So hurtful
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Anonymous asked:  Natemare, what was your most satisfying kill?
Ooh, lemme think about this one. I've killed many a human in the past. Though, there was one kill I'll never forget. Their eyes were a hazel brown, slicked back hair, and a legitimately charming smile. It was beautiful to see that beautiful face morph and disfigure into one of pain and fear. It was simply delectable and yet... I didn't want his sorrow to end. I did things to him that would make most people pass out from shock. Let's just end this by saying there was some peeling involved. Like when you peel an orange to get the good stuff inside. Except, much more red. Much, *MUCH* more red.
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Anonymous asked:  We like it cause it's catchy. Isn't that why people like songs?
You could say that, sure. Sure, songs can be catchy and have a lasting impact on its listeners. But you can always dig a little deeper into it. Find out what makes it unique. My songs have always been made out of anger. Frustration. Rage. Sadness. But, they've always been made to be catchy to the human ear. Why? For two reasons. One: for you to understand at least a bit of what I feel. And two: to lure you straight to me. And considering how many people have fallen for my songs... I'd say I've succeeded.
Warning Spoilers:
(Loud start)
You could say that, sure. Sure, songs can be catchy and have a lasting impact on its listeners. But you can always dig a little deeper into it. Find out what makes it unique. My songs have always been made out of anger. Frustration. Rage. Sadness. But, they've always been made to be catchy to the human ear. Why? For two reasons. One: for you to understand at least a bit of what I feel. And two: to lure you straight to me. And considering how many people have fallen for my songs... I'd say I've succeeded.
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Introduction of Peevils, by Birder
Aww… Hello, dreamer. So nice of you to finally join me. 
What’s your wildest fantasy, I wonder…? Nothing’s too far removed from the realm of possibility here. We could go sprout wings and soar through the cloud cover together. 
You could tell me stories of your curious existence for the rest of eternity. You could regale me of your strange customs, your odd ways of being, the paradoxical mote of existence you take up in the infinite coil of space. 
 …My fantasy? 
 Oh, dreamer. It’s you. It’s always been you. 
You may call me Peevils. You’re at my service now, but don’t consider this an unbalanced relationship—you’re my sole priority. I’m sure I’m your sole priority now, too. 
 But if somehow I fall out of your righteous favor… Hmm. 
You should simply hope that never comes to pass. 
It was a treat to find you, dreamer. Dream of me again very soon.
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Bingsepticeye appears to have been in an ever lasting loop of rebooting and updating.
Upon further inspection by the closest person to a robot technician we can get, MadPat, and under the careful watch of the tense Natemare, it appears something has gone wrong with Bing’s drivers.
Was this intentionally done? Was it an accident?
You can find out in the next Ego Interaction event. Join our Discord to talk directly to the egos, the community, and if you don’t have a tumblr of your own, you can even ask questions there!
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Introduction of The Host, by Matt
Good evening listeners, I am The Host.
But I'm afraid there is no story tonight, only formalities. While this meeting was inevitable, there are pleasantries in first encounters. 
I am an observer of sorts, a mere orator of events as they shall come to pass.  I, unlike some others, intend to tell an impartial and objective tale. 
Shall we get started? 
[You can’t escape me forever, Host...]
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I V E  B E E N  W A I T I N G  A  L O N G  T I M E  T O  S E E  Y O U  A G A I N
Keep reading
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Exciting news!!!!! We have casted our Peevils and our Host/Author! So expect their introduction audios in the near future.
Our other egos are still open and we’re always happy to add more upon request!
Just message me here or on the Discord with any suggestions, comments, or questions!
With much love,
Due to silly little technical difficulties, I had to remake the casting call. Feel free to audition!  https://www.castingcall.club/projects/the-glitched-system-bfbb709e-6ce9-432c-a968-96140961929e
Also, feel free to join the discord! There is special exclusive content there that you can’t get just on the blog. Like… live voice calls and text chats with the egos! :3  https://discord.gg/ztXQmSm
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I hate drawing on the computer I’m using right now, I can’t detail shit.
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I caved in and drew it
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Drawing of Host. 2022 VS 2018
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i redrew old natepat drawing because i can’t stand 2020 anymore and now my mind living in 2016
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The bestest mayor,,, we stan
Yes, I forgot his lil ribbon but sshhh it’s ok dw about it
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🎩I saw this and HAD to draw Marvin🐱
also credit to Denny Balmaceda for the outfit :D
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they’re my chronic illnesses and i get to choose which comfort character i project them onto
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Any egos you’d like to see added to the casting call for people to audition for? Let me know!
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