thebunnywriter · 3 years
- the music we make is unnatural but it sounds just like falling in love
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paring: megumi x stepmother!reader
a/n: everyone is aged up because this might be nsfw! third years are 20, second years are 19, and first year are 18! THIS IS LIKE THIS IN ALL MY STORIES
a/n: I kinda gave up in the end and I didn’t proofread but enjoy and feel free to send me asks! i don’t know if Tumblr is working so maybe she’ll see it
this is for @tobios-housewife
i honestly love her writing and felt so welcomed by her and her blog. i thought i would give my shot at writing and im dedicating this piece to her. its not great but i hope you like it! this was supposed to be for christmas but i hated everything i wrote but i did like this. so sorry for the long-ass wait but im in a good mental place to start posting
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Megumi couldn’t help the eye roll that came when you asked if he wanted to go on a walk with you. You always tried to get him to do things with you when his father was away on business and you finished all the housework. His father should’ve known that his wife would be lonely after so long but he usually came after 3 days, never later than that. 
So it was strange that the next morning, on the 4th day, his father was nowhere to be seen. Megumi was used to waking up and sitting down on the left side of the table, never top or bottom. You would fix breakfast and sit down near Megumi after fixing the plates. His father would be silent and just eat without saying anything. Megumi would do the same. After breakfast, Megumi would be off to do his own thing and wouldn’t see you until dinner.
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thebunnywriter · 4 years
Devil's Kiss
Requested: @qtmeryr @virtueofheaven
Combined two requests 💌✨
italic = flashback
(A/N: I'm officially back and I want to say thank you to everyone who sent me such wonderful messages and instead of just Death Stranding, I will be writing other characters of different games. xoxo 💘)
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Higgs wasn't a good person, he's an awful person who tried to kill both you and Sam and yet, you were a stuttering mess around him. It was truly embarrassing but you just couldn't help it.
Much to your surprise, he became your friend? It was an odd relationship between you and him but it was better than him trying to murder you. At first, you only humor him and tried not to get yourself killed but overtime, you became excited to see Higgs.
He became the highlight of your day.
You enjoyed his company and hanged off his every word. Higgs was charming and was cool as a cucumber. You couldn't help but be a lovesick puppy over him. It was hard to hide that fact from everyone else but Higgs saw right through your lies. He knew how you felt and he still teased you relentlessly.
A yawn escaped your mouth as you sat your things down beside you, the Timefall creating a soft sound.
You were taking care of Sam's deliveries before Timefall came. It was worst than usual and you decided to use the time to rest for a bit. You weren't used to walking so much, only making small deliveries, but Sam needed the extra hands for a few of them. You were happy to help, ignoring the concerned comments from Deadman.
You've never been so far away from Bridges or Deadman, only making small deliveries. So when Sam asked for your help, Deadman was quick to deny Sam's offer. You were one of the only things that Deadman actually connected to, the other being Sam and Lou.
It took a lot of convincing but Deadman was finally on board, sorta but not really. While strapping everything on, Deadman gave you a big speech about the dangers of the BT's and the mules. You couldn't help but laugh at his behavior, his own laughter soon joining yours.
You gave him a hug before heading out, a hand grabbing your forearm. You expected a goofy Deadman but his face told a different story, "And never get near Higgs or the Homo Demens. You run away from them as fast as you can, understood?"
You slowly nodded your head before officially heading to your first location.
You were thankful for the clear skies and the warm weather. You didn't want to admit it but you were nervous about the trip. Especially after Deadman's speech about BT's and Mules but the Higgs part scared you the most. You've never seen him before but you remember Sam mentioning his name.
Maybe it was luck but you were thankful to have pick a cave that had large, smooth rocks for you to lay against. You picked one that was facing the open view. Timefall may be a terrible thing for everyone but you found it intriguing.
You crossed your arms before leaning back against the rock, taking one last glance at the view before falling into a deep slumber.
You slept for a couple of hours before slowly coming back to the real world. You moaned a bit as you stretched your legs from their curled postion. It felt good to stretched after a deep slumber. You yawned before laying your head back down on your stuff.
You stayed in this postion for a second, attempting to go back asleep, before feeling something stroke your hair. "You must've have had an adventure to be this tired or maybe you just wanna stay close to me."
Your eyes opened wide, already feeling your cheeks get warm at the postion. Not really sure how you got in the situation but your head was laying on the man's thigh, a little too close to his-
"Timefall should let up soon and you'll be able to head back home, doesn't that sound nice?" The man spoke, his mask making his voice husky.
You slowly sat up, thinking of multiple ways to get out of this situation. You heard the man chuckle before he stood up, lending you a hand. Although most people wouldn't take it, you had somewhat faith that this man wouldn't kill you if you played your cards right.
He pulled you up before undoing the sleeves of your suit, slightly grazing the open skin on your stomach. It took a second to realize that he was helping you pack everything back up, preparing you to go back out.
Neither of you said anything as he made sure your packages were tightly packed on. You couldn't see his face but you were lost in his golden mask. Being shorter than him, you got to study the small details in his mask.
The man made a small noise before removing his left glove, putting it in his right hand. His ungloved hand cupped your face, with his thumb resting upon your lower lip. You'd be lying if you said you weren't scared at the moment.
"Open your mouth" He whispered, a small 'ah' falling from his lips when you obeyed, slightly parting your lips. You were in trance by this man but who was he? You desperately wanted to know who he was and why he had so much power over you.
Before you knew it, the man disappeared when he heard a man call out for you. It took you a second to collect your thoughts but when you did, you realised that Sam was calling out for you.
Too busy with daydreaming, you weren't paying attention to your path and ended up tripping. You let out a little moan of pain before hearing the devil's voice.
"You really are falling for me, huh?" You could tell by Higgs smug voice that he was smirking. You rolled your eyes before getting back up, dusting yourself off. The packages were still safe and sound on you.
Ignoring Higgs, you started back on your path to East Knox. It didn't surprise you that he started following you but you were surprised that he was staying quiet. Higgs usually was annoying you or took your stuff to hide. He wanted your attention 24/7.
"Are you speechless because I'm just that attractive?"
You stopped in your tracks before smacking his arm, "Higgs, I've never seen your face before. You're always wearing that stuipd mask! God, you're annoying!"
Your little outburst was shocking to both you and Higgs but it was tiring to love someone and still not see what they look like. Not giving him a chance to reply, you started walking faster.
It wasn't long until you felt bad about what you said, it was hard to stay mad at Higgs. Swallowing your pride, you turn around to apologize but Higgs was nowhere to be seen. Shocker! Another tantrum from "The Particle of God that Permeates All Existence". You rolled your eyes before turning back around, coming face to face with Higgs.
"Wow" You said in a low whispered tone. Higgs had removed his mask but still kept that damn hood on. It didn't really matter because you could still the little details on his face. You were falling in love all over again.
Higgs smirked at your reaction, "You really are speechless, huh?" He laughed a little bit as you study his face. You fell in love with his blue eyes and the black rings that wrapped around them.
Reality set in and you begun to realized that you were staring a bit too long at Higgs face. Looking down, you quickly apologize for yelling at him and for staring. Higgs let out a little 'hm' before grabbing your chin, bringing you back to his face.
"I loved watching you run around and drop things off for Deadman. It was entertaining," Higgs stopped for a moment, picking his words carefully. "but I realized that I was focusing so much on you that I didn't care about anything else."
Higgs almost seemed amused by your reaction but you knew he was still the same old Higgs. You couldn't forget what he did to everyone, especially to Sam. Higgs wasn't a good guy, he would never changed.
The war in your head went away after Higgs pulled you in for a kiss.
He truly was the devil
this sucks im sorry
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thebunnywriter · 4 years
If Far Cry 5 let you join the cult...
You’re the Junior Deputy of Hope County.  Your Deputies are captured by the cult and it is up to you to save them and defeat the Peggies.  The opening sequence and Dutch’s island are the same as in the regular game.  But once your map is opened you can choose to go wherever you want.  
There are three regions; John, Jacob, and Faith.  The default at the start of the game is that you are fighting for the resistance.  You help out the ‘good guys’ and earn resistance points.  Your goal is to kill all of the Seeds.
The player is free to go to whichever region they wish first and do whatever they want.  Once enough resistance points are gained, the Deputy is captured by the respective Herald (depending on which region they are in).
At this point in the game it changes from the original canon.  There are cutscenes with each of the Heralds.  After their introduction, the Heralds will give you an option.  You can either, continue to fight them, or give in willingly.  The choices are to:
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thebunnywriter · 5 years
Sneak Peak ✨
1) "I love you" The desperation in Higgs voice was almost heartbreaking, he wanted you to stay and to listen to what he had to say but you refuse to. You refused to play any more of his games.
"No, you don't know what that is. Do you think we're in love?" You asked with a stern look in your eyes, the pain of everything he put you through was ultimately coming out. You just wanted to get rid of him and return to your life as a porter.
He teleported in front of you, even when you were faced with death, you couldn't help but study the blue of Higgs eyes. "This is what you wanted, (Y/N)." He caught his breath for a moment, "You're mine"
You slowly started backing away from Higgs, the sky grew a darker color as you rejected Higgs with a simple no. You wanted to end things peacefully but nothing was that simple with Higgs.
"You are, you're mine!" Higgs yelled before grabbing your throat.
2) Sam struggled againsts Higgs men, he couldn't do much with a gun pointed at him from every angle. Higgs wasn't very with Sam and his bringing everything together bullshit but Sam crossed the line when he blew up a campsite that belonged to Higgs.
"No need to be scared, baby girl. Just be a good girl for daddy and do what I say." Higgs let out a soft laugh as he placed his thumb on your bottom lip, tracing the outline of it. Tears began falling down your cheeks, landing on your chest, as the fear finally set in. You didn't want to die or lose Sam.
Higgs smiled before pulling your hair back, earning a painful gasp from you. His tongue found a way to your neck and up to your chin.
3) Even as blood spilled from his nose, Higgs still kept that damn smirk on his face. You hated that smirk and yet, it was your favorite thing. He leaned up against the wall as you pushed a knife up to his throat but he just smiled, " I'm yours, I'm all yours"
That's all it took before you dropped the knife and pulled Higgs in for a lustful kiss, you could taste the blood in his teeth but it didn't matter.
I just wanted to share a few bits from different stories I've got done so far. Tell me which you liked the best - ✨
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thebunnywriter · 5 years
I heard y'all wanted Death Stranding x reader shit and I'm here to deliver. I've been writing for 4 years and I'm pretty good. You can request anything or ask to be apart of a tag list. I've already started on a Higgs story. That's all for now. Don't be a stranger - Hana ✨
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thebunnywriter · 5 years
joseph’s judge
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just some pretty screenshots of my judgey being all aesthetic <3
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thebunnywriter · 5 years
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poetry in motion
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thebunnywriter · 5 years
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more information about the upcoming movie Adam (2019) from trans actors who worked as extras in the film 
for those who don’t know Adam (2019) is a film based off a book written by Ariel Schrag and the reason why it’s so gross and offensive is that the plot basically revolves around a cishet boy pretending to be a trans man so he can sleep with lesbians
for more information on the book/movie read this in-depth review by @genderpunksap  (TW: transphobia, homophobia, lesbophobia, corrective rape, voyeurism)
anyway please do not bully or harass the trans actors in this film!!!
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thebunnywriter · 5 years
lana del rey said hot girl summer is over. it is now sad girl autumn
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thebunnywriter · 5 years
Shout out to writers...
getting pulled away from their writing because of responsibilities re: work, family, school;
dealing with illness (their own or a loved one’s);
keeping their writing a secret because of unsupportive or insensitive people in their lives.
Every moment you’re able to write one more word, one more sentence, is worthwhile. Thank you for pushing on. 
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thebunnywriter · 5 years
Quentin: you called my tech “BARF” and used it as a therapy device!?
Tony: look, Quentin, about the name—wait, what’s wrong with using it for therapy? What were you going to use for?
Quentin: T-To....to make me look cool.
Tony: you’re fired.
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thebunnywriter · 5 years
I’ve decided to start a Spider-Man series based on Billie Eilish’s new album! Her album gives me such inspiration to write and I just love the whole idea. My laptop broke and I just didn’t want to start back over on Pt.2 of Little Star. I might start writing for Vikings again but not right now. Please do tell me if you would like to be tagged in my Spider-Man series! 💖
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thebunnywriter · 5 years
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Lucifer looks like a Importunate ex-husband 三(۶ᐛ )۶
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thebunnywriter · 5 years
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Family Feud // 12x13
Defiant little devil 😈
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thebunnywriter · 5 years
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I don’t know who I am if I’m not you…
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thebunnywriter · 5 years
nick is an adorable murder baby don’t @ me
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thebunnywriter · 5 years
supernatural’s lucifer is hotter than lucifer’s lucifer so first off, jot that the fuck down
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