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Ask me, Ask me, Ask me
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Is this it? Is this it? Is this... it?
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The room is on fire as she's fixing her hair "you sound so angry just calm down, you found me"
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The devil will find work for idle hands to do I stole and I lied, and why? because you asked me to but now you make me feel so ashamed because I've only got two hands well, I'm still fond of you
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And everybody's got to live their life and God knows I've got to live mine God knows I've got to live mine
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And we don't care about our own faults Talking 'bout our own style All we care about is talking Talking only me and you
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It doesn't matter what we do, where we are going to We can stick around and see this night through
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What do you know? you know nothing But I'll still take you home
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Here is your host Sounds as if she's pretty close When the heat starts growing horns She's thunderstorms
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I tried to love her back And then I shrunk back into my wrap And in the barrel of my gun I hope I'm not the only one
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My heart was living down And I've been pushed over the line But on your hand, it'd be broken And I'll be all over this time
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