redtriangle · 1 month
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Purple Emperor (plus Monarch Mode) Thomas Astruc as the holder of the Butterfly/Moth Miraculous. Astruc revealing his true color.
Miraculous Ladybug made by Thomas Astruc & Zagtoon Drawn by Redtriangle (me)
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redtriangle · 1 year
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I have more Astruc art; much more. Not much to say, just what if Thomas Astruc is the holder of the Ladybug and the Black Cat Miraculouses. Of course in an AU somewhere.
Oh yeah, I gave him a six-pack and gave his suit some latex shine the best I can. Even a villain need to look good. In my AU version, Thomas Astruc is kind of buff. You know who I think of? Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson, the Icelandic strongman and actor who played Gregor Clegane aka “The Mountain” in Game of Thrones.
Coccinelle Bourgogne The name is last minute honestly but I’m confident with this (I hope). “Coccinelle Bourgogne” on in English “Burgundy Beetle/Ladybug”. Perfectly, “Burgundy” is both a reddish color and also a rural wine-growing region in France where it makes their signature Burgundy wines. If I have chose that name earlier, maybe I should’ve painted his hair red. Oh well, best stick to the classics.
Chat Nuit “Chat Nuit” as in “Night Cat”, “Cat of the Night”, or “Cat Night”. I hope don’t do any wrong with the translations.Thomas Astruc as the holder of the Black Cat Miraculous.
What can I say? I like idea of colored eyes even the scleras. And the hair too, and even his beard.
Miraculous Ladybug made by Thomas Astruc & Zagtoon Drawn by Redtriangle (me)
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redtriangle · 1 year
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Thomas Astruc Seriously? Where to begin? The fact that Thomas Astruc, the creator of Miraculous Ladybug, is mainly responsible for ruining Chloe’s character and the entire show story with his bad writing and influence since episode Miracle Queen, Season 4, and Season 5, if not always been from the very beginning for some longtime fans. When I heard about “Adrien is a Sentimonster” theory even I was still new to the show, I promised myself a long time ago that I will never forgive him if were true. I won’t forgive him. I don’t know if I should say this but given what he have done to Miraculous…  I hate him.
Why draw him you ask? How do I put this?
To put this simply. I need to vent out my frustration through art like I did on All-Americus/All-Ameriquilicus way back. And I want to show everyone who can see this the villain he is; least how I picture him. I mean, look at his face, at those eyes, filled with so much anger, hate, and even arrogance, able to get away with what he have done and do however he like without regards for others as if he’s the Miraculous God.
But as much I hate him, I can still give him the decency to make him a cool-looking badass character as I can.
And just to let you know, this is my AU version of the show’s Astruc, his ‘avatar’ and not the actual Astruc in Real-Life despite the similarities. Thomas Almighty
Basically, Thomas Astruc turned into God, or what he supposed to be.
I’ll admit, I was kind of lazy with his design, his clothes are still the same just turned white. But then again, I’m sure that how he prefer to dress even as “God”.
So basically, he is the Miraculous version of Chuck/God from Supernatural; write his story how sees fit not how bad or the hurt on other people.
I also admit my selection of his exact powers are half-baked. I mean, in terms of reality-warping, what can and can’t do? He is not really a god, he’s a man pretending to be a god, thanks to Hawkmoth. In fact, that’s the overall theme, he is powerful to almost godlike but he is still a man, an irrational man that is.
And his name, I just add “Almighty” like from the movies Evan Almighty or Bruce Almighty.Name: Thomas Almighty
Akumatized Object: Unknown
Cause of Akumatized? Unknown, possibly his hatred for Chloe and for Jeremy Zag and his studio cutting him off or we different direction from his plan
Powers: - Super-Strength - Super-Speed - Super-Durability - High Stamina - Flight - Teleportation
- Near-Invulnerability - Immortality
- Reality-Warping: — Matter Manipulation: Transform, create/transmute, control, and destroy any matter even at an atomic level and on living things physically. — Energy Manipulation: Control, absorb, emit or create any forms of energy; especially pure energy
— Spatial Manipulation: Control spaces and dimensions around him. — Weather Control
— Gravity Control
— Time Control (Limited)
Weakness and Limitation: - Cannot brainwash or mind control intelligent living beings
- Cannot rewrite fate of people or happenings of the world or Universe - Cannot control time entirely or time travel
- Don’t have psychic powers if not low-powered - Susceptible to psychic or mental attacks
These are just the first taste of my Evil!Astruc series.
Miraculous Ladybug made by Thomas Astruc & Zagtoon Drawn by Redtriangle (me)
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redtriangle · 1 year
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Didn’t think a Cosmic Horror can come in a small size? So, this here is just the first part of a larger set I’ve been working on. So why not I show it to you?
By the way, the tentacles are hard to do. Now then.
Kwami: Kluulu, Kwami of Imagination Jewelry Type: Mask Transformation Phrase: “Kluulu, Let’s get Weird!” Transformation Phrase: “Get Real!” Power Activation Phrase: “Phantasmagoria!” Tool: Puzzle Cube Power: “Phantasmagoria” - With the power of Imagination, the user can conjure anything the user imagine through mere thought. - These imaginations look and feel as real as the user imagines and more. - User can create living and even sentient imaginary beings, such as imaginary friends. Can even a whole environment and landscape as far as the user can see or know; creating an entire fantasy world or “Mindscape”. - User creates their own rules in their fantasy world and imaginary beings and objects; having fully control over them. - The Octopus Miraculous can read the user’s minds down to the deepest subconsciousness; automatically and randomly conjuring imagination based on the user’s deep inner thoughts, emotions, and desires. - Similar to the Prodigious, the user can still see and communicate with Kluulu after being transformed and only the user can see, hear, and feel him. - Time dilation; time pass differently in the imaginary reality; usually slower compare the Real World. Possible for days to even years passed in the mind while seconds to few days passed in the Real World. - When creating imaginations into the Real World, they are invisible and intangible; has no physical effect in the Real World; only the user can see and feel them. - Other people can only experience these imaginations if the user allow them; by projecting “Phantasmagoria” into their minds with the user’s mind. - User can telepathically communicating with other people. - One of two ways. These affected people can see and feel the user’s imaginations in the Real World through hallucinations. Or they enter a trance or dreamlike state where they are unable to move their bodies. - “Phantasmagoria” can be used in combat conjuring imaginary/psychic attacks; inflicting pain or mental damages to their enemies even their physical bodies are unaffected; causing them to go through into a shock which they will suffer from psychological trauma, psychosis, seizure, catatonia, coma, and rarely but possibly even death such as heart attack or stroke.
Sub-powers: - Hallucination: Cause people see and feel things that are not there physically; including pain and injury. - Insanity Inducement: Victims can become irrational even if they stare at the user too long. - Mental Invisibility; people cannot see the user through mind trickery. - Shapeshifting; user can impersonate anyone through mind trickery. - Glamour/Quantum Masking; the user can change their appearance in anyway they imagine; making themselves unrecognizable by other people despite resembling to their civilian forms. - Power Mimicry: copy almost any powers from enemies by imagining themselves have the same powers; though imperfect imitations.
Bonus Abilities (without activating its primary power): - Low-Level Telepathy: the user can read minds of another person but only what the person is currently thinking; not like deep-dive telepathy that can see or read people’s memories or deep thoughts. Though the user can sense a person’s thought or emotion if stronger than the person’s can hold. With telepathic ability, the user can sense presence of people and other living things with complex minds through brainwaves, brain activity, or psionic energy. - Empathy; sense emotions of other complex living beings. - Increased creativity and artistic skills and some level of intelligence. - Good at swimming and staying underwater.
Weaknesses/Limitations: - Time limit is 5 minutes after power activation until detransformation for young and inexperienced wearer. - Cannot sense anything without a complex mind or consciousness, such as plants, some small invertebrate animals, or even nonsentient robots and AIs. - Enemies with strong will can withstand most form of imaginary/psychic attacks and could defeat the user in their own imaginative reality  and even overcome the “Phantasmagoria”. - User is vulnerable from attacks by those unaffected by the user’s “Phantasmagoria.” - If the user has suppressed/repressed deep negative thoughts and emotions, those dark aspects could leaked into the user imaginary world and turn it into a nightmarish reality; becoming out of control. If the user and their victims stayed in the nightmare reality too long, they are likely to become permanently insane.
History of Kluulu and the Octopus Miraculous: Not much is known with Kluulu’s early history. Only that Kluulu was born from a concept like all Kwamis born from concepts, only that it is likely that Kluulu was born when the first being in the Universe learned to imagine. Neither was the Octopus Miraculous of Imagination is much known, only that it is constructed from a strange green stone that cannot be found on Earth and it is believed to be made by someone or somebody other than the Mage, the creator of all the Miraculouses, or at least the Miraculous belonging to the Chinese Miracle Box. 
Kluulu and the Octopus Miraculous’ story truly began in the early 20th Century when a group of travelers landed on a strange uninhabited rocky island in the South Pacific Ocean, one of the travelers who found the Octopus Miraculous and later discovered Kluulu was Howard Phillips Lovecraft (or H.P. Lovecraft for short). In a way, Lovecraft was Kluulu’s holder of the Octopus Miraculous and wrote stories inspired by Kluulu, Octopus Miraculous, and the existence of Kwamis. For reasons unknown or too many, the ownership of the Octopus Miraculous are short-lived and frequently changed between hands over the years, giving them the inspiration for their writing careers and the power to wield their imagination.
Kluulu’s Personality: Kluulu is calm, curious, and playful but cold, careless, and arrogant toward other beings. Being a Kwami, he view most beings as inferior and insignificant to that of germs. Love to be worshipped by others. Kluulu connects to people as long they treat him well and if he believe they can satisfy his curiosity about Humans, life, existence, and nature of the Universe. Kluulu does not care if his powers being used for bad as long he sees what Humans are capable. Kluulu could use “Phantasmagoria” power without a holder but prefer not to; finds it “boring” and waste of his emmense power for little results. Kluulu’s favorite food is fish, preferably small and whole and/or raw, say sardines or anchovies.
Notes: Kwami: Obviously inspired by Cthulhu from H.P. Lovecraft. “Kluulu” is one of various ‘right’ pronunciation for “Cthulhu”, however, there are no truly right pronunciation in Human speech. Also inspired by Kyubey from Madoka Magica hence the ‘cute’ empty staring red eyes. Though Kluulu tentacled-face look more like Zoidberg from Futurama.
Miraculous: I admit a mask for a Miraculous is kind of redundant but so as a crown for a Miraculous. But a mask seems like a perfect choice as it gives a mysterious theme as it cover the user’s face.
I want it to be a simple design with blank expression, to look like those white porcelain mask with tentacles. Made various tries. Inspired by a Cthulhu cultist mask and Cthulhu’s face but also inspired by The Mask. I like to think of it as a magical VR-AR headset. The mask is carved from a strange rare green stone that is not of Earth, much like the small stone statues of Cthulhu in Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos.
Tool: A cube is often used as some ominous object and yet simply-looking. Mainly inspired by the Soul Cube from Doom 3, the Lament Configuration from Clive Barker’s Hellraiser and the Rubik’s Cube. Tried to give a more occult aesthetic. The Cube has somewhat a mind of its own and can change into virtually any shape the user desire and can float.
Power: Originally wanted a power that is versatile and equivalent to reality-warping, but since Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculouses combined to warp reality, I chose the power of Imagination which instead warps one’s perception of reality, such as through hallucination and mindscape/mental world. I borrow from many fictional media which all based on H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. I’ll admit even I’m still confused with Miraculous Power of Imagination. Basically, its hallucination, it ‘tricks’ people what user want them to see, hear, and feel when nothing there. As for the imaginary fantasy world. Think of as The Matrix except the user’s mind is the Matrix, though more The Evil Within. Only the user can control their personal reality and their victims cannot, except for strong-minded few.
Theories: Kluulu visited various alien planets and civilizations long before Earth, one of among them is where the Octopus Miraculous was construct where the mysterious green stone come from. Why it was created and what happened remained a mystery. Only that Octopus Miraculous with Kluulu inhabits it fell to Earth a long time ago, perhaps even before Mankind, perhaps when the Earth was far more ocean than land than today. You probably wonder if the Octopus Miraculous was made on an alien planet and yet the octopus is an Earth animal. Maybe that planet had octopuses or cephalopods, perhaps related to Earth’s cephalopods. Here is where things get wacky even in Real-Life, the octopuses and other cephalopods (squids, cuttlefishes, and nautiluses) on Earth is believed to be aliens. The coordinates of island where Octopus Miraculous was found is 47°9′S 126°43′W, exactly where the city of R’lyeh is located where Cthulhu sleeps in H.P. Lovecraft’s The Call of Cthulhu. I want to put other famous artists and writers who had used the Octopus Miraculous besides H.P. Lovecraft. - Aleister Crowley - Tomoyuki Tanaka (Creator of Godzilla. His first monster idea was a giant octopus) - H.R. Giger (Artist for Alien) - Clive Barker (Creator of Hellraiser) - Wes Craven (Creator of Nightmare on Elm Street and others) - John Carpenter (Creator of The Thing) - Stephen King (It and others) - Guillermo del Toro? Only Kluulu who were his owners were.
The last and current holder of the Octopus Miraculous is going to be a surprise.
Miraculous Ladybug made by Thomas Astruc & Zagtoon
Cthulhu, The Call of Cthulhu, and Cthulhu Mythos made by H.P. Lovecraft Kluulu and the Octopus Miraculous of Imagination made by Redtriangle (me) Drawn by Redtriangle (me)
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redtriangle · 1 year
Chloe Bourgeois Betrayed
Can’t think of a better title. To those know what Chloe is becoming in the show, there are so many things I still don’t get, questions in my head, it annoys me so much that I can’t stop thinking in my waking hours, even before and after I sleep.
Where to even begin?
Why Astruc hate Chloe so much? Its almost feels personal. I commonly hear rumors that Chloe is based off of his childhood bully or something.
And as for the other writers besides Astruc, where do they see in all this? How do they see Chloe? What do they have to gain from the current narrative? Do they see and feel about the Chloe the same way or were they forced to cooperate with Astruc?
And what’s the point of Chloe at all? A literal plot device for Marinette and Adrien’s growth and relationship?
It all feels like one big waste; all of it!
Chloe/Queen Bee, or suppose to be her, was supposed to be nice and happy girl in the concept art, even as Marinette’s best friend and part of Bugette before Miraculous first began.
Chloe’s “Redemption Arc” in the show.
All those times Ladybug and Chat Noir saved her from Akuma attacks. If I have my way and knew what she is now, I would’ve let her Stoneheart threw her to the pavement and splat in Origins. Mainly because that’s perhaps the moment where Chloe was very close to her death.
All those Chloe/Queen Bee toys and dolls they sold, all those pictures of her in their promos and ads, they just throw her under the bus.
And all those fan art and fan fictions we’ve made over the years. All for nothing. I’d like to say more, say those Chloe-hating Miraculous fans, her good/bad moments, or that Chloe don’t deserve this kind of mistreatment in the show, but these should suffice for now.
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redtriangle · 1 year
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chloe bourgeois apologist 🐝✨
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redtriangle · 2 years
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Gotta post something. This is something I have been developing for about a year. The butterfly idea actually come Amanda Lee’s (Amalee) OC which is the butterfly, then I chose Soul based on Psyche, the Greek Goddess of Soul, who animal representation is also the butterfly. Recently I decided to based off from Indian culture. I hope they don’t mind using Indian jewelry and accessories and painted them dark purple. I decide what is the best color and I chose dark purple because I like dark colors. About the design. Kwami: “Aatmaa” is a based on the Hindi and Sanskrit word “Aatma” or “Atman” which means “Soul”. Pretty basic Kwami design. Wing patterns is loosely based off of the Blue Mormon butterfly, native in India. The forehead ‘gem’ just to give off the ‘Third Eye’ look. Miraculous: The jewelry is a Maang Tikka, a jewelry that Indian women wear on their foreheads; the chain hanging from the hair. Tool: That is no ordinary mirror, its Aranmula Kannadi, other than its extraordinary design, the mirror itself is polished metal to give off a reflective surface. A mirror is a perfect choice. This Miraculous and it’s power is not designed for fighting; more for support. And the mirror is often symbolize revealing one’s soul. “Aranmula” is a place in India and “Kannadi” is word for “mirror.” Now then. Kwami: Aatmaa, Kwami of Soul (and Mind) Jewelry Type: Maang Tikka Transformation Phrase: “Aatmaa, Reborn!” Transformation Phrase: “Depart” Power Activation Phrase: “Transmigration!” Tool: Aranmula Kannadi (Hand Mirror) Power(s):- Option 1: Astral Projection- Option 2: Soul Manipulation Astral Projection: When use Astral Projection, the user can astral project their soul from their body. In Spirit Form, the user is invisible and can move freely through solid objects and fly. See any disembodied spirits and spiritual entities and can also communicate with them. If desired, the user can possess another person, living thing, and sometimes inanimate objects.Sub-power:- Flight- Intangibility- Aura Sight- Possession Soul Manipulation: Souls are versatile shapeless substance, the user can bend and reshape another a soul, including the user’s, to their will and desire; giving the user some psychic abilities. Sub-powers:- Telepathy; mind reading- Mind-Meld; experience another people’s memory first hand- Memory Wipe- Memory Fabrication- Personality Manipulation/Alteration - Mind Control/Thought Manipulation; Brainwash- Exorcism; removal of a possessing spirit- Soul Split or partial removal of one’s soul from body- Soul Drain; Complete removal of one’s soul from body- Soul-Object Attachment/Sealing; place one’s soul into an object- Soul Destruction; destroy one’s soul Weaknesses/Limitations: - Time limit is 5 minutes after power activation until detransformation for young and inexperienced wearer.- User cannot control over physical matter.- The user must touch or be very close another person to use their soul manipulative or psychic abilities. - User can only possess one person at a time per transformation. - The user’s spirit form can be detected by EMF detectors. - The user’s body will become unaware of her surrounding; leaving the her open for enemy attack. - Spirit form is vulnerable to spirit traps.- Splitting too much of one’s soul can cause unforeseen negative effects. - If unable to return to body, the body will become catatonic and possibly death. - Possession of a dead person is possible but is forbidden and hazardous. Cannot possess a dead body for a long time and can experience extreme physical and mental pain. - Long-term possession can cause negative mental side-effects to either or both user and the possessed person. Effects such as amnesia or personality or identity disorder. Flashes of other people’s memories especially if that of her counterparts. This can led to catatonia or even death. Minor Abilities: When not in use, the user can sense the presence of other living things or spirits, specially their soul or spiritual energy. Can sense people’s emotions. When activated, the user can use Aura Sight to see spirits or people’s energy field. I know, the Soul Miraculous (I call it) is so OP. That’s too much power for one Miraculous. Believe me, I tried to fix it but why not. Even in Canon, some people say the Dragon, Butterfly/Moth, and Peacock Miraculous is considered OP. The soul or mind is a very versatile. Like soft clay, you can mold, bend, add or remove pieces from it to your desire. The user have a soul, so why not bend theirs as well. Why Soul? Like every abstracts ever existence, Kwamis are born from these aspects. Soul is one of them and one of the most powerful, almost the same class as Creation, Destruction, Time, etc. Because conscious life with self-awareness existence throughout the Universe, whether they are animals or sentient lifeforms, such as Humans. What is the connection between “Soul” and “Mind.” Believe me, I have hard time figuring it out. Let’s just say the soul and mind are interconnected. Whatever a person do or experience, they become part of them their mind and their soul. You probably thinking those are scary powers the Butterfly Miraculous of Soul has, the type a villain would use. But like any power, it can be used for either good or evil. The Butterfly Miraculous’ soul or psychic power can be use to heal people with mental afflictions like trauma and depression, and understand people’s mind and give them the confidence they need to be better people. And also fight evil spirits and villain through psychic battles. I kind of have plans with this, I hope. Miraculous Ladybug made by Thomas Astruc & Zagtoon Aatmaa and the Butterfly Miraculous of Soul made by Redtriangle  (me) Drawn by Redtriangle (me)
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redtriangle · 2 years
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Heroic Lila: Lupastrello
Lila with Wolf and Bat Miraculouses unified.
Lila: “Luupa, Jinxx, Unify!” Miraculous Ladybug belongs to Thomas Astruc and Zagtoon Lupalia and belongs to StellarStylus Pipistrello belongs to KivaTheDCWizard Drawn by (me)
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redtriangle · 2 years
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redtriangle · 2 years
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Miraculous OC Redraw: Gary/Blackwing
My third version of my OC. Here is a short bio if you are curious. More info is in the link below:
Name: Gary Ash Hero Names: Blackwing Nicknames: Emo Boy/Bird, Birdbrain, Angry Bird, Sh**bird, Tory Age: 15-16 (1-2 years older than Marinette and Adrien) Birthdate: October 4th Gender: Male Nationality: American Heritage: Chinese Language: English (primary), French, Spanish, Italian, and (American) Sign Language (at some level with limits) Positive Personality: Kind, Friendly, Caring, Mature, Wise, Intelligent, Open-Minded, Imaginative. Negative Personality (sometimes): Misanthropic, Cold and Apathetic and Uncaring, Pessimistic, Cynical, Nihilistic, Skeptical, Sly, Dishonest, Angry and Hateful, Sad and Depressed, Lonely, Aggressive, Violent, and Bad-Tempered when provoked Occupation: High school student, undercover Miraculous-Hunter Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)
Miraculous Ladybug belongs to Thomas Astruc and Zagtoon Gary Ash/Blackwing belongs to Redtriangle (me) Drawn by Redtriangle (me)
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redtriangle · 2 years
After “Protection”.
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Sorry, is me again
Also I’m taking Lilagami sugestions, feel free to ask :3
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redtriangle · 2 years
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I’m a little late to the party. Okay, for those who saw episode Jubilation, has anyone else thinking of this or is it just me?
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redtriangle · 2 years
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All in one.
Miraculous Ladybug belongs to Thomas Astruc and Zagtoon
Lupalia and made by StellarStylus
Pipistrello made by KivaTheDCWizard
Sasori made by Kireiscorner
Drawn by Redtriangle (me)
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redtriangle · 2 years
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Heroic Lila: Sasori
One more Good Lila as the Scorpion Miraculous superhero, Sasori, from KIreiscorner’s AU comic Nocturnal Guardian: Sasori. Unfortunately, her fan comic discontinued when it just started.I want to make Sasori/Scorpion!Lila because she is one of the early AU good Lila in my early days into Miraculous. And with three Lilas, three times the charm.
I think I’ve made her exposed forehead big but there is something I like about it. Well, that’s all the Heroic Lilas for now. Hope to do more in the future.
Miraculous Ladybug belongs to Thomas Astruc and Zagtoon
Sasori and Nocturnal Guardian: Sasori
 AU made by Kireiscorner
Drawn by Redtriangle (me)
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redtriangle · 2 years
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Heroic Lila: Pipistrello
Another Good Lila as the Bat Miraculous superhero, Pipistrello, from KivaTheDCWizard’s AU fanfic Miraculous Alliance.Her ears are big but I like it. Miraculous Alliance Fanfic, Episode 6: Soccer Mom: Part 1: https://www.deviantart.com/kivathedcwizard/art/Miraculous-Alliance-EP6-Soccer-Mom-Part-1-812882693 Part 2: https://www.deviantart.com/kivathedcwizard/art/Miraculous-Alliance-EP6-Soccer-Mom-part-2-813456319 Part 3: https://www.deviantart.com/kivathedcwizard/art/Miraculous-Alliance-EP6-Soccer-Mom-part-3-813786802 Part 4: https://www.deviantart.com/kivathedcwizard/art/Miraculous-Alliance-EP6-Soccer-Mom-part-4-814517435 Whole story: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21196901/chapters/51101911#workskin Miraculous Ladybug belongs to Thomas Astruc and Zagtoon Pipistrello made by KivaTheDCWizard Drawn by Redtriangle (me)
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redtriangle · 2 years
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Heroic Lila: Lupalia
Good Lila as the Wolf Miraculous superhero, Lupalia, from StellarStylus’s AU fanfic The Girl Who Cried Wolf.
The Girl Who Cried Wolf
Miraculous Ladybug belongs to Thomas Astruc and Zagtoon
Lupalia and The Girl Who Cried Wolf AU made by StellarStylus
Drawn by Redtriangle (me)
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redtriangle · 2 years
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So yeah, I’m drawing Lila Rossi. Like it or not, she’s my favorite character. Left-to-Right: Normal, “Alliance,” and “Alliance” All-WhiteTop with jacket and bottom without. Miraculous Ladybug belongs to Thomas Astruc and Zagtoon Drawn by Redtriangle (me)
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