Sooo, is anyone still on here? I’m thinking about trying to come back to precious Jimmy, but I do run another RP blog in a different fandom.... So, not sure yet.
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Hey guys,  I’m sorry I haven’t been here lately. I’ve been on another RP blog in a different fandom. If you’d like to continue a thread, or want to RP in general with Jim drop me a message or an IM and I’ll give you my skype.
I do plan to come back to Jim, but I just need a break from the blog for a bit. I still have him as a muse and love him deeply. So I’m more than happy to RP with you guys on Skype <3
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I’m here... sorry guys! I’ve been working on another blog and reading a ton of fanfics. Slowly working on replies, I owe some long ones so might take me a bit ^^  If you’d like to plot or do anything random/short drop me a message or tag me <3
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                                 killing you SOFTLY ?
                             no. this is going to be BLOODY,                                      this is going to be BRUTAL,                                             & most of all                   
                                        THIS IS GONNA                                     HURT LIKE HELL.
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         I could choose to be purely good, but I will not. I could choose to be purely evil, but I will not. I will be neutral. In that way I am free to be what SUITS ME BEST, and no man can ( predict ) my actions.
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For thepansythug, a compilation of Andrew/Mark for your viewing pleasure
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How about a nice cuppa, and perhaps you can put away your harpoon!
Mrs. Hudson
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Scales to Skin
         When he got the phone call to come immediately to the aquarium in London Jim Moriarty hadn't the foggiest idea of what awaited him. He'd been woken up at seven minutes past five by a call from the very urgent administrator Charles Magnussen, who barely waited for the half asleep marine biologist to answer the phone before expressing his joy for some ‘latest discovery.’ Jim hadn't managed to get much more out of the man aside from the fact that he was to be at the aquarium's research facility as soon as possible.
        That was what brought him onto the Jubilee Line towards Waterloo. Being a self employed marine biologist meant he was hired by various aquariums and research teams as a consultant -- he didn't like getting pegged down to one facility, and he certainly preferred to preform his work on his own terms. His research in the world of aquatic mammals had put him on the map, his name well known by his peers. James was a professional, that being said, he had no liking for Magnussen or his facilities and as such he hadn't bothered dressing for the occasion. He had clothed himself a simple v neck and cardigan, his capris jeans were rolled to just below his knees should he feel the need to get his feet wet.
       It was two am by the time Jim arrived; the security guard waved him in, recognizing the dark haired man from his previous work with the facilities two dolphins. “James!” The biologist internally winced -- he had always hated being called that. “So glad you could make it on such short notice.” Charles met him at the door, an unusual greeting from someone who usually have no care for his employees. “It is a wonder, an absolute wonder! You won't believe it!” Jim only half listened to the man as the wandered through the hallways and finally outside to the large tanks the facility had to house a large collection of their animals. “They found him out by Dover! Some silly little fishing boat found HIM! It is remarkable!”
        There was a flash to Jim's right before a splash of water came spraying out at him. Magnussen started grumbling, looking down at his suit. Moriarty's attention fully distracted by the greeting of one of the dolphins. “Yes, hello there.” The shorter of the men knelt down, hand outstretched to greet the animal. “Long time no see, Gretel. How've you been?” Gretel and her brother had been rescued after a tragic boating accident when they were young. Given the injuries it was felt the two wouldn't be able to survive in the wild and were kept here. Jim had been fortunate enough to work with them in his researched into dolphin intelligence. They had been a mischievous pair and Jim had quiet enjoyed the study.
        “As touching as this reunion is,” Charles voice pulled The biologists attention away, the man gesturing to the pool next to the dolphins. “They aren't why I called you here.” Jim resisted the urge to roll his eyes as he stood, moving the few steps after Magnussen to peer into the other pool. “He is.” Jim cocked a brow, staring for a brief moment before crossing his arms lazily over his chest.
         “Who is?” His sigh did little to conceal his annoyance. “The mermaid!” Charles muttered something about it hiding before hurriedly moving to take the stairs down. Now James was annoyed, a mermaid? Those things existed in children's fairy tales and nothing more. “Magnussen, don't be ridiculous!” Jim all but growled, following after the other. The stairs led into an office with a window looking into the water. “I don't have time for some practical... joke....” It was quiet an elaborate set up and if Jim wasn't so preoccupied he might even be slightly impressed. As it turned out the Irishman was highly preoccupied with gawking at the creature on the other side of the glass. At first he thought it was some kind of stupid joke, some man dressed up in one of those fake fish tales... But the more Jim looked, really looked, the less likely that possibility seemed. The man remained under water for too long for one, there also didn't seem to be a seam from where his human flesh met his aquatic scales.
          Dark doe eyes blinked, his feet shuffling towards the window. He was probably gawking, but his concern for Charles patronizing was of little consequence, not when something so magnificent was in front of him. “Fisherman found him?” His eyes scanned across the--- merman? He hadn't a clue what to call him “Caught in the netting no doubt.” He could see the rope burns and signs of him struggling. A thought occurred to him, Jim turning on his toes before quickly dashing up the steps. He stood at the very edge of the water, eyes taking in the nearly bare tank. “Do we know anything about his natural habitat?”
          The silence that met him only seemed to spark a fire in him, the Irishman turning on the balls of his feet to glare at Charles. “You're telling me, we know nothing about him --his living habitat, depth he lives in, social behaviors, what he eats -- but you thought it was a good idea to throw him in a tank and figure it out!? As far as we know he is the only one of his kind,” he gestured to the water surface, his temper rising, “And you want to risk a great white fiasco by having him turn belly up tomorrow?!”
         They argued like that for quiet sometime. It was obvious nothing about the situation would change, they had no intention of putting it back where they found it. “Fine.” Jim grounded out between his teeth. “I'll do the research, but we do this MY way not yours, Magnussen!” Charles was more than happy to oblige the request. He went immediately to fill out the paper work, leaving Jim standing next to the pool, hand pinching the bridge of his nose. No, he hadn't known at all what he was going to get himself into, but it seemed like he was neck deep in it now.
        "Right then, I guess we should get started... Don’t suppose you’re going to make this easy, hm?” He turned to look down at the water. They’d start with basic trust building, it would hopefully make it easier to get a better look at him. Looked like they’d be trying out various food to see what the merman, for a lack of a better word, ate.
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“My dear, you wound me! I thought we had quite a fun time at The Fox. Or did you forget about all our little rendezvous?”
GREETER FOR @thedynamicasteroid
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{🌼}  “You shouldn’t have come back. And before you ask– No, I didn’t miss you.”
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Constellations (x)
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One of the less enjoyable duties of a prince and the part of his life Arthur hated the most was to inspect Camelot’s newest druids. Even if they had magic, no man deserved the fate some of them would have to face. This time, there were rumours of one of them bearing a title Arthur had only ever heard whispered behind his back — the king of thieves.
Despite how much he despised this routine, he found himself thinking about this king, his curiosity burning, eager to see him.
And he was not disappointed. Among the seven druids standing before him, one of them stood out. Not because of his clothes or posture, but because of his eyes. While the other six seemed frightened - and rightfully so - this man seemed more curious than anything else, and Arthur found himself stepping closer, intrigued.
"Do you have a name, druid? Or are you only addressed with your title?"
He could feel the air shift the moment the door opened; the knights straightened their backs, and their eyes watched who he assumed was their captain: a young blond boy who barely looked old enough to shave. Still, the young one had an air of strength held across his broad frame, eyes sweeping over the druid captives with an unspoken intellect. 
Jim hated him instantly.
It came as no surprise when those boots stopped in front of him. Biting back a smirk, his dark eyes raised lazily to peer up at those sharp blue ones. Jim didn’t speak for a few moments, letting his gaze soak in every detail he needed. “Title?” The druid’s voice was soft, yet held a confidence behind his curiosity he didn’t even attempt to disguise. “Surely nothing as illustrious as yours, dear prince.” The smirk he’d been hiding slowly started to tug at the corner of his mouth. Yes, he knew exactly who this was, the Prince of Camelot. Jim had heard of his ‘valiant’ triumphs as a knight. “Your kind refers to me as a druid, but that is hardly a title.” 
Leaving the Prince’s question unanswered, he held the man’s gaze. Jim had no intention of lowering himself into a cower, nor did he intend to bow to someone so much more... the weaker. The boy may have more physical prowess, but the druid held more power in his pinkie finger than this so called prince could even fathom. Jim bit back a growl as strong hands gripped his arms roughly, forcing him into a stiff half bow. “Answer the question, druid.” One of the guards he was now glaring at ordered. 
Grinding his teeth, Jim quickly calculated his situation. “No.” He grounded out, raising his eyes to turn his glare at the blond. “I have no name.” Death would be awaiting him either way; Moriarty was not some obedient dog Uther Pendragon, or his son, could order around.
Chains of Gold and Iron || Arthur & Jim
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I will be home tomorrow!!! Can’t wait to have internet again. I only have 15 minutes, so just adding things to my drafts so I can work on them during my flight tomorrow.  <3 Miss you all
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Despite being from the North, Smaug hated the winter. The storms made it difficult and dangerous to fly, even for a dragon - many of his kind had overestimated their strength against the draining, icy winds, only to meet their fate, crashing to the ground - and the constant snow caused the fire in his chest to die down to a ridiculous little flame that was barely able to keep him warm. On top of that, prey liked to hide or even hibernate in caves, and with no flying or hunting that he could pass his time with, the dragon had decided to do the same, so to speak. He had curled up in an underground cavern, shielded from the storms and closer to the earth’s warmth than the open caves above, under a layer of ice and hidden from curious eyes. However, it seemed like he had barely closed his eyes and drifted off (even though it had been several weeks) when he was ripped from his dreams by a loud cracking noise, and something landing right between his shoulders, before sliding off his back. Smaug gave an annoyed growl and lifted his head, staring at the creature that had woken him. It seemed to be a… human?
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“What do you think you are doing…?”
Cold. An endless borage of snow and sleet blocking his vision, making his limbs go numb. This was not where he was supposed to end up -- it wasn't according to his plan -- but if Sherlock Holmes was anything it certainly wouldn't be predictable. It seemed his little consulting detective was hell bent on continuing to be a thorn in Moriarty's side. Or perhaps it was the elder Holmes brother who he should be blaming, it had been the iceman's men to ambush his travel route. As far as anyone was concerned Jim Moriarty was dead, as it turned out now that was turning out to be more accurate than the elaborate lie James had worked so hard to weave.
He couldn't feel any part of his extremities, so when the snow and ice shifted below his feet the criminal hadn't noticed until it was too late. The ground below his feet fell away and Jim felt himself falling... down... down... down.... crack.
Pain erupted across the side he had landed on; with his balance off he was unable to prevent himself from tumbling down the slick surface he had fallen onto. He hit the snow with a grunt, head smacking the floor with a thud. There was a deep rumble somewhere above him, but he was too busy trying to get his vision back to normal. With a groan, Jim pushed himself into an upright position, dark eyes finally looking up to focus on what could only be described as an enormous lizard. 
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Maybe it was the cold, maybe it was the lack of food, but Jim actually let out a muffled yelp in surprise as he pushed himself up onto his feet. Pain suddenly spiked up his right leg, his knee buckled and the human fell back to the ground. James winced, pushing the sharp throb in his ankle to the side in an attempt to stand again.... His body swayed, the pounding in his head causing the world to dip and his ankle wouldn’t support his weight. Darkness consumed him before he crumpled back to the ground, finally giving into his body’s need for rest. 
Winter Encounters
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↖Slow as fuck with replies but does it anyway . . . eventually . . .
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d o o d l e  s p a m.
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