the-xephyr · 3 years
Prison Break
Hallo! I am Xephyr!
I haven't had tie to write any of my asks, but I will be writing them all, don't worry. I just had a couple of issues and a lot of homework.
This was meant to be an AO3 only story since it will have chapters, but I'm using it to make up for not posting.
Pairing is Dream x Reader, I did my best to make the reader genderneutral but if you catch anything let me know.
Requests are open if you would like me to write something!
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!!
Word count: 6,761
You had been carving this shelter in the deep dark for weeks. You needed it fully functional and self-sustainable before you broke into the prison. You had a meticulous plan, you knew the Warden’s sleep schedule and you’d learned how to make redstone contraptions.
You’d spent the past day brewing more potions than you thought you’d need. You’d even made an entirely new set of netherite armour for yourself. You didn’t want the Warden to recognize your regular set, you’d even made the netherite boots two sizes too large for you. You were worried that you’d track mud into the prison and the Warden would track you down by the boot patterns and foot size. You knew you were being paranoid, but honestly, you needed to be. You were going to break a criminal out of jail, after all.
In your opinion, making the shelter be self-sustaining had been the easy part. You’d built 3 farms, one for carrots, wheat, and beetroot. You knew that he had only been eating raw potatoes, so you didn’t want to have potatoes anywhere in the shelter.
The hard part had been the actual building aspect. You had needed to find time to collect resources and mine the actual shelter out, while maintaining your social life so that no one would suspect that you were up to anything.
You’d finished putting all of the animals into their pens yesterday. You didn’t know which meat he would prefer so you just caught six of each. The kitchen was already full of meats and vegetables so he wouldn’t have to tend the farms or the animals until he was feeling better.
You’d caught him a glow squid and build him an aquarium in the main room. You’d done your best to make the entire shelter as nice as possible, he would have to spend most of his time down here and the last thing that you wanted was for it to feel like another prison.
You’d taught yourself to sew and crochet so that you could make tapestries to hang on the walls. You’d made sure that the bedding was soft, warm, and comfortable. Most of the shelter was carpeted to give it a homey vibe. You’d collected music disc’s so he would never be left in silence.
There were only two things left to do, be inconspicuous and break Dream out. You went to the farm giving all the animals enough food to survive for a week before grabbing your bag full of potions. You grabbed your regular armour off of the stand and put it on, making sure your new set was in your enderchest. You sealed the entrance up as you left and headed towards Snowchester. You’d be helping Tubbo with some terraforming while using them as a makeshift shield. If you were with them in Snowchester, how could you have broken Dream out of prison?
Tubbo was happy for the help, and before you knew it, three days had passed. Tubbo announced that everyone would have an off day, the storm that would hit in the morning would make terraforming nearly impossible. You planned to strike the prison before the storm hit, so as soon as the sun went down, you started to get ready. You took everything out of your bags and counted each potion, before repacking them and neatly leaving them by the door.
As soon as your clock told you that it was midnight, you were up. You grabbed your bag full of potions and a few enderchests, you didn’t know how many you would need so it would be better to pack extra rather not enough. You drank an invisibility and speed potion and quietly opened the door to the house you were staying in, you shut it silently and ran into the forest in the direction of the prison.
It was a perfect night for a prison escape. The dark storm clouds blotted out any light from the moon and stars, making it hard for you to see where you were going, but it would also make it hard for anyone to track you as you ran. You hoped that tomorrow’s storm would hide any of your footprints, as you weren’t currently wearing your new large boots. You didn’t want a trail of those prints leading from Snowchester to the prison. That would be a pretty big giveaway. You stopped multiple times to drink more speed potions, but you saved the invisibility ones for when you were closer to civilization.
The prison came into view but you ran past it, to BadBoyHalo and Skeppy’s mansion. You drank an invisibility potion before you ran out of the tree line, leaning against the mansion wall. You didn’t know if they were asleep, or if they were even home. You hadn’t heard from either in a while, but you hoped they were both in the mansion, asleep. It would be easier for you to escape if they were. Bad would ask Sam questions and Skeppy would be a big distraction to both of them.
You leaned against the wall, waiting for your speed potion to run out and running through the instructions to make the piston contraption, and making sure you had everything you needed.
You put the large netherite boots on, and as soon as the speed potion ran out you headed towards the prison’s first doorway. You smiled to yourself when you noticed the amount of mud and wet sand you had to walk through to get to the prison entrance.
Your paranoia had paid off. You tracked the mud and sand into the entrance, not bothering to stop and clean it up.
You quickly began to build the contraption. Your hands shook as you laid the redstone out. You put up the redstone torches. You made sure to put the repeater at the right setting before placing the piston and a block of obsidian in front of the piston, the button to activate it, just in reach. It would push the obsidian block into the portal, smashing it, and leaving it there so it couldn’t light up again. You lit the portal and pushed the button, stepping into the portal. You went through to the nether just before the redstone that would activate the piston lit up.
You waited in the nether for a few minutes, making sure the Warden wouldn’t storm through after hearing the noise. After deeming it to be safe, you lit the portal up and stepped through. You couldn’t be certain this would link up to the one in the main entrance, but you really hoped it would. You had a plan B if this plan went wrong, but it would take too long, and would definitely get you caught and killed.
The portal led to the main entrance, the Warden didn’t close it. It made sense that he left it open, if there was an emergency, he couldn’t be wasting time finding a flint and steel. But there you were, invisible in the main entrance right in front of the sleeping Warden. He had taken to sleeping at his desk since Technoblade had escaped. You quietly walked past the visitor’s entrance, to the one he always used. It meant you’d have to walk past him, but his entrance had the controls.
As soon as you were down the hall, you took off running. You didn’t have a minute to spare. You had 3 hours to get Dream into the shelter and to get back to Snowchester. If you could get back to Snowchester before the Warden noticed that Dream was gone, you could make it look like you’d never left the bed.
You ran past the smaller prison cells and into the lava control room. You knew to only press the button once, or the lava would start to fill up again, but which button? Sam hadn’t labeled any of them. You figured he knew them all by heart, but he had never allowed you to look over at the controls. You looked at them now and decided between the three buttons. The first one you clicked didn’t do anything, you were praying that you hadn’t just clicked an alarm button. You took your boots off and checked how long you had left on the invisibility potion. You grabbed another just in case. You waited for a few minutes, but the only thing that you could hear was the lava popping. No footsteps. You sighed in relief.
You clicked the next one and the bridge started moving, you knew you would have to wait for it to dock before trying to call it back, but at least it gave Dream a heads up that he was getting a visitor.
You heard the prison cell give off that low rumble that meant the bridge had docked, and you pressed the button again, calling it back. You couldn’t press the button to get rid of the lava while the bridge was out or the system would glitch and alert the Warden that there was something in the lava. You remembered that from your first visit when Dream had kept throwing his clock and his books into the lava.
The bridge docked and you clicked the button to lower the lava. You went to the bridge to assess the damage, since it was always near the intense heat of the lava, you knew the damage couldn’t be too bad. The brick was a little singed, but that seemed to be the worst of it. You sighed in relief. The lava lowered just enough for you to see over it and into the cell. Your potion was still in effect, so he couldn’t see you, but you could see him. He looked thin and pale. He was clearly malnourished. Luckily you had packed some god apples for him to eat the second he was out. You both watched the lava slowly lower. You noticed that the netherite wall was up on his side, that must have been what the first button did. You went over and pressed the bridge button, waiting for it to dock before pressing the first button, lowering the wall. There were seconds left on the potion effect as you went to stand in front of the lava pit so he could see that he wasn’t being lured into a trap.
His face lit up as he saw that you were standing there. You quickly motioned for him to get on the bridge, and as soon as he was on it, you clicked the button to bring it back. You turned away from him and started building a nether portal, you weren’t quite sure where this would drop you off in the nether, but it was better than attempting to take him out past the Warden. You put the boots back on, as the Warden would definitely be going through the portal when he found it and your ashy footprints would definitely be a massive clue as to who had done this.
As soon as the bridge docked you were ushering him through the portal, following closely behind. You looked around in the nether spawn, you recognized the area, you were pretty close to the main portal. But it wouldn’t be safe to take him through a populated area such as that. So you took him and ran towards Technoblade’s portal. Stopping about halfway there to dig into the nether wall. You closed the entrance up behind you and kept mining. You sat him down and shoved the god apples and a water bottle into his hands.
You started building a nether portal while he ate. You were on alert at every noise that you could hear through the walls. You shoved an invisibility potion into his hands as soon as you heard a ghast shoot a fireball. You drank one and grabbed your axe.
You heard their steps get closer, but they didn’t stop at the wall, they continued past. You hoped that it wasn’t Sam already looking for the both of you.
You felt Dream’s hand on your arm, he tugged you towards the portal and you made sure to grab his hand so you would lose him in the dense forests. He squeezed your hand and you both went through the portal spawning in an open plains biome. You heard him take a sharp breath. You wondered when the last time he had seen the outside was. You immediately pulled out your pickaxe and started mining the obsidian. The last thing you needed was to have other people wondering where the new portal led. As soon as you were done mining, you handed him a torch, pulling out your map to gain your bearing, before starting off towards the jungle biome that housed the shelter.
“Can you take a speed or would that be too much?” You’d stopped just past the tree line, you were eyeing the surroundings for any mobs that might be wandering around at this time of the morning.
“I can take it, how far do we need to go?”
“The jungle,” you said handing him the speed potion. “We should try to get there before the storm begins. You are in no condition to be catching a cold.” There was a footstep nearby and you grabbed his hand taking off again.
You stopped at a river that was about a quarter of the way to the jungle. You sat him down, offering him more god apples, which he declined. You took the boots off and put them in the bottom of the potion bag. You pulled out your communicator, wincing when you saw that it was past 5 AM. The Warden would be up by now. It wouldn’t take him long to notice that Dream was missing, or for him to alert the others. You knew that Sapnap would want to be the one to kill Dream, and you had no idea where he lived. You hoped that it was in the other direction to where you were heading.
Dream was running his hands in the river when you turned to him. You didn’t want to take him away from this, but both of your lives were at stake. You gently placed your hand on his shoulder, and he looked up at you and nodded, standing up. You figured you’d be safe without the potions for a while, just until the birds woke up. You knew the birds would wake up when the sun had risen a bit more, and that any crows would immediately go tell Philza what they had seen.
He followed close behind you as you ran over hills and through forests. The only sound that could be heard was from mobs, so you knew there wasn’t anyone who had caught up to you yet. In the distance, a massive mountain slowly came into view. You veered to the right, to go around it. Your boat would be waiting on the other side of it, to take you across the ocean. From there, you’d only need to cross a few more biomes before digging down into the shelter. You ran around the jagged rocks and through the gravel on the beach.
The boat came into view just as you heard the first few birds began to chirp. You were way behind schedule. You got into the boat and drank a strength potion, you’d need it if you were going to row two people over the high tide waves crashing onto the shore. The waves were strong, but your determination was stronger. You eventually pushed through the last of the waves, but you never slowed your rowing. The first raindrops hit your face as a coral reef came into view, it marked the halfway point between the mountain you’d just come from and the desert you were heading for.
As soon as the desert biome came into your view you handed Dream an invisibility potion. He drank it without complaint, taking the bag from you. He rummaged around in it, pulling out two speed potions and an invisibility potion from you. He slung it over his shoulders as you stopped rowing. He jumped out of the boat and into the water, at least you'd both dry quickly in the desert. You grabbed your axe and broke the boat into as many pieces as you could, letting them sink to the ocean floor.
You swam to the shore. The harsh waves making it quite difficult, but eventually, you washed up on shore beside Dream. He was looking over the horizon at the sunbeams that trickled through the clouds. You both stayed there for a minute, taking off extra layers and doing your best to dry off. You both eventually got up and started heading towards the savanna in the distance.
It didn't often rain here, but the winds from the storm around were shifting the sands and covering any footprints the two of you left. Dream had some trouble with climbing over some of the taller dunes, but you figured it was just muscle loss from lack of use. He would have plenty of time to recover once he was in the shelter.
Near the end of the desert, there was a village, you had taken your time to get to know them and help them out. You'd helped them cover a ravine that was a few yards away from their homes. You'd refused payment for your service, hoping to gain their loyalty. You had talked to them and asked them not to tell anyone they had seen you or anyone else. They had agreed on the condition that if they needed more terraforming in the future, you would help them.
Dream took a slight detour away from you and picked a pot with a cactus inside up. He placed it in the potion bag. You gave him a confused look and all he did was put his finger to his lips in a 'shh' motion before starting back up on the journey.
The trek through the savanna was mostly uneventful. A sheep had walked up to Dream and he pet its head, admiring how soft its wool was. You smiled and handed him a lead. An emotional support animal didn't sound like a bad idea, but you'd thought he'd prefer a cat, honestly.
The massive canopy of trees that made up the forest slowly came into view. You'd be going from the rainless savanna into the rainforest. You didn't have an umbrella or a raincoat for him, but you couldn't risk him catching a cold. Armour would have to work. You rustled around in the bag he was holding and pulled out the new set you'd made. It would fit him strangely, but the set he had in his enderchest would be way too heavy for him to carry in the state he was in. You were also afraid of the memories it would bring him.
He slowly put the armour on, he seemed to be hesitant of touching the netherite. You understood why, he was scared he would revert back to his bloodthirsty ways. You were here to make sure he didn't, you'd make sure he was happy and healthy, and most importantly, keep him out of the loop of what drama was going on.
You insisted he put it on, you put your hand on his cheek and made him look into your eyes. You nodded at him, and he took a deep breath. He handed the lead to you and fixed the chestplate on. You turned to eye the horizon. You couldn't see anyone, but you felt that they were already hot on your trail. Whether it was a gut instinct or paranoia, you didn't know.
The boots were too small for him, so he put them back in the bag. He took the lead from you and you both entered the jungle. The rain was pouring, creating puddles, leaving your footprints in the mud. You'd need to cover them up as soon as you dropped Dream off in the shelter.
It didn't take long to find the tree that marked the entrance. You dug straight down, Dream jumped down with you, pulling his new sheep into the two-block wide hole. He replaced each block you dug, making sure not to leave a space between the blocks.
You eventually hit the deep dark. You stopped for a few minutes to let him examine the deep slate. It was the first time he would be seeing anything from the new update. You'd have to remember to bring him a goat, you think he'd like one.
You finally broke into the roof and the three of you fell into the main room in the shelter. You didn't give him time to look around before ushering him into one of the bathrooms so he could shower and change. You gathered a comfortable change of clothing, some sweatpants and a t-shirt. You left them just outside of the bathroom door.
You grabbed a shovel and a pickaxe and started back up to the surface. You replaced the blocks you mined as you slowly made your way back up. You made sure the coast was clear before climbing a tree. You'd use the leaves to lean over and cover the footprints without creating more. You should probably collect moss. A carpet of moss on the rainforest floor would stop the mud, therefore eliminating any footprints you might leave behind.
You'd start on gathering that as soon as the storm ended. You finished covering the footprints and you climbed the tree the rest of the way. In the distance, near the desert village, there was movement. You couldn't tell if it was a villager, a zombie, or one of the prison guards. You didn't wait to see. You immediately took off down the tree, jumping from the lowest branches to the next tree before digging down into the shelter, taking care to place each block perfectly. If that was a guard, someone had probably already checked Snowchester and found you missing. You sighed, but you wouldn't mind being on the run and staying here with Dream. You'd prefer that, honestly.
Dream hadn't gotten out of the shower yet, which you were happy for, you hadn't wanted him to come out and find you gone. You were soaked to the bone and covered in mud, so you went to the second bathroom to shower. When you came out of the bathroom, he was cooking soup in the kitchen.
You wrapped your arms around him, and you just held him. It was the first time you were really looking at him since you'd broken him out. The clothes were baggy on him, there was barely muscle on his bones, he was too skinny. There were dark circles under his eyes, his cheeks were sunken, there were bruises on his arms. You led him away from the soup, taking him to the couch. He followed willingly, exhausted. You made sure he was comfortable and warm before going back to the kitchen to finish the soup he had started.
It looked like a simple chicken soup, you didn’t know if he wanted it to only be chicken or if you’d caught him before he could add in any vegetables. Either way, you’d be making it as healthy as possible. You chopped some carrots, broccoli, and onions. You dropped those in with some spinach. You stirred in some chicken broth powder to add flavor and left it to boil. You got some milk out of the fridge, added chocolate powder, and stirred it. The extra vitamins from the powder would do him good. You dished up the food as soon as it was finished and brought him his soup bowl and chocolate milk. You pulled a table over to be in front of the couch so he wouldn’t have to hold the hot soup bowl. You went back for your own before settling down next to him. He leaned his head against your shoulder as he ate, you wrapped your arm around him and kissed the top of his head.
You both stayed in that position even after the bowls had long been empty. You figured he had fallen asleep, you were happy he felt safe enough to sleep around you. Exhaustion from the long night you had overtook you, and you fell asleep holding Dream close to your heart.
You and Dream are startled awake by a sudden vibration from your pocket. He jumped up and off of the couch, turning around, almost looking ready to fight. He blinked as his eyes focused on you and he shook his head. You got up and cradled his face as his shoulders relaxed. You had no idea what they had done to him in there but you had the feeling that once you found out, heads would roll.
You pulled your communicator out of your pocket, wondering who was messaging you. It was a message from Tubbo letting you know that there was an issue and the Warden would be coming to Snowchester in thirty minutes to talk to everyone. So they hadn’t tracked you down? If you made it back to Snowchester in time, you could make it look like you hadn’t left at all. Like the original plan. You checked the time, it was 9 AM. You'd clearly given the Warden a bit to much credit if he'd only just started looking for Dream.
“I’m sorry Dream, but I need to go to Snowchester. I will make sure they don’t find you,” you kissed him on the cheek as you got up grabbing a few invisibility and speed potions out of the bag. “I will be back as soon as I know it is safe to come.” You placed an enderchest down and turned to look at him, “Promise me you won’t go after them, promise me you will only use the things in this chest if you need to defend yourself."
“I promise Y/N,” he leaned forward and kissed you on the lips, “I promise.”
You smiled and grabbed your coat, heading for the room that held the nether portal. You had done everything you could to hide the portal, even going as far as to make an entire lava lake to hide the small room that held the portal in the nether. You grabbed your heavy coat as you knew the storm would be raging in the overworld. A hand held your shoulder, and you turned around. Dream pulled you into a gentle kiss, he whispered a thank you and he turned to leave the room. You knew he was sad to see you leave, you could see the tears in his eyes, but you needed to go back to calm any suspicions about you. You would be back as soon as you could be because it hurt you just as much to leave him here alone.
You entered the nether, using the tunnel that led under the lava lake, you dug the rest of the way out, replacing the blocks behind you. Once you were out, you knew how to get to the Snowchester portal, but you hoped you’d make it in time. You drank the potions as you ran, hoping there was milk in the fridge.
You ran and ran praying to XD that you’d make it in time. The portal came into view, and you could hear a ghast spitting fireballs out in the distance, of course the Warden would travel by the nether. You hoped that he couldn’t see you as you went through the portal, trying to get your winter coat on and zipped up before the cold could hit you.
The storm had hit the area pretty hard, a fresh layer of snow covered everything, and you knew if you stepped out of the alcove and into the snow you would leave footprints. The roof of the first house was about a foot away from where the alcove ended. You could pull yourself up onto it if you could parkour over to where you were staying.
It was your only option, so you had to try. You grabbed onto it and pulled yourself up, you quickly dashed across the roof, and jumped onto the next one. You hopped the people in the houses didn’t find it weird that there were footsteps on their roof, and that Sam wouldn’t notice the footprints left behind. You jumped onto the next house, and then onto yours. You dropped down onto the ground right in front of the door, you opened it and got your shovel out immediately. You did your best to smooth out the footprints and ran inside, closing the door behind you. You started the fire immediately, then went for the milk to null the potion effects. You ran upstairs to shower and change into something more comfortable. You needed to look like you’d just woken up. You couldn’t risk raising any suspicions.
The house was too cold to have been lived in all night, so you built a cauldron and filled it with lava. You set your wet clothes next to it so they would dry quicker. You’d need to break it before they came inside, or you really would look suspicious, but it worked to heat up the upstairs. You ran downstairs to start the kettle and cook some pancakes. If you’d really just woken up you’d be hungry, right? From the window, you noticed Sapnap and Sam go into the house next door, so you stopped mixing the pancake batter and ran upstairs to break the cauldron. You were happy to find your clothes completely dry from the intense heat, so you threw everything except the jacket onto a chair. As a last-minute thought, you grabbed the blanket that covered the bed. You brought it downstairs and threw it on the couch in front of the fire. You hung the coat on the coat rack and went back to the kitchen. You poured the batter into the pan and managed to make about 5 before you heard a knock at your door. You took a deep breath and walked over to the door.
“Come in, gosh it is freezing out there. How are you two doing?” You smiled at Sam and Sapnap as they entered the house. “I have tea and I’m cooking some pancakes if you’d like any.”
“We just have a few questions to ask you, but some tea would be great, thank you.” You noticed that Sam reached out to feel the jacket, you turned around and smiled to yourself knowing it was completely dry. They wouldn’t catch you because of a cold or wet jacket, your paranoia had worked in your favor again.
They both followed you into the kitchen, you fixed them both a cup of tea and went back to your pancakes. You offered them the ones you had already finished. They both took one, and Sam leaned back against the counter with a sigh.
“So, about your previous relationship with Dream,” Sam started, but you cut him off.
“Oh, don’t remind me,” you grimaced and shook your head. You turned the burner off and grabbed one of the pancakes.
“We would like you to tell us more about it, Y/N,” It was Sapnap who spoke this time.
“Well, I loved him, with my whole heart, but I don’t think he even knows what love it. He never loved me back. And when I found out what he had been doing, I couldn’t. How could I continue our relationship knowing he was murdering people and blowing up entire nations?” You hated lying about your relationship, but all those months ago this was the story Dream had asked you to tell everyone. You would stick to it even now. Especially if it meant he would be safe.
You looked out of the window and sighed, the two seemed to be having a silent discussion. You took deep breaths to calm your heart.
“We just wanted to make sure you still felt that way,” Sam said, and you turned to them with your eyebrow raised.
“Still? Did something happen?” You asked, your fingers tightened around your mug.
“Yes, but we don’t want to cause a big panic. Someone helped Dream to escape last night. We have a few suspects in mind, and after seeing how hard the storm hit this area, we doubt that anyone from Snowchester could have dont anything.”
You morphed your face into one of horror and asked about the most likely to be suspected, “Wilbur?”
“Maybe, but I promised Dream that if he ever got out, I would be the one to kill him,” Sapnap looked quite stressed about that decision. You reached out and took his hand, squeezing it and nodding at him. He smiled at you and nodded back.
“For your own safety, Y/N, you should stay here until he is caught or killed. We don’t know what his plan is or what his intentions are.” You noticed that Sam was sniffing at the air. You swallowed hoping you didn’t smell like Dream. “Can we see upstairs for a minute?”
“Sure, right this way.” You had forgotten about Sam’s sensitive nose. You hoped he wouldn’t be able to smell him on the clothing you had thrown over your chair earlier. Both walked into your room, and Sam went straight for the bag you had brought with you from your home. He didn’t even glance at the clothing on the chair. He began to search the bag before he pulled out a small bottle. Dream’s old cologne. You mentally facepalmed, why would you pack that? Behind you, Sapnap started laughing and walked around you to push it back into your bag. He shook his head and turned to Sam. Your heart was beating a mile a minute.
“Don’t tell me you’ve been tracking his cologne this whole time. He’s been in prison, he didn’t have cologne,” Sapnap was laughing hard, you didn’t understand why this was so funny, but this hiccup had just ensured Dreams safety.
“I grabbed the last things Dream had before being put in the cell to use to track. How was I supposed to know that he’d be wearing cologne to fight children?” Sam looked lost. You were having trouble concealing your smile.
“He always wore this, dude. She liked it, so he always bought it,” Both of their attention was back on you now.
“Do you happen to have anything of his that I could use to track him?” If you said no, you’d look suspicious, but you knew that if you took them to your home, they wouldn’t find anything.
“I might, at home,” you said after a few seconds, “I think I kept a few of his shirts.”
“Perfect, lead the way, Y/N.” At least this way, you were helping them. How could they accuse someone who was helping them?
You grabbed your bag and started packing, if you were going to go back home, you might as well stay. You put your coat on and lead them towards the portal. The storm was still raging outside and you were happy to note that your footprints were no longer visible on your neighbor’s roofs. Sam and Sapnap entered the nether first, something about chivalry not being dead. You just rolled your eyes. They began to take their coats off, so you took a second to message Tubbo and tell him that you were going home.
You led them through the nether towards your home. You had built a stable walkway so that you were safe on your travels, and both men took note of the route.
“Do you think he will be after me?”
“I don’t know what he is after Y/N,” Sam said honestly. It didn’t sound like either men had the slightest clue that you were the one they were after. You smirked and continued to lead them to your home.
Sam broke the silence after a while, “You live pretty far, don’t you Y/N? I don’t think he would be able to find you all the way out here.”
“Well, this is where he wanted us to live. He built it and we lived here together. He always told me that it was where we would retire too.” It felt strange to be telling them this, but it also felt weird to be leading them to your home.
“Did you stay with him because of the house?” Sam asked.
“No, I stayed because I loved him.” Sapnap hummed at that. Your portal came into view so you motioned to it. Both men sped up, it was cute that they honestly thought there would be anything helpful in there. You’d taken all of his old clothing down into the shelter. There was nothing left of him in the house.
The house wasn’t fancy, not by any means, but it was yours. Sam looked around, sniffing the air to see if he’d find anything. You weren’t surprised when he came back empty-handed. He however did seem to find the stash of cologne you’d kept. You looked away and pretended that you hadn’t seen what he was carrying. Sam and Sapnap walked over to a window to talk for a few minutes. You were busy thinking about where the other guards were. Or where Quackity was. You knew that he would want to find Dream. He would want that book, that stupid book. You sighed and buried your head in your hands. You knew this would be difficult, but you just wanted to hold Dream in your arms again.
“Y/N, I think you should come live with one of us until he is dead or in prison. You clearly didn’t want to stay in Snowchester, and you will be completely safe with us.” Sam said, you lifted your head out of your hands and made eye contact. You didn’t know if he was being nice or if he was thinking to use you as bait.
“So you really think I am in danger?”
“We don’t know. And we don’t want you to be in danger if he decides to come here.”
“But this is my home, I-”
“Would you rather one of us stay here with you?” Oh, gods. Both choices sucked. You’d never be able to see Dream without one of them following you no matter which you chose. Well, maybe there was a way.
“Sapnap, would you mind staying here, just for a little while?” You smiled softly at him, and he gave you a big smile.
“Of course, I’d just need to run back to Kinoko for some clothing and supplies.”
“Thank you so much Sapnap,” you hugged him. You felt quite bad about your new plan, but it was the only way. If they never caught him, they would never leave you alone. Unless you were dead. You could run away when they weren’t looking but then they’d have an even bigger search party out. It would start a panic, and Dream wouldn’t be safe. But if you were to ‘die’ in a ‘natural disaster,’ well there would be no reason to ever look for you again.
Sam needed to head to Los Nevadas to inform Quackity and start his search over there. Sapnap was going to the Kinoko Kingdom to pack his bags so he could move in with you. You had been left alone, and you didn’t know how many more opportunities you’d have to be completely alone. You used the time to decide how you would fake your death. Fire would probably be the best option. Make it look like a grease fire, one that rapidly spread when Sapnap wasn’t around to help. You’d trap a witch in the kitchen, they didn’t have an unlimited supply of potions, so you’d make sure she was completely out before setting the fire. You’d leave your communicator in the fire to burn.
How would they ever be able to tell that it wasn’t you? You’d be able to get away from them for good. You’d get to move into the shelter and live with Dream. You figured that you’d move out of the shelter and move into a completely different area, too far away to be found, alone together. You got up to start on dinner, you’d need to pretend to be perfectly normal around Sapnap until it was time. You couldn’t raise any suspicions.
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the-xephyr · 3 years
hellooo, i like ur writing vv much— id like to know ur boundaries on writing w c!dsmp characs (like are u ok w c!philza romance or smtng?) thank you <​3
- 🍪
Hallo 🍪!!
You are so sweet, thank you so much for the compliment!! I will write romantically for most c!dsmp characters including Philza, because he is a major dilf. :)
In fact, now that you've mentioned it, I might need to immediately start brainstorming an idea for a fic with him........
I think that the only character, other than minors, that I won't write romantically is Slimecicle. I don't know his boundaries on fanfic's and it's the goop. I don't know how to write the slime romantically.
I will write a platonic pairing for anyone, including Slimecicle, though.
I also will write NSFW if it is requested, but for that, I will stick to the CC's boundaries.
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the-xephyr · 3 years
All Hallows Eve
Hallo!! I am Xephyr!!
We are going to pretend that I didn't post this after Halloween. To be fair I do have a good reason. I was fixing up my settings on here, and I didn't finish until today.
Requests are open if you would like me to write something!
Pairing: Technoblade x reader, but from Techno's POV
Warnings: Underage Drinking
Word Count: 8570
This is about C!Technoblade and in no way do I mean this to be about CC!Technoblade.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy!!
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“Techno, c’mon, I need my wingman. Sally’s going to be there and this is my chance!” Wilbur had been asking me for about a week now. All I wanted was a quiet night in the house, maybe scare a couple of orphans, and probably eat an entire bowl of candy. Wilbur, however, had a different idea.
“If you don’t come with me, I’ll cancel Miss Puffy’s offer to take Tommy and Tubbo trick-or-treating. You can babysit them both. But it is Halloween, so they will both want candy.
Do you really want to deal with two ten-year-olds on a sugar high?”
“Heh? Are you threatening me?” Wilbur pulled out his phone, clicking on Miss Puffy’s contact, ready to call her. “Okay, okay. I’ll go, but I am not dressing up.” Wilbur laughed and ran upstairs. You sighed deeply. You hoped that it would at least be quiet or that there would be a quiet area outside. You slumped back against the couch and turned the tv on.
Tommy wandered in and clambered up the couch to sit next to you. You handed him the remote, and he changed the channel to Disney. You pulled out your phone and opened the group chat to find Wilbur bragging to everyone that he managed to get you to join. You sighed and turned your phone off, you were definitely going to regret this.
You let Tommy lean against you as he watched one of his shows. You let him watch one episode before sending him off to his homework. He grumbled the whole way up the stairs, but you eventually got him into his room. You walked to your room hoping you didn’t have too much homework. You opened the door and was met with a mass of grey fur on your bed. You groaned loudly and went to check what it was. Wilbur sauntered in as you picked it up. He was smirking at you.
“Like it, Wolfy?”
“What the hell? What is this?” It was a heavy fur coat with wolf ears on top. You groaned again. You sat next to it and pet the fur. “A wolf? I already said I wouldn’t dress up.”
“It’s soft and will make a perfect kind of werewolf. I can’t actually tell you what the costume is but you can believe it’s a werewolf until I tell you what it is.” He hummed as he opened one of your drawers, “It’s the perfect costume for tomorrow trust me.”
“I said I didn’t want to dress up.”
“You’re going to want to listen to me. I know what I am doing and you won’t regret it,” He smirked at you as he pulled out ripped black jeans.
“You’ll need to look like a bad boy,” Wilbur laughed as he threw the jeans onto a chair before going over to your closet and rummaging through it. “I have a last-minute addition to your costume but you will fight me over it, so I’ll have to put it on right before we get into the party.”
He laughed as he pulled out a plain white sleeveless shirt he held it up to you, grinning. He threw it on top of the jeans on the chair and opened the small box that held all of your piercings. He pulled out different piercings, a black barbell septum, an eyebrow one, a nose ring, a smiley piercing, multiple earrings, and a lip piercing.
“Is this really necessary?”
“Yes! She’s gonna love this!”
“Ah, no one,” He had turned around to make eye contact with you. He left all of the piercings in a small pile on the top of your dresser.
“What the hell Wilbur?” He was opening a different box now.
“Hold on I’m not done,” He pulled several rings out of the box, all black and silver. Completely different from your normal gold. He held them up, and you noticed he had mostly picked ones that were shaped like skulls. He left them in a pile beside the piercings. “Do you still have that silver studded belt? Where are your boots?” He wasn’t waiting for an answer before jumping to the next thing. He already had his phone out texting someone. “Oh perfect! Dream has chains you can borrow. Where is that belt?”
“Behind the door. Why do you need chains?”
“Because I only bought one and you’ll get to see that tomorrow.” He was looking through the belts that were hung up. He grinned as he held up a long chain belt. He looked a bit more and found the studded belt at the back of the pile. “Perfect. Where are the combat boots?”
“In the closet, at the back against the wall.” He handed you both belts and went to look for them.
You stood up from the bed and placed them on top of the chair. “If you have such an elaborate costume planned for me, what are you going as?”
“A pirate because I heard Sally is going as a mermaid. ‘Accidentally’ matching outfits will be a perfect opener and I am hoping to ask her out.”
“How are they matching?” You looked up at him as he held up the boots. He wiggled his eyebrows, grinning.
“Didn’t pirates used to throw themselves into the waters over the sounds of mermaids voices? Yeah, my way of showing that I’m head over heels.” He was grinning at you.
“Is there a reason you have me going as a werewolf?”
“Wanna elaborate?”
“Nope.” He placed the boots beside the chair and looked through his piles.
“Okay? I’m hoping there isn’t going to be some lady werewolf that I’m randomly going to get pushed into,” You stared at him with a blank expression. He made eye contact with you and grinned.
“No lady werewolves and no pushing.” He made an ‘oh’ noise and walked to your rack of necklaces, picking out a longer one with multiple dog tags. It jangled when it was moved and Wilbur held it out to you. You took it and inspected it. There was a tag for each of you, Tommy, Wilbur, Philza, and you. You remembered having them engraved at the zoo many years ago. You wanted to curse your younger self for making such a silly purchase. He grinned as you held it out to him. He took it and added it to the jewelry pile.
“Do you think you’ll need bracelets?”
You were definitely going to regret agreeing to this.
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You were startled from your intense SkyWars match by a plastic sword pressed to your neck and Tommy dressed as a jar of peanut butter. “Get up. I want candy,” Tommy demanded.
“Why are you peanut butter? There had to have been better costumes at Spirit Halloween.”
Wilbur was handing Tommy a mini KitKat bar. Tommy gave him a look, “We agreed to more than one candy for getting him off of his computer. And, I am peanut butter because Ranboo is the jelly. We have matching costumes.”
Wilbur pulled out more candy for Tommy, “Tubbo’s going to be a hot dog.”
“We are all going to match, like the three musketeers but better!” He was laughing maniacally, he took your hand and shoved his candy wrappers into your it before running off.
You got up from the gaming chair and threw the handful of wrappers into your trashcan.
“How does a hot dog match peanut butter and jelly?”
“Don’t question it, Tubbo insisted they went together perfectly.”
“He’s a menace, how much candy has he already had?”
“That’s the first he’s had. Dadza’s not let him have any so far.” He held up the shirt and the jeans, “you should start getting ready, we have about 2 hours before the party starts and we are doing a carpool.”
You took the outfit from his hands and looked at it. “What do I get out of this again?”
“You’ll see.” With that he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. Through the door, you could hear Dadza calling Tommy a ‘little shit’ and asking where he got candy from.
Strangely, you were almost excited to go to the party. You didn’t know whether it would be because of a change of scenery, the fact that you were actually going to a party, or that it was Halloween. In fact, you almost didn’t mind the costume. You would have greatly preferred getting to pick your own, and you definitely wouldn’t be showing up looking like a furry, but hey you could probably take the jacket off as soon as Wilbur turned away anyways. If you packed a leather jacket with you, you could say you were a greaser. You’d much rather prefer explaining what a greaser was than have to explain why you were a werewolf.
If you gelled your hair back a little, you’d be able to pull it off completely. You looked through your closet and pulled out one of your leather jackets. You took it, the fur coat, and the outfit into the bathroom and got dressed.
The fur coat was softer than you’d care to admit, but you’d never be caught dead dressing up as a furry. You put the leather jacket on over the outfit, and perfect. It would completely work as a greaser outfit. You heard the hinges on your bedroom door squeak as someone walked in. You took the jacket off and hung it behind the door. A knock sounded on the bathroom door. You huffed and opened it. You’d half expected Tommy, but it was Wilbur standing there.
“You forgot your jewelry,” he said handing you some piercings, you took them, rolled your eyes, and turned to the mirror to replace what you were wearing.
“Go worry about your own costume. You don’t look like a pirate, you look like a heathen.” He was only wearing pants and socks. “Why are you worrying about me when you aren’t even wearing a shirt?”
He hummed, “Schlatt and Tubbo will be here in 10 minutes.”
“Okay, then why are you here? Go get ready.”
“Because I could hear your evil little plotting from my room.” He raised his eyebrow, meeting your eyes. You shrugged.
“I’m not plotting anything.” He hummed and walked out of your room.
You don’t remember seeing any greasers with piercings, but you could say you were a modern-day greaser. You sighed, you were really pulling at strings. You really didn’t know if you regretted agreeing or you were excited to go.
You finished putting the piercings in and had started to gel your long hair back when you heard the doorbell ring followed immediately by Tommy yelling. You heard Schlatt’s heavy footsteps climbing the stairs as Tommy and Tubbo’s voices echoed around the house. You figured he would go into Wilbur’s room, but you watched him enter your room from the open bathroom door. He sat on your bed and pulled his phone out.
“How embarrassing, you’re actually dressing up.”
“And you aren’t?” He was wearing that obnoxious Obama family sweater.
“Nope,” he popped the p. “I’m not trying to seduce a mermaid.” He grinned at you and you both laughed.
“Not a mermaid, but you will be seducing a demon girl.” Wilbur waltzed in through the open door, a headband with curling horns in hand. He fixed it on Schlatts head even with the man wiggling and fighting to get out of his grasp.
“Why the fuck are you playing Halloween matchmaker? You could have made sure the actual couples were matching, but nooo you’re making us dress up. What even is Techno?”
“A furry,” you said not even batting an eye as Schlatt’s head whipped to you.
“So are you, look at those horns.”
“Oh.” Wilbur laughed at you both as he walked out of the room to finish putting on his own costume. Schlatt knocked the horns off of his head.
“I have a second leather jacket if you wanna be a greaser with me,” You grabbed the jacket from behind the door.
“I don’t want to be a furry.”
“Neither do I, that’s why I’m going as a greaser. I just need help hiding the jacket from Wilbur.” You looked through your closet for the second jacket. “A greaser was a style from like the 1950s. Ever watched the movie Grease?”
“Yeah, like that.”
“It’s better than the fucking Goatman.” You hummed as you pulled the jacket out of your closet.
You took the hanger off of it and threw it onto your bed, next to him.
“There’s gel in the bathroom.”
“No thanks, my hair is perfect. I’m only going for the drinks anyways. I don’t need to actually dress up. But you, you’re really going all out aren’t you?”
“Wilbur got all of this ready for me. I was threatened into going. He said if I wasn’t going to be his wingman, he would make me babysit Tommy and take him trick-or-treating.” You sat down on your gaming chair and swiveled it around to face him as you put your rings on.
“He told me that I was going to be his wingman. Some ridiculous thing about pirates being in love with Sally.”
“What do you think he’s playing at?”
“He is playing matchmaker. Who’s he matched with you?”
“He mentioned a girl yesterday, but not by name.” Dadza’s voice echoed from the kitchen. It sounded like he had caught Tommy and Tubbo raiding the candy stash.
You finished adjusting the rings on your hands as Schlatt asked, “How do a hot dog and peanut butter match?”
“You’re asking the wrong person. I heard Ranboo’s dressed as a jar of jelly.”
“I asked Tubbo if he wanted to get a slice of bread as his costume because that would at least match, but no. He insisted that the hot dog costume matched.”
“I’m surprised he managed to convince Tommy to be peanut butter.”
“Tubbo probably bribed him, you know how he is with candy.” You were about to answer but Wilbur walked in and threw his pirate jacket onto your bed, interrupting you. He was finally wearing most of his costume.
“Did Tommy leave my sword in here?” You motioned towards your desk where it had been left on your keyboard. He picked it up, sheathing it beneath a few plastic knives he was wearing at his side. “Love the jacket. Put your horns back on.”
Wilbur picked up the belts that were still hanging on your other chair, “Stand up.”
“I can put my own belt on.”
“Stand up.” You sighed deeply and listened to him. He fixed the studded belt through your pant loops. Over Wilbur’s head, you made eye contact with Schlatt who just started laughing at you. He clipped the chain belt on a belt loop and let it hand at your side. “Schlatt put your horns on. Techno put the tags on.”
You picked up the dog tags and pulled them over your head. Schlatt didn’t even acknowledge Wilbur, he just kept scrolling through his phone. He picked the headband up and fixed them on Schlatt’s head. “Keep them on.” He turned to face the mirror. He smiled at his reflection pulling the long pirate jacket over his shoulders, “I’m going to catch a mermaid.”
“You sound like a fisherman. Where’s your net?” Schlatt was messing with horns again.
“Argg, I’m gonna steal yer treasure, Matey!” Wilbur grinned down at Schlatt as he fixed his horns on his head again.
“I’m embarrassed for you.”
Wilbur ignored him and picked up the fur coat. “Come on boys. We need to pick Dream, George, Sapnap, and Karl up. Miss Puffy was nice enough to babysit the menaces for the night, so let’s not be late.” You picked up the leather jacket and followed him downstairs Schlatt walked down behind you and you noticed he still had the horns on. Wilbur had left the fur coat on top of the couch, so you hid the leather jacket inside of it and picked them up.
“Tommy! Tubbo! We are leaving,” Wilbur yelled. Mumza and Dadza walked out of their shared study to say their goodbyes, reminding you to keep Wilbur out of trouble, and telling Tommy to behave. Tommy just laughed.
Mumza and Dadza were heading to their own Halloween party and had been happy to hear that Miss Puffy was so willing to take Tommy around town. If you were being honest, when they had told you where they were going, it sounded like their party was going to be way more intense than the house party you were headed to.
Wilbur picked his car keys up and swung them around his finger as he looked over each of you making sure everything was in place. He smiled when he saw it was and walked towards the garage.
“Shotgun!” Tommy yelled pushing past Schlatt for the passenger seat. Schlatt just rolled his eyes and got into the back seat with you. Tubbo sat in the window seat so he could get out at his stop. The car ride was only about 5 minutes, but it felt like forever. Tommy insisted on playing the Monster Mash and sang off-key the whole ride. Tubbo already had candy in the bottom of his candy bag. He offered you some and you took a mini snickers bar. You’d always thought Tubbo was the calm one out of the two, but when he joined Tommy in the off-key singing of the Monster Mash, you were glad you had chosen a party instead of having to deal with two ten-year-olds having a sugar rush.
When the car pulled into Miss Puffy’s driveway, Tubbo and Tommy happily jumped out of the car and you got out behind Tubbo, thankful for a break from the song. You hoped they wouldn’t play it at the party, but you knew they probably would. How many Halloween songs could they play without playing it at least once?
You followed the group inside where you were met with a mess of costumes. Dream was dressed in all black and you figured he was an assassin. You weren’t sure how Sapnap had been let away with buying his costume, but it was an affront to every god. It was a blow-up alien, which was at least a foot taller than him, abducting a human. Karl was wearing a bat onesie with wings. And George looked like the mushroom king. He was covered in glittering jewelry with a massive mushroom cap on his head.
You felt quite a bit better in your werewolf jacket when you saw their costumes. At least you looked decently lowkey. That was until Dream noticed you, and your lack of jacket.
“I have the chains you wanted right here, Wilbur.” Dream just met your eyes and grinned at you. Wilbur smiled and looked through them picking up some and clipping more to your belt loops. He took a few and wrapped them around your wrists, letting the end of the chain dangle down.
“You’ll look perfect when you put the jacket on,” Wilbur smiled at you and you gave him a weak smile back. Ranboo ran out of the kitchen to greet Tommy and Tubbo. He really was dressed as a jar of jelly.
“I thought you said you had matching outfits? Tubbo does not match,” Sapnap had been the one to ask and he looked like he immediately regretted ever asking when both Tommy and Tubbo jumped to defend their matching costumes. You heard snippets of “three musketeers wish they were us,” and “look at your own costume alien boy.” You laughed softly and walked into the kitchen to find and thank Miss Puffy. You found her wearing a pink unicorn onesie.
Because you had walked away, you missed seeing what Dream handed to Wilbur. You only heard Schlatt’s loud laugh, but you brushed it off. You thanked her and you agreed to babysit Ranboo in return. At least Ranboo was quiet.
You and Miss Puffy walked back into the living room just in time to hear Ranboo threatening to eat Sapnap’s future children. You instantly regretted your decision. Miss Puffy laughed at her son and ushered everyone out of the house, luring Tommy back in with candy when he tried to leave with you.
You all piled into the car. Sapnap and Karl took the very back seats, Dream got into the driver’s seat, and Schlatt claimed the passenger seat. He was still wearing his horns. You guessed he forgot they were there. Strangely, they suited him. You got into the window seat next to Wilbur, but George ushered you into the middle seat and sat in the window seat. He smiled at you and took his mushroom hat off. You were squished between Wilbur and the god damn mushroom king. This was going to be a fun thirty-minute drive.
Most of the drive was spent with conversations happening around you, and you on your phone. You were going through Instagram, looking at your classmate’s costumes, when George interrupted you.
“So Techno, what are you?”
“He’s the Big Bad Wolf. Techno put your jacket on.” Sapnap held it up from the backseat, where you had thrown it earlier.
George took it from him, “Wow, this is quite heavy. Oh, and soft.” He was petting the jacket awfully close to the leather jacket inside. “Oh, it’s nice and silky inside too,” he opened it and the leather jacket fell out. Wilbur turned to give you a look. You didn’t meet his eyes, just looked straight over him to Dream’s arm. Wilbur took the leather jacket and threw it behind you, it landed on Karl, who yelped in surprise.
“Put it on, I want to see it.” George was practically putting it on you himself, pulling one of your arms through the coat. Wilbur helped by putting your other arm through the coat. He pulled the hood up and showed George the little ears.
“I could’ve put it on myself,” you said gruffly.
“I knew you were plotting earlier. What were you planning to do with a leather jacket?”
“A greaser.”
“That would have looked cool, but too bad you are the Big Bad Wolf.” He grinned at you.
“Oh, you are so soft!” George pulled your arm and just kept petting at the coat. You sighed loudly and you dropped your head slightly.
“Hmm, your costume is missing something,” Wilbur looked concerned.
“How? You put it all together.”
“Oh don’t worry Techno, I have the last piece with me,” Wilbur’s grin looked downright evil, and Dream laughed from the driver’s seat. You definitely regretted not staying with Miss Puffy and helping her babysit the three boys.
Your thoughts were interrupted by Sapnap announcing that he was deflating. You pushed the hood down off of your head. It was so stuffy in the car. At least the ride was almost over.
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As soon as the car stopped, Dream hoped out of the driver’s seat. George sat and stretched, picking his hat up and fixing it on his head. He pulled out his phone to use the camera to help him fix it on perfectly. Dream leaned against the door, so you turned to Wilbur, hoping he would be getting out quicker than George. You met his eyes, and you blinked a couple of times as he got closer to you.
“I have one more thing for your costume!” He said. His grin mirrored the Cheshire Cat. In the back seat, Sapnap and Karl were looking for where they had left the air pump to fix Sapnap’s depleted alien. George was still fixing his costume, and Dream was still leaning against the door. From the passenger seat, Schlatt laughed. Wilbur had something in his hands, but as soon as you tried to look down at it, you felt Sapnap’s hands on the back of your head, holding it in place. Your hands immediately reached up to grab at Sapnap, but Karl grabbed one hand and George the other. You felt something cold wrap around your neck and latch into place. Wilbur leaned back, away from you, and held up a key. Karl and George let go of your hands and they immediately flew to your neck. It felt like a thick strip of leather.
Dream opened the door and helped George get out of the car. He adjusted the mushroom cap slightly before George turned to you and held out his phone. The camera was still on so you looked at what was around our neck. It was a thick leather collar with a chain leash hanging from it.
“What the actual fuck?” Your hands were immediately searching for the latch to take it off.
“Oh, that’s not the best part.” Wilbur held up the key you had seen earlier as your hands found a lock keeping the leather on. You reached out to grab the keys, but Wilbur was quicker than you were. “I’ll take it off you at the end of the night if you keep the jacket on.” Behind you, Sapnap flipped the hood up. You quickly got out of the car, handing George his phone back, and attempted to pry it off. Schlatt got out of the car laughing at you. Wilbur got out of the car and lowered one of the seats so Sapnap and Karl could get out and rescue the deflated alien.
“Remember you are the Big Bad Wolf Techno. Little Red Riding hood is waiting.” Wilbur laughed as he pushed you towards the house.
The collar was tight enough that you couldn’t get your fingers down it, but you could still move your head, breathe, and talk without constraint. What the actual fuck?
In front of you, the house was alive with lights and noise. You could almost smell the alcohol from where you stood. Through the window, you could see dancing bodies as the lights changed colors. There were a few small bottles littered on the ground in the front already. You looked around trying to see if there was a way to escape when Dream wrapped an arm around you and George grabbed onto your arm, cuddling into the coat. Both walked to the front door, dragging you with them. They opened the door and pulled you inside with them. They deposited you at the drink bar as both started mixing something for themselves. Before he walked away, Dream grabbed the bottom of the leash.
“Too bad he didn’t listen to me, shirtless wolf boy Techno would have been hilarious,” he laughed and let go of the leash. He took George’s hand and led him out onto the dance floor. You sighed and turned to the bar, you would need a drink if you were going to get through the night. You looked through the options spread out in front of you and grinned as you began to mix yourself a dark and stormy. You switched out the ginger beer for normal beer and lime juice for lemon juice, but you still had the rum to drown out the flavor of the lemon.
Wilbur sauntered up to you, grinning like a mad man. He reached out to take the end of the leash but you quickly pulled it away from him, holding it as far away from him as possible. He just wiggled his eyebrows at you, not attempting to take it from you. He took a couple of beers and a whiskey bottle from the bar before turning and walking away. You watched him walk over to the wall before heading towards the couches. You pushed off of where you were leaning against the bar and headed for the wall. You found Schlatt leaning against it with a half-drunk beer and a whiskey. He was still wearing his horns.
He reached out and grabbed the end of the leash, pulling you to the wall, “C’mere Wolfy.”
“I have a feeling I won’t be living this down anytime soon.”
“Nope but, hey, at least you won’t be the only furry,” he motioned towards Fundy who was wearing fox ears and a tail and then to HBomb who was dressed as a cat maid. You tugged the leash out of his hands as he took a swig from his beer.
“I don’t want to be put in the same group as people who willingly came as furries.”
He nudged you and pointed over to the couches, Wilbur and Sally were sitting next to each other talking. You weren’t sure how they could hear each other, they were sitting a few feet away from one of the speakers. “Would you look at that, he caught a mermaid.”
“I hope he makes a fool of himself,” you took a sip of your drink as Schlatt laughed.
He handed you his now empty beer bottle, “Have you seen a demon? I’ve only seen an angel and no offense to Nikki, but I’m not into angels.” You hummed along with the song as you looked over the crowd of people. Your eyes landed on a large pair of black horns. You couldn’t see who was wearing them, but you motioned towards them. Schlatt grinned as he pushed off of the wall. He straightened his sweater out and took a swig from the whiskey bottle. “I think I’ll make a deal with the devil tonight.” He snickered to himself as he began to push through the crowd.
You downed the rest of your drink and went back over to the bar. You hummed, wondering what to make for yourself. There weren’t many options, a lot of beer, and it looked like a few people had riffled through their parent’s stash. There were some wine bottles, rum, and vodka. You settled with some wine. You were about to pour some when you felt a small hand on your back. You turned to find Nikki petting your coat. She giggled softly.
“I never thought I’d see you here Tehnoblade,” She left the coat alone to pour herself some raspberry wine. She actually was dressed as an angel, with fluffy white wings and a matching halo. Her whole outfit was white with golden accessories. You finished pouring your wine and took a sip. She finished pouring her wine and turned to look at what you were wearing. She giggled again and reached out to take hold of the leash. You sighed seeing it in her hands, you’d almost forgotten it was there.
“Yeah, he threatened me, said he needed a wingman.”
“Did he?”
“No, he caught the mermaid just fine.”
She laughed and adjusted her halo as Schlatt walked over.
“Wilbur said there would be a demon here for me. The only demon here is BadBoyHalo and like hell am I spending my night getting languaged.” He grabbed another beer and headed back to his wall where he slipped down it and just sat on the floor, drinking. He was still wearing the horns. Both you and Nikki started laughing.
“Minx is upstairs. They have a Cards Against Humanity game set up. She’s dressed as a demon.”
“Should we tell him?”
“He will figure it out,” She finished what was in her cup before speaking again. “Little Red Riding hood is outside by the pool right now.”
“She matched you, Mr. Big Bad Wolf.”
“That’s embarrassing.”
“She doesn’t know she has a matching costume.”
“Who is she?”
“Hmm, go and look.” You sighed and finished your drink. Callahan came up and took Nikki’s hand, she said her goodbyes and let him lead her away. He was wearing a Captain America suit, figures.
You stayed inside for a while longer, just drinking and chatting to anyone who walked up. You had entirely forgotten what was around your neck. Schlatt came up to you to invite you upstairs to join the game and to grab another beer. You declined and he walked upstairs with his horns on. He was definitely going to be made fun of.
You were leaning against the wall next to the bar watching the people when the Monster Mash came on, and you were instantly reminded of Tommy in the car. You groaned and grabbed the bottle of rum, you placed it into the coat pocket, and headed outside.
You hadn’t realized how hot and sweaty it was inside until you opened the patio door and the cool breeze hit you. There were quite a few people milling about in the yard. There was a big crowd playing a game in the corner. Sapnap and his alien were sitting on the grass with Karl and Quackity, and Dream, George, Ponk, and Sam were playing beer pong.
Ponk noticed you first, “Techno! Y/N is over by the fence.” He pointed over to the group of people. Dream cheered as the ball landed in one of the cups. George’s mushroom cap and cape were on a chair near him. Sam was dressed in nearly full camo, militia of some sort. Ponk was fully in red, but you couldn’t quite tell what he was wearing.
“Y/N is here?” George started whispering to Dream and they both started laughing. Sam picked up the cup that the ball had landed in and threw it straight into one on Dream’s side before downing the beer. You didn’t think they would answer you so you headed in the direction of the group. Even as you approached the group, you still couldn’t tell what they were playing.
Punz was standing the closest to you when you had approached, so you put your hand on his shoulder to get his attention. “Have you seen Y/N?”
“Technoblade? I didn’t think I’d see you here.”
“I didn’t think I’d be here. Have you seen Y/N?”
“She was here earlier. She went to get a drink and never came back.”
“Thank you.” The group erupted into cheers so you turned and headed back towards the house. As soon as you opened the patio door, you were hit with the heat coming from inside. You left the door open and headed straight for the stairs. You’d be able to see everyone’s face from a height, and she might be upstairs playing Cards Against Humanity.
As you passed the bar, you noticed a red-caped figure leaning against it. How did you manage to find Little Red Riding Hood before Y/N? You sighed and made it to the stairs, looking out over the people. There were still a lot of bodies on the dance floor. Wilbur and Sally were gone from the couch, replaced by Fundy passed out on HBomb’s lap. You winced, he would not be happy when he woke up.
You hadn’t bothered to ask Y/N what she was going to be as you hadn’t thought you’d be seeing her. You sighed and started walking up the stairs.
“Well, well, well. If it isn’t the Big Bad Wolf.” You stopped and turned to find Y/N in a red cloak. Oh. She was dressed as a bloody Red Riding Hood. “What? That’s you Techno?”
“Y/N” She laughed.
“Why are you dressed as a wolf?”
“I was threatened.” She reached out and took the leash.
“I forgot that was there.” She giggled and walked you to the bar. She handed you two cups and took a whole whiskey bottle. She was still holding the leash, so you just followed her outside.
She stopped to watch Quackity attempt to pump air back into Sapnap’s deflated alien as he just laid on the ground, engulfed by the costume. Karl was standing behind them holding his phone up and laughing at them.
Y/N giggled softly, shaking her head at them. She turned away and looked over the garden before settling on the fence on the opposite side of the big group. She led you there and sat down on the grass, leaning against the wood of the fence.
You lightly tugged on the leash and she burst out laughing as you smiled. She let it go and took the plastic cups from you. She poured some whiskey into each cup and you took your’s, settling into the wood beside her. Your arm bumped the glass in your pocket, you smirked pulling the bottle of rum out, and settled it beside the whiskey.
“So, what are you doing here?”
“It was either come or babysit Tommy and Tubbo. From what I saw in the car, this was the better deal.” She hummed sipping on her drink. “Why’d you choose that costume?”
“Actually, Wilbur was the one who suggested it.” You raised your eyebrows at her and took a sip of the whiskey. “He sent me multiple listings for different costumes, and he was at the Halloween store when I went to buy an outfit. He insisted on this one.”
“Interesting. Sounds planned.” She giggled.
“He’s been playing matchmaker for days. He spent almost the entire econ class grilling Minx on what she would be wearing. Called her a basic bitch when she finally told him.” You both laughed.
“He only managed to get Schlatt a pair of horns to match her. Did you see them?”
“They suited him, but he didn’t even seem to notice he was wearing them until Minx complimented them,” She finished her drink and poured some rum into the cup.
“Hold on,” your face went red as you realized what she had said. It had been said multiple times but you never bothered to pay attention. “Wilbur’s been playing matchmaker?”
“He picked out your outfit, and he forced me into this one.” She looked confused for a few seconds before her eyes widened. You coughed and looked up at the sky. She started laughing.
“He’s matched us together then?”
“Seems most people here have, the number of people that have told me that I need to go and find Little Red Riding Hood tonight, is suspicious.”
“Hmm, I’ve been told that I need to go and find the Big Bad Wolf by a couple of people,” she sipped her drink. “Mostly Schlatt, he never mentioned who was wearing the costume though.”
“He wasn’t in on it earlier, so someone here must have told him.”
“Minx probably.” You hummed in agreement. She shivered and wrapped the cape tighter around her body. “They don’t make these costumes element proof do they?” You took the coat off and wrapped it around her. You hoped Wilbur didn’t mind and would still take the collar off. She smiled and cuddled up to you. She made sure both of you were somewhat under the coat.
“What’s with the collar and leash?” She pulled on it slightly and your head jerked.
“I was attacked and as soon as I’m free, there will be blood.” She laughed and patted around the collar, you guessed she was trying to find the latch. You felt her move the metal of the lock, and she leaned back to look you in the eyes. She raised an eyebrow.
“Who’s was this?”
“Wilbur put it on and he had the key, but they all helped. George and Dream blocked my exit and Sapnap held my head still. I know Wilbur didn’t have it when we got in the car because Tommy called shotgun and he was going through Wilbur’s pockets and bags looking for candy. You know he would have pulled it out and asked about it if he had seen it.” She hummed.
“Dream seems like the kinda guy who knows where to buy one of these.” You both laughed. She cuddled in closer to you, and you wrapped your arm around her. You listened to the party around you. The group in the corner cheered again. You looked over to where you had seen the beer pong table, only to catch a flash of light. You flicked off whoever had just taken the picture, only to feel your phone buzz in your pocket. You adjusted her slightly to pull it out. George had sent a picture of you and her cuddling to the group chat. You sighed and she giggled.
“Send it to me.” You laughed but did as she asked.
“Wanna ditch? Mumza and Dadza are at some party, so we’ll have the place to ourselves.” She smiled up at you and nodded.
“Let’s take these though,” she held up both bottles, grinning. You nodded grinning at her.
“I’ll call us an Uber.” She hummed and got up, taking the coat with her.
“I’ll tell the girls I’m leaving. See you in the front in 10 minutes?”
“Okay,” You smiled softly to yourself as she walked towards the house. You finished ordering the Uber and looked up to find George looking at you with a single eyebrow raised. You got up, picked up both bottles, and walked past him, ignoring all comments and questions. When Dream joined him in questioning you, you just walked faster.
You walked inside the house, closing the patio door behind you. You’d forgotten how stuffy it was inside the house. Beast was playing at max volume through the speakers and you wondered how there were people dancing right under the speakers. Someone had turned the volume up since you had last been inside and it was nearly unbearable. You wondered how the neighbors hadn’t filed a noise complaint yet.
You pushed past all of the dancing bodies and headed for the front door, bottles still in hand. You opened the front door and walked out onto the front yard. You leaned against the garage door and waited for her. You pulled your phone out of your pocket and sent a text to your group chat, letting them know that you would be heading home. A few of them answered with some very suggestive emojis, but you chose not to answer them and was about to put your phone away when it lit up with a message from Y/N asking you to help her upstairs.
You were immediately off of the wall and opening the front door, you ignored the music and headed straight upstairs. The second door on your right was open and you could hear people yelling from inside, even over the music. You walked inside and looked around. There were people sitting on the ground holding cards. Their game of Cards Against Humanity was still going. On the bed behind the group was Schlatt, he was passed out and slightly drooling. He was hearing horns, but not the ones he had been when you had last seen him. Y/N was trying to shake him awake, but he only answered with a loud snore. You stepped over one of the people in order to get to them both. She motioned to him and you shrugged. You held out the bottles you had and threw him over your shoulder.
“Damn.” You looked over to see who had spoken to find Minx in Schlatt’s horns, you guessed they had switched. The person you had stepped over before moved out of the way so you could carry him out you thanked them and carried him down the hall. You heard a phone clicking but you chose to ignore whoever had taken the picture. It would be more embarrassing for him than it would be for you, and frankly, he had to be carried out of a party like the drunk mess he was so he deserved the embarrassment on Monday.
Y/N followed closely behind you, it was nice of her to care about him, but you hoped that he didn’t wake up and throw up on you. She held his head as you walked down the stairs so he wouldn’t be jostled too much. She opened the front door for you and both walked out. The Uber was waiting there for you, so she opened the passenger seat and you dumped the unconscious body into the seat, buckling him in. You smiled weakly at the driver and he gave you a questioning look. You closed the door and got into the back seat beside Y/N. She had hidden the bottles in the pocket of the fur coat, and you could only see the outline of them. You were glad that they were hidden, as the Uber driver started lecturing the two of you on the dangers of underage drinking. Y/N did her best to suppress giggles.
You tuned the driver out and turned to her, “so what do you want to do when we get home?”
“Get the drunk into a bed and then maybe watch a movie?”
“What movie?”
“Hmm, maybe not a slasher, it’s a bit late to be waking your neighbors up with screaming from a movie,” she giggled and took your hand in hers. You hummed and rubbed your thumb across the back of her hand.
“How about the Corpse Bride?”
“Oh, cute!” The driver had gotten the memo and had stopped his lecture. Schlatt loudly snored from the front seat. “Will your parents be fine with me coming over?”
“They won’t mind, I’m pretty sure they are expecting to see Sally in the morning, so they’ll be fine with you.”
“Okay good,” She squeezed your hand. “And how about Floof, think he’ll like me?”
“He will love you, trust me.” She giggled softly and leaned her head on your shoulder. The Uber turned down your street and stopped in your driveway. You both thanked the driver and got out. You handed her your house keys, and picked Schlatt up, throwing him over your shoulder again. She shut the car door for you and walked ahead of you so she could open the front door. She shut the door behind you and fumbled to find the lights.
“The movies are under the tv in the cabinet to the left. I need to go drop him off in Wilbur’s bed.” She laughed and went to go look through the movies. You walked up the stairs, trying not to jostle him too much. You kicked Wilbur’s door open and laid him in the bed. You didn’t bother taking his horns off, he could do it himself when he woke up, or he would knock them off in his sleep. You, however, couldn’t be bothered.
You walked back down the stairs to find that Y/N had found the movie and had put it into the DVR already. She had the two bottles on the table.
“Do you want popcorn?”
“Sure, a water as well please.” You nodded and walked into the kitchen. You grabbed a bag of popcorn and put it in the microwave. You grabbed two water bottles and you started looking for the candy bowl. You found it on top of the fridge, out of Tommy and Tubbo’s reach. You smiled at the thought of them attempting to get it down as you walked what you were holding out to her.
You handed her a water bottle and left yours and the bowl on the table next to the alcohol. You opened the ottoman and pulled out the largest blanket you had, handing it to her.
“You can play it, I’ll be back in a minute.” She took the coat and her cape offend cuddled under the blanket. The microwave dinged so you went to grab the popcorn.
“Could you get me two needles, please?”
“What do you need them for?”
“I can pick the lock.”
“What lock?”
She giggled, “your collar.” You went red, you’d forgotten it was there again. You went to the study and looked through Mumza’s top drawer. You couldn’t find it so you went to Dadza’s desk.
It was in his top drawer so you opened it and took out the two needles you needed. You walked back out and handed them to Y/N.
She had you sit on the floor in front of you and she moved your hair to the front. It didn’t take long for you to feel the lock come undone and for her to pull the collar away from your skin. Your hands immediately rubbed at your neck.
“That feels so much better, thank you.” She giggled and handed you the needles and the collar.
You took them and went back to the study, putting the needles away so that Tommy couldn’t get his hands on them. You already had revenge plans brewing so you hid the collar under the sewing kit in Dadza’s drawer.
When you returned, she wrapped the blanket around your shoulders and cuddled into your chest.
“Tomorrow, when we are both sober, we should probably have a talk,” she said moving her head to look up at you. You hummed in agreement and bent down a little bit to press a soft kiss against her cheek. She giggled and hid her face in your chest. You smiled softly at her. She handed you some candy and you took it, wrapping your arms around her.
You fell asleep holding her close to you before the movie even ended.
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You woke up to someone shifting around in your arms. You opened your eyes and found Y/N still wrapped up in the blanket next to you. You smiled softly and pressed a kiss against her temple. She opened her eyes and smiled at you.
“Ew.” You groaned and sat up, making eye contact with Tommy. “You like porridge?”
“You a big porridge fan?”
You chose to ignore his weird question, “how was trick or treating?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know bitch. You just want my candy.”
Y/N sat up next to you and smiled at Tommy. “Ew, you were kissing,” he got up and have you both a look before yelling for Dadza.
“What time is it?”
You pulled your phone out, “11:30 A.M.”
You got off of the couch and stretched. “I’ll grab you some clothes,” you started heading upstairs and she got up to follow you. You both made it halfway up the stairs when Wilbur appeared at the top of the stairs scowling down at you.
“I help you get with Y/N and this is how you repay me? Leaving Schlatt on my bed?” You grinned at him and pushed past him to get into your room. “He drooled on my pillow.”
“That sounds like a you problem.”
Finding clothing that fit her was hard, everything you owned was large on her, but you both eventually settled on an old shirt and sweatpants. She seemed embarrassed to go down and meet your parents without you, so she leaned on the wall and waited as you got changed. When you exited your room, she took your hand and you both went downstairs.
You could hear Schlatt and Wilbur arguing from the kitchen. Tommy was threatening someone with a fork and Dadza was trying to take the fork away from him. Mumza turned to you with a tired smile when you both entered.
“Hello, I’m Techno’s mom, you can call me Mumza!” She said motioning for Dadza to come over.
“Hi, I’m Y/N. I’m Techno’s, um.”
“Girlfriend?” You eyed her to see her reaction but she smiled happily and nodded so you smiled back at her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
“Simp,” Schlatt said grinning at both of you.
“Says the guy still wearing Minx’s demon horns.”
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the-xephyr · 3 years
Hallo! I am Xephyr!
This is a Technoblade x GN!Reader fic.
Requests are open if you would like me to write something!
I hope you all like it and thank you for reading!!!
Word Count: 1425
You had been worried ever since the Butcher Army had shown up this morning. Technoblade had hidden you up in the bedroom, but that just meant you had a full view of the scene unfolding below. You had spent the entire day either pacing or staring out of the window towards the portal. To say that you were anxious was an understatement. A massive arctic storm had hit about 30 minutes after he had been dragged away, and you were not only worried for his safety, but for his ability to make it home through the storm.
When Techno had stumbled into your line of sight, you had immediately known that something was wrong. His hands were trembling, he looked like he was having trouble standing, his breathing was labored, he was pale, and he was holding his head. You had immediately jumped up off of the window seat and grabbed his cape from the hook beside the door before running out of the house to assist him. You let him lean against you as you led him into the house and onto a chair.
You ran upstairs to get him some pajamas, he was soaking from the snow and there was wet blood on his shirt. You grabbed the towel from the bathroom and some fuzzy pajama pants and a long sleeve shirt from his set of drawers. You took them down to him and he started explaining what happened while he dried off and changed. He had to stop a few times to hold his head or catch his breath, and his speech was slurred.
You had never seen a totem of undying be used, but you had always figured that it had some sort of numbing effect. You had never thought that the user would have to feel every single thing. He explained that he could feel the anvil crush everything, then when the totem kicked in, he could feel his bones restructure themselves and every bone fragment find its correct placement. He had felt the muscle reform over his bones, his skin stretching over the muscle and bone, he felt the blood rush through the places that had been reconstructed. He told you about how he had to fight Quackity with a splitting headache and how some of his extremities were numb from lack of blood.
When he had finished changing into the pajamas, you let him lean against you as you lead him to the couch. He sat up, trying to regulate his breathing as you ran to the kitchen to get him some water. You shushed him as he tried to speak when you handed him the glass. He would need silence, darkness, and rest to get over the headache. He finished the glass and you made him lay down on the couch to attempt to get some sleep.
If his extremities were numb, it meant he had a low red blood cell count. You’d need to cook high-iron food for a few days at least to make sure his blood was being replenished at a healthy rate. Red meat, spinach, and eggs were the foods with the highest levels of iron you had. You’d be able to work with that.
You were pulled out of your thoughts as Techno groaned and shifted to his side. He groaned and got up, walking to the bathroom holding his head the whole time. You heard the sink tap turn on, so you ran to the kitchen to get him more water.
He had slurred speech, a splitting headache, and nausea. It was pretty obvious that he had a bad concussion. You knew that someone with a concussion would need darkness and a lot of rest. You left the glass of water on the side table and went to close the blinds and curtains on each of the windows.
He looked even paler when he came out of the restroom, and he was still having trouble holding himself up fully. You wrapped your arm around him and led him back to the couch. He slumped back against it. You opened the ottoman and pulled out the fluffiest blanket for him. You both spent a couple of minutes in silence before he groaned and shifted around. He picked up the glass of water and downed it all. You took the glass from him and went to the kitchen for more water. You brought back two glasses this time.
He was rubbing at the skin on his face when you walked back in. You figured he was in shock, so you put a hand to his forehead. He was pale, but his skin wasn’t clammy, which might be due to the arctic storm raging outside of the house. You had him lay back down and shut his eyes to attempt to get some sleep, while you made him some tea.
You couldn’t risk him catching a cold, not in the state he was in. You quickly filled the kettle up and turned the stove burner on. You placed the kettle on the burner and opened the cabinet that held the tea. You looked for a noncaffeinated one that hopefully aided in relaxation. A box of chamomile tea at the back of the cabinet caught your eye and you moved different boxes to pull that one. The back told you that it was noncaffeinated and you sighed in relief. You opened the cup cabinet and pulled out a large mug, you opened the box and pulled out one of the tea bags dropping it into the bottom of the mug.
As soon as the kettle started to whistle you took it off of the stove, not wanting to aggravate Techno’s headache with the loud noise. You poured the boiling water into the mug and carried it out to him. You found him sitting up on the couch watching you with half-lidded eyes. He was clearly tired. The blanket had been pushed to the side. You placed the mug down on the side table, picked the blanket up, and sat next to him. He picked the mug up and sipped on it slowly. He leaned against you and rested his head on your shoulder sighing. You reached up and slowly rubbed circles on his back. He sighed deeply and relaxed into your touch.
He lifted his head off of you and moved so his back was facing you. He put his tea down on the table and started attempting to lift his shirt off. You helped him and made sure he didn’t jostle his head around too much. As soon as his shirt was fully off, you wrapped the blanket around his shoulders so he wouldn’t get cold.
You understood what he was asking for so you got up and started heading towards the bathroom. You thought that a strong-smelling lotion might aggravate his head, so you were looking for an unscented one. There was an unscented shea butter lotion near the front of the cabinet so you quickly grabbed it and took it back to the couch. You got settled behind him and gently tugged the blanket down. You pumped some of the lotion into your hand and rubbed it between your hands to warm it up. He picked the tea up again and took a slow sip.
When you deemed it to be warm enough, you gently placed your hands on his back and began to massage his trapezius. He sighed and leaned back into your touch, sipping his tea. It didn’t take you long to find a knot, and he groaned when you focused on working it out of his muscle.
There were multiple knots, and you gently worked each one out. He eventually leaned forward away from you to set his now empty mug down and turned around wincing slightly when he moved his head too fast. You picked the blanket up and began to fluff a pillow for him to lay on. You placed the pillow down and moved to get off of the couch, but he gently pushed you back down so you were laying on the pillow. You smiled softly when he took the blanket and threw it over himself, making sure to cover you as well. He adjusted himself so that he could lay on your chest comfortably. You kissed the top of his head before settling your head down on the pillow. He sighed in contentment and after a few minutes, you felt his breathing even out. You smiled to yourself, and slowly let sleep overtake you.
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the-xephyr · 3 years
Hallo!! I am so sorry that this took me so long, I don't actually know how to write angst but I did my best!
The request: Could you do some Dream and/or Techno x reader angst to fluff (or fluff to angst it's up to you)?
Sorry that I deleted the request, but here ya go!
I wrote Dream, but the Techno one should be out by tonight. I wrote them separately because it would have taken me probably another week to get them both out at the same time.
This was also posted to my ao3 account- Public_Menace
I hope you like this, and thank you for reading!!
Word Count: 1333
When you had broken Dream out of prison you had expected him to be a little underweight, slightly malnourished. You’d expected to see a pale, slightly skinnier boy. You hadn’t expected the boy you found at all.
You had done everything you could to keep him as healthy as possible, you had even asked the Warden if you could bring him steak. The Warden had agreed and you had built a cow farm, you had spent hours cooking stacks of steak to take to the Warden for Dream. He had told you that he had been giving the steak to Dream. He had even brought back messages from Dream, they were never long but they always made your heart melt. His messages were always small “I love you’s” or “thank you’s.” But looking at the man in front of you, the Warden had lied.
You had never thought that he would be this malnourished. He was skin and bones. He looked sick. You could probably pick him up, that’s how light he was.
As soon as you had gotten him in the safe house, you directed him towards the shower and ran to the kitchen to make a quick and simple soup. He would need all of the vitamins and nutrients he could get, so you made sure to put as many vegetables as you could into the soup. You chose the best cuts of chicken and added them in as well.
You would probably need to put together a nutrition plan. As you waited for the soup to boil, you walked over to the grocery list on the fridge to add multivitamins. You would definitely need to take a trip to the store tomorrow. He needed them and you hadn’t thought to buy them before you had broken him out.
He would probably start working out as soon as he could. So you needed to make sure that he was healthy before he started. You might even have to make a meal plan to ensure he was getting the right amount of calories a day.
You were so lost in thought that you didn’t notice Dream enter the kitchen or walk up behind you. You jumped as he wrapped his arms around you from behind. You turned around in his arms so you could hug him back, but the sight shocked you. He was standing there shirtless, his chest was covered in bruises and scabs. Some new, some old. You had memorized the patterns of the old scars, so you knew there were tens of new ones.
A jagged scab on his arm immediately caught your attention. He didn’t try to hide it as you reached out, pulling his arm closer to you so that you could inspect it. It was red and horribly infected. You left him at the stove and ran to the bathroom for the medkit. You opened it to make sure that it had everything you needed, and when you saw that it didn’t, you rummaged around in a few chests looking for a potion of healing and some unscented soap.
When you had found everything you needed, you went back to the kitchen, finding him dishing the soup out into two bowls. He handed you a bowl as you grabbed two spoons, handing him one. He went into the living room and sat down on the couch. You pulled up a small table for him to place the hot soup onto and sat next to him. You both ate in silence.
After you both had finished eating, he offered you his arm and you didn’t hesitate to get started. You led him into the bathroom so that you could wash it. You gently rubbed soap around the wound, making sure to keep it out of the actual wound. You made sure the water was warm before starting to wash the soap away. He hissed in pain a few times, and each time you stopped everything you were doing to make sure he was fine.
When you had washed the last of the soap off, you pressed a gentle kiss against his cheek causing him to smile softly.
“What happened baby?” You asked as you dried your hands off so you could go through the med kid. You pulled out a small tube of antiseptic ointment.
“Quackity had shears.” Your head snapped up to him, your eyes wide with horror.
“Shears? Quackity did this?” You shook your head and refocused on the task. The infected wound would need to air dry for a few minutes, but the small injuries littered across his chest and arms needed to be dealt with.
“They were mostly Quackity.” You felt terrible that you didn’t come for him sooner, but he was out now. There was nothing you could do to change what happened.
“Las Nevadas will probably be looking for us as well then, I had only expected the Warden and Sapnap to look, but I hadn’t thought that so many people would look.” You put the antiseptic ointment on the cuts as you spoke. After you put the ointment on each wound, you placed a band-aid over it.
“What's Las Nevadas?” He asked as you started working on his right shoulder.
“I’ve never been, so I can’t completely say, but I think it’s a nation based around a casino.” He hummed and let you continue.
You knew the band-aids would annoy him, but you would have to do your best to make sure he kept them on. You wanted to make sure none of the others got infected. You turned him around so you could work on his back and he signed deeply.
“How long will we be safe here?” He started to pick at a band-aid that was on his hand.
You pulled his hand away from him and fixed the band-aid before answering, “I don’t know. I didn’t think that we would stay here for long, so I have a place out in the mountains for us, but it’s a week’s walk from here. So we will have to stay here for about a month to make sure you are healthy enough to get there.”
“We should start heading there tomorrow, it doesn’t matter as long as you are safe,” He was picking at another band-aid now. You turned him so that the infected wound was facing you.
“Are you sure about that Dream, if this gets worse it might need to be amputated,” you were completely lying, but if it got him to stay until he was healed, you’d say anything. He sighed, and his shoulders slumped.
The wound was dry so you poured a small amount of a potion of healing onto a gauze pad. You took out breathable bandages to wrap it with and placed the gauze pad onto the wound. You wrapped the bandage around it and carefully put the clips into it so it would stay. You turned him around again and finished applying the antiseptic to his scabs.
When you finished, you turned him around again, this time to face you, and you pressed a kiss against his cheek, smiling at him. He caught you before you could move away and kissed you. He threaded his fingers into your hair as you sighed into the kiss. You’d missed this. He broke the kiss and leaned his forehead against yours.
“I missed you, Y/N. Every day I thought of getting out and hugging you again.”
“I won’t let them take you back, baby. I promise.” You kissed his cheek again before leading him out of the bathroom and towards the couch. He laid down and you got out the softest blanket you had. You’d worry about the Warden, Sapnap, and Quackity tomorrow. For now, you just wanted to cuddle Dream and make sure he knew you would never leave him.
It didn’t take him long to fall asleep once you had wrapped your arms around him, content you fell asleep next to him.
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the-xephyr · 3 years
What is your least favorite thing about college?
2K notes · View notes
the-xephyr · 3 years
A Castle for a Princess
Hallo! I am Xephyr
This was a request from ao3 that I have transferred here!
"hey can implease request a domestic fluff c!schlatt/female reader, but with the dadschlatt and kidtubbo dynamic? kindof a sucker for happy families ngl thanks in advance :)"
Requests are open if you would like me to write you something!
I hope you all like it and thank you for reading!!!
The word count is: 1402
A Castle for a Princess
Schlatt was playing with Tubbo on the plush carpet in front of the couch. A Disney movie was playing on the tv, it sounded like Zootopia but you weren’t sure. Neither was watching the movie, it was just background noise. You could hear them laughing and the tumbling of legos as they fell, over the soft noise of the movie.
You hummed softly to yourself as you filled a pot with water and set it to boil on one of the stoves burners. From the living room, you heard the tv volume increase, and Tubbo loudly exclaims ‘okay.’ You could hear the excitement in his voice as he giggled, even as Schlatt shushed him.
You raised your eyebrow at their antics wondering what they were getting up to as the sound of the legos being deposited into their plastic bin filled your ears. They would both probably be out here soon to help you. You opened the cabinet to pull out a box of spaghetti. You poured the spaghetti into the now boiling water. You could hear Schlatts heavy steps going up the stairs and into your shared room. You were about to leave the spaghetti to check on Tubbo while Schlatt was upstairs, but when you turned you found Tubbo standing guard.
“No Mama, stay in here,” you picked him up and kissed his forehead.
“What are you two up to, hmm?” You both heard Schlatt start walking down the steps, and Tubbo started wiggling trying to get down from your arms.
“Nothing Mama!” He giggled as he ran out to his dad.
You smiled and shook your head, opening the fridge and pulling out a few eggs to add to the water. While you waited for the pasta to get soft, you went over to check on the slow cooker. You’d made meatballs and had set them to slow cook in the ragu tomato sauce for the past few hours. Schlatt always liked it when you cooked them that way and Tubbo liked that there was cheese in the center. You unplugged the slow cooker and took the lid off to make sure the meatballs hadn’t fallen apart. You smiled when they were still fully formed, you’d been having some trouble with them falling apart in the cooker. You put the lid back on and went back over to the stove.
There was a lot of shuffling coming from the living room, and you were tempted to go and have a look to see what they were up to, but Schlatt walked in. First Tubbo to distract you and keep you in the kitchen and now Schlatt, they were definitely up to something. He pulled frozen garlic bread out of the freezer and held it up grinning.
“It’s called Texas Toast, that’s how you know it’s the good stuff,” He shook the box of garlic bread and you laughed moving out of his way so he could put it in the toaster oven. He turned the small oven on and dumped the contents of the box onto the tray that was in the oven. He closed the door and turned to face you. He hugged you from behind, putting his chin on the top of your head.
“Hey Princess, how long until you think it’s all gonna be ready?” He asked, kissing the back of your head.
“About 20 minutes probably, what are you two planning?” You took a wooden spoon from its holder on the wall and prodded at the spaghetti in the pot, trying to see if it was soft enough.
He laughed, “Oh nothing, Princess.” He let go of you and opened a cabinet to pull out a strainer, he handed it to you. “It’s nothing, but I should go and help Tubs put those legos away.” He grinned at you as he walked backward out of the kitchen. You shook your head, laughing at him. You set the strainer in the sink and walked back over to the stove, turning the burner off. You picked up the pot, careful not to spill any of the boiling water on the floor, and poured all of the contents through the strainer.
You let all of the steam dissipate into the air as you heard a bang come from the living room, followed by giggling from Tubbo and a loud “We’re fine” from Schlatt. You used the spoon to take the eggs out of the strainer and left them on the side. You took the lid off of the slow cooker and poured the spaghetti into it. You mixed it around making sure that the spaghetti was covered in the sauce, before putting the lid back on.
The movie either ended or they stopped it as the living room fell into silence. That silence was quickly ended by a string of curses from Schlatt, then him telling Tubbo to not say those words. He walked into the kitchen smiling sheepishly.
“Princess do you know if we have any clips or like clothespins?”
“They should be in the cabinet above the washing machine, why?”
“The legos require them.”
“Sure they do.”
He rummaged through the cabinet, making an ‘ah” noise when he found them. He held them up to Tubbo, grinning. You had an idea of what they were doing out there, but you’d see soon enough. You checked on the garlic bread, making sure it wasn’t burning before turning the oven off and pulling the baking tray out with tongs. You set them to the side so they would be cool before you put them on a serving plate. You took 3 of the eggs you had boiled and started peeling them.
Both Tubbo and Schlatt walked into the kitchen to help you dish everything up. Tubbo had a big smile on his face, and Schlatt wrapped his arms around you, kissing your cheek, grinning. You smiled softly and gently bumped your forehead against his.
“You get the drinks, I’ll dish up, Princess,” He said letting go of you and reaching for the cabinets. He pulled out two glasses and a smaller plastic cup for Tubbo.
“What do you want to drink, Tubs?” you asked.
“Apple juice!”
“And you babe?” You asked pulling the apple juice out of the fridge.
“Apple juice is fine,” He had finished filing the bowls with spaghetti and meatballs and was now putting an egg in each bowl. You walked over to the cups on the counter and poured the apple juice in them. You opened the fridge back up and put the apple juice away, opening up the cutlery drawer next to the fridge to pull out three forks. You put one in each bowl and Schlatt put all of the garlic bread onto a platter.
“Stay here for a minute, Princess, Tubs and I will take these out and finish fixing it up.” It took him 3 trips to take everything out because he wouldn’t let Tubbo carry anything, scared he might drop something or for the bowls to be too hot for him to carry.
They both walked in on the fourth time. Both taking one of your hands. You stopped to pick Tubbo up and you squeezed Schlatt’s hand. He squeezed your hand back and you looked up at him to see him wiggling his eyebrows at you. He led you into the living room where the couch had been turned into a big pillow fort. They had used the clips to hang the makeshift blanket door up and to hold the blanket roof up.
Both you and Tubbo laughed and you hugged them both. Schlatt held the blanket door open, “Welcome to your castle, Princess.” You laughed at that and he grinned at you. They had built the fort around a small table that held all of the food. There were pillows and blankets inside and your favorite Disney movie was paused on the tv. Schlatt was taller than the fort’s ceiling even when he sat down, but he didn’t seem to mind. You kissed his cheek and whispered a thanks and an “I love you” to him as he pulled the table closer to the three of you. You leaned over to Tubbo and kissed the top of his head telling him how much you loved the surprise and how much you loved him. Schlatt smiled at you both as he pressed play and you all began eating.
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the-xephyr · 3 years
Can u do technoblade x reader?
Hallo!! Thank you for requesting! You were my very first request and it means a lot to me!
I didn't know what you want since you only asked for a pairing, but if you don't like what I wrote, feel free to request again! I kept it fluffy and very domestic.
I hope you like it and thank you for reading!!!
Word Count: 1651
A Domestic Doomsday Morning
Technoblade's nerves were palpable, the room full of tension. He was having trouble sleeping. He was always like this the night before a war. Restless, tossing and turning. He has gotten a lot better since the two of you got together, at least he stays in bed through the night now. Even if he was calm and resting, you doubted that you would be able to rest. As soon as the sun rose, he would set off towards L'Manburg, towards doomsday.
He had made you promise that you wouldn't leave your shared home. It had caused a small fight because you were both very stubborn. You wanted to help and make sure he was safe. And he knew you'd be safest staying home. You'd backed down first, you knew how dangerous war was, especially with how many withers you knew he had. He'd hugged you and whispered a thank you into your hair when you finally gave in.
The same reason he had wanted you to stay home, was why you were terrified for his safety. It wouldn't be hard to get into a battle and not notice a wither getting ready to strike him. Or what if the Butcher Army attacked all at once wanting revenge? The wither would be attracted to the group, and you didn't even want to think of that.
He sighed and pressed a kiss against the back of your head before slowly pulling away from you, if you had been asleep the movement was gentle enough to not have woken you. He slipped out of bed and you sat up, watching him pick up his white shirt and black pants from a chair before heading into the bathroom, most likely to shower.
You heard the water from the shower head rush on as you started down the ladder. At the bottom of the ladder, a coat rack stood with his cape neatly hung on one of the hooks. You reached out to pat the inside ensuring that he hadn't taken the totem of undying out of the secret pocket you had sewn. You smiled and continued to make your way into the kitchen when you felt it. He didn't get a wink of sleep last night, so the least you could do was make sure he ate a hearty breakfast.
You took a pan and a small pot out of the cupboard and set them on different burners on the stove. You turned them on and grabbed the oil, pouring a little bit in the bottom of the pan. You grabbed six eggs from the fridge and a can of baked beans from a cupboard. You poured the can into the pot to heat up and you cracked the eggs into the pan. You were going to make scrambled eggs and baked beans. Hearty, but not heavy. You opened a drawer for a wooden spoon as the shower turned off above you. You stirred the beans as you heard him climbing down the ladders. You turned around and admired him as he fixed his shirt cuffs. He looked up and you made eye contact, you smiled softly as your cheeks tinted pink. You turned back around to mix the eggs and make sure that they were cooking evenly.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning so that he could press his chest against your back, and place his face in the crook of your neck. He pressed a kiss against your neck, making you giggle. He gently pulled your waist back to be flush against him, still pressing soft kisses on your neck.
"Did I wake you, my love?" He moved his head from your neck to lean his chin against your shoulder, eyes on the food you were cooking.
You put your hand on his cheek and turned your head to press a kiss against his temple, "No lovey, I couldn't sleep. Same as you."
He hummed as you turned both of the burners on the stove off. He pressed one last kiss against your neck as he unwrapped his arms from your waist so he could open the cupboard and get out three plates. He placed them in front of the toaster and grabbed a loaf of bread to start placing slices into the toaster. It was your turn to wrap your arms around him. He turned to face you and smiled. You reached up and cupped his face in your hands. He wrapped one arm around you, pulling you closer. His other hand on the back of your neck. He leaned down, and you wrapped your arms around his neck while closing your eyes. He pressed his lips against yours and you were in heaven. His tusks pressed against you in a perfectly familiar way. He ran his tongue over your bottom lip just as the toaster dinged, releasing the toast. He pulled away with a breathy laugh. you both detangled yourselves from the other, smiling softly. You went to the fridge and pulled out the butter, handing it to him. You both heard a key enter the doorknob and Phil entered the house.
"Sun'll be up soon," You could hear the excitement and nerves in Phil's voice. Techno hummed and put more slices of bread into the toaster, then turned to you holding out a plate with buttered toast. You took the wooden spoon and served scrambled eggs and baked beans onto the plate. You turned around to find Phil leaning against the fridge, you smiled at him as you handed the plate to him. He said his thanks as he opened the cutlery drawer and took out three forks. He handed you two of the forks and dug in. The toaster released the toast and Techno buttered them before handing you the plate. You served the food and handed the plate back to him with a fork. He smiled at you and you leaned against the cabinets next to him, placing another two slices of toast into the toaster.
You exhaled shakily, seeing the sky start to change colors. Techno took your hand squeezing it gently. You looked up and met his eyes.
"We will be fine, my love. There is no need to worry."
"I'll keep him safe Y/N. I promise that he won't be any more scratched up than he is after a night with you," Phil said laughing. Your cheeks burned red and Techno looked away, coughing slightly, and ears red. Phil laughed harder seeing both of your reactions. The toaster dinged and you picked the toast up, buttering it and serving more food. You set the plate on the counter and picked the butter up, putting it in the fridge. There was a knock at the door, and Phil went to go and open it. You all knew Dream would be the one standing there. You picked up the plate and the fork and went to give them to him.
Techno lightly grabbed your arm before you could leave the kitchen. He took the plate out of your hands, and he pulled you into his embrace and he kissed you. You melted into the kiss and wrapped your arms around his neck as he pulled you impossibly closer. There was a small cough and Techno pulled away from you. Resting his forehead against yours for a few seconds before pulling away and nodding. You took a deep breath before picking the plate back up and heading out of the kitchen. Techno right behind you.
Dream was leaning on a stack of chests when you entered the room. You handed him the plate and he lifted his mask up slightly, thanking you. You nodded and began to rifle through a chest looking for a red ribbon, a hairbrush, and a tie. Techno saw what you were looking for and sat down in one of the chairs so it would be easier for you to reach his hair. You handed him the tie and the ribbon and started gently brushing his hair. Behind you, Phil and Dream were talking but you tuned them out, giving Techno your full attention. He closed his eyes and started humming softly. It was only loud enough for you to hear and it made you smile. He held up the ribbon as you set the brush down. You began to braid the ribbon into his hair, ending it with a tie so it would be more secure before tying the ribbon into a pretty bow to hide the tie.
He stood up and pressed a quick kiss against your forehead. He pulled his armour off of the stand and began to put it on as Phil did the same.
He picked his cape off of the hook and handed it to you leaning down. You fastened the cape around his neck and pressed the small pocket against him so he would remember that it was there.
Dream handed the plate back to you and you motioned for him to follow you a bit further into the house. Techno and Philza were busy picking up everything they needed for the day, so they didn't notice.
"Dream, if they get hurt I will murder you." His mask was still pushed up so you could see him smirk. He turned around and walked away leaving you to take the plate back to the kitchen.
When you walked back into the main room, Dream was already waiting outside, the sun nearly over the horizon. Phil hugged you and once again promised to keep Tehno safe. He shut the door behind him as he walked out of the house.
Techno pulled you into a hug, "I will be back by tomorrow morning, my love. I promise." He kissed you softly, before walking out of the house closing the door behind him.
From outside you heard Dream loudly say, "I see why you chose them Technoblade."
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the-xephyr · 3 years
Hallo!! I'm Xephyr! I am reuploading this from AO3.
Please give me requests! If you give me a request I will love you forever.
Warnings: I don't think there are any
Grammarly calls this content 20% informative, 40% Worried, and 40% Confident. Thought I'd share that with you!
Anyways enjoy.
We spent hours on the first day of the SMP, just fishing. I can't, for the life of me, remember what we were looking for. I think it was name tags, but I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time and it won't be the last. You, an expert with a fishing rod, had to teach some of us how to fish. Callahan taught me while you taught George. I may not be able to remember what we were fishing for, but I remember how it felt to see you with your arms wrapped around him showing him how to reel his catch back in. I was so busy watching the two of you that I accidentally let a salmon go.
I found a flower forest today while looking for red mushrooms. I nearly picked some flowers for you. I thought a mix of lily if the valleys and cornflowers would look nice in that white vase you keep on your bookshelf. I thought it would match the picture hanging directly beside the shelf. You in that lime green sweater, George in that blue 404 shirt. You made me take that picture of you guys, if only I had known. But as I was bending down to pick a few, I remembered.
I know I always made fun of your sweatshirts for being bright green, but it was only to hide the fondness in my eyes. When the sun would hit your eyes just right and they'd shine nearly the same color as your sweatshirt. That gorgeous green color you love, the color I came to love.
Even if he can't see how gorgeous your eyes really are, you make an amazing couple. Perfect for each other. You bicker, but never really fight. Who in their right minds can talk for 12 hours straight? But I guess that makes the two of you just as crazy as each other.
I'm happy that the two of you finally got together. Scratch that. I'm so proud of you both for finally confessing to each other. I wish I got to see who confessed first. I had a bet with Karl and Quackity on who would first. Karl and I thought that it would be you, but Quackity insisted it would be George.
It hurts sometimes to look back and wonder if you remember how good friends we used to be. I think about it a lot. About how I ruined it. But I have to think back, it's the only part of you I have left.
I know that I was too blunt. Yelling that I was in love with you during a fight. I can't even remember what the fight was about, something petty I'm betting. I regretted it the second I said it. The way you looked up at me stunned, the way George's head shot up. I knew that I never stood a chance, and I know I was too blunt.
I left for a few days after I said that, I just couldn't cope with being rejected. I knew I didn't stand a chance, not after third-wheeling the two of you for years. I just had to get out of there. I didn't know where I was going, I just ran out the door, tears streaming down my face. I thought to go to Quackity or Karl's house, but I had kept my crush a secret from them and I didn't think that I would be able to tell them without breaking down, so I ran into the forest.
It was weird, I got so lost in the forest that I went in a massive circle and just ended up right back at the backdoor. Through the back window, I saw the two of you kissing against the kitchen counter. George was sitting up on the counter and you were leaning into him. It was hard, but I know you are happy, and that's all I want. All I've ever wanted.
That's when I went to Karl's home. I just needed someone who would listen to me and take me in for a few days. It was great, if I'm being honest, he listened to me, gave me some advice, gave me a room. And when Quackity came over, it was easy to pretend that everything was okay, that nothing had happened.
I had to go back eventually, I needed to get all of my stuff from my room. I just wish I had reacted better, maybe our friendship would have been repairable. You were leaning right where I saw you kiss him on the counter and me against the table across the room. You told me to stay, that we could work it out. You apologized to me for not seeing my feelings. I didn't mean it. Any of it. I just got so angry, because what does George have that I don't? A cute British accent? God, I was so disappointed in myself. How terrible it must have been for him to hear me say that.
I still feel guilty, but it's okay. I'll stay out of both of your ways, you deserve to be happy.
I know it might not sound like it, but I'm over you. It was hard, but I promised myself that I would, and I am. I just have to talk about it.
But, God, I still see you sometimes. I was in the nether last week just getting soul sand for blue lanterns, and I saw you walk out of a nether portal, and God, you look good in green. You stood out so much against the red hue of the nether. I couldn't help but hide behind a pillar and stare at you. You waited beside the portal, going through some of the chests until George walked through. He was wearing your black hoodie. And you looked so good with him.
I stood there hiding behind a pillar staring at the two of you, so proud of you. You looked so happy holding his hand. That's all I want, you to be happy.
I probably would have continued to watch you if Quackity hadn't announced that we had enough and it was time to go home. I was so focused on calming my heart and evening my breathing that I only noticed the ghast after it had thrown a fireball directly over our heads.
Karl swears he saw you wearing a white shirt with a flame on it. I know I left that shirt at your place, it was in the wash, and when I left, I forgot to grab it. If you really were wearing it, I hope you take care of it.
I hope you still think of me as your friend, even after the stunt I pulled in the kitchen. I hope you still think of me in a good way. I hope that maybe one day we can repair this divide and at least be friendly, if not friends.
I hope he truly loves you and that you truly love him.
I hope you feel happy
That’s all I want
That's all I want
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the-xephyr · 3 years
Give me requests?
Hallo Tumblr! I’m Xephyr! This is my first time using this website, so I have no idea what I am doing!
I have almost no self-control so I’m doing this because I felt like it.
I’ve seen people request things, and I would like some of those. Ye!
I would like to write some C!dsmp members x reader smut or fluff.
I can do headcanons or a story, but it’ll take me longer to write a story than a list of headcanons.
What I will write: Almost anything so feel free to ask. I have never written smut before but I have a wild imagination and am completely willing to try my hand.
What I won’t write: Anything to do with relationships or smut with minors, character death, and I haven’t decided what else. I will be adding to this list as I find things I don't want to write.
Um yeah! If someone wants to help me learn how to use this website I would like that. But please give me requests.
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