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The most impressive communal shitpost I’ve yet seen from a linguistics Facebook group
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Someone: What are your soft skills?
Me: Overthinking, imagining impossible scenarios, analysing everything that has ever happened to me, interpreting things completely wrong, oh and I’m very good at daydreaming.
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If you could instantly be granted fluency in 5 languages—not taking away your existing language proficiency in any way, solely a gain—what 5 would you choose?
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It is easy to see why some professors, who are quite capable of expressing themselves clearly, will use such complicated and convoluted language when they present their ideas that the stu- dents can only acquire them in a fog of anger and diligence—without being able to make much use of them. These students then may well have the same sorts of feeling that their teacher once had and was forced to suppress in relation to his parents. If the students themselves become teachers one day, they will have the opportunity of hand- ing on this unusable knowledge, like a pearl of great price (because it had cost them so much).
The Drama of The Gifted Child, Alice Miller (via dramachild)
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Watch: Carl Sagan schooled B.o.B. on his flat Earth theory more than 30 years ago
Follow @the-future-now
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every person can feel freddie’s presence in their souls when they sing MAMAAAAAA UUHHHH, I DONT WANNA DIE, I SOMETIMES I WISH I’VE NEVER BEEN BORN AT ALL with all the air in their lungs i’m not joking
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Thank you for taking the time to answer and for asking about my loved ones. We are all fine, no sicknesses yet and more healthy numbers in Germany now due to a rather rigorous regime of lockdown and social distancing. Most people here are relatively tame. But COVID-19 is far from over.
I totally understand your point of view. Philology can be a bit of a l’art pour l’art, which isn’t so thrilling for most people. Wobbly and yes, self referencing, but IMO still a nice tool for creating an understanding of the human condition. 
My brother, who is a physicist, and I had a lot of fights about the pros and cons of fact and fiction. And we were both right and wrong all the time. :D
I am not that into theory and understanding anymore as well unfortunately, got old and forgetful over the years, so can’t really get too deeply into it. But I noticed a really interesting thing: 
When I was at uni (blimey, 20 years ago!!!), positivism was kind of a swear word, totally out of fashion. We were all into hermeneutics, into constructivism and deconstructivism (although following a specific paradigm wasn’t cool as well among our group of philologists, you had to know them all but not become a cult-member). Zeitgeist, it’s always just zeitgeist. ;)
Now, empiricism and the absolute respect for numbers and facts are experiencing a massive renaissance among researchers, a deserved one, and I think it is due to the current political climate, which does not oppose empiricism with hermeneutics but with anti-factualism (does that work in English? You could kind of use it in German).
Just saw this on a post and thought I'll start a fun challenge ;) : **#that's why I didn't study Humanities#it's only text over text#no empirics there.** Isn't data just as much text as text? Something in need of interpretation?
Hello! I hope everything is alright over there and you and your loved ones are well. 
I feel I need more knowledge or proficiency (of English and actual theory XD) to answer, but I will give it a go.
Well, Clifford Geertz (I studied Social Sciences once) said something similar, that understanding a culture was finding the meaning, so, it would be, in fact, interpretation. And most of the new developments in the field are very linked to linguistics and discourse. I think there are some valuable approaches, but I tend to be a positivist, so, for me, postmodernism isn’t that great. Discourse is a part, but language and text aren’t the whole social reality. Why? Because people tend to say something and do the opposite, so you have to contrast with their behavior and others (the famous triangulation) and you have to take a lot of factors. It’s true that is an interpretation and a subjective one and it always will be like that in some way.
What I meant is that, even if I love Literature, I didn’t study it for two reasons: i) I think it would have killed my interest once it became a duty (that sort of happen with my career), ii) I like some meta anaylsis once in a while, but analysing a text from a textual perspective and a framework that is mostly text is too self-reference for me. It has a value and cool if that is your jam, but I need some empiricism, to contrast with different types of sources and types of data and such.
I don’t know if it’s understandable, ha, ha, Well, I tried :)
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Question to my German and French followers: In these cultures, is it ok to answer truthfully and openly to the question “Wie geht es dir/Ihnen?” or “Ça va?/Comment allez-vous?”?
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Most of medieval literature kind of is fanfiction. Variations, experiments with tropes, smutty versions of well known pre-existing stories, translations, parodies... 
someone asked me what fifty shades of grey was the other day and I was stumped as to what answer I could give that definitely wouldn’t prompt further questions.
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Monschau Germany
Monschau is a small historical town located in the hills of the North Eifel in North Rhine-Westphalia (German: Nordrhein-Westfalen) in Germany, situated just 4 km across the Belgian border. The picturesque old town center has many preserved 300 years old half-timbered houses along the river Rur.
© J.Höhn
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Here’s some fun facts about one of my favorite stories being told in Hamilton: this is Ariana Debose, who plays a special role within the ensemble known as The Bullet. She’s killed for suspected espionage right after You’ll Be Back, and is the first one to die (not counting Hamilton’s mother or cousin who hangs himself). After this moment, she becomes an omen of death. At the beginning of Stay Alive, she carries a shot that narrowly avoids hitting Hamilton. In Yorktown, she helps Laurens kill a redcoat, shakes his hand, then Laurens is the next to die. In I Know Him, she’s the one bringing the message to King George about John Adams and symbolically heralding the impending doom of Hamilton’s political career. During Blow Us All Away, she’s the one who tells Phillip where to find George Eacker, (and flirts with him! Phillip is literally flirting with death!) then Phillip is the next to die. In Your Obedient Servent, she brings the desk on stage and hands Burr the quill to write the first of several letters that will eventually lead to Alexander Hamilton’s death. During the final duel, she again catches a bullet (fired by Burr), and if you watch her, she gets closer and closer to hitting Hamilton while he’s doing his soliloquy until Eliza pops onto stage. At this point, The Bullet is stopped by other members of the ensemble, the time freeze is abandoned, and we all know what happens‬ next. (soure: JC Payne)
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Watched it, LOVED it. What poetry!
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Hamilton Final Bow
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Dan Stevens as Alexander Lemtov in Eurovision Song Contest: The Story of Fire Saga (2020) dir. David Dobkin.
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