thecoolestvampire · 2 years
Just another day being a master manifestor.
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
Life is made of ups and downs, and so is healing. It is not a linear process, so don’t get discouraged.
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
I used to be so jealous of people success stories, thinking why not me, or stuff like that, but now, even if I haven't yet manifested my desires, I read other people success stories and how happy they are, and I just can't help but feel so happy for them, I just feel the positive energy, their happiness, I'm amazed by how they were capable of manifesting their desires, and I love that for them, I wish they keep manifesting more and more happiness for themselves, a life full of blessings, love, adventures, and so much joy, bc everyone deserves to live in their dream lives, love yall, be happy, drink water and never stop persisting bc you're going to get your desires no matter what. 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
one thing about me is that I am going to cry
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
my formula for success
no bullshit,
manifesting guide
Disclaimer: this post is about my personal experience, beliefs and what works for me. If you don't resonate with what I'm saying it's totally fine, you keep doing you.
living in your head
doesn't mean being delusional, or crazy. imagination is the only reality. as simple as that. the faster you realize it the better things will be.
I've noticed that being objective of certain aspects of my desires had led me to instant success. but detachment from what? not from the desire itself but from the need of getting it. realizing that i don't desperatly need something somehow makes things easier and faster. lessening the importance of getting certain things makes you free from anxiety and fear, in my personal experience. and why would you be anxious about getting something you already have (see living in your head and daydreaming). go on with your day and stop sulking.
keeping it simple
if it feels like a chore, it won't do it for me. the simpler the better. only affirm or do methods when i want and feel like it. don't force it.
again, I'm a sucker for effortless stuff. for me, daydreaming has always been something natural to do. and if you can see and imagine yourself living your best life then you can have everything.
you do it to yourself
what you see is a reflection of your thoughts. you can't complain and ask why things are "not working" when you are the one who is in control. if you think you can't manifest, you won't. if you think manifesting is hard, it will be. you want to manifest effortlessly and fast, then say you can. you don't like something? change it.
don't question it
don't question how it works or how long it will take. don't question if you can get it or not. doubting is a waste of time. just trust that drive that won't make you give up your dreams.
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
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Cloe i wanna manifest my dream life and i am all ready for itttt but i don't wanna persist, live in the end etc etc i simply want to wake up with my desires how should i do it... I mean it always freaks me out when at night before going to sleep i assume i will wake up to my dream life idkkkk what to do help me !!!
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
relief > worry
in the law of assumption, one of the most common causes of 'failure' is thinking that there's something that you will do that will prohibit you from receiving your desire. people focus so much time and energy into what can go wrong, what they're doing wrong, why they haven't gotten their desire yet, and spiral themselves into a big circle of lack and worry.
not you, not the universe, NOTHING.
your desires are destined for you. there is absolutely nothing that can stop them from coming to you. everything you want is coming to you RIGHT NOW. as soon as you plant the seed for movement it starts happening.
as soon as you say the first affirmation, you visualize once, even the moment you decide you even want something, movement starts. stop worrying so much about the how, the when, the why, the what-ifs. stop trying to put logic into the law of assumption.
the law is a LAW. it is going to work for you no matter what - SO LET IT!
stop creating useless blocks for your desires just because you're afraid of how simple the law is. all you have to do is know that what you want is coming, and live as if.
that's. it. that is all that is required of you.
the more energy and focus you put into doubtful thoughts, what you could be doing wrong, the 3d, the more power you're giving those things.
thoughts are just thoughts. you can either chose to identify with them, or let them pass. so if you get a passing thought that contradicts what you're trying to manifest, let it pass. it's just a thought. it's not going to do anything unless you decide it will. so decide it doesn't, and only chose to identify with thoughts that serve you.
there is always movement in the 3d. always. for all you know, there could be a series of events happening right now in this very moment as you're reading this that are going to bring your desire to you. all you have to do is let it happen. let what you want flow to you. be abundant in your success. stop resisting it.
feel RELIEF in knowing it is done! you don't have to affirm on a loop for 30 minutes each day, you don't need to visualize for an hour, you don't need to script... IT'S DONE! all you need to do is know it's coming to you and stay focused in the end.
all of your desires are coming to you RIGHT NOW.
-sacred ♡
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
。゚゚・。・゚゚。 ゚. October will bring blessings.
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
Do yourself a favour: prioritize your self-concept.
When you know your worth, nobody’s behaviour can threaten your peace of mind. 
Work on your self-concept.
Realize how rare you are. 
It will be your biggest investment raising the quality of every aspect of your life. 
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
my 4D is the only true reality.
all of my thoughts, feelings, & inner dialogue are derived from my inner world.
holding true to the feeling of the wish fulfilled is the easiest thing i could possibly do.
i live, think, eat, breathe, and operate entirely in the 4D.
time does not exist therefore i always receive my results instantly.
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
💕small steps are still steps💕
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
your life will be wonderful because you will make it wonderful, and it will be full of love because you are full of love.
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
please know you are doing your best. if you feel like you’re struggling, like you’re not doing enough, not being enough, not getting anywhere. if you feel unhappy, unmotivated, unproductive.  it’s hard. and that is ok. you are doing your best. it’ll look different to what everyone else is doing but that doesn’t matter. you are doing amazing because you are being you. 
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
the loa community is so gendered like :// dream girl & affirmations with she/her pronouns like.. what is my he/she/they ass supposed to do
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
Hi this is your friendly reminder that you can change the past and write your future :) get to work! 🧠💗
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
let go and have faith in yourself🧚🏾‍♀️
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thecoolestvampire · 2 years
i love how manifesting can be as easy as repeating a sentence in your head until you get it in like 3 days
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