thegranada · 11 years
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WADE BOWEN Supporting Bands: Travis Marvin || The Granada- Lawrence, KS - November 21st, 2013 - 6:30pm - BUY TICKETS
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thegranada · 11 years
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THE PHANTASTICS Supporting Bands: The Basement, Dr. Cotton (members of The Bonas Bros.) ||The Granada- Lawrence, KS - November 21st, 2013 - 6:30pm - BUY TICKETS
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thegranada · 11 years
Bernal Rockstar Matt Nathanson Releases New Song and Video
Posted on March 12, 2013 by Todd_Lappin
Matt Nathanson is a genuine rockstar, with seven studio albums, two live albums, and a few Top 100 singles marking his musical career. He also lives in Bernal Heights (and brags about it on his Twitter profile).
This week Neighbor Matt released a new brand-new song and video called “Mission Bells,” which contains a very pleasing mix of San Francisco allusions, historic photographs, local video footage, and familiar views from Bernal Heights. Check it out
Very catchy! And so stylish! Bernalwood did an exclusive celebrity interview with Neighbor Matt to find out more about the new single:
Bernalwood: What part of Bernal do you call home?
Matt Nathanson: We live on the southeast side of Bernal Hill.
Why did you end up living in Bernal (apart from wanting to be near lots of other celebrities)?
We’ve lived in Bernal for about 10 years.
We came because we had good friends in the neighborhood, and because of the vibe. I grew up in New Hampshire and I always joke that Bernal has a bit of New Hampshire going on, or at least the parts I liked… A little rural. A little homespun. It’s got a kind of busted charm, and I mean that in the most loving way possible
There’s a lot of local flavor in the new song. Is Bernal Heights good for your muse?
Oh man, Bernal Heights IS my muse: Walking the hill, writing at Progressive Grounds, eating breakfast at Precita Park Cafe or Moonlight. I am a card carrying Bernal Heights superfan, and most of the lyrics for this record were written here. When I’m not on tour, I am hard-pressed to leave the 94110.
Where did you record the song?
We recorded the whole album in a studio in Noe Valley called Decibelle. A childhood friend of mine runs it, and it’s just a great room crammed with tons of vintage gear. It’s on a residential street. Totally mellow. I could bike there from my house. When we took food breaks, it’s like a 5 minute walk to Mitchell’s, Ichi, Chloe’s, Martha Bros, Toast AND that awesome German shop on Church where I buy fennel tea.
Tell us about the video. Why did you include so many local scenes in it?
On past records, I think I’ve been too self-conscious to write lyrics that were super-specific to my own life. I felt safe in the vague. With this record, I really wanted to dig in to the places I know and the places where I live. It definitely became a VERY San Francisco record, so the video goes along with that.
That brings up an interesting point. I live near St. Anthony’s Church, and they have a lovely set of bells that play on weekends. Also, “Bernal” and “Mission” both have two syllables. So have you considered re-releasing the song as “Bernal Bells?”
Haha! That sounds more like a retail store. We could totally start up a bell store on Cortland. Everybody needs bells!
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thegranada · 11 years
Matt Nathanson - "Kinks Shirt" || Official video for "Kinks Shirt". Directed by Bobcat Goldthwait and produced by Type 55 Filmes. 
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thegranada · 11 years
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MATT NATHANSON Presented By: Last of the Great Pretenders Tour: Supporting Bands: with Special Guest Joshua Radin  || The Granada - Lawrence, KS - November 21st, 2013 - 6:30pm - BUY TICKETS
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thegranada · 11 years
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MORBID ANGEL (PLAYING COVENANT IN IT’S ENTIRETY) Supporting Bands: Tennessee Murder Club, Torn the Fuck Apart, Marasmus || The Granada - Lawrence, KS - November 20th, 2013 - 7pm BUY TICKETS
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thegranada · 11 years
Interview: Less Than Jake’s Chris DeMakes
Tuesday, February 19th, 2013 - by Corey Jones
If you were listening to punk and ska in the late ’90s early ’00s, chances are you were listening to Less Than Jake. As giants of the genre, the Gainesville, Florida band has spent the past two decades stapling the memories of countless post-adolescent rockers with punchy songs about metalheads and malt liquor while continuing to leave its mark on today’s generation of circle pit enthusiasts. After celebrating 20 years together in 2012, Less Than Jake released its latest effort in January entitled “Greetings and Salutations”, which marks the mishmash of two previously super-limited tour EPs onto one cohesive and bouncy record. We recently caught up with Less Than Jake frontman Chris Demakes to discuss the new album, making money as a musician, and “touching” fans from Missouri on tour.
Your latest release, Greetings and Salutations, is a product of tour EPs that your band released over the past several years that were previously only available by mail or on tour. Why all of a sudden combine these works onto a single record?
Basically we had put the EPs out on our own and taken them around the world and sold them, and we had played them for Mike at Fat Wreck Chords and he liked the tunes. We were already thinking about a doing another full length record with Fat, and we thought that those songs would be a good thing to combine together as our first release back on the label. We had been with Fat years ago but then we went off on our own for a while and now we’re working with them again. Most people, except for our hardcore fans, didn’t even know that the songs existed, so to the majority of people it’s a new record.
I read somewhere that a lot of the songs on the album were written back in 1996. Is that true?
No, that’s complete bullshit (laughs). We were just saying that on tour to fuck with people. Everyone’s always saying our old shit is the best, so at shows we’d be like “We knew our old shit was the best when we wrote it so we wrote a bunch of extra songs back then that we never recorded, so here they are now!” It’s funny too cause I’ve seen some reviews of the record where people will bitch and say things like “You can tell these songs were recorded twenty years ago. They’re just throwaways.” I’m like “Oh, Christ…”
In 2008, your band launched its own label, Sleep It Off Records. A lot of other bands have done that recently as well. Can you speak to this trend and, more broadly, the process of getting a business like that off the ground? What have been the big challenges so far?
The thing to remember with us is that Sleep It Off was just an imprint. There were no start-up costs for it. All we had was a Facebook page that never really took off. So yeah, it was just an imprint. We had the same distributors that were distributing our records to whatever record stores are left out there these days. We never employed any people and we never had any other bands. It was sort of like, instead of saying, “Hey, we’re Less Than Jake and here’s our CD” to our distributors, we decided to put a Sleep It Off sticker on it too. There never really was a record label beyond that (laughs).
By the way, congrats on celebrating your 20 years as a band last year. As elder statesmen in the punk scene, do you find yourselves leading by example for a lot of the younger artists out there today?
Well a lot of it is that a lot of the bands we used to tour with aren’t around anymore. Don’t get me wrong, there are a lot of bands we toured with that are still great, but some of them ended up just being – for lack of a better word – “not fun.” I think a lot of the younger bands now have that enthusiasm that our band still has, and we like a lot of the younger bands based on when we’ve taken them out on tour. One thing too is that lot of the younger bands have younger fan bases that have maybe never heard of Less Than Jake. So it’s kind of like we’re helping them and they’re definitely helping us. We like to get in front of other people’s audiences. That’s always fun.
Read more at The Inertia
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thegranada · 11 years
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thegranada · 11 years
Less Than Jake - My Money Is On The Long Shot LYRIC VIDEO || This is the LYRIC VIDEO for "My Money is on the Long Shot", the 2nd track on Less Than Jake's upcoming See The Light album! Their first proper studio album in 5 years!
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thegranada · 11 years
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LESS THAN JAKE Supporting Bands: Anti-Flag, Masked Intruder, Get Dead || The Granada - Lawrence, KS - November 2nd, 2013 - 9pm - BUY TICKETS
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thegranada · 11 years
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CLUB WARS PRESENTS: THE FALL FREE-FOR-ALL || The Granada - Lawrence, KS - November 17th, 2013 - 7pm 
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thegranada · 11 years
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thegranada · 11 years
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ALMOST KISS & POISON OVERDOSE || The Granada - Lawrence, KS - November 15th, 2013 - 7pm
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thegranada · 11 years
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RANDY ROGERS BAND Supporting Bands: Will Hoge || The Granada - Lawrence, KS - November 14th, 2013 - 7pm
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thegranada · 11 years
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AARON WATSON Supporting Bands: County Road 5 || The Granada - Lawrence, KS - November 13th, 2013 - 7pm
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thegranada · 11 years
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TRIVIUM & DEVILDRIVER Supporting Bands: After the Burial, Thy Will Be Done || The Granada - Lawrence, KS - November 11th, 2013 - 6pm
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thegranada · 11 years
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ROBERT RANDOLPH AND THE FAMILY BAND Supporting Bands: Jake Clemons (of the E Street Band) || The Granada - Lawrence, KS - November 8th, 2013 - 7pm
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