thegirlvictoriasblog ¡ 1 year
Practicing self-care involves disregarding toxic individuals.
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thegirlvictoriasblog ¡ 1 year
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thegirlvictoriasblog ¡ 1 year
Your self respect has to be stronger than your feelings.
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thegirlvictoriasblog ¡ 1 year
“It’s about who you miss at 2 in the afternoon when you’re busy, not 2 in the morning when you’re lonely.”
— Unknown
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thegirlvictoriasblog ¡ 1 year
if you had a good routine started but now you’re struggling to keep it because you’re feeling lower, adjust it to where you’re at!! if you wanted to make your bed every morning, try just making sure it’s all on the bed. if you went for morning jogs or walks, try a shorter walk or even just some stretches in bed. you can still have routines and things you try to keep up when you’re at a low point, just put less pressure on yourself and fit them to suit the mindset you’re at.
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thegirlvictoriasblog ¡ 1 year
I met this couple that came in to make some reservations for their family well the wife and I began to talk and she was just lovely. This older lady mybe in her late 60s well she came back a few days later panicked she forgot she made the reservations with me and was so worried about her husband she mention how upset he was with her and she said she couldn’t do anything right I had to stop her and remind her YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU PUT UR MIND TO DONT LET ANYONE TELL U OTHERWISE! I felt bad for her, I could only imagine the things he told her I had to calm her down bc she was giving me anxiety. I told her to take some deep breaths and we would figure this out. She just forgot that was all but we did everything right. She was here with me for about a good 30 mins she said she didn’t want to go home just yet her husband was upset with her and she rather not be home just yet so she continued venting and talking she has no children witch blew my mind. After I calmed her down I told her to come back the next day so we can finish our reservations, and she did. Today she was more calmer then the other day,thank god. She’s excited for her 1 friend to come down and visit she said the only friend she has really since she doesn’t have kids. She then started talking about her past how she regretted some things, I just stood Their listening I could tell she had so much on her chest. Plus I didn’t mind I wanted her to get all of that out of her system. She then continued to say how she doesn’t own anything anymore and everything is under her husbands name and how she doesn’t feel like she can do anything for herself. How she hates this town and she missed where she lived, she lived in Mexico and she loved it but her husband couldn’t handle the hot weather so they had to move. This poor elderly lady feeling all these emotions and her husband doesn’t seem to help looks like he gaslights her! And verbally abuses her, I’m certain 99.1 chance I’m right.. well we finish our reservations and she was so thankful for my help I then gave her my personal number she then goes “ what did I do to deserve this” i told her to reach out whenever she wanted if she ever needed anything or someone to talk too! I don’t have much of a life going on and mybe we can do a lunch date sometime. She smiled and I hugged her she hugged me back genuinely I felt it. All these emotions she made me feel when she was worried about her husband upset and how she didn’t want to go home and well basically telling me she’s not that happy in her life.. Another thing when I met her she was with her husband and this weirdo gives me a compliment about my makeup telling me it was nice and he remembers me I didn’t feel awkward till she says “ I can’t do makeup I’m not young anymore” I didn’t want her to second guess herself she’s a beautiful lady! anyways I couldn’t help but to remember how I use to feel when my ex would get upset with me over the silliest things and I use to react how she did. I remember for the longest time I really did think I was “ dumb & stupid” he would constantly tell me I started to believe it. I know how crazy that sounds but it’s the truth it just sucked watching her feel those emotions chase I know how it feels and it’s a ugly feeling.. I hope she does reach out I would love to go have some lunch with her and get to know her better, where she grew up how her childhood was like. She said she has no family and I can only imagine life being lonely, I would like to remind her how beautiful life can be and it’s never to late, but I know it’s hard especially when you have someone constantly controlling you and just killing your spirit.. I know this was super long but I just had to share cause we never know what others are going thru even when they put a big smile on their face.. if you guys do read this thank you in advance!!
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thegirlvictoriasblog ¡ 1 year
Coffee always makes the day better. Am I right or am I right 😇 #coffee #starbucks #coldcoffee
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thegirlvictoriasblog ¡ 1 year
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