the-witch-on-the-hill · 4 months
if you blow out candle you BLOW AWAY the MAGIC and ur spell goes pllphfphphphhhhhhbbb into the wind and WON'T WORK
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the-witch-on-the-hill · 5 months
"How can I be a witch/pagan without falling for conspiracy theories/New Age cult stuff?" starter kit
Posts & Articles
Check your conspiracy theory. Does any of it sound like this?
Check your conspiracy theory part two: double, double, boil and trouble.
QAnon is an old form of anti-Semitism in a new package, experts say
Some antisemitic dogwhistles to watch out for
Eugenicist and bioessentialist beliefs about magic
New Age beliefs that derive from racist pseudoscience
The New Age concept of ascension - what is it?
A quick intro to starseeds
Starseeds: Nazis in Space?
Reminder that the lizard alien conspiracy theory is antisemitism
The Ancient Astronaut Hypothesis is Racist and Harmful
The Truth About Atlantis
Why the Nazis were obsessed with finding the lost city of Atlantis
The Nazis' love affair with the occult
Occultism in Nazism
Red flag names in cult survivor resources/groups (all of them are far right conspiracy theorists/grifters)
The legacy of implanted Satanic abuse ‘memories’ is still causing damage today
Why Satanic Panic never really ended
Dangerous Therapy: The Story of Patricia Burgus and Multiple Personality Disorder
Remember a Previous Life? Maybe You Have a Bad Memory
A Case of Reincarnation - Reexamined
Crash and Burn: James Leininger Story Debunked
Debunking Myths About Easter/Ostara
Just How Pagan is Christmas, Really?
The Origins of the Christmas Tree
No, Santa Claus Is Not Inspired By Odin
Why Did The Patriarchal Greeks And Romans Worship Such Powerful Goddesses?
No, Athena Didn't Turn Medusa Into A Monster To Protect Her
Who Was the First God?
Were Ancient Civilizations Conservative Or Liberal?
How Misogyny, Homophobia, and Antisemitism Influence Transphobia
Podcasts & Videos
BS-Free Witchcraft
Angela's Symposium
Weird Reads With Emily Louise
It's Probably (not!) Aliens
Behind The Bastards
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the-witch-on-the-hill · 6 months
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Every single year, without fail, we deal with the fact that the internet is obsessed with promoting the misinformation that Ostara must have been stolen from Easter.
People will argue until they’re blue in the face…But they won’t provide citations or evidence to the contrary and the reason why is simple: there isn’t any.
If you find that celebrating Ostara brings you joy: we aren’t here to rain on your parade or stop you in the slightest.
But misinformation, even misinformation that sounds cool and serves to further rhetorical goals, is still wrong and harmful.
So, after years of promising it, we’ve finally delivered: Easter isn’t stolen from Ostara.
Have questions? We’re happy to answer!
Make sure to follow our Instagram @jewitches for the ongoing discussion!
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the-witch-on-the-hill · 7 months
the egyptian gods
MA'AT: the essence of harmony and balance
in the beginning, well, there were a lot of different beginnings,
AMUN/AMUN-RA: god of the sun and air, supreme king of the gods in some periods. some stories say that he created himself and then everything else in the universe
ATUM: sometimes considered another name for Ra, but when separated he represents the evening sun. he was the first of the Ennead to emerge from Nu, and was the supreme ruler of the gods, and creator of the universe and human beings
RA/RE: when separated from Atum, he represents the midday sun, but other stories say that his aspect changes as he advances his sun barge across the sky. also considered the supreme ruler and creator of the universe. later merged with Amun as he rose in popularity
PTAH: another creator of the universe, Ptah was lord of truth, and the patron god of sculptors and craftsmen (since he was considered to have sculpted the earth). he created the first mound of earth from Nu by imagining it in his heart and breathed life into things with his voice
KHNUM: said to have created everything on his potter's wheel. in a different story he created humans on his potter's wheel then raised them up to the sun so that Ra could breathe life into them
NEITH: a war and funerary goddess, she created all things from her innards. she invented birth, therefore considered the "mother goddess" and closely associated with life and living things
MUT: emerged from Nu and gave birth to the world on her own, or in other stories was the wife of Amun. she was a goddess of protection, guarding humans in life, and against demons in death
MEHET-WERET: celestial cow goddess that emerged from Nu and gave birth to Ra at the beginning of time. goddess of water, creation, and rebirth
then under Atum/Ra creation stories, there were the first gods, called the Ennead,
SHU: the primordial god of air, he was born from Atum/Ra with his sister Tefnut to create the world. it's said that after bein gone for so long, Atum/Ra sent the eye of Ra to search for them, and his tears of happiness at having them returned became humans
TEFNUT: the sister and wife of Shu, she was the primordial god of moisture and rainfall
NUT: child of Shu and Tefnut, she represented the sky, but her relationship with her brother Geb disturbed Atum/Ra so he pushed her high above Geb, decreeing that she could not give birth on any day of the year. however, Thoth then gambled with Iah (or Khonsu) winning five days of moonlight he transformed into days. On those five days, her five children were born
GEB: god of the earth and growing things
OSIRIS: child of Nut and Geb, he was lord and god of the underworld and afterlife. he was said to be the first god to die, after being killed by his brother Set, wherein Isis then resurrected him and they bore Horus.
ISIS: child of Nut and Geb, she was the goddess of the moon, healing, fertility, and magic
NEPHTHYS: child of Nut and Geb, she is the twin sister of Isis and wife of Set. she is considered a goddess of funeral rites, darkness (not in an evil sense), and protector of women.
SET/SETH: child of Nut and Geb god of war, chaos, and storms. although he was the first murderer, he was considered a necessary balance to the good of Osiris. he killed Osiris to usurp his throne, only to later be usurped by Horus.
However, sometimes Set was replaced with Horus in the Ennead, HORUS: technically there were two Horuses, Horus the Elder, who was a child of Nut and Geb, and Horus the younger, who was the better known Horus. however, they ended up merging into one deity, a god of the sun, sky, and kingship
under the Amun (and sometimes Ptah) creation myth(s) there was the group called the Ogdoad, including Amun and
AMUNET: the female counterpart of Amun, together they represented forces unseen, including the wind and air
KEK: the god of the hours before dawn, he guided the sun barge of Ra from the underworld to earth
KAUKET: the female aspect of Kek, she represented the hours after sunset, and guided the sun barge of Ra into the underworld. Together these gods represent darkness (but not in an evil way)
HEH AND HAUHET: often not separated in any meaningful way, these two were the gods of infinity, eternity, and time
NUN AND NAUNET: personification of the primordial waters, from which everything was created. Naunet is only ever referenced when it comes to the Ogdoad
However, when Amun became revered as a god of creation, him and Amunet were sometimes replaced by NIA AND NIAT: gods of the void
so then the rest of the gods,
THOTH: advisor of Atum/Ra, he was the god of wisdom, writing, and truth, and was associated with the moon. sometimes he is the child of Atum/Ra, other times he is the son of Horus. he gave humanity the gift of language and marked the passage of time
SESHAT: consort of Thoth, she was the goddess of writing, books, and measurements
ANUBIS: son of Nephthys and Osiris, he was the god of the dead and associated with embalming. he leads the souls of the dead to the Hall of Truth and weighs their heart to determine if they were good or evil
KABECHET/QEBEHT: daughter of Anubis and a funerary deity. she provides cool, pure water to the souls awaiting judgement in the Hall of Truth
BASTET: daughter of Ra, although her image has tempered over time, Bastet was often considered a defender of pharaohs and the hearth. goddess of cats, women, and fertility
SEKHMET: sister of Bastet, she was goddess of destruction, justice, and desert winds. after Ra became tired of the sins of humanity, he sent Sekhmet to destroy them. she ravaged the land until the other gods implored Ra to stop her, where he took beer dyed red (to emulate blood) and left it at Dendera. when she drank it, she fell asleep and woke as the benevolent goddess Hathor
MAAHES: solar god and protector of the innocent, sometimes the son of Bastet, sometimes Sekhmet
HATHOR: goddess of joy, celebration, love, women, drunkenness, and sometimes animals. in some stories she is the wife of Horus the elder, in some Horus the younger, and in some Ra
MA'AT: embodiment of the principle of ma'at, she was the goddess of truth, justice, and harmony
KHONSU: the son of Amun and Mut, god of the moon and healing
MONTU: a god of war and the vitality of pharaohs, he was later replaced by Khonsu as a child of Amun and Mut
TENENIT: goddess of beer and brewing, consort of Montu
HEKA: patron god of magic and medicine, but was also said to be present at the creation of the universe
HU: god of the spoken word, personification of the first word Atum/Ra ever spoke. represented the tongue
SIA: personification of perception and thoughtfulness who represented the heart
ANAT: goddess of fertility, sexuality, love, and war. sometimes she is a virgin goddess, others she is sensuous and erotic
APEP/APOPHIS: the celestial serpent that would assault the sun barge of Ra every night as it travels through the underworld
BA-PEF: god of terror
BES/BISU/AHA: god of childbirth, fertility, sexuality, humor, and war. he protected women and children, fended off evil, and fought for divine justice
TAWERET/TAURET: considered a consort of Set, goddess of childbirth and fertility. guarded children and invoked to help with pregnancy and birth
HRAF-HAF: the ferryman of the dead, he would carry good souls across the Lily Lake to the shores of paradise in the Field of Reeds
AMENET: consort of the divine ferryman, she welcomed souls of the dead to afterlife with food and drink
FETKET: cupbearer of Ra, patron of bartenders
MAFDET: goddess of justice, protected people from venomous bites, later replaced by Serket
SERKET: goddess of protection and funerals, protected people against venom
HEDET: goddess of scorpions and protector against their venom
IHY: son of Hathor and Horus the elder, he was the god of music and joy
IMHOTEP: the deified vizier of the king Djoser, god of wisdom and medicine
MESKHENIT: goddess of childbirth, created a person's ka (life force) and breathed it into them, creating their destiny
NEHEBKAU: joined a persons ka to their body at birth, and with the ba (winged aspect of the soul) at death. has always existed, and swam in the primordial waters before Atum rose
NEFERTUM: god of perfume and beauty, said to be born from the bud of a blue lotus flower at the beginning of creation. associated with rebirth and transformation due to his association with Atum
RENENUTET: goddess of nursing children and the harvest. she determined the length of a person's life and the important events that would occur, sometimes considered the mother of Osiris as consort of Atum
NEPER: son of Renenutet, god of grain and fertility
ONURIS/ANHUR: a son of Ra, god of war and hunting
SHAY: personification of fate, no one could alter her decisions
SHED: god who protected against wild animals and mortal enemies
SHEZMU: god of wine, perfume and plenty
SOBEK: god of water and medicine, namely surgery. lord of marshes and wetlands
SOTHIS: astral form of Isis, represented the star Sirius
SAH: astral form of Osiris, represented the constellation Orion
SOPDU: son of Sothis and Sah, astral form of Horus, guarded over outposts and soldiers on the frontier
TAYET/TAIT: goddess of weaving and associated with embalming
WENEG: held up the sky and maintained balance between the heavens and earth
and the sons of Horus, who get their own special spot,
DUAMUTEF: protector god of the stomach, he represented East
HAPY: protector god of the lungs, he represented the North
IMSETY: protector god of the liver, he represented the South
QEBEHSENUEF: protector god of the intestines, he represented the West
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the-witch-on-the-hill · 9 months
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the-witch-on-the-hill · 9 months
The Glöcklerlauf is a tradition practiced in the Salzkammergut region of Austria with pre-Christian roots. This parade of Glöckler (“bell-ringers”) who carry bells and large, lit-up caps marks the end of the Rauhnächte, the darkest and most dangerous time of the year. This parade of art and light chases out the evil winter spirits and ushers in a new season of good and light.
In my town, these Glöckler run 8 kilometers through our neighborhoods, and the caps they carry weigh around 14 kilos. The run takes about 3 hours to complete. The caps represent local landmarks, stories, and even biblical scenes. They’re handmade and passed down for many years.
Food, drinks, and donations are given to the Glöckler to thank them for protecting our villages by ushering in light. This is my second favorite winter tradition here! It’s much more gorgeous in person.
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the-witch-on-the-hill · 9 months
You can believe in magic, but watch out.
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the-witch-on-the-hill · 9 months
2024 New Year Tarot Spreads
I compiled this gallery of tarot spreads over the last week! Credit is in each image posted :>
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View this post (among others) for free over on my Patreon!
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the-witch-on-the-hill · 9 months
Wishing you all a peaceful, prosperous, safe, and joyful New Year!
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the-witch-on-the-hill · 9 months
How can you motivate yourself to practice? I'm so busy with work and other daily life things that I often don't have time, energy or motivation to practice, or I just forget. Time goes so fast these days and suddenly I've missed the last two sabbaths and full moon, then I get bad conscience and feel like I'm a "bad" or "failed" witch. (I struggle a lot with self deprecation in general with my mental health) Do you have any tips on how I can motivate myself to practice more?
Oof, I hear you. We all have the best of intentions when it comes to keeping up with our practice and making progress on our goals and projects, but damnit, Real Life just keeps on getting in the way.
Ideally, we'd all be able to keep perfect track of the occasions we wish to celebrate and the cycles of the moon AND have time and energy to devote to our practices on top of taking care of silly things like jobs and families and social lives and household management. Ideally, we'd be well-read, well-rested, well-organized, and perfectly in command of our faculties.
It's nice to dream, isn't it?
In reality, we're all doing the best we can and despite our best efforts, we miss holidays and moon dates and gatherings and go weeks or months without having time to sit down and actively work on our craft. And that is OKAY. None of it means we're bad people or failed witches. It just means we're human beings with human lives and human limitations. We can only do so much with 24 hours in a day.
The nice thing is that the craft meets us where we are, and if that means waiting a while, it's got a loooong shelf life. Besides that, practicing witchcraft isn't JUST performing rituals and casting spells and lighting up the altar. It's research and rest and reflection too.
In my practice, I've found that doing small things as part of my daily routine and larger things when I have time really helps. For instance, stirring a blessing into my morning drink, or setting my wards when I lock the front door, or wearing a charmed piece of jewelry. I do my best to keep track of the moons using reminders and a planner so I can put my jars out, but I forget sometimes. It's annoying, but there's always another one coming. And I find ways to make things I'm already doing magical as well, like cleansing my home when I clean or take out the garbage or reconnecting with the land I live on while doing yard work.
And when all else fails, I take a break and go back to the things that inspire me. I work on crafts. I journal. I try something new. I listen to music and watch movies and maybe re-read some things, and I give myself a little grace. (I've run myself into a full burnout before by ignoring my limits before. I don't recommend it.) Then when I have the time and energy, I get back to work.
Here are some posts that might help:
My Intuitive Spark Feels Low - How Do I Get It Back?
I’m In A Slump - How Do I Get Out Of It?
I’ve Reached A Stopping Point - What Do I Do Next?
How Do I Know When I’m Ready For The Next Step In My Practice?
Witchcraft Exercise - Quantifying Your Craft
Witchcraft Exercise - The Book of Lessons
Witchcraft Exercise - Witchy Inspo Journal
Witchcraft Exercise - Music To Witch By
I also discussed the topic on two episodes of my podcast:
Hex Positive, Ep. 027 - When Inspo Takes A Holiday (March 2022)
Hex Positive, Ep. 033 - Touch Grass (April 2023)
Hope this helps! 😊
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the-witch-on-the-hill · 9 months
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Yule decorations
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the-witch-on-the-hill · 9 months
For my fellow fibre arts witches, if you're starting to get the Annual Cold Weather Fidget, that driving urge to reach for hooks and needles and that big bin of spools and fabric lurking in your closet....
If you feel like Doing A Witchcraft, you can work some witchy into whatever you're making. Weaving, crocheting, knitting, nalbinding, stitching, embroidery, and knotwork can all carry magic and serve as a vehicle for creating spells, sigils, talismans, or enchanted wearables.
Am I saying you can put a spell into that pair of socks you're knitting? That scarf you've been working on? That pile of granny squares waiting to become a blanket? That cross-stitch piece you've been meaning to finish?
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There are even books on knot magic, witchy crochet and knitting patterns, and beautifully spooky cross-stitch and embroidery pieces. (And lots more downloadable patterns exist on etsy and fibre arts forums!) Perfect for chilling with your favorite hot beverage and current binge-watch while you keep your hands from getting bored.
Go forth and have fun with it!
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the-witch-on-the-hill · 10 months
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This makes my cold, black heart rather happy to think about. Coming from a German/Norwegian family I learned about these when I was but a child… 
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the-witch-on-the-hill · 11 months
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The Stag
Stag masks are used in pagan dances during winter rituals. The stag antlers resemble the tree of life, symbolising renewal or rebirth. For this illustration i was inspired by the costumes seen around new years in my own country. I remember them since childhood along with the goat costumes. I’m also experimenting with a bit of colour lately, as you can see.
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Reminder that if you're leaving Christianity to embark upon a new spiritual path, your new spirituality doesn't have to answer or even acknowledge Christianity at all. You don't owe Christianity any kind of justification; you can just say "nah I'm not into you" and leave it there.
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Psst, hey. Hey. Before you go blaming your bad mood on negative spirits or needing to smoke cleanse, consider: when was the last time you deep cleaned your home?
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