thebriray-blog · 12 years
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Like oh my heck it's been ages since I've posted! Sorry about it dolls! Anyway... I've posted quite a few things on YouTube so be sure to check that out! And babababahm! Friday I will post my cover of stay by Rihanna!! I hope everyone is doing fabulous!! I really love all of you! If you have any questions you are dying to ask me let me know! Ill answer all of them! No matter how crazy they are!!! Love you bunches!! And hey, while you're alive, might as well LIVE! {Stay Golden}
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
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"And when the sun comes out, we'll be nothing but dust, just the outlines of our hands..... Don't bring tomorrow, cause I already know I lose you." ~Daughter
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
A beautiful girl committed suicide just a few days ago. She was an amazing person. Not only was she kind to everyone, but she was sincere. In her remembrance I wrote this song. She will truly be missed.
(click on the title)
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
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LA BABY! Ok as you probably know by now, I did spend the past few days in California with my precious mommy! It was amazing! We had so much fun. So here is the run down of our trip in a nut shell. We left on Friday and drove to St George. There we had dinner with my older brother Tarnue and my nephew Tyrese! From there we drove to Las Vegas and stayed with our adorable family friends. Then early Saturday morning we drove the rest of the way to Cali! We checked into the Double Tree Hotel and then headed to the beach. We went to Santa Monica Beach and rode the roller coasters and watched the sunset over the ocean. It was beautiful. After, we walked across a beautiful bridge and found a place to eat. It was a crepé place and oh my goodness it was delicious! I got an apple pecan salad. My mom and I shared a dessert crepe after. Then we wandered around. The next day was Sunday and we basically just relaxed the whole day! However we wanted to switch hotels so we could see a different part of LA! my dad booked us a hotel and it turned out being in a sketchy part of town with no internet. So we wuickly canceled our reservation and ended up at the W Hotel right across the street from Capitol Records!! We saw the Hollywood sign and walk on Hollywood walk! it was very fun! Monday we did some shopping and then drove back to Vegas for the night. And this morning we drove to St George for lunch with my brother and we just got home about an hour ago! I'd say it was one of the best mommy daughter dates ever! But now I've got school tomorrow! Ugh! So not excited... But I also have the Ed Sheeran concert tomorrow!!! I cannot wait!! I hope everyone else had a great weekend! Love you darlings! {Stay Golden#
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
Getting to know the unknown.
Ok so as you all probably know, there is this insta tag thing going on. And I was not going to participate, but then I thought why not. So I did. However, lucky for all of you, you not only get those five, but also another extra five! Oookkay Número uno: I've never kissed anyone! (Proud of it thank you) #2: I've never watched a scary movie in my life. #3: I have a bad habit of not telling anyone when anything is wrong. #4: I hate it when girls act stupid and fake... Like come one now, lets be real. #5: I cannot stand liars!! If you don't think I deserve the truth, you definitely don't deserve my trust. #6: I HATE it when someone's feet touch mine or me in anyway. It disgusts me. #7: I don't have a favorite eye color, but I'm a sucker for gorgeous eyes and smiles!😉 #8: I don't like being clung too. If you treat me right I will stay in your life, no need to copy my every move and cling to me like its the end of the world. That day has supposedly come and gone. #9: I absolutely love Thai food! #10: I always have secret dance parties in my room.... Like on the daily... Just saying. Alright!!! That's me! Feel free to send me any fun facts about you!
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
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I seriously just got back from youth conference!! It was so much fun!! I went snow shoeing for the first time and I actually liked it!! The mountains were absolutely gorgeous and the air was so clean! {Stay Golden}
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
Wow well hey guys! It's been a while!! Sorry about that.... To be honest my life has been pretty boring lately! Haha just same ol' school and stuff!
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
We Are Never Ever Gettin Back Together!
Yesterday I posted a new YouTube Cover!!! I really had a blast filming it!! So take a look and let me know what you think!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9f5lkx-LDY&feature=plcp
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
Today my best friends shoved me down into a garbage can at school. What a punk! Hahaha it was actually really funny(:
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
Be Determined.
Be Confident.
Be Faithful.
Be Strong.
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
"All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them.”
Walt Disney
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
Kill Them With Kindness.
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
Girl's Night!
This weekend I had a girls night with my four best friends! It was amazing! We did the chubby bunny challenge and the cinnamon challenge. I do NOT recommend the cinnamon challenge! Then we watched John Tucker Must Die. Then we skyped DYLAN HECKERT!!!!!!!!! That was one of the best moments! We played the skittle game and watched the football game! Sadly BYU lost when they easily could have won. Oh well! It was still a prime time!
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
Youer than You
Sometimes, okay all the time, I people watch. Especially at school. I watch the ways people react to different people, things, and situations. I watch people's personalities change when they are around different people. Then I wonder which of their personalities is their real one, or if any of them are. I've decided that I just simply don't care anymore. I am going to be me. If someone cares and doesn't like it, they can leave.
“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
― Dr. Seuss
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
I'm stoked for what Kristine, Jaxon, and I are getting ready for everyone!
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thebriray-blog · 12 years
Be Kind. The wisest words I've ever heard.
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