thehedonisticindian · 3 years
Something about curiosity...
Something about curiosity

Just had my vaccine and also graduated by the way. Strange how the former was the one I awaited more for. Anyways, moving to the more reflectious stuff. Maybe I made up that word, sounds about right to me though, but probably wrong. Hope you get it. Ugh.. it means the thoughts that got you to think more about. I guess I just made up a word. Yay. What are some of the things that bring out a warm

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thehedonisticindian · 4 years
Twinkle đŸŸ
There are times when you face hardships in life. How can you not. It seems unbearable at those moments. Overthinking sure is a thing, I can tell you that. You will believe whatever people tell you and you abide by it. I being an ace candidate to this flaw. If not said, they must have thought about it, right? This is where curiosity kills the cat. Why does one think that every thing evolves around

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thehedonisticindian · 4 years
How is it that you miss someone without even being physically present together? How can you see yourself wanting to do every thing with them? How is it that it is the only person who can change your state of mind? How can that one person mean everything to you?
It does happen, all I can say.  Sometimes we meet someone who gives us a feeling like you have known them forever or bring something

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thehedonisticindian · 4 years
Can you imagine knowing someone for a couple of years, while they lived just across two doors but you hardly ever saw each other. Then one fine day you get to be friends on a social media platform, whose name I shall not give away, and snap to maintain a streak. Oops. Then there’s another normal day while you try out your filters, you know these filters, the one’s that associate you to

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thehedonisticindian · 4 years
Tap Tap Tap
What is with strawberry milk, how is it so unlike the actual strawberry. Chocolate milk has the essence of chocolate right, why not this. It tastes amazing though. I could have it all day. Do not change it. How does one choose between chocolate milk and strawberry milk? Also who likes just milk. Plain white milk with nothing in it. Its like being invited to a wedding reception and then you

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thehedonisticindian · 5 years
Long Distance Relationship
“Does it really work?”
“Is she feeling the same way as I am?”
Frankly, it sucks. It has a gut-wrenching feeling of maybe never being able to meet the person. Its like your heart is being scooped by an ice cream scooper. With the blinking chat windows and periodic snaps, you basically can do nothing more. Well, you have a pillow you name after her, and hold it so close no molecule of air passes

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thehedonisticindian · 5 years
Is It Worth It?
Is It Worth It?
How are we not hungry while we are asleep. Being hollow every other hour of the day. Both hungrily and sentimentally. Physically feeling every inter-molecular space within you. I have no idea how that be possible, but its true.
Is any of what we do worth it. How many times a day have I gotten up and decided to do something. Something as small as putting the shirt I wore that day on a hanger to

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thehedonisticindian · 5 years
#Somewhat Relatable
Trust me when I say this, but waking up after an unscheduled nap is the worst feeling ever. Like at least for an hour or so, you will feel scrunchy for no reason. Eyes puffed, fingers feel swollen for some reason and your hair’s a mess. Mouth has a bad breath vibe going on but you don’t want to brush in the middle of the day. I mean who brushes again like in the middle of the day. Also if you

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thehedonisticindian · 5 years
Been a while since I last wrote. No worries am back, but for how long. I had a deep conversation with a friend of mine. Well, she had a thing with someone who wasn’t responding to her the way she did two years back. Well, truth be told, it does happen. You know sometimes, I be thinking about some random dude I knew back in 2010 and contemplate whether they think the same. I dunno. I can’t hunt

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thehedonisticindian · 5 years
Birthdays. What a weird day to celebrate. It has always been an exciting day of the year to me. Knowing that I could have presents and cake on the same day for just being born blew my tiny toddler mind. Walking into adulthood made me realize it is just overrated. Don’t get me wrong, I love to celebrate birthdays. In fact, I find it to be more fulfilling when I can watch a person not knowing what

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thehedonisticindian · 5 years
Poor Bananas
Sex, I suppose is the weirdest homonym ever. It has two very different meanings. I till date still smirk every time someone asks my sex. Usually in my mind I cook up a flimsy reply like,”Sure”, but never serve it, unless I don’t care if the person judges me. Probably will never grow. Never have I ever not felt weird saying it out loud.
Smiling unreasonably doesn’t have to mean you are crazy.

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thehedonisticindian · 5 years
Insert Topic.
Going to space, finding anti-gravity and treating pimples. Such great discoveries. The last one, probably not so much, but today I woke up after having my shoulder pressed against a pimple on my cheek and it hurt. So, getting rid of pimples is substantial for me at least. I don’t mind having it on, just that a flick on it hurts for sometime.
Asking someone with a acne, “What happened to your

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thehedonisticindian · 5 years
Spell out.
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Sometimes when I stare too long at a word, I believe it has been spelled out wrongly. Even after looking it up, sounding it out, and realizing that there’s simply no other way to spell the word, it still looks wrong. It has to be. I feel so dumb at that point. If it were for difficult words I would still understand, but I stutter in recognizing simple words sometimes.
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When we are reading, we have

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thehedonisticindian · 5 years
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Moving Sucks I hate how I need to keep updating the delivery address of my next Amazon order. I have a bunch of old addresses to choose from.
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thehedonisticindian · 5 years
Eye contact is rather difficult. I think it might be over rated. Its like its unmannerly if you don’t stare into a person’s eyes whilst they speak. It could be awkward sometimes if you stared strenuously. They might get creeped out by that sight. Or maybe its challenging to choose an eye to focus on, you know. People have two eyes and you can directly look at only one of them at a time. Then what

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thehedonisticindian · 5 years
To Be Not Seen or To Fly.
To Be Not Seen or To Fly.
Given an option to opt for one superpower, whether be invisible or be able to fly, What would you choose? A pointless answer would be neither. Considering that isn’t a possible reply, I would say it puts me in a dilemma.
If you choose to be invisible, you and the way you look isn’t visible. So basically you can’t be an Instagram model anymore. You won’t get the attention you crave for. Secondly,

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thehedonisticindian · 5 years
A guy smiled at me today while on my bike and I was creeped out. I actually rode a scooter but a bike sounds a bit more masculine, you know. Anyways, I had multiple thoughts at once. The light turned red and my mind erupted. The worst part was that I assumed his smile was wicked. It could have meant just a good gesture. Perhaps I was the wicked one out there. 
Growing up even Santa was

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