My pet peeve on this website is when people make the ‘in this essay I will’ joke when their statement would never pass as an essay-quality thesis.
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I made a little video sharing my experience of seeing Cursed Child. I thought I’d share it with you guys. The show is pretty great.
I recently saw Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and it exceeded my expectations in the best possible way. Check out my video to see my full thoughts and why you should check it out too (if possible) :D
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I see this post, I reblog. Every time. Like clockwork
Rapunzel was Raised to Not Show Physical Affection
We’ve all seen that Gothel makes Rapunzel come to her for hugs, but today I realized it goes deeper than that. Gothel doesn’t want Rapunzel showing physical affection unless she has been given specific permission. Opening her arms is that unspoken permission.
For example, towards the beginning, when she’s reminding Gothel that it’s her birthday tomorrow, she grabs her arm in exuberance. Gothel is put out and then pries Rapunzel’s hands off her arm, all the while pretending she doesn’t remember (or care) that her birthday - something Rapunzel is extremely excited about - is fast approaching.
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She also uses Rapunzel’s need for physical affection, deliberately taunting and “teaching” her with it by pretending to offer it, then taking it away immediately.
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The first bazzilionty times I saw this movie, I always assumed Rapunzel was relieved to see Gothel towards the end of Mother Knows Best just because she was scared.
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But now I realize it’s not only because she’s scared, but because Gothel is now giving Rapunzel permission to seek the creature comfort of physical contact that she so desperately needs after the gamut of fear she’s run.
Eugene, on the other hand, starts showing physical affection as soon as he starts feeling any affection for Rapunzel at all. He uses it as a comfort. Yet Rapunzel keeps her hands to herself.
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It continues when he gives her the little flag, touching the small of her back in an affectionate way. But her hands (and attention) are full at this moment.
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In fact, the first time she realizes she’s touching him, and he’s touching her, and there’s affection and enjoyment buzzing between them, she’s the first to pull away.
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She’s alarmed at first, then apologetic and sheepish. Sorry I was touching you, Eugene. And he politely takes a step back, tuned in to her discomfort and giving her a little more space.
But that is why the moment on the boat is so important, and why Rapunzel has the reaction she does.
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In taking Rapunzel’s hand, out of the blue (as far as she can tell), it’s sending her a clear message that he feels the same about her that she does about him, and that physical affection is both alright and wanted. That he will seek out her attention in a way Gothel never has. And from this moment on, she touches him often, holding hands for the rest of the song, brushing his hair from his face as he lay dying, and never letting go of his head, even after he’d died in her arms. Not to mention kissing him when he lives again, holding hands on the balcony while they wait for her parents and end-of-movie smooching.
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Can these directors please learn to use dark palettes without making all the details in the shots imperceiveable? I can’t fucking see!!!
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“Once Game of Thrones family, always Game of Thrones family.“
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man. Remember the first time you watched Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Dir. Taika Waititi and hela asked thor ‘what were the god of again?’ and then it went to loki smirking and you KNEW something good was coming. And then immigrant song started to kick in and the LIGHTING started and you felt your SOUL leave your body and go to another plan of existance. Then Thor desending lighting and all onto that pile of aliens in slow motion looking goddamn RENAISSANCE painting? That moment changed me! the DRAMA! The rest of that scene? Valkyrie, Loki, and Hulk fighting together? Thor’s LIGHTING striking those aliens straight outta there like they were fucking ants? ICONIC! The iconic truly JUMPED out of that movie! Taika Waititi took my hand in that movie, told me it was all gonna be ok and then changed my life FOREVER! That was ART! Mr. Waititi thank you for my LIFE
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OMG YOU GUYS Joker’s origin story has ALWAYS been tragic. That’s. The Whole. Point.
The only difference here is that its not Batman’s fault. Get outta here with your moral compass extremist complaints. It’s a MOVIE. about the most famous comic FICTIONAL villain of all time.
It’s not about sympathizing, it’s about telling the Joker’s f***ing origin story. AND the society-wearing-you-down-until-you-snap is actually extremely relevant and scary in the real world, which will only make it more compelling. He’s still going to be The Joker. A villain. Calm down.
Stop trying to see ProblematicTM everywhere you go. This isn’t that. Go away please.
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Hi all, I’ve started a youtube channel called Heylin on Pop Culture Things. I’ve made a second tumblr account to go with it, though I am still keeping this one too. lol. My first video is on game of thrones prediction so check it out! I’ll be posting new content weekly
Who will win? Who will die?
Check out my little vlog to see some of my theories on the final season of Game of Thrones (more like a wishlist really).
I’ll also be posting videos talking about my thoughts on each episode as they air so subscribe to my channel if you’re interested in that :)
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Carol: I am the Captain now.
Steve: *crying* Thank god I’m so tired…
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WHAT IF when Anakin gives Ahsoka’s lightsabers back to her, they animate the scene so it’s a parallel of when he offers her padawan beads to her in 5x20, BUT this time she accepts the lightsabers so it seemingly indicates a hope that this is the beginning of a new chapter of their friendship with each other
it’S NOT
and then we all cry while dave filoni laughs from his throne
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Chris Evans goes Fishing for Answers
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Everybody lost someone.
Remember the fallen …
IG: (marveldaily270)
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Today I woke up to my instagram feed flooded with avengers posters. It was a beautiful thing. It also made me realize I was missing several of them. whoops. lol (the ones who have instagram, I mean). It was also funny to me that every single on of their posts were all captioned with just 1(/one) month. Disney sure has quite the pr team. lol.
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OMG you just forget that they are cats until they’re caught doing cat things again. lol.
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Photographer Mattias Klum from National Geographic gets close and personal with a lion.
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You Fools. Cap ALREADY “forgave” Tony or whatever. And already apologized for what he did. He GAVE HIM A BURNER PHONE. why would he ever say “here contact me whenever you need” if he was holding a grudge? The next move is Tony’s and you guys know it. We were cheated out of it in Infinity War because he got shot up to space and couldn’t make the call. But Trust me. It’ll happen in Endgame, because it is directed by the same guys who directed Civil War. It’s the giant elephant in the room. They’re not just gonna ignore it.
me knowing that the writers will not have steve apologize and pretend nothing happened with steve and tony but still hoping steve apologises and basically playing myself and setting myself up for disappointment:
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