thebutterflyranger · 2 months
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thebutterflyranger · 2 months
Why have I not seen LITERALLY ANYONE talk about how in Erak’s Ransom, when Will saves the group, Horace yells “Will!!” And holds up his tied hands AND WILL SHOOTS IT AND FREES HIM??? LIKE THAT WAS SO COOL WHY DO WE NEVER TALK ABOUT THAT????? The fact that, number one, Horace knew Will was skilled enough to do it, number two, Horace TRUSTED Will not to shoot his hand, number three, Will understood what Horace wanted him to do, and finally, the fact that WILL WAS ABLE TO DO IT IN THE FIRST PLACE?? Now obviously rangers are very trained and blah blah blah but THATS STILL BADASS????
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thebutterflyranger · 2 months
hi oh my GOD your art is incredible. could i request a Halt pretty please
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he is my most favorite ever
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thebutterflyranger · 2 months
I think my brain wants me to cry, let me just walk you through the little scenario I just thought up against my will
During a gathering, Will's shooting at some dummies and absolutely killing it. Then, one of the other rangers gives him a challenge. They took one of the dummies and set it up a good while away, and told him to keep shooting at the other ones, but when he yells "switch," Will goes and shoots at the dummy before quickly switching back to the other ones. Will gladly accepts, of course, he loves challenges like that
So, he continues shooting at the dummies. Eventually, the other ranger yells to switch, and he does. He hits the dummy straight in the neck and immediately goes back to shooting like he was before with just as good accuracy. And he's like a 3rd year or something at this point, so a bunch of rangers that were nearby started congratulating him, highlighting how impressive that was for his age.
Unsure how to handle the praise, he looked to Halt, leaning on a stump nearby. Crowley's standing next to him, giving short bits of praise, yelling a little so that Will can hear. Halt meets Wills eyes, his face as neutral as ever. All he gives is a slight nod upwards, but Will knows exactly what he means. His face lights up, and he turns back to the rest of the rangers, gladly accepting praise and even teasing one or two.
As soon as he turns, though, Halts' face softens. Every part of his body language softens, actually. Crowley turns and comments on how Will immediately looked to him on what to do, how he started beaming at the slightest hint of approval from him, how adorable it all was. Halt just nods slightly and gives a small grunt of agreement. Crowley stays there for a second, looking into Halts eyes as he stares at his kid, having fun and challenging the other rangers to a competition of sorts. And then, softly, Halt speaks
"I'm so proud of him"
And that's all he says before walking away to continue some work he had left behind to watch Will.
That's all he needed to say.
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thebutterflyranger · 2 months
Ranger’s Apprentice headcanons that I will not be explaining:
Will is the only person Cassandra can go to for fashion advice. Horace says everything looks great on her and can never make a choice, Alyss gets to overwhelmed by Cassandra’s more elaborate dresses, but Will has very strong opinions about what looks best and will make those opinions known to her whether she asks for them or not.
Will has beef with this one stray cat. It is the only animal he’s ever met that doesn’t like him, and at first he did everything he could to win the cat over, but eventually he gave up. The cat is his greatest nemesis. The cat happens to love Alyss which only infuriates Will even more.
Gilan is very uncomfortable around babies and hates holding them.
Horace and Duncan are best friends and will hide hang out in Duncan’s office together when Cassandra is in a bad mood.
Will has had baby ducks imprint on him on multiple occasions. It became a usual sight to see Will being trailed by a horse, a dog, and a row of ducklings.
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thebutterflyranger · 2 months
Reminder that Will Treaty isn’t some little twink. He is a very muscular man who could probably crush an apple with his bare hands. He could probably crack a walnut between his shoulder blades.
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thebutterflyranger · 2 months
In light of everyone leaving I’d just like to remind those of us still here that the fandom is still alive and Will Treaty is still hot. Thank you.
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thebutterflyranger · 1 year
This is the type of Will Treaty the dark sexy god shit I eat up. good stuff. yum.
I think we all collectively forget (or just ignore peacefully) that red and black are Will Treaty's signature colors??
I genuinely couldn't tell you which Royal Ranger book it's mentioned in, but someone commented on something in some book saying 'oh red and black. Will's colors.'
Like, do they all have little theme colors?? also how much you wanna bet that Crowley's is pink??
I also love that Will's is red though. With all the significance of fire in his life; killing the Kalkara, burning the bridge, (Alyss' death ahem) etc... Red also symbolizes sacrifice and courage. And that's basically Will's whole personality, right? he'd give up ANYTHING for the people he loved. Even those he didn't love. There's an undeniable sense of human respect in him, made all the more prominent by his own life experiences. I.e - being an orphan/being bullied as an orphan, being rejected from his dream craft because of something that was out of his control, being a slave, and just being a ranger in general. In that position, you see a lot of dark shit. And Will Treaty has seen. Dark. Shit.
His respect for the dignity that every human being possesses is UNMATCHED in the corps. He's the kind of teacher that asks "may I touch you?" before correcting an apprentice's form, he's the kind of man that will ask you if he's crossing a boundary, he's the kind of ranger that asks a victim if they're alright talking through the situation; even if that information is vital to the mission, he is the kind of hero that you TRUST because his respect for you as a person has made him earn that trust.
And the color red symbolizes passion, and Will Treaty is nothing if not passionate about his work. But not only his work, he's also passionate about his family, his friends, their opinion of him, and their own respect for him. He'll do everything he can to get on someone's good side, and once he's there he's not leaving easily. He feels deeply, his emotions are almost heightened to an abnormal level for a human being because he feels things so deeply and sincerely. Someone is being abused? He's massively pissed off for that person. Someone is being falsely accused of something? Will will hire the best lawyer in the country (aka George lol) to prove their damn innocence. Because Will Treaty. Loves. Everyone.
That is all. Sorry, this turned into a tangent.
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thebutterflyranger · 1 year
RE: The AI of Ra characters
I was unaware of the ethical debate around AI! Apologies to all. I love the RA fandom and adore all of the artists. Would never want to hurt this beloved community. 
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thebutterflyranger · 2 years
We all know this but I want to give you a reason to talk about Will: your favourite fictional character and why you love them
*Breathes in* Apologies, but this is gonna be a very long post. 
John Flanagan has done a lot wrong - so many things that I will never forgive him for. But one thing he did so right, is my man Will Treaty from book 1-11. I know he seems like an average main character, but to me, he is way more than that. He is the embodiment of an imperfectly perfect person. I could talk about him in-depth, including all the headcanons and analysis, but to make it simple, I’ll just focus on the canon. 
Why Will Treaty is the fictional love of my life:
1. He is incredibly strong not just physically which he really is idk why people sleep on that but the mental perseverance that is shown throughout the entire series. From the first book to the end. His life is so tough, more than we can really fathom, and yet he pushes through it all. 
2. His curiosity is very cute to me. Like the fact that he wants to know everything, but not in an annoying way…his mind is just trying to absorb everything at all times. 
3. His ability to catch things on really fast. Like, not much gets past him at all. And once he got something,,,he got it. Halt said it, and so did Berrigan. Whether its picking up songs, or that little coin trick, or a bird whistle. He is quick.
4. His respect for his elders. Whether its Halt or Crowley or Arald or anyone. He is the classic good-boi who just wants the adults to be proud of him. All jokes aside, he is probably the last person to do anything that would remotely make Halt upset. He makes jokes and is light, but never crosses the unspoken line.
5. His sense of humor. Lmfao because he is funny as shit and witty as fuck. That joke about a good knight’s sleep? A riot. Lmfao at I love that he just wants people around him to laugh, and he knows what to say to lighten up the mood.
6. The fact that he always seems to know the time and place for things. He knows when to get serious and when to crack a joke. He very rarely says things out of turn, and when he does he backtracks instantly. You won’t catch Will saying something insensitive or rash. It’s shown several times that he makes people around him comfortable by just being around them.
7. THE WAY HE TREATS THE WOMEN IN HIS LIFE. All of the women he has interacted with….ooofh he exudes big feminist energy. From his respect and love for Pauline; calling her “Lady” until she tells him not to, making promises to her that he remembers throughout his mission. The modesty and respect he had for Edwina - and the fact that she took an instant liking to him. His interactions with Jenny - the way he compliments her and makes her feel better about herself, the way he is a literal brother to her. Even Cassandra; the way he took care of her and gave her comfort when she needed it, and afterward how he always had respect for her. Ceilma!!! Delia!!! He is Good to all of them. And then there is Alyss.
8. There are several things about his relationship with Alyss, besides the fact that he would legit commit treason for her, that GET ME IN THE SOUL:
a. The fact that he would go miles out of his way to make her feel loved and not alone. He signaled to her for DAYS in Macindaw, with no reply back from her and no guarantee that she would reach out. But he made sure he would be there if and when she did.
b. The fact that she knows he would wait for her patiently. Like No rush. Take your time baby.
c. The fact that he is a strong enough man to marry an intelligent and highly capable and strong woman like her
d. The fact that he is protective of her, but has no doubt in her ability. The only reason he is reluctant when she goes on missions…is because he loves her and doesn’t want anything to happen to her.
e. He is super affectionate. Holding hands, kissing, hugging. Ahem, I love that for him.
9. His readiness for death. It gets me every time, how he is in the heat of battle and fighting for his life, but the moment he realizes there is no way he can get out of the situation alive…he relaxes. He closes his eyes and waits calmly, seemingly at peace. It is eerily beautiful to me. 
10. His selflessness. Putting his life on the line for others - over and over again. He did it for Halt, he did it for Horace, he did it for Alyss. 
11. He is perfect Husband Material (see 12-17)
12. He can cook. Very well. As Alyss said: Get you a mans that can cook
13. And he can clean, AND he is organized? O h?
14. He can sing too??
15. Oh btw he can also play an instrument.
16. I forgot to mention that he is very good with young kids.  
17. He is loyal as fuck. Won’r cheat, the thought won’t even cross his mind.
18. He is smart as hell. The decision making, the planning, the ambition of his ideas. His innovation. description of his quick mind is just ahskajkh. The fact that Halt would choose him over Gilan and Crowley because of how quick he is (and because that’s his literal son) just gets me. His vocabulary is out of this world - which has convinced me that he is an avid reader. His ability to put two-and-two together almost immediately
19. He has a temper, but when it’s valid and necessary. You hurt the people he loves? He will murder you. You cause harm to innocent people? He will reign justice on you. You annoy the fuck out of him? Best believe he will whOOP YOUR ASS. He is no innocent timid pushover. Things will bother him, and he will lash out. He is human. It’s normal. It’s hot.
20. His love for animals. The way he is with Tug is so heartwarmingly endearing. He genuinely loves him and considers him his friend. The conversations they have together. And his care for his dogs is so adorable I can’t. The way he trained Shadow and Ebony to do those cute things…you know he would be a great father.
21. The energy he gives off to other people. Throughout the series you have people who have only interacted with him briefly, thinking about the pleasantness of him. He is just a good guy and people seem to be comfortable around him. He makes them smile, his face puts them at ease, he speaks softly. Whether it’s the boat keeper at Seacliffe, Umar and Ceilma at Arrida, or Malcolm, or the multiple farmer families he interacts with - they always mention how respectful and lovely he is.
22. His care and love for Horace. Their banter and ease with each other. The fact that he would kill and die for him. The fact that Will wishes Horace could live next to him. Its that classic cute “I-want-to-hang-out-with-my-best-friend-all-the-time-cuz-he-make-me-happy. 
23. His relationship with Halt. I need a whole separate post for this.
24. His humility. From his aversion to attention to his inability to take a compliment, to him being watchful of sounding boastful or arrogant. And the fact that he doesn’t even realize how his name and image has impacted thousands of people. He is a whole legend…and he don’t even know.
25. The fact that he is the most capable and skilled Ranger there is. Periodt. I don’t want no one to @ me. You know I’m right. At his peak, he was the best in the history of the Corps.
26. Will is adorkable. The corny jokes he makes, the fact that he talks to his horses, the fact that he doesn’t realize that he is a pull god. Cutie. 10/10 would die for the dude.
27. The fact that he is clumsy when it comes to food. That is me. If food is in my hands, 9 times out of 10 it gets in somewhere on my clothes.
28. His coffee addiction. It geeks me so hard how he literally can’t help himself. He want. He is tired and he just want the coffee. Give it to him
29. His hatred of goodbyes. Idk i just think it’s heartbreaking but also very touching how he doesn’t look back when riding away from someone.
30. The fact that he isn’t afraid to show emotions. I don’t see very much, if any, toxic masculinity in Will. He is manly in his physique and power, but also in that he is comfortable in showing his emotions. He is a strong enough man that he married a strong woman. He doesn’t shy away from saying he is scared, or worried, or anxious. He tells Halt or Alyss all his feelings, without worrying about sounding weak. He openly cries many times throughout the books.
Ummm these are all that I can think off the top of my head.
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thebutterflyranger · 2 years
it's so funny that you come on here every few days to defend the fuckableness of older will with a beard, stay strong soldier
No one else is writing deranged Will Treaty thought dumps about how hot he is, especially with the beard! Someone has to! Someone has to!!
Also shoutout to the one guy that came to my inbox to thirst after Jory Ruhl twice. One would expect us to be enemies but we are fighting the same war here. I think.
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thebutterflyranger · 2 years
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thebutterflyranger · 2 years
hahahahahahahahahahaha i stand by it. 
throwback to mine and @thebutterflyranger's tag "#Will Treaty the dark sexy god" that i almost wish was a joke (but people thirsting after Will rn is making it all come back)
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thebutterflyranger · 2 years
holy shitting shit. 
i can't believe john flanagan made alyss say: 'I can't imagne Will becoming forbidding and grim and taciturn.' in the burning bridge.
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thebutterflyranger · 2 years
does your heart ever randomly, spontaneously go:
or are you normal
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thebutterflyranger · 2 years
had to come back from the dead to say...yes.
The feminine urge to simp for Will Treaty
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thebutterflyranger · 3 years
i like my coffee how i like my coffee—i like my coffee :- )
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