#Prussia Lives Life
"Why are you showing me pictures of Italy and Romano," Prussia raised an eyebrow as he looked up and down between Spain's stupid looking face and the silly photos he had of Italy and Romano in his wallet.
"They're my babies!"
"They're in their twenties, they are not your "babies."
"You would understand more if you lived with them."
"No I wouldn't, anyways I wanted you to help me go shopping, not drool about your "children."
"Am I drooling?" He put a hand over his mouth, taking it literally.
"No and we're in the middle of a supermarket, please start moving before you clutter up the aisle," he started pushing the cart as Spain followed behind.
"What do you even need me here for? You seem to be doing fine by yourself," he did a thinking pose.
"Oh, you're not here for the shopping part, you just talk to the register people. The last time I waited in line at this store people pointed at me like I was a zoo animal."
Spain was actually confused, "why? Because you're a dead country?"
"No? I don't think people of the new generation know what a Prussia is. They just see my appearance and think I'm weird," he pointed to his eyes, and then his god awful fashion sense.
"Your clothes are over a decade old now… fashion wise…"
"Hey! I'm just trying to live my life to the fullest! Aren't 2000's clothes cool now?"
"Not the way you're wearing them," Spain took the cart and rolled around a bit, "also you want some good cheese suggestions from me?" He pointed to himself, "I have the best ones!"
Prussia rolled his eyes, "fine, but no blue cheese this time! That shit tasted like nail polish!"
Spain chuckled and got him a blue cheese dip anyways, silly guy.
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keiksy-cake · 5 months
Hetalia Poll Results pt 3: character who you'd want as a best friend
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I started this one back in October lol. Sorry, I was busy with college and work but I am now a free man!
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[Please note, I’m an amateur in Japanese and have to use various resources and translation machines to help me. If you notice a possible mistake or want clarification, please bring it up to me *politely* and not aggressively or hostile.]
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goldammerchen · 4 months
...there's also some fans that think that gil is alredy dead in canon (not a hc, think that fr), i've seen that before lmao. meanwhile in HWS he has been present in more than one chapter set in contemporary times, while the old heta events were also comtemporary.
gil is not healing like the rest and he's stupid risky, but he's around the others without losing his mind like a human either--i'm gonna write that muahahahañ
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East Prussia / Lithuania minor
My favorite running gag is that Prussia and Lithuania have a love(hate) child and that would be East Prussia /Lithuania minor because of so much shared history between the people there
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breitzbachbea · 2 years
I didn't feel like doing my BBC Ghosts rewatch tonight to wind down and thought "Hm. I've been itching for a good old Daedalic Adventure game anyways, so why not start up Deponia?"
Which ... few things. I apparently last played it in 2018. I also was absolutely right, I needed this and made immediate progress. Most of all however ... Rufus, our protagonist, has such giant hws Prussia vibes. Every single line of dialogue only managed to convince me further. It's him.
Anyways, who's gonna draw me the crossover we all deserve???
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beidak-art · 8 months
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My new, very fresh OC I'm very excited about ♥️ He is, surprise surprise, an awful Teutonic knight seated in one of the commanderies in Prussia at the very beginning of the 15th century, mainly engaged in typical Teutonic activities such as propagation of unwanted faith, harassing Masurians and oppressing pagans by cutting down their sacred trees and raiding their settlements. It goes on until he falls into the trap of a passionate, forbidden affair with a cheeky witch (who is as awful as him, just different way) living on the edge of the bog, and his entire life so far and the firm beliefs and principles that guided him begin to fall apart piece by piece.
Honestly, I craved Teutonic OC for years, and finally having one feels great :]
The story is co-created with my dear @grozat and we make it entirely out of self indulgence ❤️
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cowboy-robooty · 9 months
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MY LE AWEZOME ANGEL DEMON HETALIA AU!!!!!!!!!!!! now lots of this art is old as shit because ive had this in the making for forever.... but its better to unveil it now rather than never amiright? i have a lot more art for this au already drawn and I'll post it later but heres the basic rundown intro to dis world (me trying my best to condense it as much as I can) ^_^
Italy: He's an exorcist with his older brother Romano. They work at a dingy church managed by Hungary and Austria and they both suck at exorcising demons (that's why their church looks like a piece of shit). Italy is a fucking pussy and almost dies all the time, especially because Romano keeps giving him all the ultra scary hardcore demons since he's like "ermm fratello you take this one. i did like 60 easy demons last week go do this one that will definitely kill me". He has Germany wrapped around his finger since one day when he was tasked with exorcising a super scary demon he didn't have enough to sacrifice to successfully summon an angel to come to his aid, so in a fit of panic he instead tried summoning a demon. Germany is the one who appeared and helped out Italy and also generally feels worried for Italy because he's like "how the fuck have you even survived this long?". And now Italy just always summons Germany for help and general bullshit because he found out Germany will literally do anything and goes out of his way to help out Italy and is way cheaper to summon than an angel. He keeps Germany a secret from Austria and Hungary though since they'd FREAK if they knew he had a demon helping him out with literally everything. Italy does exorcisms because he has a goal of ascending his soul to become an angel to reunite with grandpa rome, since as a child him and romano were raised by grandpa rome as their guardian angel. Germany is now helping him out with that goal and also providing him company and cookies. Itager is real but that will be explained more later. His holy item is rosary beads with a cross attached. When an angel weilds it then the beads become a safety wrist strap and the cross becomes a white flag. But in times of need and great synergy it can also become a scythe.
Romano: Italy's older brother who works as an exorcist alongside him. His exorcisms suck for the opposite reason Italy's does. Instead of being too lenient he beats the shit out of demons for pleasure. There's etiquette to exorcisms and Romano does not follow that shit at all. His ass is still crucifying and throwing lighter fluid on demons even after they've completely given up and are waving white flags. Because of this, this actually violates the rules of battles between demons and angels (since you're supposed to stop once the other party admits defeat) and thus in the end gives a penalty which gives them a free pass to fulfill the human's wish with no intervention despite how Romano beat them. He's such a fail exorcist because he fails every exorcism since he gets too into beating demons senseless and then when he encounters an actual scary high level demon he shits his pants and forces Italy to fight them. His ultimate goal is to ascend his soul with his brother in order to reunite with grandpa rome as well. But actually secretly the reason he wants to ascend isn't to reunite to grandpa rome, but rather to reunite with Spain. Since grandpa rome mainly focused on Italy while Spain ended up actually being a guiding figure in Romano's life despite him not officially doing the Guardian Angel program with him. Prumano is also real but that's to be explained later. His holy item isn't holy at all it's just a normal bag of salt. Sometimes he mixes glitter with the salt.
Germany: He's a demon that has just recently come of age. He's a really low ranking demon because of this and only lives within the first circle of hell. He has to provide for not just himself but also his brother Prussia who is a fail demon who sucks at all the jobs he gets and basically was bumming around on couches and shit until Germany came of age and was sent to hell. Prussia acted as a mentor and older brother figure when they were both growing up and Germany thought for sure that Prussia became an angel so he was heartbroken when he was chosen as a demon. But then he found Prussia immediately in hell and is taking responsibility of having his back because they have a strong sibling bond together. His sense of responsibility and competative nature of the job market is why he was the only demon willing to fulfill a summonings request for a priest, since he really needed the money to keep him and Prussia afloat. Him and Italy form a genuine close bond though, and Italy makes a "deal with the devil" later on.
Prussia: He's an absolute fail demon who can't get any of his jobs done so he relies on Germany to make all their money to survive in hell. He usually tags along with Germany when he goes to the human world because he's bored and LOVES the human shit (especially Arbys). This is against the rules, since angels and demons can only go to the human world if they're summoned. But also Prussia is a low-ranking demon who lives in the worst circle of hell, so it's like someone going missing in New York City; people aren't really going to notice. This backfires on him though since whenever he tags along to the human world with Germany he always ends up running into Romano. At first his and Romano's relationship is a pretty painful one since Romano can beat the shit out of Prussia as he likes since Prussia is not in the human world for work, so he can't give Romano any penalties for beating the shit out of him. So really it's just Romano terrorizing Prussia every time he goes to the human world for Arbys. But eventually they fall into a routine together and the initial thrill of beating up a demon as much as he likes wears off on Romano since Prussia keeps giving the same reactions. They end up becoming friends, although Romano would never admit this because he keeps adamantly proclaiming he hates demons and hopes they all die.
Russia: Russia is an exorcist who works at a church run by China. He works alongside America and Canada as fellow exorcists. Him and America have a never ending rivalry because America keeps accusing him of being a satanist. This is true though since Russia actually bats for both teams. He's a priest when it's beneficial for him to be a priest and a satanist when it's beneficial to be a satanist. He usually is a priest though since they're on the winning team. He also doesn't have to sacrifice anything to summon his angels, since he has the baltics as angels that he can summon at will for no charge (because they're terrified of him). Honestly he isn't all that much better than Italy and Romano at his job either, since he constantly scares off clients and has questionable practices. He does this line of work because he just enjoys this line of work and loves all the friends he can make in it. His holy item is a Bible which has a book mark in it. That bookmark marks the spot that separated the holy verses and the satanic verses in his "bible". When he recites these verses they give magical buffs to the demon/angel he is reciting them for. He also has a holy magic metal pipe of pain which is just a metal pipe that he baptized (nobody knows if it actually has holy power in it, since everyone gets knocked out from it instantly).
America: He works alongside Russia in exorcisms and usually they both suck at their job because they constantly tag along with each other to try to one up another. This makes them end up sucking at what they do. He's a priest because he likes feeling like a hero and feels triumph in fighting for "justice". He had England as his guardian angel as a child, but rebelled against him in his teens by denouncing God when he had his emo phase. Now he obviously grew out of it and is a priest now, but his relationship with England is strained because of the emo phase. He's a priest, but always argues against England that he's doing it for himself, not because of England's mentoring since he doesn't even want to ascend his soul. Although ascending would totally be super neat and the most befitting reward for a hero... **looks around**. His holy item is his bottle of holy water. He can splash the water in the air and the water droplets will turn into biblically accurate angel eyes that can shoot rays of light at enemies (super awesome lazer eyes).
England: He's a pretty high ranking angel that acted as America's guardian angel for a while. Not much to say here since I've already explained most of what he has done in America's description. In this AU England sees America as his stupid annoying favorite child son.
France: Not much to say here either. He was Canada's guardian angel as a child and that's about it for priest AU specific lore. He constantly is bickering and fighting with England. Him and England torment Germany because they think that he's a evil demon that infected Italy's mind and a sly bastard for doing work for a PRIEST when an angel is supposed to be helping Italy out. Neither of them think Italy is to blame for Germany and Italy's involvement with each other because Germany is ugly and ugly people are always wrong.
Spain: He basically acted as Romano's guardian angel despite the fact he really wasn't his at all. He mistakenly thought he was assigned him and took up the role, but ended up getting attached and sticking around to raise Romano anyways. He's pretty carefree and just like Spain in the show of course. He has a bad habit of forgetting to mention extremely crucial information though.
China: He runs the church that America, Russia, and Canada work at. He doesn't believe in God at all and is a Buddhist. But he runs the church because to him it's like his corner store business (like a 7/11 but with less mess). He takes care of the finances and such of the church and really does treat the church as if it's just his corner store he owns. This causes China to do a lot of special business events that force Austria and Hungary's church to compete against them since they need money too and if China's going to have a buy one get one free sale then they'll do it too. A running gag that is revealed as the series goes on is that China is correct about everything pertaining to how angels, demons, and humans work.
Japan: He's China's nephew and works as his apprentice at the church. He also does not believe in God nor Buddha, but says he's Buddhist to appease his uncle. He's a college student who's studying to take the DAT at the moment, so he does this as a part time job for money and something on his resume. He often hangs out with Italy since China gives him the job to scope out their "competition" (because he has to make sure the other church isn't doing as well as his) and Japan just ends up hanging out with Italy and Germany a lot. He honestly wishes he was more involved in the adventures they have, but he's too Japanese and not deadass enough to just ask to be invited more often.
Canada: He's America's brother everyone forgets exists and literally the only reason why China's church is so swag and not poor as shit like Austria and Hungary's. Because he's the only priest that actually does proper exorcisms. Everyone forgets he exists, but he's always working in the background and making like 70% of the profits that the church makes lol. His holy items are changed out between crosses, bibles, etc. Because he actually uses his items in a practical sense instead of sticking to one item and acting as if that's his thing now.
- angels and demons are species that gain power from human belief. they are raised together and then when they come of age they are either chosen to become an angel or demon
- because of this angels and demons both have the goal of fulfilling human wishes to gain more belief
- angels are obviously beating the shit out of demons in their never ending competition for human belief magical power. and thus they always get first pick for who becomes an angel while the demons get the leftovers
- angels also generally have much more magical power than demons, so many of them can do cool magical tricks while most demons have to do things manually. That's why demons are often more buff and physically strong since they have to work out to fight.
- angels are chosen not by the goodness of ones heart, but rather how good they are at rizzing and being well liked in order for humans to like them
- because of this, human's understanding of each side's morality is completely wrong since both act as buisnesses (and arguably angels are more corrupt since they play dirty)
- humans do not become angels or demons when they die. their souls reincarnate over and over again.
- different practices such as "selling your soul to the devil" and "guardian angels" and explanations for why demons are regarded as evil will be explained in later posts.
- the social heirarchy and way jobs work within hell and heaven will also be described in later posts
- Angels and demons also are responsible for santa's activies and bond together during the holiday season to reap the benefits of power from children's belief in "santa" (a persona that was created by satan and god together, so they split the power that comes from the belief in it)
- Priests and satanists in this world act as soldiers to stop the opposing angels/demons from fulfilling human wishes.
- they use their holy/satanic items to battle against angels/demons in the area, and if needed use sacrifices to call upon angels/demons to provide aid in battling against whoever they are fighting. The better the sacrifice, the higher quality the angel/demon that appears will be due to the higher pay.
- Their holy/satanic items act as buffs/weapons for their angel/demon that they summoned if they choose to summon one.
- holy items only go with angels and satanic items only go with demons. holy items will always hurt demons and satanic items will always hurt angels.
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radiofreederry · 1 year
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Happy birthday, Magnus Hirschfeld! (May 14, 1868)
A pioneering figure in the field of sexology, Magnus Hirschfeld was born in what is now Poland to an Ashkenazi family, the son of renowned physician Hermann Hirschfeld. After earning his medical degree, Hirschfeld spent some time in the United States and involved himself in the gay scene in Chicago, which would spur him to study sexuality and gender. Hirschfeld was struck by the universality of homosexuality and the fact that gay subcultures existed in most major cities, as well as the rate of suicide experienced by his gay patients. Hirschfeld worked tirelessly to normalize homosexuality in German society and foster greater acceptance, through both academic and political means. In the liberal atmosphere of Weimar Berlin, Hirschfeld found some measure of success, as the Social Democratic government of Prussia had no interest in enforcing federal laws against homosexuality. He founded the Institute for Sexual Research and built an immense archive of works relating to sexuality and gender research. Hirschfeld made the Institute his literal home, living there with his partner Karl Giese and his sister. Hirschfeld's fortunes would turn as first conservative Chancellor Franz von Papen seized the government of Prussia and began to crack down on homosexuality, and then the Nazi Party came to power in Germany. As a gay, Jewish socialist, Hirschfeld was a threefold target for the Nazis, and he never returned to Germany, having already been abroad on a speaking tour when the Nazis took power. The Institute was shut down and then ransacked, with its library burned. Hirschfeld would spend the rest of his life in Nice, France, dying in 1935.
“Soon the day will come when science will win victory over error, justice a victory over injustice, and human love a victory over human hatred and ignorance.”
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headingalaxys-spicy · 5 months
Could you please write a headcanon on how Canada, Russia, Germany, Prussia and England (with England both Arthur and Alice) would react on coming home wile their s/o dozed off on the couch from exhaustion?
Oooooh a chance for some fluff. Here you go 🌟
🇨🇦 Canada 🇨🇦
He would find it cute that you’re splayed all over the couch like an exhausted polar bear after a massive brunch. He would boop your nose and see how many times he can get away with doing so before you wake up. He will even pull out a counter. It takes him a minute to realize that many papers are crowded behind you on the couch. When you finally become conscious, you immediately recognize the concern on his face. You explain that the latest project that will need to be completed by mid-spring has a few issues that have come up. Matthew will offer to make you a hot drink and run your nightly bath. He will put his nose to yours and say:
“I love you my sweet maple.”
🇬🇧 England 🇬🇧
“How adorable,” He will say to himself as he enters the living room that had dimming light from the early evening sun. He snaps his fingers and flying mint bunny appears in a paparazzi outfit. The green bunny was ready to get the scoop. He took impromptu photos while you were in your deep slumber. Arthur saves these photos for a secret scrapbook that he may or may not show you one day. He will walk over to get a better view of your beautiful face. As he removes some of the hair from your face, he can see that the bags under your eyes have expanded over the last few months. He worried about your increasing workload and some of the other things that have been happening in your life. Arthur will stroke your face gently and leave you with a kiss on the cheek.
“I suppose I should prepare some tea.”
🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🌼 England Nyo! 🌼🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
Each time she comes home to you she considers herself lucky. A sense of ease washes over her as you slept soundly on the couch. However, Alice is a bit of a worrywart when it comes to you. You’d been coming home to pass out on the couch daily for the past few weeks. She placed her hand on top of your forehead to make sure you weren’t running a fever. Once she sees that the coffee table is covered in books, documents, and highlighters, she immediately knows the testing season is underway. Alice still thought working this much wasn’t normal, but she was eager to see you achieve your dreams. Out of love and valuing it higher above her ego, she’ll give France a call and ask for assistance in making an incredible meal that tastes great and gets you your energy back.
🇩🇪 Germany 🇩🇪
He’s not so great at describing what his heart feels so a smile graces his face as well as the sudden appearance of butterflies and Edelweiss. This is his standard reaction since most can’t relax within his presence. However, as he came over so that he could have a better view of you he was concerned. A pen was held in your fist while you were face down on some papers as your lungs dragged in oxygen. Ludwig accidentally stepped on some of the documents that had fallen to the floor. This will give him pause and make him question just how strenuous your job has become for you lately. As you let out a yawn and turn yourself over, Ludwig can’t help but admire you for a few moments as you continue your slumber. He will organize your papers and leave you to slumber soundly.
🐥 Prussia 🐥
Gilbert will rouse you from your slumber as he shouts your name loudly as soon as he gets through the door. When he comes to you on the couch, he takes notice of your extremely messy hair, indentations of your skin from the couches’ pillows, and dried-up drool.
“Wow, someone had an insanely crazy nap! You look like you haven’t slept in weeks! Vhats going on with you lately?”
Once you explain that the combination of school and work is beginning to make you reach burnout, Gilbert will be quick to offer to help you with chores. He wants you to be successful and not quit what you’ve started. He will aggressively tussle your hair and pinch your cheeks as he looks you dead in your eyes and says:
“Remember that tassel is worth the hassle!”
🇷🇺 Russia 🇷🇺
Ivan heard you drop like a Nordmann fir passing out in an empty forest. He couldn’t react right away since he was in the middle of a Zoom meeting with his boss. Once he came into the living room to see that you’d already reached the cavernous depths of slumber, he decided it was best to keep you there. A shiver caught his eye as you shifted in your sleep. The late winter frost had taken a bite out of you. Ivan reaches for the blankets draped on the back of the couch. He couldn’t let you freeze, but he also couldn’t let you reach burnout, either. Ivan had noticed that you’d been giving it your all in your career, but you’d never had any energy to spare when you’d gotten home. It was a conversation for a later time, but he kept it in the back of his mind as he took a moment to take in your sleeping face that the winter air had kissed. His giant bear paw hands warm your cheeks as he kisses your forehead. Before he leaves you to rest, he lit up the fireplace to ensure your comfort.
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Chapters: 14/14 Fandom: Hetalia: Axis Powers Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Austria/Prussia (Hetalia), Germany & Prussia (Hetalia) Characters: Prussia (Hetalia), Austria (Hetalia), Germany (Hetalia), America (Hetalia), England (Hetalia), Canada (Hetalia), Denmark (Hetalia), Norway (Hetalia), Sweden (Hetalia), Iceland (Hetalia), Spain (Hetalia) Additional Tags: I forgot there are tags on ao3, oh no, Brothers Germany & Prussia (Hetalia), Awesome Prussia (Hetalia), Very Awesome Prussia (real), Prussia-Centric (Hetalia), Modern Era, Not Canon Compliant, I have fun here, mentioned poland, Mentioned Romano - Freeform, autistic prussia, Trans Prussia (Hetalia) Summary:
Wonder what has Prussia been doing in his day to day life? Learn here ft his bulky camera.
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fanficfish · 11 days
explaining characters in hetalia badly: family member archtype edition
an incomplete list for funsies
just imagine they're all at a big family reunion lol
Germany: The closeted cousin who still hasn't figured it out.
Prussia: The cool older cousin who's jacked up on the remnants of the energy drinks he chugged during finals week trying to study for his med school exams. Probably specialized in kids medicine, but he's too jittery to confirm.
Italy V: The cousin who's a cousin because someone married someone a couple months ago and has no idea about all the ettiquette rules ye and what not to discuss in front of Great Aunt Sarah.
China: Great Aunt Sarah
Italy R: The cousin who's just hit his highschool years, and has decided MHA and Valorant is his whole personality.
England: The one manning the grill.
France: The one actually manning the grill.
America: The guy who's young enough to be your older brother but old enough that he's a dad. Don't worry, he's cool- he won't make you babysit, but he's gonna show up with those kids in biker jackets and they'll do a fun dance to entertain everyone halfway through dinner.
Russia: The uncle that apparently is a war vet. Definitely saw things he shouldn't have seen and you don't leave your kids with him. Tells the wildest stories over dinner though.
Canada: The cousin who you forget exists because he's actually normal. Actuality has probably spiked something.
Japan: The one hiding in a room playing video games. He might share if you ask nicely.
Lithuania: Someone's spouse. Not sure whose, but he made a nice caserole.
Sweden: That one distant relative who you almost forgot to invite.
Finland: The guy who showed up and you're not sure where he came from, but he's kinda fun so no one questions it.
Norway: The one who was forced to tag along with the rest of the family.
Iceland: The one who pretends he doesn't want to be there but he'd show up even if he wasn't invited because the food is kinda good.
Denmark: The one bringing the alcohol and manning the bar you didn't kow you had.
Latvia: The one trying to sneak underage drinks.
Estonia: The one pretending to be a normal person with his "honor student" and "full ride scholarship next year" but is secretly helping Latvia sneak a drink.
Spain: The uncle who's been married ten times.
Switzerland: The one who only showed up because he was begged to. Either ends up in the corner watching the game or in the middle of the table retelling some grand tale.
Liechtenstein: The one bringing all the delicious deserts and a fruit tray and forced Switzerland to socialize.
Austria: The one insisting on putting on the radio the moment the "go ahead" for the food is said. Might have even called up everyone to remind them to bring their instruments.
Hungary: The one who gets everyone dancing the moment Austria whips out the fiddle tunes.
Seychelles: The one who innocently suggested a board game after the dance-off winds down.
Hong Kong: The cousin who sticks around long enough to say hello to the aunts and uncles and grandparents and get some food before hiding in the room with Japan.
Belarus: The cousin who's a movie-cutter highschool "popular girl" and spends the whole time on her phone texting her boyfriend.
Ukraine: The aunt that break up the board game fights and bans it from future events.
Luxenberg: You don't know what he does for a living, but he brings cool stuff for everyone.
Netherlands: The globetrotting uncle who you're pretty sure knows everyone and everything.
Belgium: The cool aunt who's single and living life.
Phillipines and Thailand: The fresh-out-of-collegers cousin who keeps taking photos of everything.
Malaysia: The fresh-out-of-colleger cousin also taking photos but only aesthetic ones.
Taiwan: The aunt that starts making smoothies unprompted.
Monaco: The cousin who brings a book to read in the corenr.
Cameron: The uncle you don't want to get into an argument about sports with. Switzerland does not head this warning.
Greece: The uncle who drove all day and night to get here with a full car, and is now knocked out on the couch.
Turkey: The funny wine grandpa.
Cyprus: The college dropout who now works at a seven-eleven.
Egypt: The cousin who's studying history and is pretty average except you have photographic evidence that he sat next to a pond and talked to ducks for half an hour and was very serious about it.
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More Than Diamonds
Pairing: Prince Friedrich x Princess! Reader Description: Britain has gained themselves a new royalty nearing the debutante ball of 1813. Princess Amelia of Siam was sent as the new Ambassador of Siam. In Britain Princess Amelia was able to find her family, but will that be all? Tags: Tags: Slow burn, Coming of age, Time-Travel, Back to the past, Friends to Lovers, Royalties, Oblivious!FLxObvious!ML, Jealous! Friedrich, Slightly Possessive! Friedrich, Black cat gf, Golden retriever bf Timeline: S1&S2
Princess Amelia of Siam
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"What romance? I have no time for such nonsense. I was merely attempting to forge a diplomatic relation between Siam and Prussia." - Amelia Chaiya Kanika, Princess of Siam
Prince Friedrich of Prussia
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"Truthfully I am afraid. It felt like I'm the only one falling, while she stayed rooted... Unmoved. I want her, yet I do not want to lose what we have... To sacrifice what we have built." - Prince Friedrich of Prussia
Daphne Basset (nee. Bridgerton)
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"Amelia is different... She is uptight and serious, but at the same time extremely intelligent. Unfortunately, romance is a foreign subject for her and I think... There is nobody more fitting to teach her than you." - Daphne Basset (nee. Bridgerton)
Anthony Bridgerton
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"I would say out of all Bridgerton, we are the most similar... Which is why I hope for you to learn from my mistakes. Life is short Mel, you need to enjoy it while it lasts. Doing something you want is not selfish... Loving someone is not selfish." - Anthony Bridgerton
Benedict Bridgerton
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"Say, Mel... What is your idea of fun? One which excludes activities that require you to think? Frankly I think you need it. Go outside, make friends, go to parties and promenades. Have fun. For sometime, forget your responsibilities and live a little." - Benedict Bridgerton
Colin Bridgerton
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"I understand what you meant. How looking at this brought you peace, but Mel... Don't you think you too need to start listening to that advice?" - Colin Bridgerton
Charlotte of Mcklenburg-Strelitz
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"I suppose for him a mere diamond won't do. She must be the epitome of perfection. An intelligent, beautiful and elegant woman. Who fits better for a prince than an actual princess?" - Queen Charlotte
Meet The Cast of 'More Than Diamonds' | More Than Diamonds Master List
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my2phetaliaheadcanons · 9 months
i really enjoyed your yandere allie’s being broken up with post! could you do one for a yandere 2p axis as well? thank you in advance :) sincerely, a yandere lover
(Y/N) stood in the doorway, a bursting duffle bag digging into her left shoulder while her hands tightly grasped the strap. Licking her lips, she murmured.
“I-I can’t do this anymore. We’re over.”
Japan: Kurai’s dull, garnet eyes slowly drifted from the paperwork on his dark, cherrywood desk to his Sakura blossom. He noticed the crystal tears that threatened to bubble over like an unspoken plea for mercy, terrified quivers that made her shake and tremble like a kitten left to die in the coldest December blizzard.
A shark-like smirk split his face as he cooed her pet name. “We have only three days until we are wed, do you really want to dishonor your family by calling it off?”
Trying to leave Kurai’s web is like trying to pull a live rat off a glue trap. He will manipulate you into staying by pulling at your sense of duty. It starts by mentioning all the people who will be disappointed should you two split. If you continue to insist that you are done. Then it will begin to get violent.
Kurai drags you with a bruising grip to a hidden white room, the door locking as he leaves you in isolation. For two weeks all you see is white, even the very food and dishes become that vile color.
At the lock’s click and hinge's squeak, you hoped in vain that Kurai had come to his senses. Finally letting you leave this hell. In reality, you saw red. A lot of red, of much so that he claimed it was to shine the honor that your ‘threat’ had tarnished.
Germany: Groaning, Luther popped his neck with a loud crack as he raised his scarred body from the worn, leather couch. His blond brow raised in a questioning manner. “What are jou talking about?”
He watched with cold, tired eyes as (Y/N) took a deep breath before forcing the horrible statement again from her throat like a lion cub’s first roar.
Chuckling, Luther shook his head as he held his out his calloused hand.
 “Come now, Kätchen. Let’s nap on it before we do anything.”
Shaking her head, (Y/N) backed up. She screamed a loud no, before sprinting down the hall. Her bag swung and bruised her hip as slammed against the wooden door and fumbled with the slippery knob.
The click of the locking mechanism quickly became a loud slam as the door was forced to close again. (Y/N) now frozen still from the man she was trying to escape.
“Vhat made jou think I was asking?”
Luther is quick to forgive. A simple bow to his demands will quell his anger in ways that could be used against him. IF, he wasn’t already suspicious of all behaviors leading up to your foolish declaration. The missing objects, full cardboard boxes hidden in the closet, and failed attempts at distancing yourself from him.
Your announcement is what causes the iron fist to finally drop.
Similar to the ‘fighting and married’ bit, he begins with house arrest while retrieving all the items you’ve sneaked out. Any found attempts of planning to escape will lead Lutz to become more controlling and to harsher punishments.
What makes it worse, is that even on the darkest nights, locked in the rusted, gilded cage and draped in heavy, silver chains, Luther will remain outside the door. Murmuring promises of a better life and love, if only you agree to stay and obey. Forever.
Prussia: It had been two weeks since Wilheim let (Y/N) go. Two weeks of hoping she would return, of hoping she would realize how deeply their souls were intertwined. Fourteen days he had been pained by a wounded heart, that felt like each weak beat may be its last without his Maus.
He could bear it no longer when he watched as she set off with another man. The bright laughter and innocent blushes told him all he needed to know. With the flutter of his cloak, Wilheim set out to reclaim what he had lost.
Wilheim’s long, blood-stained life has taught him a lot. One such lesson is the use of free will. He hopes by letting you go for a time that you will come back, but as the time goes on without even a text from you, Wilheim begins to crack.
His cracks start small by stalking and recording. But as he hears how happy you are to be away and the proud compliments from friends about escaping the abuse, they become large fissures within his psyche
The last straw is your attempt to move on. That was the night he drags you back once the date is done. Questioning you on why you would betray him, did the time you spent together mean nothing?
With eyes like a burning ocean, Wil will force you into a small cell. Its tight walls only allow you to stand or sit. As the days wear on, you’ll find yourself taking comfort in Wilheim by your own volition.
He is the only one to open the door. So, doesn’t he deserve your love?
Austria: Jon cocked his head in a similar fashion to his little bat. Observing her intently as (Y/N) shuffled. She, at first, might have thought it was cute until a demonic laugh erupted from his pale throat. Heavy heaves for breath causing his chest to sink in showing his ribs in the tight, red shirt before expanding outward like an organic balloon, that no one could properly fill.
“That’z a funny yoke meine Queen.” Jon wiped a tear from his red eyes. “But, vhile jou here, did jou pick a place for dinner?”
(Y/N) shook her head quickly and muttered a no. “I-I’m breaking up with you, don’t you understand that?”
A loud sigh came from Jon as he stood from the leather couch. His heeled boots clicked against the wooden floor as closed the distance on the cowering woman.
“Of course I do, but” he looked at his shiny, black polished nails. “if jou really vant to, zhen go for it. Juzt don’t be zurprized vhen zomeone dizappearz.”
Jon lives in an odd mix of delusion and reality. He will take the smallest acts of obedience and view it as you submitting to and loving him. Every moment of rebellion shows him how far he still has to go until you are ready to be his Queen of the Night.
Since, you’ve decided to walk out the front door, consider the threat now a prophecy. He will start with the disappearance of a close friend. At first, you may dismiss it, until a body is found and the red words ‘come home’ are painted on the alley wall.
During your mourning, you try to tell the police of the possible lead. That Jon may be the cause of it all. Yet, it all falls on deaf ears as they explain that man doesn’t exist.
You, wanting justice, decide to confront him and run to his home, expecting a fight. Instead, you find an open door that reveals a dark house. Stepping inside, you feel a cold chill and gasp as the door shuts behind you, locking you in. Before you continue your forced path forward, you notice the shadows move like dancing snakes.
A quick glance and scratching at the light switch reveal no working lights. You scream when you feel the first shadow latch onto your ankle. Attempting to pull you through the floor. Shaking and pulling doesn’t help as more attach, eventually pulling you into an inky blackness. Ensuring that Jon’s pale skin is the brightest thing you see in your world of eternal night.
Spain: Armando’s eyes slowly lifted from the stacks of paper in front of him. His quill rested limply against his rough fingers as he took (Y/N)’s form in wholly.
 He noted her straight lip tremble at its edges, the subtle scrapping of her nails over the nylon bag straps as his silence continued. She shuffled an inch back whenever he twitched or breathed too loud, before shakily regaining the lost ground. Though, she remained tense, ready to bolt at a moment’s notice.
His question shattered the silence like a hammer to a mirror.
“You want to leave me?”
“Y-yes, I do.” She nodded as her heels dug against the wooden floor.
“Well,” Armando stood before walking to a large glass and oak display case. His hand gripped the wooden handle as he opened it, reached in, and pulled out a large, silver axe. “I think that we should let a simple game decide our fate.”
This man isn’t going to let you go. End of story.
But! That doesn’t mean it will be a simple no with slices to disable your legs. No, Armando doesn’t work that way. He’ll have fun by forcing you to play a game, his favorite to be specific.  Axe throwing.
If you are one to see the dark side of his world from the beginning, then you’ll know that your chances are low, even if you have thrown axes before. He won’t play fair, offering damaged axes and using a target that is just a little too far out of reach.
Most likely, you were kept in the dark. Not fully knowing the amount of blood that stained his hands. Your axes are sharp, but the target itself is dry, hardwood. Your muscles were never meant to throw with the power to dent such a mass, and it didn’t. You could only watch in fear as Armando hit consistently a bull’s eye each time from a different angle.
Depending on how badly you lose will determine what comes next. If Armando absolutely destroyed you, then he’ll keep his punishment simple. A quick snip to one of your Achilles tendons and being locked in a room with minimal contact for a couple of weeks with only him to rely on will help subdue your fire without snuffing it.
If you presented a challenge to him, then it would be worse. A debilitating injury to hinder your chances of escape mixed with a strict schedule of labor on the farm and obedience training. This mix will drown any thoughts of rebellion, leaving behind a fearful shell of yourself that is easier to control.
Italy: The silence of (Y/N)’s statement reverberated off the walls as Luciano set his wine glass on the dining room table. His leather-gloved hands came together to intertwine as a chinrest while he leaned back into the wooden chair—a large grin on his face as he sized up his darling fiancée.
“What made you think that was your call? When you agreed to be mine,” He stood, slamming his hands down as he leaned forward on the table, the taunting smile turned to a vicious snarl in a mere blink. “It meant until the day the world stopped turning when Italia would be wiped off the map and forgotten about by the fragile minds of mortal men. NOT because you got cold feet! NOT W-“
“I NEVER AGREED TO THE BLOODSHED!” She sobbed; the dam of emotions finally bursting. “You are nothing more than a monster that feeds off the mutilated flesh of your victims. Always looking for an excuse to kill again!”
(Y/N)’s declaration shocked Luciano like he had been bitten by a hidden viper. His eyes were wide as his focus never left the woman he loved.
She backed up a few steps. Hesitance caused her frame to tremble, before she turned her back to him. “I’m leaving, goodbye.”
It was only a few steps before the sound of maniacal laughter accompanied the sound of whistling metal. 
(Y/N) gasped, before collapsing. As the laughter came closer, she saw three knives embedded within her flesh. All lay within her lower half, making the mere thought of running from the mad Mafioso impossible.
“Oh, Tesoro.” Her head snapped up to view the smiling Italian. “You’ll be staying with me forever.”
After your shouting match and injury, Luciano will decide it's time to retrain. After all, you’ve shown him that your loyalty was false. Nothing more than a piece of tin that needed to be forged into something stronger. Something steadfast.
He will take the time to rebuild you. Each step toward what he wants means healing, rebellion just creates additional injury. Eventually, you’ll either break into a creaked and numbed doll, or you’ll be the perfect wife, trustworthy enough to join Luciano in the flames.
Romano: (Y/N)’s stomach flipped as Fabrizio stepped closer, his questions ignored as she turned her back. She was ready to run, pushing her legs to their limit as she forced her stride to be at its max.
It wasn’t enough.
A small dart with a fuzzy tip, no thicker than the graphite of a #2 pencil and no longer than a standard ballpoint pen, had sailed into her thigh.
The mosquito-like sensation caused her to pause. Gingerly, (Y/N) tapped the object, before pulling it free. As she stared at it the world began to blur and sway. One dart became two, then four and more. Her attempts for balance failed as a numbing sensation crawled from the hit point.
Falling due to weakened legs, (Y/N) gasped as the marble floors caught her. She heard Fabrizio speaking, his voice muffled as blackness started to flood from her periphery. As the drug took its hold, the last thing she felt was the warmth of her devil’s hands.  
To Fabrizio, it was a sin to end the relationship. He has done so much for you; creating fabulous outfits, spoiling you with various luxuries, and most important of all gifting you something precious, his love. When you ended it, allowing him no time to rebuttal, he threw away his dramatic flair. A quick shot of a special sedative, and you’re down and out.
As you’re fainting, Fabrizio will give his monologue. He rants about how he won’t allow one of the purest things to grace him to just walk away. No, it was time you learned your place.
When you finally awake, the world feels off. Firstly, you’re upright with legs bound to steel bars. Secondly, it’s a new, strange room. Your stand is surrounded by glass-encased mannequins, all dressed in outfits from many different eras. Some outfits go back further than the Dark Ages.
A subtle tightening sensation on the chest would distract you. Taking away from the strangeness of the room. Looking down you would see a white, velvet corset with silver steel rivets. Your breath quickened as the constriction continued, while your arms felt paralyzed. Black spots would reappear in your vision as a hushed chuckle brushed against your ears.
“Mia Bambola, it’s-a time you learn to listen.”
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Hetalia Food Headcanons
Am I channelling myself in those posts?
Yes, I am.
Am I ashamed of it?
Not in the slightest. 
Germany: Ludwig, in my mind, is trying to do right by the environment, so he is as less waste as possible, all seasonal food, tap water kind of guy. He is also trying to eat less meat—not fully vegetarian, but maybe one day. His kitchen is pristinely clean and always well stocked; he does groceries with a list. Lutz cooks, sometimes nothing elaborate, just simple dishes, lots of Italian food. (I am repeating myself, but I think Feliciano does impact Ludwig's life immensely in those tiny, little things, like fresh basil on the parapet.). He has a sweet tooth and bakes all those things from the internet, like sweet potato brownies. A long time ago, Roderich taught him the joy of baking, and it stayed with him. The beverages of choice are coffee, milk, and suger (Prussia and Austria are judging) and Kölsch, a type of beer from Cologne, Germany; he grew to like it when his capital was in Bonn, which is not so far away from Cologne.
Prussia: Gilbert is rather helpless in the kitchen; he used to always have someone to cook for him; only when he became Eastern Germany he was forced to prepare food for himself. He basically could live on sandwitches, but nowadays he actually tries with those meal prep kits. He is not yet a master, but he is getting there. Gilbert is also very tidy; dishes are always washed, but he does groceries when he does groceries (which means when the fridge is practically empty, there are just a few bottles of beer still in it), and mostly he orders on the internet. He likes the German kitchen but is also quite adventurous and will try almost everything. His weaknesses are all kinds of Haribo, even liquorice. Prussia also enjoys Ludwig's cooking and Roderich's baking. He won't contribute if he doesn't have to. He eats out a lot.
Austria: He is the messy one. Roderich, similar to Gilbert, used to have cooks and maids. A long time ago, when he started baking, it was on a whim, just a little hobby with tasty results. He was forced to take care of himself after the Great War. It wasn't easy, but he managed. He likes complicated recipes involving many ingredients. He is easily distracted, which is not helping with 10 dirty pots. And he does not follow whatever is written; he sort of plays around with the recipe with sometimes strange results. He is also the one with an irregular meal-eating schedule. Germany and Prussia are rather predictable; you know, breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a few snacks. Rod? Sometimes it is five meals per day, sometimes it is coffee, and when Gilbert arrives, he forces Roderich to eat because he simply forgot. Also, Gilbert would do the dishes, as the kitchen usually looks worse than a battlefield, especially if Roderich stress-bakes. And he does a lot, which results in copious amounts of delicious cakes and muffins. Austria likes grocery shopping; nope, he is not following the list. He makes it and then does whatever he wants. 
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homomenhommes · 6 days
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … May 26th
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1779 – August Kopisch (d.1853) was a German poet and painter.
Kopisch was born on 26 May 1799 in Breslau, Prussia (now Wrocław, Poland). In 1815 he began studying painting at the Prague academy, but an injury to his hand damaged his prospects of success as an artist, and he turned to literature.
After residences in Dresden and Vienna Kopisch proceeded in 1822 to Italy. At Naples he began a homosexual relationship with the poet August von Platen-Hallermünde; and when out swimming he and the painter Ernst Fries re-discovered the "Blue Grotto" of Capri, which had been associated with male sexuality from the age of Tiberius in Roman times.
In 1828 he settled at Berlin and was granted a pension by Frederick William IV of Prussia, who in 1838 conferred upon him the title of professor. Kopisch produced some original poetry, light in language and in form. He specialised in re-telling legends and popular subjects, and among his Gedichte (Berlin, 1836) are some naïve and humorous little pieces such as Die Historie von Noah, Die Heinzelmännchen, Das grüne Tier and Der Schneiderjunge von Krippstedt, which became popular.
In 1847 he moved to Potsdam and wrote an account of royal residences there and in the neighborhood. He died on 6 February 1853 at Berlin.
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1822 – Edmond de Goncourt (d.1896), born Edmond Louis Antoine Huot de Goncourt, was a French writer, literary critic, art critic, book publisher and the founder of the Académie Goncourt.
Writer, art historian of the eighteenth-century art and art critic of contemporary nineteenth-century Paris together with his brother, Jules. Edmond de Goncourt and his brother, Jules, were born into minor aristocracy. Their father and their mother both died when the men were young.
Their inherited wealth enabled the brothers to become artists without concern for their livelihood, relieving Edmond from a treasury clerk position so dismal that he entertained thoughts of suicide. The assembled a collection of eighteenth-century art, largely drawings and pastels, which were not popular at the time.
Though throughout their lives they were self-indulgent pleasure-seekers, the brothers made their initial reputation as journalists. In 1851 the two began publishing a journal chronicling their art scene. The brothers were arrested in 1852 for quoting mildly erotic Renaissance verses in one of their articles.
The brothers wrote about all French artists of the eighteenth century, not just the famous.
They, however, considered themselves novelists and wrote throughout their career. Their Germinie Lacerteux (1864), was based on the life of their servant, Rose, follows her thefts from the brothers to pay for after-hours orgies and trysts. It is considered among the early novels of French Realism devoted to working-class life. In 1867, their novel Manette Salomon appeared. The book, a narrative about the studio practice of contemporary artists, art students and their model, was both original and modern in its treatment of psychology and contemporary life.
The prix Goncourt was conceived by the brothers in the same year (1867) as the Académie Goncourt, a literary society of 10 members. The Goncourt's art criticism focused on the Barbizon school.
Whn Jules died of a syphilis-related heart ailment in 1870, Edmond a homosexual, was devastated.
In 1885, Edmond began his literary salon, known as the genier for the sumptuous attic in which it was held. Edmond's final works were on the Japanese artists Kitagawa Utamaro (1891) and Katsushika Hokusai (1896). He died in 1896.
The Académie Goncourt was established in 1903 through a bequest of Edmond. After Edmond's death, the brothers' importance waned until the second half of the 20th century when they were recognized as the leaders of much of modernism in French art writing and taste.
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1907 – Marion Morrison, better known by his stage name John Wayne (d.1979), was an American film actor, director and producer. An Academy Award-winner, Wayne was among the top box office draws for three decades. An enduring American icon, he epitomized rugged masculinity and is famous for his demeanor, including his distinctive calm voice, walk, and height.Wayne was born in Winterset, Iowa, but his family relocated to the greater Los Angeles area when he was nine years old. He found work at local film studios when he lost his football scholarship to USC as a result of a bodysurfing accident. Initially working for the Fox Film Corporation, he mostly appeared in small bit parts. His first leading role came in the widescreen epic The Big Trail (1930), which led to leading roles in numerous films throughout the 1930s, many of them in the western genre. His career rose to further heights in 1939, with John Ford's Stagecoach making him an instant superstar. Wayne would go on to star in 142 pictures.
John Wayne personified for millions the nation's frontier heritage. Eighty-three of his movies were Westerns, and in them he played cowboys, cavalrymen, and unconquerable loners.
Among his better-known later films are The Quiet Man (1952), in which he is an Irish-American in love with a fiery spinster played by Maureen O'Hara; The Searchers (1956), in which he plays a Civil War veteran whose young niece (Natalie Wood) is abducted by a tribe of Comanches in an Indian raid; Rio Bravo (1959), playing a sheriff with Dean Martin; The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance (1962), portraying a troubled rancher competing with Eastern lawyer (James Stewart) for a woman's hand in marriage; True Grit (1969), as a humorous U.S. Marshal who sets out to avenge a man's death in the role that won Wayne his Academy Award; and The Shootist (1976), his final screen performance, in which he plays an aging gunfighter battling cancer.
Wayne was a prominent Republican in Hollywood, supporting anti-communist positions. In June 1999, the American Film Institute named Wayne 13th among the Greatest Male Screen Legends of All Time.
Wayne was married three times and divorced twice, but although he was the epitome of masculinity, stories about another side of him abound.
According to film historian Kevin Brownwing:
During the 1940s the outwardly conservative and heterosexual Wayne would regularly attend screen tests with director John Ford, in order to size up potential conquests. He'd get Ford to order the young hopefuls to take off their shirts and enact scenes which required them to lift heavy objects or bend over a lot. When he'd picked out his likely targets, Wayne would arrange for Ford to call them back to the studio - usually late at night - for a bogus final screen test. Instead of the director and a camera crew, the bewildered young actors would find themselves alone in an otherwise deserted studio with an amourous Wayne, who would typically be clad only in a Stetson and a pair of pearl handled Colt .45s holstered on his gunbelt. This seduction technique proved surprisingly successful for 'The Duke' - his conquests allegedly included Randolph Scott, Joel McCrea and Montgomery Clift, with whom he had a torrid affair during the making of "Red River" in 1948.
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1918 – John Dall was an American actor born in New York City (d.1971) He is best remembered today for the part of the cool-minded intellectual killer in Alfred Hitchcock's Rope, but first came to fame as the young prodigy who comes alive under the tutelage of Bette Davis in The Corn is Green, for which he received an Academy Award nomination. He made a number of other films but worked primarily in theatre.
Rope was inspired by the notorious Leopold and Loeb murder case, Dall and co-star Farley Granger - also gay -were cast as two affluent young men who strangle an acquaintance merely as an intellectual challenge to commit the perfect murder.
Although the two men's sexuality is never made explicit in the film, the relationship between Granger's and Dall's characters has a strong homoerotic subtext, skilfully engineered by Hitchcock and his actors through staging, art direction, and nuance. 'It was just a thing assumed,' Granger said many years later of his character's homosexuality. 'Either you got it or you didn't.'
As the film's screenwriter, Arthur Laurents, who was Farley Granger's lover at the time, explained, 'There wasn't a word of dialogue that said [the two men] were lovers or homosexual, but there wasn't a scene between them where it wasn't clearly implied.'
After a long absence from the screen, Dall returned in 1960 to character roles in the costume dramas Spartacus (1960) and Atlantis, the Lost Continent (1961).
John Dall died in Los Angeles from a heart attack in 1971 aged 52.
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1925 – Alec McCowen is an English actor, best known for classical roles including Shakespeare. He was born in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, and was and a graduate of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art.
McCowen made his film debut in 1953 in a British film, The Cruel Sea, but achieved his greatest successes on stage. He made his London debut at the Arts Theatre in Ivanov in 1950, and had rising success as Toulouse-Lautrec in Moulin Rouge (1954), Barnaby Tucker in The Matchmaker (1954), and appearances at the Old Vic Theatre in 1959/60 in many Shakespearean plays, notably as Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet. His breakthrough came as Friar William Rolfe in Hadrian the Seventh, for which he won an Evening Standard Award for the London production and a Tony nomination after taking it to Broadway. His next big successes were in Molière's The Misanthrope opposite Diana Rigg (1973) and the role of psychiastrist Martin Dysart in the world premire of Peter Shaffer's Equus (1973), but his greatest achievement was his one-man performance of the complete text of Saint Mark's Gospel (1978), for which he received worldwide acclaim and another Tony nomination.
McCowen has appeared in the films Never Say Never Again (as Q), Cry Freedom, Frenzy , The Age of Innocence, and Travels With My Aunt, for which he received a Golden Globe nomination.
His partner, the actor Geoffrey Burridge died in 1987 from an AIDS-related illness.
In 1989 he was selected to appear on the celebrity surprise show This Is Your Life but was aghast at the programme's complete failure to mention Geoffrey Burridge, who had died less than two years previously and McCowen - bravely for the time - insisted that his late partner be acknowledged.
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Don Maclean & Guy Burgess
1951 – Donald Maclean and Guy Burgess, British spies; No ... both spies were not born on the same day. But it is the day that the two British Foreign Office Officials defected to Russia, setting in motion an English witch hunt as vicious as America's contemporary McCarthy investigations. Unfortunately for their gay brothers, and especially for their old Oxford classmates, Maclean and Burgess were homosexuals. Their actions brought new meaning to the dreaded term "security risk" and cost numerous innocent gay men and women their livelihoods and, in some cases, (as in the mathematician Alan Turing) their lives.
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1954 – Alan Hollinghurst, British novelist and poet, born; Winner of the 2004 Booker Prize for The Line of Beauty. His poetry collections include Isherwood is at Santa Monica and Confidential Chats with Boys. He was the was The Times Literary Supplement's deputy editor from 1982 to 1995. In 1989, he won the Somerset Maugham Award for The Swimming Pool Library. In 1994, he won the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for fiction with The Folding Star.
"From the start I've tried to write books which began from a presumption of the gayness of the narrative position," says Hollinghurst. "To write about gay life from a gay perspective unapologetically and as naturally as most novels are written from a heterosexual position. When I started writing, that seemed a rather urgent and interesting thing to do. It hadn't really been done."
Now, he feels, he can move on from that overwhelming decade which "seems to have determined so many things about the way we live now". The Line of Beauty brings to an end this sequence of books in which he has consciously explored gay identity and its fight for recognition. "I do have a sense of having completed a quartet of books which, while not a tetralogy in any narrative sense, do cohere in a way." Unusually, he has no idea for a new novel and may develop some short stories instead. No poems, though.
The context in which he is writing has changed, too. "When I began, there was an urgency about it which isn't there now. Things have changed so much over those 20 years; attitudes towards homosexuality are so different now." Hollinghurst is the beneficiary of that change, but also one of those who helped to achieve it. The gay writers he discussed in his thesis are the last (one hopes, anyway) who will have to suppress their sexuality or encrypt it in their narratives. Hollinghurst went to the same college as Oscar Wilde. But he inhabits another world.
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1985 – Dustin "Deuce" Kidby is a Canadian curler from Regina, Saskatchewan. He currently throws lead rocks for Team Matt Dunstone.
Kidby represented Saskatchewan at two Canadian Junior Curling Championships. The first was the 2002 Canadian Juniors, playing lead for Team Kyle George. They finished the event with a 7-5 record. George won the Canadian Juniors in 2005 (without Kidby), but invited him to be the alternate for Team Canada at the 2005 World Junior Curling Championships. The team won the gold medal at the event, and Kidby would play in two matches. Kidby returned to the Canadian Juniors in 2006, playing lead for Team Mitch Heidt. This team also finished with a 7-5 record. In university, Kidby played second for the University of Regina, on a team skipped by Byron Moffatt. The team won the bronze medal at the 2008 CIS/CCA Curling Championships.
Kidby joined the Brad Heidt rink in 2008, playing two season as the team's lead. In their first season, the team played in the 2009 Players' Championship, Kidby's first Grand Slam event, where they won just one game. The next season, Kidby picked up his first World Curling Tour event win as a member of the team, at the Point Optical Curling Classic.
For the 2011-12 curling season, Kidby played lead for the Braeden Moskowy rink, with whom he would win another event, the November 2011 DeKalb Superspiel.
Kidby joined the Josh Heidt team in 2012, playing four seasons as the team's lead. During this period, the team won two events, the 2014 Red Deer Curling Classic and the 2015 Weatherford Curling Classic. Kidby played in the March 2014 National Grand Slam event playing lead for Team Brock Virtue, finishing the event winless.
In 2016, Kidby joined Team Adam Casey for two seasons, again playing lead. The team won the 2017 SaskTel Tankard, the provincial men's championship for Saskatchewan. They would go on to represent Saskatchewan at the 2017 Tim Hortons Brier, where they went 5-6. The next season, the team played in the 2017 Olympic Pre-Tials, going 2-4.
In 2018, Kidby joined the Matt Dunstone rink, playing lead. In this first season, the team won three World Curling Tour events, the Prestige Hotels & Resorts Curling Classic, the DeKalb Superspiel and the Qinghai Curling Elite, as well as the third leg of the 2018-19 Curling World Cup. The team also played in a number of Grand Slam events, making it to the quarterfinals of the 2018 Masters, and qualifying for the 2018 Tour Challenge and the 2019 Canadian Open. They also played in the 2018 Canada Cup, finishing 1-5.
Kidby is openly gay. His brother is D. J. Kidby and he is the cousin of Ben Hebert.
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1987 – Touraj Keshtkar, better known under his stage name Tooji, is a Norwegian-Iranian singer, painter, model and television host. Tooji represented Norway in the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 in Baku, Azerbaijan and finished 26th in the final.
Tooji was born in Shiraz, Iran, and moved to Norway when he was one year old. At the age of 16 he started modeling. After the modelling work, he started working on MTV Norway where he presented "Super Saturday" and "Tooji's Top 10". He was also educated as a social worker and has worked in asylum reception centres. Now he works as a child protection consultant in the department of after-care.
Tooji holds a bachelor's degree in child welfare. He has worked in asylum reception centers helping children and teenage refugees and victims of human trafficking. This work motivated him to use his songs and profile to speak out for those who suffer in silence. Tooji is a supporter of LGBT and women's rights, as well as a supporter of Green Wave, Iran's democratic reform movement. Tooji wore a Free Iran green bracelet during his performance in the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 held in Baku, Azerbaijan.
In June 2015, Tooji came out as gay to the Norwegian website Gaysir, stating that he hoped he could make it easier for young gay people by being open about his own sexuality. He was praised for his decision by the Norwegian National Association for Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgender People.
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2019 – The government of Kenya reaffirms imprisonment of 5 to 14 years of LGBT people. Nearly every country in Africa is vehemently anti-gay, some with calls for penalty of death. The exception is South Africa which has full inclusion of LGBT people.
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The Non-German defenders of the Atlantic Wall,
In 1942 Germany began construction of the Atlantic Wall in order to defend its territorial conquests from a possible Allied amphibious invasion.  The wall consisted of various fortifications, mines, tank barriers, mortars, artillery pieces, machine gun nests, pillboxes, and bunkers, and was designed to fend off a beach landing. On June 6th, 1944 Allied forces landed on the beaches of Normandy and quickly overran these defenses.  Thousands of German soldiers were captured, but surprisingly many of those captured were not German at all.
At the very beginning of the war Germany upheld its Nazi belief in pure Aryanism, believing themselves to be the superior super race. However as the war dragged on, that sentiment gave way as casualties grew, manpower shortages worsened, and it was becoming clearer that Germany was losing to the Allies. Both the Wehrmacht and the SS began to accept foreign volunteers with many of these foreign troops being sent to garrison the defenses of the Atlantic Wall.  These soldiers came from all over Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.  
The reasons for volunteering were varied, some political, many as a necessity for survival.  By far the most numerous foreign volunteers were those from the Soviet Union. Some volunteered because they were disgruntled with Soviet rule, for example the Russian Liberation Army which joined the Wehrmacht to oppose communism in Russia. However most volunteered as an alternative to spending the rest of the war as a POW.  Soviet POWs were treated terribly during the war. Often the Germans dealt with Soviet POWs by erecting open air prisons in which thousands would be confined. Thousands would be forced into the prison, where they would be exposed to elements, given little food, and basically be left to die of starvation, disease, or exposure.
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During the war, around 3.5 million Soviets prisoners would die in these camps or in concentration camps. For many Soviet POWs, service with the German Army was the only way to avoid such a horrible fate. Typically, these troops were often not very reliable in combat as they were not very motivated to sacrifice life and limb for their conquerors. In some cases they proved to by a grave liability, such as the case of a battalion of soldiers from Georgia which manned the Atlantic Wall defenses on the Dutch island of Texel, who in 1945 openly revolted against the Germans.
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One notable extreme was the Indian Legion, also known as the Azad Regiment, which consisted of volunteers from India who believed that a German victory would secure India’s independence from the British Empire. 
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As well as many thousands of foreign volunteers, there were also many thousands of foreign conscripts who were forcibly made to serve in the German Army.
By far the most numerous conscripts were Polish.  Before World War I many parts of Poland had been a part of Prussia, and later the German Empire. When Germany re-conquered these territories they considered many of the people living there to be ethnic Germans.  As such, they were considered full citizens of the Reich and thus were subject to German draft laws.  Many still believed themselves to be German and thus were willing to fight for the German cause, however many spoke Polish, had adopted Polish customs, and identified themselves as Polish. Regardless, refusing to obey the draft laws could result in serious consequences, not only for the individual but his family as well. Around 500,000 Polish were conscripted into the Wehrmacht, with many serving on the Atlantic Wall. Like the Soviets, the Polish also were not the best soldiers for Germany as they were often unwilling to fight for their taskmasters. Around 85,000 would defect to the Free Polish Forces during the Normandy invasion and subsequent advance to Paris. In addition to Polish Troops, a number of Czechs considered ethnic Germans would be conscripted as well. In the 1998 film Saving Private Ryan this is demonstrated in a scene in which two "German" soldiers are surrendering to a pair of American soldiers. The Americans mock them before gunning them down. What many viewers may not relize is that they were not Germans, but Czechs, and were shouting in Czech that they were Czechs who didn't kill anyone, and just wanted to surrender.
By far the most interesting extreme in this instance were a group of Koreans who were captured by American forces during the D-Day invasion. For three decades Japan had occupied Korea, and the men were forcibly conscripted into the Japanese Imperial Army. In 1939 Japan attempted to invade the Soviet Union through Mongolia, but were badly beaten at the Battle of Khalkhin Gol. The Koreans were captured and sent to the gulags, but with the German invasion of the Soviet Union, were then forced to join the Red Army and fight on the Eastern Front.  They were then captured by the Germans, conscripted into the German Army, and forced to man the defenses of the Atlantic Wall at Normandy.
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Overall, one in six defenders of the Atlantic Wall were not German. Nothing demonstrates the diversity of these defenders more than the photo below of a group Wehrmacht soldiers captured during D-Day
Front Row (from left to right):  a Yugoslav; an Italian; a Turk; Polish
Back Row (from left to right): a German; a Czech; a Russian who was forced into the army when the Nazis occupied his town; and a Mongolian.
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