the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
OOC// Just so everyone knows, windows on my laptop decided that it’s not going to let me log on. Therefore, I will be computer-less for I don’t know how long. You may find me on Skype from time to time.
PS. I’m also having a super busy week/life so that may also alter my activity.
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
Nothing made Izuru happier than seeing how well Momo was doing. She was probably hurt the worst by the betrayal, and to see her happy made Izuru feel good on the inside. "From what I heard they were out-casted from Soul Society. And now....everything is forgiven." Izuru paused in his thoughts. He still wasn't sure what made the captain commander want to forgive the old captains, but he also couldn't deny that he enjoyed having Otoribashi-taichou around.
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"I think you may be right, Hinamori-san." Having his new captain around did make Izuru slowly begin to forget about his old captain, even though his presence was forever engraved into Izuru's mind. But he couldn't let his mind dwell to thoughts of him right now.
"Are you ready?" Izuru looked down at his small friend when they reached the gate. He could feel the excitement of hearing poetry start to flow through his body. It wasn't a feeling he got that often.
"Mhm! I think that he is anyway." Her mouth formed a small ‘o’ when the conversation was moved on. "I think that wasn’t that strange, they used to be captains themselves before the previous ones. It was also a long time since the spot had been vacant, it needed to be filled." Her feet lightly fell on the ground as they got closer and closer. 
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"We all needed someone different, but someone that knew enough and was strong enough. In a way, I feel that because of those three, the healing is going faster than it would have had they refused the positions." 
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
Put one (or more) of the symbols in my inbox and I’ll make a specific headcanon
■ - Violent headcanon
✿ - Happy headcanon
♠ - Painful headcanon
♥ - Love headcanon
♡ - Sex headcanon
☆ - Appearence headcanon
☠ - Death headcanon
♒ - Family headcanon
☮ - Friendship headcanon
▼ - Childhood headcanon
∇ - Old age headcanon
☄ - Food headcanon
★ - Education headcanon
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
"Ah, Lieutenant Kira," Isane smiled warmly. It had been some time since she had seen her fellow lieutenant aside from duty. "How have you been? It's been a while since I've seen you outside of the Lieutenant's meetings, but then again," she smiled self deprecatingly, "I haven't been out much lately either." She didn't elaborate what he already knew from his own experience. "The last chapter of your novel was very interesting. Where do you find the time to write?"
"Kotetsu-fukutaichou." Izuru head looked up from the ground. "I've been well, just working most of the time." It seemed that Izuru worked every minute of every day and he never had the chance to really see anyone outside of his division. "How have you been? I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to see anyone recently." The blond man wasn't very close with the fourth division vice-captain, but he didn't have anything against her. She always seemed nice when the met at the meetings.
When the Isane mentioned reading Izuru's work he felt his heart take a leap. Someone was actually interested in his writing? "Do you mean my haikus?" He did have haikus posted in the the newspaper every week, but he never received feedback so he assumed no one read them. "I don't know..." Izuru couldn't think of any words to say. "They just come to me I guess...." Even if that sounded corny it was the best that Izuru could come up with.
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
Izuru grew quite as Momo began to think about her previous captain. He knew how hard the betrayal had been on her, she was the vice-captain that has been affected the most. The sight of her laying, unconscious, in her hospital bed still burned in his mind.
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"He sounds like a good captain then." Izuru said as he continued to walk along beside Momo. "It's so strange how we we got our new captains..." Another day that Izuru could never forget. After the war with Aizen the Vizards were forgiven and then just returned to Soul Society as if nothing had happened. "I do like Otoriobashi-taichou, but their return to Soul Society was...very sudden...." Izuru couldn't help but wonder why everything happened so quickly.
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Momo was slightly nervous by that response, it was delayed, and her mind immediately jumped that Otoribashi-taichou was just as strange as her own Taichou. She nodded her head with a sound of appeasement. She thought about how to put her new captain into words. A smile, shy smile graced her lips. “Hirako taichou is nice.” Not overly so. "He’s so much different from the last one…" She was still having a hard time breaking from the title Aizen taichou. It was also hard just to say his name at all. “He plays jazz in the barracks, and I haven’t decided whether I like the music playing in there or not. ” He smile got even bigger. “I think that we do work rather well together.” She liked that he didn’t baby her or anything, she felt so much stronger around him.
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
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"Captain, I have a lot of work to do so what is this about?" Izuru is not pleased.
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
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Izuru was a littler surprised by Momo's question. He was still adapting to his new captain and hasn't had the time to really think about about his adjustment to the new captain. "He's...good." Izuru couldn't think of the proper words to describe Captain Otoribashi. "He's a very good captain, and he treats me well." The new captain actually seemed more attentive than his last captain. "His guitar playing also seems to brighten the days of the other squad members, which makes me happy." Izuru let a smile cross his face. "How about your new captain? Do you work well together?"
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"Mhmm!" She walked after him, this seemed like it was going to be a fun idea, she hadn’t seen Izuru this happy in a while. "Hey Izuru? How is Otoribashi-taichou? Are you two getting along?" She figured that she might as well make some light chat as they were walking to their destination. It would make it go faster.
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
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"Yes, let's go!" Izuru seemed overly cheerful as he began walking. He was excited to see what this 'poetry slam' thing was that the humans did.
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"I didn’t either, not till recently. We should go then!" A big smile slowly creeped up onto her face. She was happy that he seemed happy about it.
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
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Izuru froze at the mention of something poetry. Poetry was the only word he needed to hear.
"I... I have never heard of that." Izuru took in a giant gulp. "I would love to see what that is."
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"We should…." She thought for a second, thinking of something that the both of them would enjoy doing. It would hardly be any fun if only one of them was enjoying it. Her eyes widened and her mouth formed an ‘o’ when she thought of something. "There’s this thing in the World of the Living called a poetry slam. Does that seem fine?" If he said no, then she would try and think of something else.
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
burningpeach replied to your post: "Kira-kun, how are you today?"
"I’m fine! I’m just wondering, would you like to hang out?"
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"Uhm...sure, what would you like to do?"
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
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Third Division: The Musical.
…And this is not the last. There’s actually another one, but I’ll save it for later. :)))))
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
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Gotei 13 3rd Squad
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
"Kira-kun, how are you today?"
"Momo-chan, I'm doing well today. How about yourself?"
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
Seeing Rangiku was something that could make Izuru happy on almost any gloomy day. She had a certain aura about her that just made everyone else happy. Except for Captain Histuagaya, her aura was kind of like a toxin to him. But with Izuru it seemed to make everything just a little bit better, even when things seemed to be at their worst. Even if she seemed to be in one of the worst moods she never let that affect anyone else. That's something that Izuru always admired about her, especially at a time like this...
“Why do you even need to ask? Who do you think I am, that tyrant, Kuchiki-taichou!?”
"What?!" Izuru jumped at Rangiku's question. "I would never think that!" He began to wave his hands frantically in front of him. "I mean, Kuchiki-taichou is a good captain, even if he seems harsh.... But I don't think you're anything like that!" Izuru stopped moving around and looked at the ground. He didn't want to say any negative words about the captain, and Rangiku did have a point. But Izuru never thought that Rangiku could be like that at all to anyone.
A sigh escaped Izuru's lips as Rangiku stood in front of him thinking about what they could do that. He waited for her to say something along the lines of drinking. That's what seemed to always happen when the two of them got together. It was the easiest thing for them to do because it could quickly make them forget about their troubles for a long amount a time. Sometimes, after hours of drinking, the pain always seemed to roll back three times as bad as it was the first time.
“I heard about this new sweet shop in town from one of my division members. We ought to check that out!”
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Those words stopped Izuru for a second. 'Sweet shop?' Izuru thought to himself as he tried to figure out what had just happened.
"You want to go where?" Izuru mumbled words were barely audible. He was beyond confused by what Rangiku had just asked. He was almost positive that she was going to ask if they wanted to go drinking. But this was a complete surprise to Izuru.
"I'm sorry," Izuru apologized because he didn't want his comment to come off as rude. "I would love to go with you." Izuru said as he tried to add a little life to his voice. "After you?" Izuru asked as he walked towards the door of the office.
reminisce || kira&rangiku
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the-wretched-haiku · 11 years
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[/Sighs deeply.]
"Did you need something Captain?"
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[/Casually coughs and peeks around for fellow Squad members.] 
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