[ Thinking about bringing Mikoto back, though I wouldn't have a great deal of drafts to go back to.~ ]
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❞I’m not a human or a Demon anymore. I have no choice but to go forward! I’ll                                                             become an Exorcist!❞
[ Blog | Ask | Archive ]
 —「☦」Ao No Exorcist - Independent Rin Okumuara Roleplay Blog
—「☦」Multi-Verse/ Alternate Universe/ Original Character Friendly~
—「☦」2 Years Experience Of Roleplay
—「☦」M!A Accepting
—「☦」Willing to roleplay with absolutely anyone.
—「☦」NSFW always tagged and placed under “Read More”
—「☦」Generally High Amounts of Activity
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❞I’m not a human or a Demon anymore. I have no choice but to go forward! I’ll                                                             become an Exorcist!❞
[ Blog | Ask | Archive ]
 —「☦」Ao No Exorcist - Independent Rin Okumuara Roleplay Blog
—「☦」Multi-Verse/ Alternate Universe/ Original Character Friendly~
—「☦」2 Years Experience Of Roleplay
—「☦」M!A Accepting
—「☦」Willing to roleplay with absolutely anyone.
—「☦」NSFW always tagged and placed under “Read More”
—「☦」Generally High Amounts of Activity
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❞I’m not a human or a Demon anymore. I have no choice but to go forward! I’ll                                                             become an Exorcist!❞
[ Blog | Ask | Archive ]
 —「☦」Ao No Exorcist - Independent Rin Okumuara Roleplay Blog
—「☦」Multi-Verse/ Alternate Universe/ Original Character Friendly~
—「☦」2 Years Experience Of Roleplay
—「☦」M!A Accepting
—「☦」Willing to roleplay with absolutely anyone.
—「☦」NSFW always tagged and placed under “Read More”
—「☦」Generally High Amounts of Activity
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[ I just had a sad realization that my fandom is filled with very little variety. Every single day it's just a crapload of Fushimi/Yata ,Munakata/Mikoto and Mikoto/Totsuka smut. It's very rare to see anyone that doesn't roleplay Fushimi or Yata. Let alone find someone who doesn't ship them to kingdom come. I'm actually almost getting bored. And I really don't want to get bored. I really appreciate this fandom. And I really do like it. But it's just. There's not enough variation to me to properly enjoy it. Though the OCs the K fandom have produced are amazing.]
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[ Yeah, I’ve been dying for some angst; plus, I thought it would be a great chance to finally interact with you. I figured it would be the perfect time, considering I’ve been to scared to ask before. But it you’re okay with it. I would love to! And since your a multi-muse blog, I’d be willing to do one with whatever muse your most interested it o3o]
[ ❂ ] ~
❂ - I want to RP angst 
Are you sure you wanna go there, senpai?
are u rlly sure?
r u?
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  —「♚」He directed his gaze towards the women, fixating his eyes upon azure spheres, slightly dismayed from the delayed response.
                          --Had she been intimidated by him as others were?
If so, further conversation would be meaningless; however, this one seemed more off-put due to the random spark of conversation, rather than consequence of intimidation.
"That explains it. Normally new faces are fairly common in Shizune; I suppose you're just one I haven't had a chance to come across yet, considering you just moved here." A smirk forming between parted lips before bringing them towards the liquid again.
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He mulled over the question slightly; he hadn't really been one to spend countless hours within a coffee shop as most mindless city-goers would, however due to the countless promenades he would partake in daily, it didn't prove difficult to see familiar faces.
"Heh, I guess you could say that. You tend to see a lot of the same people when you roam around daily. I'm guessing you came to the city in search of new opportunities and all that garbage, right?" He inquired curiously; only partly sarcastic.
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It was especially on days like these where the silver-haired woman would stop by at a shop to get herself a part of her daily dose of coffee. She had the day off, and after staying at her own place got a tad bit too boring for her, she had decided to go out to get some fresh air, given the fact that she was still fairly new in this area of Shizume City.
Needless to say, she pretty much regretted her decision once she had left the cozy warmth of her home - and when a cold gust harshly blew against her, she actually even considered to just head back. Though that would have been a waste, hence why the recently recruited clanswoman ended up entering the next best coffee shop that had caught her attention.
Now, here she was, sipping on her favourite drink contently as if she didn’t have a care in the world - when someone suddenly started talking to her, causing azure hues to snap open in surprise as they quickly flickered over to the red-haired male standing in front of her, leaned against the wall while holding his own drink.
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Was he trying to have a conversation with her? Still too startled to say anything, Mika almost missed the next comment by the other.
"…I’ve just moved her a few weeks ago," she finally said, somehow astonished about the fact that he was the kind of person who would pay attention to those small details. "I assume that you’re here quite often then…?" At least that was the conclusion she came to after his last statement.
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 —「♚」"Fair enough; I'm a terrible liar anyways." He admitted, retaining the playful smirk upon his visage. It was quite an atypical confrontation with a Blue, considering he was normally greeted with persecution.
                                                 --Either that, or they were afraid to approach him, at least.
However, this one was different, or so it seemed. Regardless, The king would surely enjoy teasing the women for the time being; the day was dragging and this surely would appease his boredom ever so slightly.
"Day off, huh? You would have have assumed Munakata worked you guys day in, and day out, without breaks, considering you guys being normally so stuck up." He teased, dark pupils circling around amber spheres. 
"And plus, I thought the only place you all ever even wanted to go was around HOMRA to bother us. Not saying we don't appreciate the company or anything." A slight hint of sarcasm leaving his vocals.
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|| {❊} || “Y’know you’re not that discreet with a smirk like that on your face.” She pointed out bluntly before her lips pursed together to form a slight pout. She wasn’t totally blind to the rather smug look on the king’s face, nor was she afraid to let him know it either.
She wasn’t quite as prejudiced against the red king nor his clansmen like many of her own fellow comrades were. In fact, she got along rather well with quite a few of them. So talking with Mikoto himself wasn’t really something that bothered her too much. In any normal situation she’d simply avoid him because of the fact he was rather intimidating to say the least, though like this…he really didn’t seem all that frightening at all.
"Ahh…" Blinking up at him a few times as her head cocked slightly to the side, she ran his questions over a few times in her head before eventually responding. "First of all, its my day off and I’m free t’go wherever I please. Second of all, I’m really not all that important. Thirdly…We do more than just paperwork…" Sometimes. 
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     —「♚」"My stupid mun has no idea how to do drafts. Like. He has drafts from October. What the hell is he doing?"
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; anonymous or not, send me an honest opinion on my writing / character
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[I know.]
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*Kisses your cheek* you got the kissing disease! Pass it on to the next ten people on your dash!
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     —「♚」"Great, something else I have to deal with the entire day."
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*Kisses your cheek* you got the kissing disease! Pass it on to the next ten people on your dash!
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     —「♚」"W-What was that all about..?"
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近期落書きまとめ【中国语注意】 by 燈野
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"Ah, h-hello...Mikoto-san." ((hello friend and thank you so much for following. fab blog btw.))
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   —「♚」”Hey.. Don’t I remember you from somewhere?”
[ Oh and np XD. My blog is garbage, but thanks! ]
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