thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
"Um..no not really."
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"Wait have you ever done a prank before?"
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
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Oh no my room is always so cluttered. I think I'm a pack rat. --Riddles aren't fun! I always get confused. Our entrance is so much easier, all you have to do it tap a rhythm on a barrel. 
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It certainly made keeping my room clean a breeze. I can only imagine; that sounds like a nightmare! My dad isn’t real fussed about clutter; if we didn’t have the house elves, the house would be full of junk from floor to ceiling. I guess everything was scary when we first got here; I can’t blame them. —Aw, riddles are so much fun though! It took me a little while to get the hang of, though; some of them are tricky. Is there a password for the Hufflepuff dorm, or is it something more like Ravenclaw’s?
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
"Oh okay. If it's random it shouldn't be too hard, as long as we don't get caught."
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"Someone stuck up their own arse, that’s who. Hmm I may have to think on it, random could work."
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
“Okay! Wait..like who? Or should it be random?”
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"Hmm could work, now we just need to select some targets."
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
"Maybe distracting them could work? Or sending them a gift basket. Or putting it into alcohol. They're all rebellious drinkers right?"
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"Well we could, wait no, no we can’t do that. It would be too dangerous. Hmm either distract them and switch their food, or target the idiots of the house."
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
"..So how are we going to do it then? I-mean most slytherins aren't going to drink something that's just given to them."
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"…Well possibly, I mean come on the temptation is too good to resist. Exactly and who doesn’t want to see some snakes going all heart eyed?"
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
The panda is a resourceful animal, and those with it as a patronus are the same. They are good at using whatever is around them, and incredibly creative and bright. They are friendly and warm, and many may go to them for advice or help, which the panda will willingly give. They are a bit of a healer by nature, enjoying company around them and using it to enhance themselves. They love to explore many areas of knowledge and the world, trying to broaden their horizons and keep their minds open. They can be very spiritual people, but will not push their views on others, as they are comfortable with whatever a person chooses to believe. The most common house for a panda patronus is Ravenclaw, the most common signs are Pisces and Cancer.
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
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That sounds pretty convenient. All we had was my mom screaming about how she's not our maid and we have to pick up our own things. With three boys it's always a mess. Maybe that's it. First years are terrified of prefects, I know I was when I first got here. --Sure you can, if you know how to get in. I'd need you with me to get my into the ravenclaw dorm though. I stink at riddles. 
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I loved it. Our house is always so clean and organized, and they take care of everything. It’s a little weird to think I’ll inherit them, but they’ve been with the family so long I don’t know what I’d do without them. I don’t think I’m scary, but I guess I have a reputation as a prefect? I think it’s more that I’m strict rather than mean. —You can do that? I didn’t know you could have people from other houses in the dorms. Well if that’s the case, you’ll have to come see the view in the Ravenclaw dorm one time. 
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
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It's okay I never got away with it either. Oh yeah! You had house elves while growing up. Is that cool? Not to be rude or anything, but how can they be scared of you? You're not mean, or stubborn, or yell at people. --It is nice, you should come spend some time in there one day. 
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I think I tried stealing the last cookie once, but my dad caught me right away. I probably would’ve gotten away with it if we weren’t the only two in the house, and “the house elf took the cookie” did not go over well at all. Ha, tell that to the mortified second years who look ready to pee their pants when they see me coming.— It sounds nice, but I think I like my tower.
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
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Maybe a little. So you never even tried to fake sick or anything? Or lie about taking the last cookie? You're not scary, don't be silly. --It's really different from yours, not as open, and a lot more warm and cozy. 
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I dunno’, stealing the pie was pretty sneaky. My dad has always been really strict about always telling the truth, so I never really got the hang of lying. Which is good, I guess, but it’d still be a good skill to have. It’s good to be able to admit defeat, even if it sucks. [she laughs] I try to avoid being scary wherever possible, though sometimes with limited success. —It’s a really great view. What’s the Hufflepuff common room like? I’ve never seen the inside of it.
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
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I’d expect this in third year or something, but in this one? Merlin.
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
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Am not! Everyone can tell what my intentions are or whatever just by looking at me. It's why I've never had a talent for sneaking, or lying actually. Hm..I don't mind being classified with Bingley, better than being a Darcy. That'd be too much to live up to. I'm glad you're not one of those scary girls who can never lose, or at least never admit to losing. --That's true. I've only been in there a couple of times, and it was only to get a book back from Daisy. So I'll take your word for it about the view. 
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You’re a little mysterious. A lot of them are, but not always. They always seemed like that guy that people would always point out, even though they’re not as loud as other people. Potter would be a bad example of a boy next door, but someone like… hm, like Bingley from Pride and Prejudice would be more along the lines of boy next door for me. Yeah, I’ve lost debates plenty of times. But you can’t win everything, and for the most part the times I lost, I deserved to.— It is confusing to find, but I love having the dorm in a tower. We’ve got the best view out the window of the grounds, and some peace and quiet from the rest of the castle.
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
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I am the farthest thing from mysterious, a complete open book. I swear. That would make me a terrible boy next door. Those guys have to be the dark, mysterious, hard to figure out type. Like Gatsby. Have you ever lost a debate? --No, no I've been here before. But sometimes I forget which way it is. Having a dorm in a tower is so confusing. 
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Boy next door, like… the quiet, kind, slightly mysterious guy, kind of modest, very charitable. Or something like that, you tell me. Slytherins don’t really listen to anyone, you shouldn’t take it personally. I try to be good at them; debates I love. That’s probably true, and I can’t say I blame them.—Yeah, this is it. Have you ever been to the Ravenclaw dorm? You sound a little lost.
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
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Hufflepuff boy next door? I don't exactly know what that means, but I'm sure I'm not it. I always thought that people wouldn't listen to someone nice because they don't think they have authority or anything. I-mean every time I ask a slytherin to move out of a doorway they laugh. Then you must be really great at debates, and essays actually. People only go against what you say because they think they're more interesting from it or something. --It is this way right? 
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I think you could be pretty persuasive if you wanted to be, like if you took advantage of that Hufflepuff boy next door charm. People are always more willing to take the advice of nice people over uptight ones. I like to think I am, but I’m not that good. I think it’s just because I like to argue, and that makes me feel persuasive? But for all my efforts, people always go against whatever I say. It’s like a game at this point.—Great! [She gets up and follows Davey towards the Ravenclaw Tower.]
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
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I'm not really all that persuasive. Are you good at that kind of thing? You seem like you are. --Oh! Okay, let's go then. [He gets up off the ground, gesturing in the direction of the ravenclaw tower.]
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If the right person is doing the persuading, maybe it’s possible. In the case of your family, I’d like to think that’s true. Not everyone is so inclined to do so, though.— If you don’t mind, I’d love a walk back. Very gentlemanly of you.
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
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Some people can change though. I like to think that it doesn't matter what age you are, you can be persuaded to think something different. --Awesome. So do you want a walk back to your dorm? Or if you'd rather not that's fine too, don't feel pressured about it. 
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It’s too hard for some people to change, I guess. Once you reach a certain age, there’s no swaying people on certain issues. Their ideas get too set, and they stop believing anything can be different from what they believe. —I would love that, yeah.
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thedaveygudgeon · 10 years
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That sounds like a dad alright. My dad does that sometimes too, but it's more about the good ol' days when everything was simpler or something like that. They're more open to it yeah, but only my little brother actually likes to hear about anything in depth. I think it's too freaky for them. My dad's pretty old fashioned. --It was. Well then you're welcome, maybe we can steal some other food another time. 
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My dad just gets all emotional, starts blabbering about the good old days and all that stuff. But they’ve gotten used to it after seven years, surely? —This was really fun. I never would have done something like this on my own. Made me feel much more daring than I actually am, which is something I can thank you for.
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