thedudever7 · 6 years
Good boy
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Pixie and Brutus Halloween
Artist credit: @pet_foolery
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thedudever7 · 6 years
Acrobatic Slenderman
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thedudever7 · 7 years
Fun fact: cats don’t just wiggle their butts before they pounce out of excitement - they’re also making tiny adjustments to the position of their feet in order to more precisely aim the ensuing lunge.
Or, in other words: your cat is calibrating.
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thedudever7 · 7 years
Sometimes writing is like having an enormous lake in your head, and you want to get it out of your head and into a proper place for a lake so other people can come and go swimming and ride jet skis and stuff, except all you have to move the lake is a teaspoon. So you’re just sitting there frantically flinging water out of the lake with your teaspoon and telling people, “Guys, this lake is going to be so cool when it’s done,” but it will never be done. There is so much lake.
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thedudever7 · 7 years
Just played Hiveswap act 1. Now I want 2.
Also I don’t give a fuck, I named the Deercat Fluffy.
I want one.
And he would be my Fluffy.
That is all.
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thedudever7 · 7 years
Of course he does, it's not working properly.
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A true scientist
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thedudever7 · 7 years
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thedudever7 · 7 years
Okay, so I found my favorite meal
And it's 2 parts beef and 3 parts bush's baked beans (original). I don't know what specific thing about it makes it my favorite, but I will eat that until I explode. I saute the meat with equal amounts dried onion and garlic powder, give a light dusting of McCormick taco seasoning, heat the beans in a big pot and mix the meat in once it's cooked. I made it last night and I want it forever.
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thedudever7 · 8 years
I made a quiz that tells you which character trope you fit best! There’s ten different results! Feel free to take it!
Reblog in the tags what you got!
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thedudever7 · 8 years
[THWK] Warband Make a Guild
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My summer break from college is going to consist mostly of drawing mspaint Guild Wars 2 comics about the guild I’m in tbh
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thedudever7 · 8 years
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When it comes to the Brony fandom and everything in it, tumblr has got to be pretty hypocritical about it. All the problems they say make the fandom the worse fandom ever are near ubiquitous in all other fandoms, yet they’ve got a damnable fem-boner for beating any instance of “spaghetti” and the steretype to the forefront and going “ewwww, look at how gross this fandom is”
Idiotic fans- Everywhere, they come in all different shapes and sizes and are impossible to tell how big of a proportion of the fandom they take up. Tumblr likes to rail on Bronies far more than they do for any other fans, not even the inevitable shrieking fangirls hailing from the halls of Superwholock and Homestuck. Shit happens in each fandom and they will get called out for it. However this leads on into a later point.
R34- It wouldn’t be a rule if it wasn’t universal now wouldn’t it? It’s porn of stuff intended for kids; that’s terrible right? Then why is there porn of every other cartoon out there? Including the porn coming from active fandoms right here on tumblr? Is MLP somehow inexplicably sacrosanct from the internet? No, if it exists there will be porn of it, just tag it away to your own blogs, filter it out, don’t flip your shit like some kinda of 13 year old if you do see it, and quit pretending that the same doesn’t happen in your little fandom.
Men- Here’s the stickler, there are some plain stupid arguments that the periphery demographic somehow “stole” the original show. That’s just bollocks, firstly, there’s a near quarter of the current fandom who are straight up women, so bangs go the idea that the fandom is just full of men; Then there’s the non-binary/transgender contingent, so pop goes the idea that the fandom as a whole rejects anyone off the cis-radar. And yet, tumblr is fixated on this idea that it’s weird that grown men and boys are liking a show that’s typically built for little girls and that by watching this show we are STEALING the show from them. We aren’t, we’re contributing to the viewership numbers, surely isn’t that a good thing? A show that’s well done and has well executed morals getting recognition? And breaks the gender divide and draws in the male demographic without compromising the creators properly feminist ideals WHO MADE IT CLEAR; THIS SHOW WAS MEANT FOR EVERYONE, GENDER ROLES BE DAMNED.
But ohhhh nooooo, it’s all these eeeeeevil men watching something they’re not supposed to. Women can like whatever they want you sexist pig but not menno they need to be less valued because muh patriarchy. How dare they corrupt it even though half the staff are only men and the fandom has no say which way the show goes. Yeees, the fandom is toxic and sick unlike any otherbecause I saw this post from this popular person why do I need to see the show and fandom for myself when I can just stay here in my little dashboard because I don’t need to prove my points of the behaviour of all these men fedoras fedoras neckbeards evil reddit evil reddit MRA spaghetti they’re all the same.
Tumblr is full of hypocrites who suckle at the veritable thumbs of their own fandoms and then cry out in manufactured nausea and outrage at the possibility of something harmless but goes against their new definition of the “norm”.
There is no difference whatsoever between the “Brony” fandom and any other fandom that has, is, or will exist out there. Be it in behaviour, intention, demographic or fan created output.
You may hate the fandom, how the hell am I to stop you, entire sites do so on an ingrained basis; 4chan, facepunch, forums from here to Korea, but tumblr is the worst of them all. Even worse then 4chan. 
At least 4chan doesn’t PRETEND TO BE RIGHTEOUS.
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thedudever7 · 8 years
lazy Elf Wizard from A floating shanty town who always wanted to learn magic but struggled with it
What's your D&D character?
Copy and paste your results:
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thedudever7 · 8 years
So I found a nice little way to control most of the usual functions of my computer with a little tool called JoyToKey. It takes the input from a usb joystick and translates them into mouse movements or keyboard actions. Alt+Tab doesn’t seem to work, but that’s alright.
I’ve got an AirFlo EX controller (since I don’t have a usb xbox controller, which would make my life much easier with some things) so I’ve got a lot of buttons to work with. I’ve got 3 different configs that I can switch between, although one of them just turns off all the translations so I can use it like a regular controller for some games, and the other just moves the mouse faster. It’s really handy for running through tumblr in paged mode and catching up with everything pretty quick, since I have page scrolling set to the right analog stick.
I’ve also got it optimized for working with youtube and my own mkv player, since I have digital copies of my own movies (which isn’t illegal since I’m not sharing them with anyone, they’re backups) and I don’t want to keep leaning forward over my keyboard like I am now. Below is a list of what all the different buttons on my controller do. I’ll use Playstation layout (triangle, circle, square, x) for reference, and I’ll include a link to their website if you want to take a look.
Bit of a warning, you can make it start when your computer does (which I need it to) but figuring out how to do that is annoying, and if you want help you can either look it up or ask me, I’ll be happy to help. Other warning, when it’s doing a system message or asking for permision to run a program, it won’t register input from anything other than a, actual keyboard or mouse. That’s annoying, especially if you have semi-regular system restarts because you’re running windows 8.1 cause you haven’t upgraded.
left analog = mouse movement (x2 in the second config)
right analog up/down = mouse scroll wheel (set to 20)
right analog left/right = Page Up/Page Down (respectively)
x = left click
circle = right click
square = space (for use with my mkv program)
triangle = K (for use with youtube, since that pauses videos)
right shoulder = Switch config (2x mouse speed/normal speed)
right trigger = enter
left trigger = backspace
left shoulder = Ctrl+Tab (firefox specific for tab switching)
arrow buttons = arrow keys
select = shutdown script
start = sleep script
extra middle button (really handy for mapping) = disable/enable normal
I haven’t done anything with the buttons where you press in the analog sticks, just haven’t thought of anything
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thedudever7 · 9 years
Final projects, man
So I’m doing my final project, which isn’t due until December 7th, but I figure I should get a good start on. I’ve got to go through a few tutorials for python coding online, and make a kind of amalgamation of them. So I’m making a text game with a GUI, since I’ve gone through a text adventure tutorial and a Tkinter tutorial. Tkinter is pretty much just a module that tells python how to make things go into windows and look pretty. Well, I say pretty. It still looks like 1995 menus, but hey. It works.
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thedudever7 · 9 years
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thedudever7 · 9 years
So, I haven’t done anything on here in a while...
But that doesn’t mean I’ve been doing nothing. I’ve been taking a python programming class at the local college, working (making dat money), and planning.
Work’s a pain right now, because it’s raining so much and I have to be outside potting up plants most of the day. But I make $10 an hour, which is about 50ish cents above minimum wage. I still live at home, so all I have to pay for is food occasionally and gas for the car. The rest goes into savings and holy crap I have almost $4k in there. That’s the most money I’ve ever owned. But most of that’s gonna be for when I get a bigger workload in college. Which is coming next quarter.
My college class is going well, I have an A in it, I think the extra credit from the midterm has bumped me above 100% actually. So there’s that. I can keep up pretty well, since it’s an intro class and I’ve gotten to an intermediate course in Java before. Most of this is old stuff for me, but in a new language. So there’s all sorts of differences, and a lot of them I like. Java is like you’re trying to speak computer, whereas Python is like having a conversation with it. Much nicer.
I’ve been working bit by bit on my art, and it’s going really slowly. I haven’t posted anything, because most of them are either rubbish or they’re just swirls on paper. Yeah, those bored little swirly doodles you sometimes do in a notebook? Been doing a lot of those. A few sketches for things I’ve been planning out.
My planning has mostly been centered around my room, really. I’ve got an idea for a physically small server which can run 16 virtual machines at 1gb of ram each, but I’d probably cut that in half and give everything 2gb of ram. They’d be servers, so I wouldn’t expect to give them a crap load of random access memory anyway. I want to have one virtual machine be a NAS, which I can pull off because of all the data I can store on it. I already have a 2TB external Hard drive, and I’d be throwing a 1TB NAS rated 2.5 inch hard drive in it, because it only takes 2.5 inch drives. so it’s gonna have a total of 3TB of space, and if I use a Xen server, I can trick everything into thinking I have more space (even though I probably won’t). I want another virtual server to rip movies and transcode them into a smaller, cinema-worthy .mkv file (which I can do, if you want to know more about any of this go ahead and send me an ask) and store it on a Plex media server, so I can play it on my computer, xbox, phone, whatever. It’d be like a personal Netflix (but better, because I’d have harry potter ;P). The only other servers I’d want would be one Minecraft server (modded, so it needs more ram than usual) and a server that will auto-backup my pc. So I don’t need to worry about it. This server, in total cost (without taxes and shipping) will cost me $505 and be extremely easy to put together.
The other plan was for a projector system in my room, so I could have a massive screen for games and my general PC usage. AND so I wouldn’t have to get out of my bed in the winter. That would be nice. But I’ve had to do a lot of measuring, and looking at the prices of things I could pull it off now, if I wanted. it’ll cost a little under $300 w/o shipping/taxes and seems really easy to set up. I already have spaces for my game consoles, printer and pc next to my bed, so that’s handy. And I’d be running cables up the wall next to a window, so it’s neat and would look good :) If anyone wants to see them, I have sketches of what I’ll be doing.
But that’s about all I’ve been doing for a while, and it eats up a lot of my time. I’ve also had to retype this twice now, because firefox likes to shut down because of plugin failure (EVEN THOUGH I ONLY HAVE LIKE 1 PLUGIN GOOD GOD) and I’m tired because it’s late and reeeeeally dark out. If anybody wants to know more about what I’m doing or how I’d be doing it (like technical things, or if you just want to know what I’m talking about) go ahead and ask. I’ll be happy to try and explain it to you :)
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thedudever7 · 9 years
2822 left to go :)
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Join the movement to make two years of community college as free and universal as high school is today at HeadsUpAmerica.us/Act.
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