thedailyzen · 2 years
There are some very powerful forces out there competing for your attention. If you don't guard your mind, it can be consumed by sensational/dramatic nonsense before you know it. Regulate your informational diet the same way you regulate (hopefully) your nutritional diet.
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thedailyzen · 2 years
To live in worry and fear will cumulatively wear on you more than accepting that bad things may rarely, but occasionally, happen in your life.
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thedailyzen · 2 years
Our culture tells us that slowing down means losing value or productivity. But to slow down is to embrace the natural flow of life. In this balance, we find peace.
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thedailyzen · 2 years
Many of our most powerful experiences cannot be expressed through words. This is charges them with a type of magic. Savor these moments.
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thedailyzen · 2 years
To be loved means to be consumed. To love means to radiate with inexhaustible light. To be loved is to pass away, to love is to endure. —Rainer Maria Rilke
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thedailyzen · 2 years
We often let suffering, chaos and anxiety bust the door down, but forget that more positive visitors are waiting for us too. Remember to allow peace, joy and gratitude into your life.
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thedailyzen · 2 years
You can save yourself from a lot of suffering by simply not overreacting to things.
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thedailyzen · 2 years
"Freedom is what you do with what has been done to you." -Sartre
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thedailyzen · 2 years
There is nothing wrong in this moment. There is no standard or expectation.
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thedailyzen · 2 years
Go slowly.
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thedailyzen · 2 years
Focus less on “self-help” theory and more on immersing yourself in the present moment. What drives you? What brings you joy?
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thedailyzen · 2 years
Find peace right here, right now.
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thedailyzen · 2 years
Focus on your own flexibility and self-control rather than trying to control the people and events in your life.
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thedailyzen · 3 years
Be honest always. To yourself, to others, even to your dog.
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thedailyzen · 3 years
Your stability and satisfaction in life is entirely your responsibility. Be careful how you react to events.
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thedailyzen · 3 years
The test of your mindfulness is not when everything is going great— it's when life throws unexpected curveballs at you. Will you remain calm? Will you breathe through this moment?
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thedailyzen · 3 years
Be present and tend to your daily life.
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