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Ya girl got into vet school and uh... there’s a lot of bones to memorize.
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So I play Eldarya and I saw something in the newest episode that has me like this at Ashkore.
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Watching the Doctor Who episode Arachnids in the UK:
The scientific ento half of my brain: even with the explaination, that’s still not possible
The enthusiastic ento half of my brain: spiders spiders spiders sPIDERS SPIDERS SPIDERS SPIDERS SPIDERS SPIDERS SPIDERS SPIDERS
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Team Skull: We collected all the bug z crystals so Guzma can be the strongest bug pokemon user!
Me, an entomologist:
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Yes hello has everyone see my son, Tsukamoto Tsukushi? Because I love him.
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Days is a good soccer manga, guys, and it’s got an anime, too! I highly recommend it, even though it isn't finished.
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Parasitology lab: *goes an hour over time*
Dude a table over from me: Jesus has long left this place
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Hey there! I know I said my next thing would be a pokemon team (which is still in the making), but I’ve been the awful combo of busy and lazy, so here are some quick (and I mean quick) sketches of a manga I’ve fallen in love with. It’s called To Your Eternity, or Fumetsu no Anata e.
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Is finals hitting anyone else like this? 
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BecAUsE I aM drOwNiNG
I probably won’t draw much until this hellscape of a semester is done, but I do plan for my next nicer drawing to be my endgame team for Pokémon Ultra Moon. Otherwise, I might post some dumb finals related thing that I think is funny until then.
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It’s Gonna Be a Good Day
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Eyyyyy it’s still the 16th for me right now, but tomorrow is gonna be a good day! The 17th is Kuroo Tetsurou’s (Haikyuu!) birthday, and pokemon Ultra Sun and Moon comes out, and so does the new Justice League movie! In honor of this, I drew Kuroo with a litten. I’m tempted to color it, but that won’t happen for awhile since my ass will be occupied with pokemon Ultra Moon (hopefully).
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UPDATE: something a friend reminded me of one.
‘Ya’ll should know what this is, you drink it a lot’ referring to alcohol *looks closer at the name* ‘no wait, this is poison don't drink that.‘
Actual Shit My Professors/TA’s Have Done/Said
-said that every algebra teacher leaves their class with wisdom and wrote ‘floss often’ across the whole chalkboard.
-cancelled an important lab quiz because he had a stomach ache and didn’t want to deal with it.
-brought his dog to class every Tuesday.
-somehow rigged a camera onto the dog and let her loose during microbiology lab.
-had the whole class pretend to interrogate people like we were on NCIS.
-placed the wrong amount of charcoal in our experiments and put some more in while we were distilling it using an open flame. It caught on fire. Or exploded.
-learn how to use the rotavap while we were using the rotavap.
-disappeared into some bushes to set up a mosquito trap and my group legit thought we lost him on several occasions.
-let us eat in bio lab because it was a night class as long as we ate in the hallway. Ordered a pizza for himself.
-’everyone puts that they know how to use excel on their resume, but really no one knows how to.’
-made a review for the final and used the exact same questions and answers on the final. One question was on there twice. Yes, they both counted.
-referred to our second exam as a ‘memory exercise.’
-all of them draw horribly.
-gave me a 100 on lab even though I didn’t do half of it ???
-puts smiley faces at the end of his emails.
-did chemical demonstrations in lecture even though she wasn’t supposed to.
-very excited about Rage Against the Machine and Smooth Criminal being added to the class playlist.
-she made a class playlist.
-’all you really need to do is show up and do the activities.’
-really likes sharing anecdotes about how his family accidentally keeps spreading pest insects to his entomophobic friends.
-kept forgetting to email me project instructions until the day after the due date.
-’you don’t need to bring anything but clothes, and maybe some snacks.’ we needed bedding.
-’nothing worth reading is written last minute’ every paper I’ve turned in has been last minute. Every paper has also been an A.
-’my job is to confuse you.’
-’subtlety’ crossed out the wrong answers on the board.
-’I used to be a drunk, but you can’t live off of being a drunk.’
-panicked when I spilt hydrochloric on myself and I had to guide both of us through it.
-helped us through all lab questions because we were lost as shit.
-forgot to add tinfoil to our experiments and it took at least two hours more than necessary.
-took our pictures on the first day of class to learn our names. Did not learn our names. It was a valiant effort.
-didn’t show up to class, but had the TA teach and we weren’t allowed to leave.
-Keeps calling out the only marketing major in biochem class.
-’if you talk about chemistry at parties, you’ll be a hit!’
-’I’ll ruin your life.’
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Oh look more doodles I did in organic chemistry. In lab. While waiting for things to distill. For hours. BUT on the upside, I really like the doodle I did for Frisk especially.
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Does someone you know say the same phrase repeatedly until your only response is to stare into the distance like you’re on The Office? Because I have several.
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Happy Halloween!
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It’s a super quick crap doodle, but I figured I’d do something.
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When the professor assigns an assignment and you know it’s going to be a bitch.
0 notes
Actual Shit My Professors/TA’s Have Done/Said
-said that every algebra teacher leaves their class with wisdom and wrote ‘floss often’ across the whole chalkboard.
-cancelled an important lab quiz because he had a stomach ache and didn't want to deal with it.
-brought his dog to class every Tuesday.
-somehow rigged a camera onto the dog and let her loose during microbiology lab.
-had the whole class pretend to interrogate people like we were on NCIS.
-placed the wrong amount of charcoal in our experiments and put some more in while we were distilling it using an open flame. It caught on fire. Or exploded.
-learn how to use the rotavap while we were using the rotavap.
-disappeared into some bushes to set up a mosquito trap and my group legit thought we lost him on several occasions.
-let us eat in bio lab because it was a night class as long as we ate in the hallway. Ordered a pizza for himself.
-’everyone puts that they know how to use excel on their resume, but really no one knows how to.’
-made a review for the final and used the exact same questions and answers on the final. One question was on there twice. Yes, they both counted.
-referred to our second exam as a ‘memory exercise.’
-all of them draw horribly.
-gave me a 100 on lab even though I didn't do half of it ???
-puts smiley faces at the end of his emails.
-did chemical demonstrations in lecture even though she wasn't supposed to.
-very excited about Rage Against the Machine and Smooth Criminal being added to the class playlist.
-she made a class playlist.
-’all you really need to do is show up and do the activities.’
-really likes sharing anecdotes about how his family accidentally keeps spreading pest insects to his entomophobic friends.
-kept forgetting to email me project instructions until the day after the due date.
-’you don't need to bring anything but clothes, and maybe some snacks.’ we needed bedding.
-’nothing worth reading is written last minute’ every paper I’ve turned in has been last minute. Every paper has also been an A.
-’my job is to confuse you.’
-’subtlety’ crossed out the wrong answers on the board.
-’I used to be a drunk, but you can't live off of being a drunk.’
-panicked when I spilt hydrochloric on myself and I had to guide both of us through it.
-helped us through all lab questions because we were lost as shit.
-forgot to add tinfoil to our experiments and it took at least two hours more than necessary.
-took our pictures on the first day of class to learn our names. Did not learn our names. It was a valiant effort.
-didn't show up to class, but had the TA teach and we weren’t allowed to leave.
-Keeps calling out the only marketing major in biochem class.
-’if you talk about chemistry at parties, you’ll be a hit!’
-’I’ll ruin your life.’
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Do you ever just look at your grades and
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