thefinalecrusader · 2 years
Found Family troupe with the Crusaders and Bucci gang? 👀
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thefinalecrusader · 2 years
💫Jotaro Headcanons💫
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A/N: Its been such a chaotic month that if i was to try and say what happened this would be an A03 A/N
Anyways! Here we are, I'm probably gonna do all the JoJo's when i get the chance
CW: Mild spoilers for Part 3, Mentions of trauma, A bit of angst, Soft Jotaro, This is overall a very fluffy post
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• Jotaro is hard to explain, to even understand, you've learnt that much in all your time together. He's hard-headed, and in some people's opinion, a bit of a brat: nothing but trouble. But he's not all bad; not when you get to actually know him.
• Jotaro doesn't like it when you call him JoJo; But he doesn't exactly hate it either. If you were to call him 'JoJo', expect his signature ` `Good Grief..` ` as he pulls down his hat.
• No matter how close you two are, he doesn't seem to get rid of his attitude. Don't get the guy wrong, he's just that use to trying to pry others away. But when he does, it gives you the right to hit him over the head every once in a while.
• Jotaro, whenever he gets bored or annoyed with the other crusaders, he'll probably try to drag you off somewhere else; which usually leads to a stand user encounter. It can get annoying, but hey, he's not bored anymore.
• He'll never, and i mean never, admit that he keeps a close eye on you at all times. He doesn't doubt you and your abilities in the slightest, but lord forbid he sees you get hit in a battle. Jotaro, being Jotaro, wouldn't jump in to help unless you truly needed it though.
• He's actually really good at bandages, second to Avdol. But he usually forgets, or simply doesn't care, to patch himself up after his battles. Hope you were paying attention to how Jotaro did it, because if Avdols busy, you're gonna have to do it.
• Jotaro gets distracted by one thing, and that's any form of wildlife; specifically sea-life. He'll help any animal he finds, no matter if its a fish on the shoreline or a bird who fell out of a tree. Most of the other crusaders know this, but never bring it up. Except Polnareff, because of course he would.
• After the fight in Cairo, Jotaro was quiet; much more then usual. It's not like anyone could blame him, the guy was only 17 going on a literal death mission. Joseph, even though the old man came back from the dead, was really the only reason the ambulance wasn't deathly silent. But it did hurt him to see his own grandson look so tired.
• Jotaro suffers alot from insomnia, he doesn't go to sleep much and doesn't exactly want to. It takes alot to get him to even have a break, he's always on high alert; even if the fight with DIO was over, his fight was still going on.
• On top of that, he despises his new ability. He hates that he now possesses the thing that managed to take so many lives; Including that of both friends and family. He refuses to use it unless its absolutely necessary.
• Even if he suffered, he knows you did too. If ever needed, he'd sit down wherever you are, back to back so that you two are facing away from eachother. Jotaro doesn't like it when people see him cry, let alone be upset; hence why he uses this method on you. It was a good method Holly used on him throughout his years.
• After everything, he's calmer in a way. Sometimes he still holds onto that attitude he had, but he's not as brash. He's more gentle with his words and those around him.
• He's not too into PDA, but if you are, the most he'll let happen his hand holding.
• Overall, Jotaro is still hard to explain, but that's alright. He hopes to see you again one day after he finishes his studies.
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Bonus; Star Platinum Headcanons!
• Star Platinum absolutely adores you, being the same size as Jotaro it'll simply pick you up as if you way nothing; and you probably don't.
• Star will try it's best to speak to you, even though its language consists of different variations of 'Ora'. Sometimes Jotaro will translate for you.
• Star Platinum will 100% stand up to Jotaro whenever he lets something slip; and if it isn't the funniest thing to see a man fighting his own stand verbally.
• Star Platinum is the complete opposite of Jotaro, even if they're technically the same being. It gets rather excited seeing any kind of wildlife; so it doesn't take long to figure out Stars just a more out going version of Jotaro, much to the users dismay.
• Jotaros never to far from his stand of course, But he never pulls Star away; there's that plus!
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thefinalecrusader · 2 years
The Last Train Home.
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CW!: Heavy Spoilers (part 3), Heavy angst, Blood, decriptions of death and violence, no specified relationships, no specified gender for reader!
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Hanging out with the crusaders was amazing, everything felt so lively.
Sometimes you forget that you've only just met these people, hell you were going on an entire journey with them!
They just grew on you quickly, you suppose.
You joining the crusaders wasn't some bizzare fight with you trying to kill them. You just happened to be outside the nurse's office window, watching Jotaro and Kakyoins fight.
At first, when you asked to go with him, he hated the idea, he already had enough of the people at the damn school.
The only reason he let you follow him home was because of your own stand, and he still hated the idea.
But now, Jotaro- who you took fondly to calling 'Jojo' -was content.
Hearing the train whistle, you guys headed aboard the first train of your adventure.
The train was crowded, mentally, atleast.
Even if you and the crusaders were in different compartments of the train; solely because you couldn't all fit into one; it sure was noisy.
Polnareff was going on and on about who knows what, talking Avdols ear off about whatever he could.
Kakyoin seemed to get distracted by whatever he saw pass the windows, seeming to make small doodles of them on sticky paper.
Joseph was talking to you and Jotaro about some.. Pillar men? Boasting about how he manage to beat some ascended being.
Jotaro seemed like he was halfheartedly listing to his old man, listening to the stories of his golden age while the sun set down the hills, marking your guy's first day.
You couldn't help but smile at the stars. When the sun set, it got quieter.
Polnareff tired himself out and simply passed out in his compartment, and the other crusaders seemed to drift off to sleep already.
Drifting off to sleep contently, you wonderd what tomorrow would have in store for you.
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"Hey guys, i found a camera!" Jospeh yelled out to your group, running over with a smile on his face.
Jotaro scoffed "And what do you want us to do? Take a photo?"
"Thats exactly it my dear boy!" He'd laugh, patting his grandson on the back as Jotaro let out a mumbled sentence.
Polnareff went off about how nice a photo would be, to remember how cool your little group was.
Kakyoin laughed, he didn't despise the idea of a photo at all.
"What if we took a photo now, and when we beat DIO we take another?" You spoke, smiling at the old man.
He smiled back, letting out a nod as he set up the camera, "Positions everyone!"
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It was quiet.
Apart from the trains whistle which broke you from your thoughts.
But at that point the only thing your mind could comprehend was the faint sound of the trains wheels.
You looked over the other 3 crusaders, you could all fit into one compartment now.
A faint golden light seeped over the horizon, signifying your victory, how you survived and won against such a monster.
But you were tired.
You were beaten and bloody, bruised and battered.
You could only remember the pools of crimson. The way that monster laughed as others could only scream.
And yet it was all so, so quiet.
That's right.
There was no more laughter, no more jokes or stories while waiting to get to your destination.
You were able to rest now, to relax and finally let out a weight on your shoulders.
But you couldn't, no matter how bright the sun shined or how tired you were.
The photo you had held onto since the day you guys took it, had been ripped lightly around the edges.
Right, you and the others were suppose to take another after you beat DIO.
At the time it was a warm suggestion, a before and after photo to show you and the crusaders victory.
But now? Now you could only wonder how empty the photo will look when you guys take that last one.
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thefinalecrusader · 2 years
This is my first time writing on tumblr
So uh, here's to hoping i do this right
You can call me Haze!
As of now i only write for:
Parts 1-5
(Debating part 6, but it probably wouldn't be the best, as i only have 12 episodes to go off of)
I write:
Angst (with and without a happy ending)
Yes that includes characters/reader deaths as well
Polymorus relationships!
Child/Sibling scenarios (obviously platonic!)
On that note, also just platonic HC/0neshots!
I don't write:
Anything NSFW (Smut, lemons, etc) i am a minor, it also makes me uncomfortable to write it
(Also, Tumblr has enough of that already)
Heavy gore
(I can't think of anything else)
A few last notes:
•If not specified, i will be using gender neutral for the reader!
•I can take requests! Promises they'll be out quickly?
Probably not
But I'll try!
Here's a few more detailed things i could do!
•I would totally be down if someone wanted to ignore canon and ask for a Part 3 Caesar or a Part 4 Kakyoin 💫
•Stand asks? Hell yea, give me them right now
Thats about it, I'll see you all later!
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