theclampconfessions · 6 years
The fact that I’m posting means I haven’t completely given up.
Noticed yesterday that the Kindle/Comixology versions of Tsubasa & xxxHolic omnibuses are on a secret, unanounced sale. The first of it’s kind that I ever remember seeing. If you think you might enjoy reading such things on your computer or tablet (I recommend at least a 7 inch screen), consider picking them up.
Tsubasa Vol 1
xxxHolic Vol 1
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theclampconfessions · 7 years
Oh hey, look what I found!
Showing for a limited time only, Crunchyroll is showing the second Cardcaptor Sakura movie in the US in a limited run at select theaters. Also being shown is a special Clear Card prologue OVA episode?! And a free promotional post card if you get there early! (Or probably maybe at all. Only 4 seats sold at the show I went to)
I know these limited engagements aren’t always convenient, but I hope you’ll take a look if there’s a showing in your area and think about buying a ticket. Even if it might not be canon any more, The Sealed Card is still an amazing and adorable movie and I love it so much, and who doesn’t want to see Cardcaptor Sakura on the big screen?
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theclampconfessions · 7 years
Just going to jump in here.
It’s been literally years since I’ve done anything with CLAMP, and the reason is... basically, a mixture of all the things that come with growing up. I got a real full-time job. I moved out on my own... almost (sloppy roommates aside). I’m in a relationship with someone wonderful. Perhaps most of all, I have money now. This last one is super weird for me, since with my own stream of disposable income, I’m experimenting and branching out more and more. Anything I want, suddenly I’m the only person I need permission from to get it. It’s been almost 3 years of this financial independence and I’m still not used to it.
Through all of this, I’ve been kind of afraid when it came to CLAMP. I can’t overstate how much it’s meant to me... how much it shaped me into the adult-looking person I grew up to be, but the more I experienced, the more I was worried I was drifting away from them. That someday I’d wake up and the love would just be gone.
I finally made myself watch the first episode of Clear Card, and... I’m tearing up. I think I’m going to be fine. 
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theclampconfessions · 8 years
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theclampconfessions · 8 years
So something nice that caught me completely by surprise today is the fact that the new RG Veda omnibuses are almost here. In fact, if you want to buy the digital version (and maybe save a few bucks), the first book is already out! Amazon and Comixology (an Amazon owned company btw) are showing different dates for the print edition for some reason, but I think we can expect it to hit in the first week of September, so if you prefer to, you won’t be waiting long.
Also, when was it announced Wish would be getting an omnibus? I am not on top of these announcements. But that just makes me happier to hear the news. If anything needed some attention in a new release, it was Wish, what with all its tiny unreadable bird text.
Anyway, enough of me using my privileged position to gush about things you may already know. (Hopefully it wasn’t too annoying). It’s been a while since we’ve seen a confession, and that’s on me. I’ve got about 30 confessions that need to be made and hopefully the good news today will inspire me to get to work again. (Actually, by sheer coincidence, a confession is already scheduled to post later today) Anyways, if you think I’m dropping the ball again, feel free to reach out and let me know. And we can always use more confessions, so don’t be afraid to submit them to me in any way you can think of!
Well, that’s it. I’m off to read RG Veda at work. Have a good day!
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theclampconfessions · 8 years
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theclampconfessions · 8 years
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theclampconfessions · 8 years
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“At first I started reading CLAMP because I was looking for new canon gay ships. But I discovered so, so much more. (And it didn't prevent me from harshly shipping whatseover).”
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theclampconfessions · 8 years
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Hello, TRC/CCS fans!  Today I created a survey about Cardcaptor Sakura, Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle/World Chronicle, and the new Clear Card Arc for CCS, and I need as many participants as possible!
The purpose of this survey: I’ve seen a lot of mixed reactions to the release of the new Cardcaptor Sakura manga: the Clear Card Arc. Because of the difference in tone between Cardcaptor Sakura and Tsubasa: RC, I’m curious if the order or nature of the experiences of Tsubasa/CCS fans is related to their feelings towards the new series. Will there be a correlation between a person’s first series and their excitement for the Clear Card Arc? I wonder if this survey will show the answer. 
I’m hoping to get over 100 responses; if I’m able to get 100 or more, I believe I will have enough data points to make some graphs showing the correlation (if any) of age, first series, favorite series, etc and how that correlates to feelings about the Clear Card Arc.  It won’t be representative of fandom as a whole, and as a self-selecting survey it’s not very scientific, but it might be fun to read.
Regarding confidentiality of responses/anonymity: If you take this survey, you’re agreeing to let me use your responses to create these graphs.  However, I won’t know who you are b/c the survey is entirely anonymous.  I will not ask for any identifying information.  Further, you will have the option whether or not to give me permission to share your answer to free response questions.  (If you don’t want me to share them, I’ll be the only one to see them ever.)
Anyway, it shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes to complete, because there’s only 9 mandatory questions (and they’re all multiple choice.)  It’s also SPOILER-FREE.  I hope you’ll participate and reblog this so that others can take the survey too!
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theclampconfessions · 8 years
medibang is made by the same people as fire alpaca! it's almost the same but it's even better with more features!
I did not know that! Thank you same (or possibly different?) friendly Anon!
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theclampconfessions · 8 years
not sure what you use, but medibang paint pro is a free program with a lot of cool features, there's also a program called krita, you should check them out and see if they are easier to use than whatever you are currently using!
Thanks for the suggestions, friendly Anon! Up until now I’d been using a free program called Fire Alpaca, but seeing as I’m leaving myself enough time between confessions to experiment, I’ll definitely give these programs a try!
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theclampconfessions · 8 years
So there’s the first confession. I guess the hiatus is over.
Couple things going forward:
First, sorry about the quality. I am not a digital artist, and the program I was using changed how they do things and now I can’t figure out how to draw the airbrush effects in a straight line anymore. I’ll work on it.
And also, because the backlog really isn’t that long right now, don’t expect me to queue up confessions every day like I’ve done in the past. I’m aiming for about one a week, and by all means reach out and bug me if I miss one.
I think that’s about it. As always, confessions is always open. Looking forward to hearing more from you all soon!
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theclampconfessions · 8 years
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I'm a little bit afraid to read the new CCS manga.
It breaks my heart to think of CLAMP possibly coming out years later, and changing things. Finding out that their ideas about love might have changed, and the beauty of their original story is now something they're ashamed of.
I just want everyone to live happily ever after. The original manga made me feel like that's what was going to happen. I hope the new one will too.
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theclampconfessions · 8 years
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theclampconfessions · 8 years
Unfortunately, it looks like the only CLAMP works included in the sale CCS and Legal Drug/Drug and Drop, but this is still a good time to pick them up if you’re open to reading digitally. Get caught up before the new series hits.
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Cardcaptor Sakura by CLAMP and other great Dark Horse manga are on sale now!
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theclampconfessions · 8 years
If it weren't for the small matter of age Nokoru, Suoh and Akira would be perfect ladies' men. Akira is a world-class chef, Suoh is a world-class martial artist and Nokoru is so brilliant that he stands out at their exclusive academy for conspicuous overachievers,CLAMP School! Not to mention, all three are smart, conscientious and attractive! However, since they haven't reached seventh grade and aren't ready to date yet, Nokoru has come up with a different way to ingratiate the trio with the feminine gender: forming a detective team that specializes in helping ladies in distress! Of course, it doesn't hurt that Nokoru can detect girls in trouble from a mile away, while Suoh comes from a family of Ninjas and Akira has inherited a similarly useful set of skills from his father, an infamous thief! Recess is on and the mystery is afoot as the famed all-female creative team CLAMP unleashes the sleuthing prowess of the CLAMP SCHOOL DETECTIVES!
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theclampconfessions · 8 years
It’s been a while...
Hi guys.
I know it’s been a long time. Much longer than I ever intended. I’ve had some stuff coming up at home (2 deaths in the family, almost failing more than one of my classes, typical daily agonizing over my future) that kinda took my mind away from this blog, and CLAMP as a whole so far this year, and on a related note have had some depression and general unhappiness to deal with.
But that was the past. Things are starting to even out, and I want to start giving this blog the attention I think it deserves again. Not right away unfortunately, but in the next couple weeks, after my classes wind down for the summer. (June/July) Right now I’ve got exactly twenty confessions in my inbox, and I’m hoping given some of the news we’ve had lately (A CCS Sequel?!) more will be coming in.
So, just a reminder: I don’t care how you submit confessions to me. Any link you see will work. Also, as far as I remember, I’ve never had to reject a confession. I guess don’t be a jerk is the only guideline to follow there.
And so, goodbye again for now. Hopefully, I’ll be using the next few weeks to reconnect with CLAMP, and if we’re really lucky, maybe I’ll start even get to playing around with some art software and see if I can remember how to make confessions.
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