hungary asked, "maybe if you can't see-"
"It doesn't matter either way it's too late I'm already afraid I feel like I'm dying and nothing NOTHING is going to do anything to make me feel any better."
"If I were you I'd start with taking a deep breat-"
"I think I'm going to die! Right here right now! I think-" and then he passed out. Luckily not falling on the concrete this time as Germany caught him.
"What do I do with the body," Germany deadpanned.
Prussia chuckled as Hungary took him out of Germany's hands.
"Maybe this rest will help him stay calm?" He asked.
"Yeah for the time he's passed out," Prussia snorts, "as soon as he's awake? Boom, scared as hell."
"Can we not hope for the best?" Hungary asked as he grabbed Austria up and started holding him bridal style.
"Do we have to pay for passed out people or is it free of change," Germany quipped yet again.
And Prussia laughed at his dumb joke again.
"I'm genuinely asking."
As they walked inside they gave their money yada yada boring! They walked inside and found a bench to rest Austria for now.
"Before we start, does anyone have to use the bathroom? Any animals anyone specifically wants to see? Anyone want to go to the gift shop? Does anyone need to eat?" Hungary asked as if he was reading off a list. He was, actually.
"No I think I'm good," Prussia stated, "but while you were talking Germany disappeared."
"Wh- huh!?" He looked around but no Germany was in sight.
"Honestly I don't know what you expected. He was more excited to see this place than I was," he shrugged.
"He was? Honestly I couldn't tell. If anything he just seemed like the designated driver."
"We'll find him eventually, first we should have a plan for dealing with this idiot," he pointed to the still unconscious Austria.
"Yeah we should," he nodded, "on my list first it says-"
While he was blabbing on, Prussia ran off, not as sneaky as Germany though.
"Hey! I can see you running!" He picked up Austria and ran after him.
Before they knew it they were in the gift shop and Prussia had bought way too much aquarium memorabilia.
"Look at this guy!" He shoved it into Hungary's face, "look at him and I really mean LOOK AT HIM."
"Prussia there are more important things to be dealing with right now like maybe," he fake coughed, "the unconscious person in my arms!?"
"Hmmm, I have to disagree. What if you go find Germany while I stay here with the loser?"
"Why not?" He pouted.
"Because who knows what'll happen if I leave you with him! For all I know you could throw him in the shark tank!"
"I would never," he chuckled, telling otherwise.
Hungary shook his head, "where should we go? Honestly I think we shou-"
"AAAAAAAH." the suddenly awake Austria screamed.
"Food court."
They quickly ran to the food court, Austria still in Hungary's arms.
Hungary soon put Austria down when they went to grab the food they wanted.
"20 dollars for a pizza and fries!? This is seriously a rip off," Prussia complained as he looked at the price on the register.
"We're at an aquarium, I don't know what you expected," Austria suddenly seemed weirdly calm.
"I expected the pizza to NOT be 12 dollars!"
"Guys, relax. I'll pay for anything you can't afford," Hungary said before paying for his meal.
"Thank god because there are A LOT more things I wanna buy from the gift sho-"
Hungary stopped him before he was going to say any more, "I meant needs, not wants."
Prussia pouted as he walked over to their table.
They all walked over to their table.
"Ew, this pizza is NOT worth 12 dollars by the way. The fries are good though."
"If you're going to criticize food, at least post it on the internet," Austria replied, scrolling through posts with his left hand and eating with his right.
"Excuse me, I don't live on the internet, mister wise guy."
He looked up at him, "okay mister “I make videos in our basement” guy."
Prussia shook his head, "whatever, it doesn't matter," he uncharacteristically seemed to end this argument.
Austria rolled his eyes and went back to scrolling.
Hungary pondered this exchange, glancing between the two. Usually Prussia wouldn't shut up until Austria or him made him but he just shut up himself. There were different vibes than usual, he wondered what it was.
He considered asking them blindly but that seemed like a terrible idea, so he sat and watched their mannerisms.
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Germany's Dream
Germany opened his eyes, looking around in confusion as he didn't see anything but pure white far and wide.
"Hey," he heard from in front of him as he looked in that direction.
"Before you ask, I'm you but from the opposite side of the gender spectrum. Gender is quite an interesting topic, isn't it," she stared at him with a gaze that to most would seem cold and unloving, but he could see a bit of emotion inside of her.
"I would ask "who are you" but you already answered that… but what are you?"
"I'm a country."
"But-" he sighed, "never mind that."
"I think it's better to start talking than to ask about my existence and me existing here."
"What do you want to talk about then?" He asked.
"Oh," she chuckled awkwardly, "I got these new headphones recently, aren't they cool? More and more headphones are becoming wireless and phones aren't allowing headphone jacks so I thought I'd buy myself a pair."
"Hm, interesting. I don't really play music that much so I don't really have a use for them."
"Oh you will."
"H-huh? What do you mean by that?"
"You'll learn why soon enough."
"What do you mean?"
She sighed, "I mean, you'll learn soon enough you're not normal in comparison to your co-workers, you'll need more help than the average human or even country. It's something you'll just have to deal with, whether you like it or not. Talk to-" before she could say anything more, she disappeared.
"Wait!" He yelled before she turned into nothing, an arm reached out to her before he woke up from his dream.
"Wh-" He looked at his arm, reached out as it was in the dream.
He took a deep breath and shook his head as he turned to face the other person in bed with him.
"Italy, (crowd cheering sound effects) I had a really weird dream."
Italy slowly opened his eyes and sat up, "Hmm what was it about? Was it one of those weird dystopia dreams again?" He asked as he stretched.
"Nono, I saw another version of me, but she was different than me."
"Weird, but aren't dreams weird? I think we should just cuddle the night away!" He cheered as he wrapped his arms around the other.
Before they could sleep in peace Romano (more cheering sound effects) came through the door.
"I'm breaking and entering and you bastards can't do anything to stop me. Spain's being a pain in the ass again, now where's your guest room."
"Next room to the right," Germany stated.
"Okay," Romano left the room.
Italy looked a little confused, "why is he staying here? We have different rooms at home."
Germany shrugged as they cuddled and slept to their heart's content.
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Nyotalia Shenanigans
"Listen to me! You should be worshiping me for just being here but you sit on your ass and sleep!? How dare you!"
Prussia opened his right eye to see a silver haired lady straddling him on the bed. Like literally she was standing on his bed.
"And who are you again?" He asked as he sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"Are you stupid? Or are you just an asshole? I'm the one, the only, Prussia of course!" She stated, striking a couple of poses as she spoke.
Prussia chuckled into his fist, "you're not the only one if I'm right here!"
"Well this is going to get annoying isn't it…" She scratched her head.
"Why don't I call you Prussia 2? Since you are the second gender after all-" he snickered.
"Gender politics are unnecessary, and I say otherwise. You should be Prussia 2 because I had to come to your lame bedroom instead of my, gorgeous beautiful awesome never seen before, bedroom!"
"It's been seen before, just not by me, lol."
"Shut up! Who gave you the right to make fun of me!? The awesomest girl in the world!" She pointed a finger at his face.
"You're standing on my bed, that gave me the right."
She quickly jumped off, pouting to her heart's content. "You're truly the worst, you know that?" She sat on the side of the bed, crossing her arms.
"I'm you, dumbass. If I was truly the worst then aren't you as well?"
"It doesn't matter! Anyways I have something to show you.~ Something you definitely don't have," she held out her hand and magically a very pretty lady appeared.
"This is my girlfriend, you probably don't have a partner, you kinda look like a virgin loser," she snickered.
"I am not a loser! I- I have a boyfriend!"
"Oh. We're not so ahead of your timeline now I see. Sad, and I thought you were gonna stay single forever, boo hoo," she pretended to cry.
"This feels unnecessary," the very pretty lady deadpanned.
"You're unnecessary!" She huffed.
"Wait a sec," Prussia sat up a bit, "didn't you have longer hair the last time I saw you?" He asked, pointing to her hair.
The pretty lady puffed her hair, "hm, I guess so," she smiled with malintent, "do you like it, pretty boy?"
"Ah- uhmmmm," he exploded again.
"Stop flirting with the boy version with me! I know you're bisexual but come on!" She huffed, trying to shoo her away.
She chuckled, "come on, what's the harm in a little fun?"
"I know you have standards! And he's under them!! Look at him, who would want to date him!?"
On cue, his boyfriend came in, "Prussia I can't find the- what the hell."
"I can explain. Wait no I can't."
"Hey male version of Austria, do you think I'm sexy?" Fem Prussia did a little wink at him.
"No," he stated bluntly as he walked over to the rest of them.
"Haha, loser!" Prussia laughed at his own expense technically.
"You're not sexy either, Prussia."
He pouted, "how rude! I am so awesome and cool and epic and- and you still don't call me sexy!?"
"I like you for you Prussia, not for what you think you are," he rolled his eyes.
"Hey boy toy-" fem Prussia grabbed Austria and forced him by her side, "don't you think my girlfriend is sexy!?"
He took a glance at her and it felt like he was looking in a really fucked up mirror, "she looks exactly like me but girl, I can't really say anything or it'll be selfcest."
"BORING!" She tossed him aside, "I think she's sexy and beautiful and the best girlfriend I could ever have," she hugged her arm.
Fem Austria chuckled, "thanks sweetie."
"When I die."
"I can't believe he hates me like this!"
"Anyways, and here's my beautiful sister!" She snapped her fingers and fem Germany from the smoke.
"Why did you bring me here this time," she crossed her arms.
"Just to be seen!" She smiled.
"I was in the middle of a different dream, now he's gonna wake up…"
"Dream?" Prussia asked.
"Yeah, and you're probably gonna wake up soon, no lucid dreaming for you bitch!"
Just as expected, he woke up to Austria shaking him, "WHO WERE YOU DREAMING ABOUT."
"It was just the girl version of you, relax."
He let go, awkwardly looking away, "oh. That's awkward."
"Yeah, obviously."
"So anyways…"
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The Date (Part 4b) (Final Part)
Prussia woke up many hours later, just in time for dinner!
Prussia sat up and stretched, knocking into something fleshy on the way up, "huh…" He opened his eyes to see he was definitely not in his room, "AUSTRIA!? WHAT HAPPENED!?"
"Please specify."
"No, if we did I would have started this conversation with how big your dick was or something. You did, however, tell me how much you wanted to date me and kissed me…"
Prussia's face quickly turned bright red, "wh-wha-"
"What? Are you going to tell me that was your first kiss?"
Prussia hid his face in his hands.
"It was your first kiss, wasn't it. And you don't even remember it, how sad."
"So… you know everything now… do you…"
"Yes I do like you as well. Wow, saying it to drunk you first really was a confidence booster."
"Why are you saying this all so nonchalantly!?"
"I told you, I said it before. The first time sounded so bad so thankfully you don't remember any of it."
Prussia rolled his eyes, "well great because now you're gonna make fun of me for having this unawesome pissy feelings…"
"I think I am the least of your worries when it comes to your "pissy feelings."
"What do you mean by that," he looked in another direction.
"I mean exactly what I said."
Prussia swallowed the lump in his throat, "so uhm-"
Austria grabbed his hand and put it against his own face, "you know, you're allowed to kiss me, right."
"W-what," he glanced at Austria for a second before looking away, sweating furiously.
Austria rolled his eyes as he smiled, "I'm waiting."
"Are you sur-"
"I'm very sure, Prussia. I'm literally giving you my permission, unlike last time where you thought me requiting was an excuse for you to start puckering lips."
Prussia pretended to not hear what he said, crossing his arms.
"Okay, we get it, you're nervous about this," then he said in a smug tone, "do you want me to start?"
Prussia explodes, trying to not seem like he just exploded, he looks the other way.
"You're going to have to give me a response," he pulled his face back facing his.
"You can start," he bit his lip.
"Good," he inched closer to him, glancing at the other every now and then until their lips eventually touched.
Describing kissing is gross and unawesome so they did the kiss. (I ruined the moment)
"So, how was your first kiss?" Austria chuckled with a smile on his face.
"Second kiss, actually," he reminded him.
"It's the first for you, you don't remember the real first one."
"You're so annoying you're pissing me off," he flicked his forehead.
"Ow- that was unnecessary."
"And so are you!"
Austria raised a brow, "says you."
Prussia pouted, "Shut up you stupid aristocrat!" He yelled before starting up another kiss.
Unluckily for these 2 horny countries Germany opened the door to tell Austria food was ready and he couldn't find Prussia. He found Prussia.
"Oh. I was waiting for you guys to just tell me but I guess this works too. I'll leave you two be," he shut the door as the other two were absolutely bamboozled.
"I'm more surprised that he didn't knock," Austria let go of the other man.
"Does he usually?" He thought for a second, "hm, I guess he does."
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Chapters: 14/14 Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Austria/Prussia (Hetalia), Germany & Prussia (Hetalia) Characters: Prussia (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia) Additional Tags: I forgot there are tags on ao3, oh no, Brothers Germany & Prussia (Hetalia), Awesome Prussia (Hetalia), Very Awesome Prussia (real), Prussia-Centric (Hetalia), Modern Era, Not Canon Compliant, I have fun here, mentioned poland, Mentioned Romano - Freeform, autistic prussia, Trans Prussia (Hetalia) Summary:
Wonder what has Prussia been doing in his day to day life? Learn here ft his bulky camera.
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The Date (Part 4a)
Prussia woke up many hours later, just in time for dinner!
Prussia sat up and stretched, knocking into something fleshy on the way up, "huh…" He opened his eyes to see he was definitely not in his room, "AUSTRIA!? WHAT HAPPENED!?"
"Please specify."
"No, if we did I would have started this conversation with how big your dick was or something. You did, however, tell me how much you wanted to date me and kissed me…"
Prussia's face quickly turned bright red, "wh-wha-"
"What? Are you going to tell me that was your first kiss?"
Prussia hid his face in his hands.
"It was your first kiss, wasn't it. And you don't even remember it, how sad."
"So… you know everything now… do you…"
"Yes I do like you as well. Wow, saying it to drunk you first really was a confidence booster."
"Why are you saying this all so nonchalantly!?"
"I told you, I said it before. The first time sounded so bad so thankfully you don't remember any of it."
Prussia rolled his eyes, "well great because now you're gonna make fun of me for having this unawesome pissy feelings…"
"I think I am the least of your worries when it comes to your "pissy feelings."
"What do you mean by that," he looked in another direction.
"I mean exactly what I said."
Prussia swallowed the lump in his throat, "so uhm-"
Austria grabbed his hand and put it against his own face, "you know, you're allowed to kiss me, right."
"W-what," he glanced at Austria for a second before looking away, sweating furiously.
Austria rolled his eyes as he smiled, "I'm waiting."
"Are you sur-"
"I'm very sure, Prussia. I'm literally giving you my permission, unlike last time where you thought me requiting was an excuse for you to start puckering lips."
Prussia pretended to not hear what he said, crossing his arms.
"Okay, we get it, you're nervous about this," then he said in a smug tone, "do you want me to start?"
Prussia explodes, trying to not seem like he just exploded, he looks the other way.
"You're going to have to give me a response," he pulled his face back facing his.
"You can start," he bit his lip.
"Good," he inched closer to him, glancing at the other every now and then until their lips eventually touched.
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The Date (Part 3b)
"Let go of me," Austria said sternly, but Prussia didn't listen.
"Mmm, how about you shut the fuck up?" He then smiled fakely.
"Says you! Just let go of me already!" He tried to pull away to no avail.
Prussia made uncomfortable noises as his grip tightened.
"What the hell do you want!?"
"...'m tired…"
"Then go to your room and sleep!"
"But I'll fall down the stairs…"
Austria raised an eyebrow, "you'll be fine."
Prussia didn't respond and continued to pout at him.
"What the hell do you want? To sleep in my room!? Please don't-"
"Cuz your bed is bigger, duh."
Austria rolled his eyes, "fine, but don't track all your gross dirt in there, got it?"
"What gross dirt," he looked at himself, clean as he could be for a drunk man.
Austria shook his head, "nothing. Do… you need to be dragged to my room?"
He watched his hand open and close to check his reflexes, "do you know what that means," he pointed to his hand with his other hand.
"Okay good because I don't either."
"I'm just gonna assume the answer is yes…" He took a deep breath before grabbing Prussia and dragging him to his room, dropping him multiple times in the process.
When he got Prussia onto the bed he flopped onto the other side, "oh god- I think I'm going to die now."
"You're being dramatic, you're fine. Plus you look very submissive and breedable right now."
"It's a meme."
"I don't like it."
"Good for you I guess."
"Anyways, if you really want to go to sleep, you should probably get yourself in the covers. I'll be on my phone until I need to pee."
Prussia whined as he got himself in the covers, "why must you always ignore meee…"
"Hm?" He looked away from his phone.
"Why must such a cute boy look away from me? Aren't I awesome enough to gravitate your attention?"
"You're not making any sense."
Prussia suddenly got on top of him and started yelling, "I LIKE YOU A LOT AND SOMETIMES I WISH YOU COULD JUST LOVE ME BACK SO I COULD GO ON CUTE DATES WITH YOU!!"
Austria blinked slowly, "...wh-wha…"
Prussia immediately backed up, "oh no…"
"No Prussia- I just didn't expect that out of you…"
"But yes… I have felt similar feelings for a while, ugh this is embarrassing-"
With a drunkass Prussia thinking that was consent, he kissed him dead on the lips, pulling away a second or two later.
"Wh-what the hell…" He just laid there, shocked.
"Mmm, I'm tired. Bye," he then immediately passed out, leaving Austria to have many thinking thoughts.
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The Date (Part 3ish)
It must've been no less than 10 minutes when he saw Prussia stumbling back to their table.
"Oh god you're drunk, was there free alcohol in the bathroom or something?" He asked somewhat condescendingly.
"Shut the fuck up and just let me eat…" Prussia ended the conversation then and there.
They ate their food and then Austria paid the bill before ordering dessert since Prussia looked too off for him to sanely last that long.
Austria dragged Prussia to the car (Prussia didn't want to move) and seatbelted him in before going onto his side and seatbelting himself.
After they got home Austria was once again dragging him into the house.
As soon as they got into the house Austria had a staring contest with Germany, who wasn't even looking at him, until he felt too awkward to keep looking away.
"What happened this time?" He asked, shaking his head.
"This buffoon got drunk at lunch! Please take care of him while I go take a shower-" but before Austria could move an inch Prussia had his grasp on him.
Germany chuckled, "I guess you're not showering then."
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"Why are you showing me pictures of Italy and Romano," Prussia raised an eyebrow as he looked up and down between Spain's stupid looking face and the silly photos he had of Italy and Romano in his wallet.
"They're my babies!"
"They're in their twenties, they are not your "babies."
"You would understand more if you lived with them."
"No I wouldn't, anyways I wanted you to help me go shopping, not drool about your "children."
"Am I drooling?" He put a hand over his mouth, taking it literally.
"No and we're in the middle of a supermarket, please start moving before you clutter up the aisle," he started pushing the cart as Spain followed behind.
"What do you even need me here for? You seem to be doing fine by yourself," he did a thinking pose.
"Oh, you're not here for the shopping part, you just talk to the register people. The last time I waited in line at this store people pointed at me like I was a zoo animal."
Spain was actually confused, "why? Because you're a dead country?"
"No? I don't think people of the new generation know what a Prussia is. They just see my appearance and think I'm weird," he pointed to his eyes, and then his god awful fashion sense.
"Your clothes are over a decade old now… fashion wise…"
"Hey! I'm just trying to live my life to the fullest! Aren't 2000's clothes cool now?"
"Not the way you're wearing them," Spain took the cart and rolled around a bit, "also you want some good cheese suggestions from me?" He pointed to himself, "I have the best ones!"
Prussia rolled his eyes, "fine, but no blue cheese this time! That shit tasted like nail polish!"
Spain chuckled and got him a blue cheese dip anyways, silly guy.
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Prussia has no views
"I can't believe this," Prussia looked at the view count on his "videos," "22, 98, I can't believe it! Why did invading America's privacy 7 years ago get more views than my actual real life!?" He pouted as he continued to refresh the tab, getting excited when he saw it go from 98 to 99.
Prussia continued to do this until he decided to make a new video instead, "HELLO VIDEO PEOPLE! IT'S ME AGAIN, THE AWESOMEST PRUSSIA. AND I AM HERE TO SAY…" He looked around before speaking as that kind of hurt his throat, "WHERE ARE YOU PEOPLE!? I used to get 50 views on each part but now it has 20 views TOTAL!! INSANE!! What's wrong with you people!? I tried to segway from America's dumb diary to here but it didn't work at all! Why does no one wanna see ME!?" he tried to even his breaths to no avail, "DO I REALLY SUCK THAT MUCH!?" He was tempted to throw the camera and end the recording there but the smart part of his brain went against that, instead he just ended the recording normally.
"I'm not posting that…" Prussia put a hand over his face, "I sound so stupid and needy… they need to think I'm like… awesome and stuff- bECAUSE I AM! OBVIOUSLY!" Eventually he gave into his emotions and let himself cry over such a "stupid" thing. Crying is good for you, ya know.
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The Date (Part 2)
After a nice chat with Germany, Prussia walked up the stairs to Austria almost ready to leave.
“Oh? You're coming?” he asked sincerely.
“Of course!” Prussia responded, “free food, duh!”
Austria rolled his eyes, “are you seriously only coming for the free food?”
Prussia only chuckled as he followed Austria to his car.
"Ugh, you're so annoying, you know that?" Austria got into the car, Prussia followed behind.
They put on their seat belts (important) and had an eerily quiet ride to the restaurant. 
"Are you seriously only coming for the food? You don't enjoy my company at all?" He asked again.
"Mmm, ask me when I've had a few beers and then I'll answer your question," that smug bastard.
"They don't sell beer here."
"I know, I just don't know what the plural of "wine" is lol. Wines?"
"Anyways, let's get inside, our reservation is literally right now," he walked inside, Prussia following behind.
They eventually got inside, as they parked a while away from the place at hand. Prussia was complaining about how sunny it was.
"It wasn't even sunny out, what are you talking about."
"It's bright! My eyes hurt!"
Austria rolled his eyes and eventually he got the staff to guide them to their table.
The waiter asked for their drunk orders and obviously Prussia wanted alcohol as he said before. Austria just ordered juice as he knew he had to be the designated driver whether or not Prussia was drunk.
As soon as the waiter left they awkwardly stared at each other until one of them eventually talked.
"Prussia, why are we having a staring contest."
"Ha! I won. Anyways, that was fun. We should do it again sometime."
Austria blinked confusingly, "what."
"Wait, was that a joke? That wasn't a very funny joke."
"We weren't literally having a contest, you were just staring at me for a very long time," he explained.
"Oh. Anyways, have you seen any of my awesome videos recently? I haven't made one in a while- doesn't matter, still awesome."
"Uhm, no actually. You haven't told me your channel…"
"Oh, I forgot… again. I'll have to send you the link, they're very awesome and cool."
Austria chuckled, "yeah, definitely. Also how has your day been so far? I- wait never mind."
Prussia covered the grin he had on his face, "you idiot, you literally saw everything."
"I… I don't know, I was just trying to make conversation."
"You fucking idiot," he said playfully, "god that's why I-" he coughed into his fist, "weird tangent I was going on…"
"Hm? What did you mean by-"
"Nothing, nothing."
"God I'm so stupid, why did I almost say that out loud!?"
"Alright… also how's that wine? I assume it's nice or something since you've dranken almost all of it."
Prussia nodded with a somewhat fake smile on his face, "not the best I've had but, it gets the job done I guess."
The waiter then came and asked what they wanted to order, Prussia had an interesting choice.
"Why the hell did you order pizza!?"
Prussia shrugged, "I wanna taste their pizza, duh."
"Out of all the fancy options," he pointed to the menu, "you got the pizza."
He nodded, "yup."
Austria shook his head and made his order, the waiter then left.
"I still can't believe you ordered pizza of all things," he crossed his arms.
"And I can't believe you ordered seafood, gross."
He glanced at Prussia, "what's that supposed to mean?"
"It means what I said, seafood is gross."
"And what does this have to do with you? I'm not going to force you to eat it."
"But you are going to force me to smell it, and that shit smells disgusting."
"I don't know why I invited you, honestly Romano would've been a better choice and he wouldn't have eaten anything."
"They have pizza here, he would've eaten."
Austria shook his head, "I'd rather be attacked by him than awkwardly talk with you."
"Fine then! Your talking privileges have been taken from you," he crossed his arms and looked away.
"What do you mea-"
"No more talking!"
Austria rolled his eyes and went on his phone instead.
After a while Prussia did indeed give up on the no more talking thing, "fine! I give up! I can't take it!!" He put his face on the table in desperation.
Austria glanced at him before going back on his phone, "mhm, sure you are."
"Wait what."
Austria put his phone away, "what?"
"That didn't make any sense, sure I am what? Giving up?"
Austria just shook his head and luckily the waiter came to stop these idiots from dying of cringe. And then the waiter left as fast as they got there.
"I see you asked for a refill…" Austria muttered.
"Excuse me for trying to get through this bullshit. You're so annoying, you know that?"
"Hm? Please do explain."
"Well first off," he stood up for some type of effect, "you always berate me no matter what I'm talking about! You always disagree with me! Do you do it on purpose or something!?"
Austria raised a brow, crossing his arms, "says you, fire starter."
"You!" He sat back down but accidentally slamming his fists, making the silverware clank.
"I am literally just saying what you know is true. You're a narcissistic idiot that doesn't know what the hell you're doing."
Prussia awkwardly looked at the wall before storming off to the bathroom.
Austria shook his head as he started eating his food.
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Austria was walking down the hallway when he found a very unexpected occurrence, Prussia, crawled up on the floor, crying, of all things.
“Prussia, are you okay?” he asked as he kneeled down to his level.
In reaction, Prussia tried to wipe his tears away, “yeah I’m fine, I just uh- bit my tongue.”
"Really?" He raised an eyebrow, "I'm not that dense. Do you want some of the bakery cake that bad?"
"What does you eating cake have to do with anything."
"No I was letting you have some of my cake."
"Oh… thanks," he slowly got up, glancing at Austria before walking to the kitchen.
"Are you really that food motivated!?" He chased after him, "I thought you were crying over something important!"
"I told you I wasn't crying, I just bit my tongue," he took a piece from the enclosed case and served himself on a plate.
Austria shook his head, he was never going to get the truth out of him, was he.
"Finally something good's happening… it feels like the world's against me today…" Prussia thought as he took a deep breath and then dug into the newly acquired cake.
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The Date (Part 1)
"Hey… Prussia?" Austria quietly opened the door, peeking through.
Prussia turned off his phone and looked at him, "what's up."
"Oh. I-um… just wanted to ask if you wanted to go out to lunch… sometime, maybe tomorrow. I may or may not have already made a reservation and if you don't go I'll have to invite someone else because Germany is also busy and-"
"I'm not busy, I can go… but only if you're paying," he smirked.
"You…! Whatever. It doesn't matter. But I do need you awake before noon, is that possible…?"
"We'll see about that," he went back on his phone.
"Ugh, whatever. If you don't wake up I'll have to wake you up myself," he said before leaving the room.
What Prussia didn't know is that he would commit to that promise.
Prussia was very asleep at 11:30am and Austria ran into the room and started shaking him, trying to get him awake.
He shook his head, "whatever, I'll just shower you… he wouldn't mind… right?" He grabbed the unconscious body and dragged him to the bathroom.
He stripped him mostly, but kept on his underwear because he's not going to do that without his permission and got him in the shower, sitting on a stool.
Yes Prussia was leaning against him but Austria wasn't exactly focused on that.
As soon as the water hit him he was somewhat magically awake, "Austria, what the hell… wait. WHY THE HELL AM I NAKED!?"
"That's incorrect, I didn't take off your underwear."
"Still!" He crossed his arms, "you could've just sprayed water in my face or something if you really wanted to wake me!"
"I literally yelled for a straight minute! It hurt my throat… also where did your dick go."
"Ya know like dick and balls. I swore you had them the last time I rememb-"
In that time Prussia had grabbed the shower head and sprayed him with the water, then shoving him out of the bathroom so he could shower by himself. 
Austria, the now wet faced drama queen he is, lays on the couch elegantly, he notices Germany and asks for advice, "Germany… what did I do wrong this time?"
Germany glances for a second before going back to his lame nerd book, "well, from what I remember he doesn't really like to be touched…"
"Also I swear he had a dick before!" He sat up.
"That is… a little bit unnecessary.'
"It was bigger than mine! Very visible!"
"Can we not."
Austria rolled his eyes, "fine but… I just wanted him to come with me for lunch… I literally warned him I'd drag him out of bed…"
"Maybe he didn't take it literally? I don't know, I don't take things you say very literally."
"Whatever… when he's out of the shower can you talk to him for me? Please? I assume he probably isn't in a good mood with what I did to him… and I'd rather him be in a good mood when we go out…"
"Fine, but don't expect anything to magically get better."
After Prussia was done showering and in his room Germany slowly made his way down the stairs to knock on his door.
"I don't want to talk."
"It's your brother."
"Fine, you lucky bastard."
Germany opened the door and made his way to sitting on his bed, "Austria is apparently sorry or something."
"Of course he is, but is he really? Or doesn't he just wanna go on that lame lunch date thing."
"I assume both."
"Also I don't believe he knows."
"Doesn't know wh- oh. Is he really that dense?"
"He's just confused at the moment."
"My dick is in a bag, sorry I don't wear it to sleep… fucking weirdo."
Germany chuckled and Prussia was proud of himself for that.
"Hell yeah! A chuckle out of west is a chuckle out of me!"
"What does that even mean?"
"Everything and nothing!"
"You should probably go on that date soon, I assume you said that he's paying."
"Hell yeah! Free food!"
"Hell yeah," he mimicked Prussia's multiple uses of "hell yeah."
"Hell yeah!" He repeated.
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The plan was simple, knock on England's door and then have him answer and then annoy him to death, easy peasy right. Not so easy peasy. First off, he didn't answer the door, second off, he left it completely unlocked and Prussia still doesn't know why to this day.
He walked around wordlessly but not before taking off his shoes because it's gross to have shoes on in the house, at least that's what people tell me.
He eventually saw some flashing colors and decided to follow the lights and sounds that came from the basement…
"Ah!" He then turned around and realized it was just Prussia, "oh my god, what the bloody hell is wrong with you? Just barging into my house like that? Without even knocking!?"
"I knocked a lot of times actually, but anywayssss what you up to," he asked as he scooted closer to the experiment he was working on.
"It's a potion to hopefully stop Russia from coming through the floor again. It's very specific so don't touch anything."
"Whatever slay queen," he says because he's cringe and free.
"The queen is dead," he says monotonously before putting in another ingredient.
"I wasn't talking about-"
"I'm autistic, don't."
"You're artistic?"
"No autistic."
"No I swear to god, I said autistic."
"Is that a new sexuality?"
"No, that's aromantic… also, that's not a sexuality."
"Damn I didn't know you were gay alright."
"I'm done reacting to you," he turned back to his potion before putting the last bottle in, yes bottle and all.
After a while of stirring, the potion was finished, "great! Now I can finally deal with this "humans coming out of my floor" problem," he purposely knocked over the potion, letting it seep into the red carpet.
"Gross, my feet are stained now," he looked down at the potion seeping into every corner.
"Why the hell are you barefoot."
"And "why the hell" are you wearing shoes indoors."
"Because I was aware of the experiment I was trying."
"Well I sure wasn't!"
England sighed, shaking his head, "never mind that. Why are you even here anyways?"
"Germany said something something… I forgot actually…"
"God I hate you sometimes, I'm going to text him and ask," he got out his phone and asked, he just needed some milk for dinner that they were missing.
"Well, dinner's definitely done by now, it feels a little too late to get that for them now, wanna stay for tea?"
"Nah I don't want that pissy shit-"
"I'll make it alcohol."
An hour later England was passed out drunk while Prussia was just sitting there, bored as all hell. Like yeah maybe he drew marker on his face as soon as he passed out because it was funny, but he felt a bit bad for the man so he grabbed a blanket from the living room and threw it on him in a rush before running back out of the house.
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Prussia was invited to Denmark's super important awesome trio meeting, and by that I mean that they were going to play video games for 4 hours straight.
They had settled in fine, great even, but after the first hour, Prussia was feeling… tired. Weirdly tired, something he hadn't felt in a good long time.
He couldn't really focus on anything so he said he'd sit out of the next round… and then the next and then the next…
"Hey, are you doing alright?" Asked a somewhat concerned Denmark.
He blinked and looked his way, "Oh yeah I'm fine. Just kinda tired."
"Are you sure because- never mind that I'ma bring you somewhere," Denmark grabbed his arm and forced him into a room and sat him down.
"There ya go! Now have fun in there!" He said before slamming the door shut.
Prussia looked around in confusion, not just because Denmark forced him into a random dark room, but also because he didn't even remember most of coming here, it was mostly a blur, weirdly.
He noticed a lot of weird things, including glow and the dark stickers on the wall before finding a very comfortable spot in a bean bag chair. He questioned for a bit longer what this place was before the door opened and a new friend made his way inside.
"Hey, what is this place?" He asked, hoping the new person would answer.
"There's a sign on the door," he pointed to the sign that read "sensory break room" on it, "I know you're stupid but I didn't know you were illiterate. Geez, we got a graphic designer for that too…" Norway stepped inside and sat down on a chair that was there.
"Wow, talkative much?" Prussia pushes his luck.
"I'm done talking, the reason why I'm here is to be at peace for once," he then stared into nothing.
"Am I not allowed to ask what a "sensory break room" is!?" Prussia pouted.
"It's for people with sensitive ears to have a break from the world."
"That's it? Why is the room so big then?"
"How is he more annoying than Denmark," Norway irritatedly asked himself.
"No more questions, I want to relax."
Prussia fiddled with his fingers while Norway continued to stare into nothing until the door opened again.
"What are you in for," Norway asked, not looking away from the wall.
"Bug," Sweden sat down next to Norway, in which Prussia immediately started freaking out.
"Uhhh what do you mean bug??"
Sweden just stared at him and freaked him out even more.
"He probably just stepped on a bug or something, it's happened before," Norway responded. Weirdly chatty today…
'What's that gotta do with ears-"
"Shutthefuckup shutthefuckup…"
"The one time I'm serious-"
They were luckily interrupted by Iceland coming in the room so Norway and Sweden didn't both individually beat him to death. 
"What are you in for little bro?" His disposition suddenly got a lot more smug.
Iceland rolled his eyes, "you're so annoying… but it's just loud out there ya know," he also sat down next to Norway.
"Hey if it's so loud out there why not we just kick them out?" Prussia asked.
Norway raised a brow, "you were invited too, would you like to be kicked out?"
"Honestly I'd rather than have to deal with all of you wet socks."
"Sock," Sweden simply said.
"I am," Norway smirked.
"Ugh! You guys are the worst."
Luckily on cue Denmark opened the door to check in everybody, "holy shit there's a lot of you in here, huh."
"I think America's the problem," Prussia stated, for once the rest of them agreed.
"You wanna… kick him out and then play jackbox?"
"Hell yeah," Norway responded.
"But how are we gonna-" Denmark was interrupted by Sweden pushing past him and magically America was gone.
Then they played jackbox and Prussia was surprisingly good… Norway won though.
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For once, Prussia is in the store alone. Cameraless and without anyone to bounce off of, he's looking through the tech aisle.
"Hm, lame, super lame, super DUPER lame… heh, sound proof headphones? I doubt they'll work. And if they don't I'll just give them as a gift to Austria because he only deserves the worst, ehehe." He grabbed the box and puts it in his cart before going into the next aisle…
As soon as Prussia got home (by uber…do you think he has a license?) he unboxed the headphones and put the rest of the groceries on the floor, yes that includes the now melted ice cream.
He looked for any instructions, which were just normal Bluetooth things before putting them onto his head. And suddenly, all the noise in the world was gone. Through complete whiplash he immediately took them off afterwards, "woah. That's weird."
He thought for a while before realizing how good these could be…
When Austria and Germany came back from their meeting and he heard none of it. None of the talking before they met the door, opening and slamming of the front door, footsteps, none of it was heard by Prussia.
He questioned if they were even home until he took them off in curiosity and realized how loud the real world is.
He rolled his eyes and decided to say hi the newly home dudes.
"Hey how was the meeting," he asked as he sat down at the dining table where Austria was eating a small lunch.
"Boring," Austria replied.
"Infuriating" answered Germany, "they kept talking in circles about nothing… again."
"So to be expected. That's how countries are after all. Anyways what I did today was…"
And then he summarized what we already know, how kind of him.
"No offense, but I wasn't listening," Austria scoffed.
"Well now I can not listen to!" He grabbed the newfound headphones from around his neck and popped them onto his head. "How does it feel!? Dumb ass!!"
"Still not listening," he continued to scroll through Twitter.
Germany had long left to go read a book or something I don't know what lame people do.
"You are SO LAME you know that!? So fucking super fucking lame!!!" He yelled so loud he could hear himself, just to get this man's attention.
"Jesus christ there's no need to scream at me," he put away his phone for once, "what do you wanna tell me now?"
"I give up," Prussia gets up and leaves.
Austria ignores this and goes back to Twitter scrolling.
Prussia, in an annoyed panic, turns to the only one who will listen, his camera of course.
"HELLO CAMERA PEOPLE! IT'S ME!! THE AWESOME PRUSSIA!!! And I am here to say AUSTRIA IS REALLY ANNOYING AGAIN. Why is he allowed to be like that again!? So annoying. I feel like every time I try to talk to him like a normal fucking person he just ignores me or WORSE! HE'S A DOUCHE ABOUT IT!! Like yeah I know sometimes I'm annoying and infuriating and stupid and dumb and other negative words that I can't think of but-" He stops himself there.
He looks at the camera for a second before turning it off.
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