puta bumabalik nanaman ba pag kakadepression ko?
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lol i guess i don’t deserve to be happy hahah
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good to be back
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Feels good to feel this feeling again, go somewhere quiet where you can see the reflection of city lights and talk about things at 2 am (onwards, but technically these photos were taken at 4 am already). Mag tatagalog na lang muna ako kasi sobrang grabe,medj mababaw but for me it was really nostalgic nung nangyari tong gabi na to. it was after happy t with me and my friends, me and my friend,which is kablock, humiwalay na kami sa friends namin kasi medj nahahasselan na kami dahil daming tao sa sherwood non, soo we took a short walk muna around taft then when we decided to chill somewhere nakita namin yung other friends namin which is sa different group of friends (wow daming friends eh no? HAHAHHAHAH) pauwi na sila sana non but decided to stay kasi niyaya namin mag chill, sooo yun we went places, and medj natypan ko yung isang guy friend namin (from the second pic he’s the one with the nike shoes) well halos kausap ko siya the whole night and grabe, sobrang wow ng utak niya, ang dami niyang curiosity and opinions about life, basta he’s woke,in a way that intellectual conversation plus ganyang scenery nasa harbour square kami (it’s like a pier) and it’s really late, and ugh, it just reminded me of the night adventures and deep talks i had with my previous guy and it just made me feel nostalgic. although he has a girlfriend already, which is sad but hey, can’t do anything about it hahahaha oh well, this isa short blog cos typing it can’t contain my feeling, i just feel blessed to get to experience that kind of moment once again :)
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You wasted your mind...
I hate it when people waste their beautiful minds just because of something shallow that they’ve encountered. IDK anymore, and to think i thought that you weren’t cliche, i stand corrected.
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earth had children too called humanity
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I am happy (???)
i just wanted to blog about this feeling of relief already, i’m finally over you, in a way that i don’t go to your twitter profile anymore (even tho you BARELY tweet) and i don’t need to know what you’re doing and other sht like that. I am happy that i’m not feeling the same aching heart every time i would see your name or i saw that you posted another pic with you and your new girl, i am happy that you let me become stronger and gain more experience in life which would make me wiser and more aware of my surroundings and would critically think before i would do anything stupid. I am happy that the toxication has already lubricated away from my blood vessels and not feeling any down moods. If ever tho we would meet or somewhere we would bump into each other i would be honored to give you the smile that says I’m over you and good luck with whatever you’ve up to with your life lately. I am happy.
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The Lumineers
This is a band that lately i’m obsessed with. They’re different, in their own way, i can never say that a band or a singer or something else is different from the others like saying “they’re so rare” blah blah blah, but everybody is different in their own little ways, the thing different about this band is that, i know most people won’t watch music videos cos most people say there is no connection with the song that is written, well in this case, you really need to watch their music vids, they’re not just some musicians that play but they are storytellers. I got hooked-up with their trilogy songs which is Sleep on the floor, Angela, and Cleopatra (this is the sequence, and i’m suggesting that whoever is reading this,please watch it carefully and you’ll get why they’re good) this trilogy is about a girl who always have what ifs in her head or to the point that she is happy and unhappy at the same time (i’m not gonna discuss about each music vid cos i want you guys to explore it for yourself) In life we all had our what ifs, i know it’s scary to do so but hey why not take chances right? IDK i’m kinda ineffable right  now while typing this blog about this band because if ever there would be an open mic right now, i would be glad to speak about them verbally, there is so much about them and about their lyrics, their genre is indie folk and it is one of my fave genres in music. I really dont know right now, my hands,eyes,mouth are speechless right now but my mind isn’t.
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Truth hurts. Follow me: Tumblr / Behance / Facebook
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Don't say nothing, Just be.
Calum Scott- Just be
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Cheers to the nights we thought we don’t remember.
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Never break a pinky promise
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by regardscoupables
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Let's go to a place where we can escape reality for a while.
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Slow dance this summer nights
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come and take a bus ride with me.
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Guns and Kisses
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Play  an old school song
Him: *plays a hype/rap song.
Me: I want the beatles
Him: Go and play it for me.
Me: *chooses hey jude as the song
Me:"Hey juuude,Don't make it bad."
Him: "Take a sad song and make it better."
Me: ....
-maybe he is not that much of a hype person after all...
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