Can you do some jalice headcanons pls? X
I’m so, so sorry that it took so long ;-; hope you enjoy it!
+ So, yeah, no one expected James and Alice to like each other the way they do, not even them.
+ Alice kissed him first, on their third year when they were skipping Potions class at the lake.
+ It was a little weird how James found himself walking her to all of her classes every single day after that.
+ Seriously, he literally had heart eyes for the brunette.
+ Alice couldn’t help but smirk and give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
+ It was this way for the rest of the year until everyone else decide that was taking too long.
+ So, during their vacation they did everything they could to make James and Alice spend some time together A L O N E.
+ When their fourth year started and they were at the Hogwarts Express James said that they were officially dating and everyone started saying “Took you long enough!” “Finally!” “Uncle Neville is gonna kill you!”.
+ How they started dating is something for another post.
+ But James still doesn’t know how he managed to date such a perfect girl.
+ Alice loves to wear James sweathers/quidditch jerseys/sweatshirts she does it all the time.
+ Albus and Rose are their biggest shippers.
+ And Albus was the one who came up with the name “Jalice”.
+ James pretends he hates it, but he doesn’t.
+ Alice loves to play with his hair all the time.
+ She’s the only one who can do this. He lays his head on her lap and just enjoy it.
+ Cuddles.
+ Neville is jealous because, come on, she’s his little girl! And so does Frank, because that asshole is corrupting his little sister!
+ Ginny, being really close to Neville since Hogwarts, is always the one who tells him to shut up because Alice is not that little anymore.
+ But James will always be her baby boy so, if Alice breaks his heart she better run.
+ After all, everyone supports they relationship.
+ Dates at the lake after the curfew.
+ Getting caught by Teddy, Victoire, Rose (who smirks and tells how they are cute before giving them a detention) and even McGonagall (once).
+ Cute nicknames.
+ Seriously, they are real lovebirds.
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Guys, I received your requests for the headcanons, and I tried to write them four times, but I’m not satisfied yet. I need time to get some criativity because I want you to like them, you deserve great posts. 
But you can keep sending them, I love to receive your requests :3
Hope you understand. I promise that I’ll try to post them soon.
Love you all <3 
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This is what James did after Alice said he wasn't good at art.
James: I am talented!
Alice: Dork.
Taken by a satisfied James.
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Little Rose visiting The Burrow.
Teddy: Smile, Rosie!
Rose: I am smiling, Teddy!
Teddy: Then smile more!
Rose: Just take the picture, I wanna see more flowers!
Teddy: Ok, ok.
Taken by Teddy. 
| Requested by @glitterytreewombat |
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Alice: Jay, this is my art kit.
James: And?
Alice: You’re not good at art.
James: You’re hurting my feelings, why you can’t be kind?
Alice: I don’t know, why you can’t be talented?
James: Why do I date you, again?
Taken by Alice before she kissed him.
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Scorpius, Alice, Mackenzie, Dominique and Felicity at Felicity’s pool party. They fell in the water right after this photo.
Taken by Ariel.
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A sleepy Lily Luna laying on Teddy's legs.
Taken by Hugo.
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James, Roxanne and Lily Luna at the Quidditch World Cup (in the green hammock was Fred). Ginny, Angelina and Harry almost died when they saw their kids. George, instead, wanted to try too, but Angelina forbade him.
Five minutes later, they were all grounded.
Taken by Dominique, who wanted to try too, but gave up when she saw Fleur’s face.
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In the middle of a crowd...
Victoire: *shouting purposely* WHERE’S MY LITTLE RAINBOW-BOY?
Teddy: Vic, please. I love you, but no. Stop, I’m begging you.
Taken by Victoire. She loves to embarrass Teddy, only because she can see his hair purple/pink.
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Victoire: Teddy... *laughs* What are you doing?
Teddy: I’m boreeed... Kill me, please.
Victoire: Why don’t you go play quidditch with Nickie and Lou?
Teddy: Why penguins can’t fly? Life ain’t fair!
Victoire: You’re not making any sense anymore!
Teddy: Life doesn’t make any sense.
Victoire: Oh my God...
Taken by a giggling Victoire.
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Scorpius: Albus said “Come Scorp, it’s going to be nice”...
Scorpius: When Al said that Megan was coming too, I imagined this being exactly the rest of my night. 
Scorpius: Guess what? I wasn’t wrong. Merlin, I miss Rose...
Scorpius: If your friend is dating and he invites you to hang out, do not say yes! This will be your destiny.
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Ask me for a post :)
I’m taking requests. Photos of your favorite characters, couples and headcanons about them! I love write headcanons, and will be a pleasure write some for you guys :)
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This happened after Fred’s graduation. Roxanne and him stole a lot of fireworks from his dad’s store, and during their vacation on the Shell Cottage, they had a big party. 
In this photo Fred, Roxanne, Felicity, James, Alice, Dominique and Ariel are bursting the fireworks.
Angelina was a little angry, but George thought it was amazing.
Taken by Lily Luna Potter.
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Do you personally think that the rotter boys are protective of the sitter girls? Or do they all just take care of each other?
I think that sometimes they are really overprotective with the girls, but in the end, they are family and they will always take care of each other no matter what. If you mess with one of them, you mess with all of them.
Sorry that I took so long to answer :/
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Rose and Dominique in a double date. This was after Dominique and Lysander tell everyone that they were dating, what happened a few moments after Rose tell her father that she was in love with Scorpius. Hermione already knew it, but it was a big surprise for the rest of the family.
Fleur, Bill and Rolf couldn’t believe that Dominique and Lysander were dating, because they are very different in some aspects. But Luna always had a feeling that they loved each other.
Taken by Lysander.
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Lily Luna: We need to stop this...
Scorpius: We tried and didn’t work. I need you in a way that I don’t need anyone else, Potter. But I won’t do anything you don’t wanna.
Lily Luna: You say this because you know that I don’t wanna stop.
Scorpius: True. But, come on, Lils. Your brothers didn’t discover us yet, so we should enjoy. In our way.
Lily Luna: You mean when you take me to Hogsmeade in the middle of the night, and we always end up kissing?
Scorpius: You know me. But, if you really wanna stop, we can just...
Lily Luna: Shut up. You better kiss me now before I really decide to stop.
Scorpius: Got it.
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Little Dominique and little Louis in Shell Cottage. Victoire was with Teddy somewhere.
Taken by a very happy Fleur.
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