Mental disorders and Criminal Liability
One of the issues that apparently needs to be highlighted is how students with mental disorders are given little to no consideration. When the general public read the words ‘mental disorder’ the image that they typically come up with as a result of media portrayal is that of a person with Autism- which is incorrect, seeing as Autism is a developmental disorder. Even then most do not know that Autism is a spectrum. Similarly, the intensity of mental disorders vary from mild to severe and may correspondingly affect their inter-personal lives. In law, only persons with severe mental disorders are considered to be of unsound mind or “insane”, and are deemed unfit to stand trial. You can read more about law and mental disorders here.
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The Anxious Law Student contents master-post
Hello! I’m a 2nd year law student and suffer from Agoraphobia (a sort of anxiety/panic disorder) :) I made this website for 3 reasons: 
1. To post simplified summaries of various concepts of law, such that law students and non-law persons alike can comprehend them easily (and also be a form of my own revision). 
2. To connect with (and validate) other law students who may suffer from mental disorders and/or physical disabilities. 
3. To share my research, thereby document my academic prowess over the remaining 4 years of law school. 
Following is a list of contents you will find over at my website :) [I post fortnightly (ish), so I’ll keep updating this list]
Sort of a Psych 101 as an intro to anxiety disorders- and breaking in the fact that law students, too, might suffer from them (as do I)
About Us: 
A little bit about Team TALS
The primary aim of this website is to increase awareness and acceptance of people with disabilities- both, mental and physical. We firmly believe that no matter how many laws are passed or policies are formed, they will only remain words on a paper till every single person in a country fully comprehends and actively works on being more considerate and accepting of differences
Resources for Students: 
This is the page containing my never-ending list of free resources that I personally found useful as a 1L, as well as paid resources and resources for internships and competitions (for, you know, CV purposes)
Legal Concepts (for Dummies) 
This blog contains various concepts in law that I tried to make short and easy to understand summaries of. The individual pages under this folder are as follows:
Jurisprudence: What is jurisprudence? A big word, that's what. It sounded so complex when I'd first heard it but after a bit of clicking, I'd found it's a pretty basic concept. This synopsis is what I'd learnt- and I've provided links to the references.
Legal Systems: Another one of the very first concepts you learn at law school (even before, if you were a curious kid), I've made a compact synopsis of it, explaining 3 common legal systems for better understanding. 
What is a ‘MISTAKE’ in the legal sense: Mistake is said to be any unintentional act, omission or error arising from the subconscious, ignorance, forgetfulness or misplaced confidence. 
Academic Writing
Another blog, but this one is sorta special, bc its essays and articles I've written for coursework; all my basic research as a 1L
Mental disorder ‘doth excusat’ Criminal Liability: Severe mental disorders (or what law calls "insanity") is a strong defense from criminal liability. In this essay, I've covered the history and prominence of this defense to better understand it. 
Why Marital Rape is Normalized in India- and Not Criminalized (Hint: Patriarchy): Marital rape refers to the non-consensual sexual intercourse after the marriage of a heterosexual couple, with the female being over 18 years of age (the age clause recently amended in Independent Thought v. Union of India).
Human Rights
This folder contains topics and resources to spread awareness and to contribute to improving the living conditions of people around the world, who have been victims of human rights violations time and again- and that needs to change.
Why ‘Different’ is Perfect: As the name of the page suggests, I've tried to simplify for the denser population who've yet to comprehend that being different is never a bad thing, and that it does not warrant being ridiculed or discriminated against.
Black Lives Matter: This page is dedicated to the blm, and I've linked all resources like donations and petitions to sign (which had already been complied in a master carrd, which I've linked in the references)
Help Yemen: This page is dedicated to the Yemen crisis, I've linked all resources like donations and petitions to sign (which had already been complied in a master carrd, which I've linked in the references)
Disability Law
This folder comprises research and resources to understand and moreover try to include persons with disabilities into the world instead of excluding and secluding them. If they don't fit your standards of "human beings", it's your standards that need to change.
Human Rights and Reality- Rights of Persons With Disabilities: Human rights are technically still simply a Utopian concept for a vast majority of the world, and that majority is comprised of minority groups such as persons with disability.
Disability Law Resources: This page lists all the important documents and websites and PDFs and whatnot (its literally never-ending) that I've used during my research for disability law and disability rights.
Contact Us
Apart from this Tumblr, you can get in touch with us to share your experience or tips, or just say hi over on the following :):
Email ‘[email protected]
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Students: “I don’t get why I need to take classes in political science, history, biology, social justice, and poetry when I’m a (insert discipline) major!”
Me: (gestures wildly at the world right now)
~ @Tracy_Slagter
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We should be more pro-active or we’ll see more of such sad fates of honest people.
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“[C]apitalism was not the product of an evolutionary development bringing forth economic forces that were maturing in the womb of the old order. Capitalism was the response of the feudal lords, the patrician merchants, the bishops and popes, to a centuries-long social conflict that, in the end, shook their power, and truly gave 'all the world a big jolt.' Capitalism was the counter-revolution that destroyed the possibilities that had emerged from the anti-feudal struggle -- possibilities which, if realized, might have spared us the immense destruction of lives and the natural environment that has marked the advance of capitalist relations worldwide.”
Silvia Federici
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Hi!! I checked out your site it's pretty cool :D
Aww 🥺 thank you so much it means a lot to me 😊♥️
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I have Agoraphobia and find the insanely competitive and people-oriented nature of law school a rather taxing. At law school, students partake in various events like Moot Court,  Mock Trials, and various ADR competitions,  as well as Debates, Quizzes, Symposia, Extempore, and other forms of public speech and discourse. I personally find public speaking very daunting and nerve-wracking and thus came into being this brainchild of mine- to comfort other law students who may experience something similar. For more, here’s a link to my website :)
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black lives matter should not be seen as a trend
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A white woman called the police on a lone Black Lives Matter protester
follow @nowthisnews for daily news videos & more
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Absolute freedom mocks at justice. Absolute justice denies freedom. To be fruitful, the two ideas must find their limits in each other.
Albert Camus, The Rebel (via philosophybits)
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I am outraged. Please for the love of god do what you can right now. Sign petitions, donate and protest if you can, spread awareness- ANYTHING. People are and have been dying at the hands of racial prejudice, and it has never been ok. Recognize your privilege and be an ally. This is what’s important right now. This is what matters. Inequalities have been persisting for too long and we DO have the ability to take action and create a better world for EVERYONE. No justice, no peace. The black community has been silenced and institutionally discriminated against in America since it’s founding- no more. I am not black, but I stand with you. I will fight with you. We are outraged. We will persist. It is not an opinion, and it is not debatable. Black. Lives. Matter.
**images are not mine**
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