thehardestfall67 · 29 days
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If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
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thehardestfall67 · 4 years
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thehardestfall67 · 5 years
everyone who reads this post will get some big spicy joy within 24 large minutes (hours)
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thehardestfall67 · 5 years
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no one:
me: here’s a flow chart of 41 lgbtq+ book recommendations, have fun!
disclaimer: this is a very non-comprehensive list since I’m only including books that I’ve read
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thehardestfall67 · 6 years
Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!
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thehardestfall67 · 6 years
But, that's a left arm??
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The iron hand of Götz von Berlichingen (1480-1562), a knight and mercenary who lost his right arm in a siege [640×360]
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thehardestfall67 · 6 years
No it's just a very long overdue update! Thank you to everyone whos still around, and for those who aren't, I’m truly sorry. I won't bother yall with excuses, just links to the chapter XD
AO3:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/16985484/chapters/39925377
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thehardestfall67 · 6 years
I'm not dead (yet)!! And, assuming that I don't blow up in the next 48 hours, I'll have a mega update up! If any of y'all are still out there, I've been fine awhile and honestly wouldn't blame you if you wherent. If any of you are still, I love you and thank you for bearing with me! May you live long and prosper
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thehardestfall67 · 6 years
I'm not dead!
I promise I'm not guys! Going to try and post in the next week I promise! Life's just been really damn busy.
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thehardestfall67 · 6 years
Sokka: Aang y'know how you took away Ozai’s firebending?
Aang: I recall yes
Sokka: can I have it
Aang: …what?
Sokka: can I have his firebending. just for like ten minutes
Aang: what no
Sokka: why not I wanna prank zuko
Aang: okay five minutes
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thehardestfall67 · 6 years
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thehardestfall67 · 6 years
Chapter 5 is up!
Hey guys chapter 5 is up, links below.
I'd like to take a second to than everyone for their support and feedback. I love hearing from you guys and your opinions on the story!
So, I also need to tell you all that I probably won't be updating for three weeks after I do the double today. I had a family medical emergency that offset a lot of things I have to do. So it's a lot to juggle and I don't want to have to worry about updating on top of it. I'll try and get the second part of the double up in a few moments. Links below.
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thehardestfall67 · 6 years
Hey hi hello how are you doing
Hey hey hey! I'm doing about as well as I can! Things are a tad choppy but I'm toughing it out. Hope all is well with you as well!
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thehardestfall67 · 6 years
A tiny comment goes a long way.
When I say “Fanfiction is free” part of what I’m saying is yes, you did not pay for the thing.
But I saw a comment from someone that made me realize the rest of the intention behind these words is being lost.
Fanfiction is provided for free, but it is not produced for free.
Authors pay their effort, including physical and emotional and mental. Authors pay their time, in planning the story (mental time) and writing the story (physical time). Sometimes it’s less than an hour for something quick and dirty, like askbox prompts. Sometimes it’s years of their lives in epic fic hundreds of thousands of words long. Authors pay additional time to alpha read their own stories, trying to make sure that they’re free of SPAG errors and make sense and sound good. Beta readers pay their time and effort alongside the authors for editing the stories. Authors pay for posting their stories with all of the anxieties that come from allowing their work - which to this point they have invested all of the above - into the public eye because while it has certainly cost them a good amount to produce the story, fandom history has proved that many other people out there enjoy fanfiction, and authors believe that at least someone else will enjoy their story, too.
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” is that it costs the writers a lot of something in order to produce it. A lot has already been paid into a piece of fanfiction by the time it is available for readers to read. The expense of fanfiction creation is, by and large, resting squarely atop the shoulders of writers.
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” is that readers don’t have to pay the cost of creating fanfiction.
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” is that readers don’t have to pay in anything - not time, not money, not effort, not anything - in order for fanfiction to be created. It’s a donation. It’s a gift. It’s available for you to take or leave, at the expense of someone else.
Writers have, for a very long time, requested donations of one thing as remuneration for everything they put into making fanfiction: comments. Authors have asked, in so many different iterations: “If you have consumed what I have labored and invested in to create and if you have found any enjoyment in it, please tell me, so that I can recharge enough to do this again.” Some of them may recharge on critical comments, but most of us don’t because we’ve already paid everything we want to pay to create the story.
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” isn’t just that it doesn’t cost you any money. I am saying “Please respect the time and effort you didn’t have to pay into creating this thing you enjoyed, by respecting the individual creator’s requests.”
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” is “be kind to authors, they have paid a lot for this gift they’re sharing with all of us, and they deserve to feel like it was worth it.”
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” is “please don’t charge authors more time and emotional effort than what they’ve already provided you at no absolute cost.”
I’m not saying any of this to argue. It’s a fact that authors pay into providing fanfiction. They do it for fun. They do it out of love. They do it because they enjoy writing. No one is making them do it. No one is paying them to start or finish the story. That doesn’t mean it’s not WORK. And the only return they get on what they put into the story is the kindness of strangers that invest a little bit back by leaving a nice comment. That is why they stay, that is why they do it again, that is why we have fanfiction.
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” is “please don’t be the one charging authors so much more that they leave.”
What I am saying when I say “fanfiction is free” is “please keep it that way.”
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thehardestfall67 · 6 years
I want to give a shoutout to all Asian lesbians, especially the ones who had to grow up not knowing it was possible to like girls, since the mere mention of homosexuality was or still is taboo in our cultures.
I want to give a shoutout to Asian lesbians who are butch or gender non-conforming. Asian women, especially East and Southeast Asians, are portrayed in media as being feminine and submissive, making those of us who do not conform to these stereotypes feel alienated from the porcelain dolls society wants us to be.
I want to give a shoutout to Asian lesbians who still live in Asia. I am fortunate enough to live in a country where I can legally marry a woman I love, and where there are laws in place protecting me from homophobia. Taiwan is going to be the first country in Asia allowing for same sex marriage this year, but that monumental ruling that is going to pave the way for LGBTQ+ rights in Asia was almost thwarted by a referendum in November 2018, when the majority of Taiwan’s voters decided that marriage should only be between a man and a woman. Fortunately, the Taiwanese government is still going to follow through with allowing same sex marriage before March of 2019, but the majority of countries in Asia still do not have protections in place for us. In some countries, merely expressing our love for other women could lead to our arrests or even deaths.
Asian lesbians do not deserve to be shunned by our families, and god forbid be arrested or killed. We deserve representation, we deserve to be accepted, and we deserve rights.
If you’re an out lesbian living in Asia, I want you to know that I am in awe of your bravery.
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thehardestfall67 · 6 years
I tried this with my tuba and my sisters very overweight cat. The results indicate that cats are ineffective as a tuba mute.
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Cat mute for euphonium.
Video/caption/photo by Kazuhiro Tsukimura
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thehardestfall67 · 6 years
Chapter 4 is up!
Hey guys! Chapter 4 is up! Enjoy!
FF.Net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13146823/1/Hearts-Eternally-Bound
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