thefoxholestuff · 20 days
Destroy the myth that libraries are no longer relevant. If you use your library, please reblog.
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thefoxholestuff · 20 days
Y'all know Aaron loves the fuck out of Andrew right? That if in some weird universe Neil broke Andrew's heart then Aaron might very well get a second murder charge on his permanent record right? Like, Aaron would beat the breaks off that blue eyed bastard right? Yall understand that Aaron fucking loves his brother right???
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thefoxholestuff · 22 days
Ill never forgive the aftg fandom for saying aftg is poorly written but loveable. it is so fucking well written. The characters are all interesting individually and as group dynamics. The plot is unexpected but always makes sense. Theres so many incredible 1 liners said. Theres humour. Theres heartfelt love. Theres angst. You can cry and you can laugh and you can get invested. Nora made characters with actual fucking personalities instead of just catalysts for neil's story. She did this so well she was able to take 2 minor characters and give them an entire sequel.
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thefoxholestuff · 2 months
Might be reviving my blog and debating whether to change the name or add a pfp. what do y'all think?
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thefoxholestuff · 2 months
you know the electoral college still exists right? maybe let's focus on dismantling that before we vote for a democrat cadaver. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dude. You broke your whole argument in your own first sentence.
"You know the electoral college still exists right?"
And it would take either passage of laws in amendments in most states to neuter it or a constitutional amendment, neither which will happen before November.
Yeah, no shit we need to dismantle the electoral college and implement ranked choice voting. But that literally cannot be done before this election.
So stop being so stupid about this.
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thefoxholestuff · 2 months
you know what. i am so proud of andrew minyard. choosing actively to do his best to get better after being incessantly told that it was hopeless. coming to terms with his sexuality after years of trauma associated with it. learning to trust people to be kind to him after a lifetime of being hurt by the very people who were supposed to protect him. finding it in himself to trust wynack, and abby, and bee (especially bee). allowing kevin to promise to give him something to live for. letting his walls down long enough to let someone he loved behind them. letting himself love. letting himself be loved in return.
i am so proud of him.
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thefoxholestuff · 2 months
do you guys think that when neil got back home from cali he took andrew up to the roof where he sat watching him smoke and told him he put a hit out on a raven. and then andrew sat there in silence watching the sunset before asking "why?" and neil looked down fiddling with his own lit cigarette and said very quietly that this particular raven was jean's drake. do you think that andrew went very still and did not speak or smoke for such a long time that neil eventually looked up at him and was taken aback by how andrew was watching him very carefully. do you think that as andrew looked at neil he was so paralysed by the thought of jean going through that same abuse and neil putting an end to it without even thinking twice. do you think he realised his meter had officially broken and neil was so far past 100% and that he was really truly it for him
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thefoxholestuff · 2 months
Anyone else think one of the things that Gets To Andrew is the fact that Bee is always, without fail, genuinely pleased to see and hear from him? That she knows so much about him - all his outer and inner demons alike, and she is still so pleased when he keeps coming back to her?
Because I think about that a lot
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thefoxholestuff · 2 months
I think some people forget that some literature and some media is meant to be deeply uncomfortable and unsettling. It's meant to make you have a very visceral reaction to it. If you genuinely can't handle these stories then you are under no obligation to consume them but acting as if they have no purpose or as if people don't have a right to tell these stories, stories that often relate to the darkest or most disturbing parts of life, then you should do some introspection.
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thefoxholestuff · 2 months
"We need to be prepared for the worst, this is the reality we face, it's messy." And you're not helping.
We're damn well aware of how bad it is, we know Trump is running and the MAGA cult is behind him 100% and now Elon Musk is a full fledged member, but the MAGA cult had a shitton of rich people behind it in 2020, too. Nothing's changed.
But to say we have to be prepared is as good as saying Trump has not only already won, but that you're willing to let him.
"He's unstoppable, we're all fucked." Why don't we put our thinking caps on and take a good long look in a mirror, hmm?
A huge chunk of this country won't shut up about how much they hate both candidates and wish they didn't have to choose either the senile old man or the dictator, and are either performatively waffling about it all "Eeeeeehhhhhh they're both baaaaad" or proudly stating their intention not to vote or to throw their vote away on a third party who meets their definition of ideological purity.
To me, saying we have to be prepared for the worst and we're fucked no matter what just screams that you are one of these people. That you're willing to doom this country and its democracy because you hate both candidates. You your fear like a badge of pride for what will happen if Trump wins because you refuse to take that crucial step in making sure he loses.
You are part of the problem. You will be responsible for the downfall of this country and your own quality of life.
Remember 2020? Tensions were high, we were in the middle of a pandemic, police violence and racism were at a high, shit was bad.
Biden pulled off the win. Not by some miracle, BUT BECAUSE PEOPLE FUCKING VOTED. People realized how scary it was to have Trump in office, how bad he let things get, and they voted for Biden. Didn't matter if they didn't like him, they voted. Biden won GEORGIA of all places.
Your personal feelings about Biden may be valid, but they don't matter when it comes to this country's well-being. See the election as a "lesser of two evils" deal all you want, but if you're not a MAGA or a Republican whose mind is already made up, VOTE BLUE. BIDEN IS OUR BEST BET.
Put aside your personal feelings, forget about the bad debate, think back on all the good Joe's done for this country and VOTE FOR HIM.
Don't tell us to be prepared for the worst if you have the legal power to prevent it.
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thefoxholestuff · 1 year
Andrew, hanging off the sofa at 3am: Do you think Neil would still like me if I was a worm? Wymack: Please get the fuck out of my house.
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thefoxholestuff · 1 year
there’s absolutely nothing better than reading a 100k word fanfic, that is until you remember you have a body that is starving, thirsty and incredibly sleep deprived and hasn’t used the bathroom since the sun set 8 hours ago
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thefoxholestuff · 1 year
The thing about Andrew and Kevin is Andrew believes that Kevin can't really be this spineless, and Kevin believes Andrew can't really be this apathetic, and they both resolve to poke each other with a pointy stick until they're proven correct. And then Neil shows up and instead of going hey maybe poking each other with sticks isn't getting anywhere he says oh look it's stick time and starts poking them both even harder. And then it works.
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thefoxholestuff · 2 years
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Hey 18 - 29 year olds,
THANK YOU! You made a difference. You may not see the overwhelming, immediate, desirable results. Please do not be discouraged. But you stopped more really horrible things from happening. Times are hard. So many people are struggling. But you showed up! Please keep showing up. Please become leaders. Please keep voting in EVERY ELECTION. You are a huge generation full of love, light, equality, and determination to see justice for marginalized people. Use your voices, lead, and VOTE😺💗🌸
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thefoxholestuff · 2 years
HEY UM DO YOU THINK GANSEY WOULD WALK ADAM DOWN THE AISLE AT HIS AND RONAN’S WEDDING???!!! because I DO. gansey is his best friend, his brother & has been there for him in every way he could. if adam asked, or even if he didn’t, he would do it.
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thefoxholestuff · 2 years
Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care
Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck
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thefoxholestuff · 2 years
Okay fuck it if this post reaches 666k notes by the end of 2023 I'll practise basic self care
Why 666k? Because it's funny and impossible so good fucking luck
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