thehollowwords-blog · 11 years
First Sighting
After leaving Mystic Falls, Kol has travelled a little bit but nothing had spiked his interested as much as the idea of going to New York. It had been a long time ago that he’d visited the great city and he was sure that it had changed dramatically. Mystic Falls was something he has grown extremely bored of, his siblings constantly fighting and the small town itself. He needed out and what better place to cause a little trouble than New York?
Getting on a train had been easy, booking himself into first class had been even easier. Kol pulled his bag over his shoulder as he walked through to the carriage his seat was suppose to be in, upon arriving he reached up and placed his small bag into the overhead before taking his seat across the beautiful blonde who looked rather interested in her book. A small smirk passed over his lips as he leaned back into the seat, his eyes trailing over her. 
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thehollowwords-blog · 11 years
Plot Name: A Mystery Stranger in New York Character: Serena van der Woodson Your Character’s Name: Serena Para Sample [500 words minimum and in character is preferred.]: Sirens blazed and lights flickered on the dark, dank streets of New York. The world seemed to shutter and spark, start and stop, in the blink of an eye. Golden hair and blackened tears, streaming down tanned cheeks as she crouched behind a trash bin. Her bright blue eyes scanning over everything before suddenly stopping, staring in her cowered state. The bag was black, the gurney was silver, it clanked and bounced, threatening to let the bag and it’s contents fall to the pavement. With every thud, every bump, ever step, the blond’s heart sunk further and further into the depths of her body, borrowing deeply, burying itself from harm, from fear, from feeling. What had she done? Is this what her life had come to? How could she have done this? Was she this tragedies cause? Did she even deserve to live? No… she was meant to die, but he had, in her place. She would never have forgiveness, but she would always have that fear. Bright blue hues opened with a start, thick eyelashes encompassing eyes filled with remorse and torment. She sat up, arms wrapped tightly around herself as she stared into the nothingness that was before her, as if she was still not within the room she lay. Her teeth were clenched, her fingers were white, her body was shaking. Why? Why now, after a year, why did she have to have that dream again? Do not fool yourself into believing it was just a dream… do not fool yourself into believing it did not happen Serena. For you must repent for your wickedness. She shook her head, glistening strands wrapping around her face and falling down her back as she did so. She was so utterly lost, even now, even after twelve months of being away from the chaos. So why was she returning? Because he needs me. Slipping out of bed, Serena moved to get dressed, her fingers still shaking from her visions of a past life. That is what it was to her, a life she no longer lead. Only time would tell if her return would allow so much of her new self to remain, or if she would fall back into the shadows that caused her to flee in the first place. A sigh escaped her lips, fingers ran through silken strands as she slipped on her attire for the day and opened her door, where a gentleman was waiting to take her off the premises to her vehicle, or at least the one she was to be riding in to the train station. Indeed, Serena van der Woodson was returning to the hallowed grounds of New York, New York. Where sex, drugs, and rock and roll were a part of everyone’s daily life and no one was free from the temptation, the scandal, or the eventual fall from grace. You’d know all about that… wouldn’t you? Serena’s jaw clinched before she nodded to the gentleman and made her way from the grounds, bags in hand. She was leaving her confines, her sanctuary, she was leaving a different person entirely and no one would know what became of the former ‘IT GIRL’ of New York. Serena was definitely not the same person and for good reason… even if it was a reason that she would take to her grave…
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thehollowwords-blog · 11 years
First Sighting
When he knew that he’d captured her attention, if only for a moment, he moved his gaze from her as he looked out the window of the train which was slowly beginning to move. Kol was glad to finally be out of the small town of Mystic Falls, New York was bigger and better for so many more reasons. He’d been there before he’d been daggered, enjoyed it much more than he had thought. But then again, it was New York. During his time in being a vampire, much like his siblings, he’d travelled greatly before being daggered and placed in a coffin.
His eyes diverted away from the window when he could hear footsteps walking towards them, looking up to the stewardess who was offering drinks and food to those seated in the same class as them. He watched the young women in front of him order before looking up to the stewardess. “Bourbon.” He asked rather sweetly considering to how he usually asked someone for something he wanted, he easily could of compelled the woman and the one in front of him to do as he pleased but that wasn’t much fun.
Upon taking his glass from her, he placed it down on the table between himself and the young woman. He was curious about her but also about the book she appeared to be reading. “What are you reading, darling?” He asked, looking directly at her as he leaned back in his chair.
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thehollowwords-blog · 11 years
First Sighting
Kol drank in how she looked at him, how women usually looked at the original, he loved it but then again who wouldn’t enjoy it? His eyes never moved from her face. Studying the define of her cheekbones, the way she licked her lips before taking a drink, the blonde hair which flowed over her shoulders but one thing which stood out to him was as she took a drink, the veins in her neck. Although he didn’t stare at them too long, he had control, he had a lot of control and simply looking at a vein which was pumping blood around her body was easy to look at without being affected. 
His dark eyes cast down to the book she was holding in her hands, a simple quick nod before he flicked his gaze up to the young women. Raising his hand, he brought the glass to his lips and took a drink, feeling the slight familiar burn as it slid down his throat. His hand reached out, setting the glass aside now as though it didn’t matter as his gaze was once again focused on his main source of entertainment. “I’ve read a decent amount of books in my lifetime, but never once have I read that.” Of course of the course of his years as a vampire, he’d read books and studied them but never once had he picked up the book she held in her hands.
By now the train had pulled away from the station and was well on it’s way towards the big city, he was extremely looking forward as to what he could get up to. The beauty of a big city was how little dead was an issue, even more so in the streets of New York. His gaze cast on to the window for a few moments before he spoke again, breaking the silence between them. “It’s been a long time since I was in the city, Anything you would recommend I see first?”
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thehollowwords-blog · 11 years
First Sighting
He listened to her speak, the tone in her voice, the ways the words rolled off her tongue and he couldn’t help but smile. It had been a long time since he’d heard a different voice, mostly the one of his sister giving out her demands or whining about how a Matt wouldn’t give into her so called charm. He had to admit, he like this female in front of him. Usually he didn’t care much for those he sparked simple conversation with, but this one was different. She didn’t fall so simply at his feet, he actually had to try and make conversation with her just to get her to talk.
“I’m not your average tourist, darling.” He muttered into his glass as he’d already picked it up and once finishing his sentence, he drained the glass of the dark amber liquid. The burn down the back of his throat didn’t bother him and he looked over his shoulder for a moment to catch the gaze of the waitress who was walking around, he didn’t say anything to her but simple placed the glass on the tray she was holding and let her figure out the rest. His main attention was the blonde in front of him, trying to not take his eyes away from her for too long.
As she listened of places, he made a mental list on each one she said and knew at some point during his stay here then he would be going to visit them. Even though they weren’t popular tourist spots like she had mentioned, there never was any harm on snacking on the local. At the thought a cunning smirk cross his lips, his gaze flickering away from the blonde in front of him out to the window once more. His thoughts began to process everything he so far had planned for his trip, of course he most likely wouldn’t stick to the plans but it was worth having something to work off.
“I’ll make sure to stop by those you suggested, who knows we might run into each other again in one of the said places.” As he finished speaking, the waitress who had left them mere minutes ago was now placing the refilled glass in front of him. Kol quietly thanked her even though he didn’t pay her much mind, focusing once again on the blonde beauty who remained seated in front of him. “I never did catch your name, darling.”
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thehollowwords-blog · 11 years
First Sighting
“Well as I’d said it’s been a while since I was in the big city and it’s changed rather dramatically since I was here last, that’s something which has to be taken into account my dear.” The words rolled off his tongue as he spoke, coming out fluent and holding the seductive drawing in tone. Kol loved watching her react to the things he said, it was rare he watched someone try to avoid falling for his charm. Although it was something he enjoyed seeing very much, he’d grown extremely tired of seeing women throw themselves at not just his feet but at any man’s feet who showed them kindness in a flirting form.
A satisfied smirk had clearly taken place on his lips and it didn’t seem to be fading any time soon. As she faintly spoke her name, he picked up on his and he would admit how he’d never really heard of the name before. Over his time he’d heard many different forms of names, seeing them spelled different, even given to another gender but there were still some names he had yet to hear. The blonde’s being one of them.
“Serena, it’s a pleasure.” Kol liked the way her name rolled off his tongue, it suited the blonde seated before him. The thudding of her heartbeat was something he picked up on and he could even see how she was trying her best to dimmer it down. “Kol.” He told her, speaking with great confidence as he finally spoke his name. He had to bite his tongue to not mention anything about her increased heart rate. Not even asking if something was bothering which he would of usually done before indicating a few things, that all before finding them somewhere quiet and drinking from her.
But this woman was different, he wanted to see what fun he could have with her for a few moments longer. Hell, if she spiked his interest more then he would not even drink from her just indulge in her company.
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thehollowwords-blog · 11 years
First Sighting
“Let’s just say my parents were old fashioned and not in the common terms you would usually think when someone says that. All of my siblings have original names.” Yes, he had picked up on that and he had to hide the smirk on his lips which grew wider. If only she knew the full meaning behind what she had said. “They aren’t exactly names you hear given to a child today, even my parent’s names were original. So to say.” Kol picked up on discreet murmured that passed her lips, ones which he had trouble taking his eyes off when she spoke or took a drink. “So do I, it’s original.” His eyebrows rose, a cocky look taking over his features and he proudly didn’t even try to hide his smirk.
All the talk of his name and him bringing up his siblings, he couldn’t help but think of them and wondered what they were doing in this present moment. He suspected they were all currently still in Mystic Falls or at least close by, now that his brother Klaus had built them a home there it seemed the others were fixed on staying. It had been there home once but he couldn’t see it like that. Not any more, it wasn’t the same. 
Hence the reason he’d fled, the main reason being he wanted to see the world as it was now but he couldn’t stand to be in that place any more. It was filled with the pointless drama of Niklaus and his hybrids, the Gilbert family and everything which was connected to those. He much rather preferred to be travelling and away from it all.
He slipped out of his trance of his thoughts, realizing he’d been gazing blankly out of the window whilst his mind had drifted. His attention turned back to that of the young blonde who went by the name of Serena. “I’ve travelled a lot, mostly the more common places which you have heard of. But now, I want to catch up on those places along with seeing others. It’s been a while since I’ve been out of one place.” He answered, his smirk turning into a soft smile. “Where have you visited, darling?”
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thehollowwords-blog · 11 years
Any Way You Want It
Attire: Here
“Just relax, darling.” The words left as a low whisper against the woman’s neck, his teeth grazing over the pulse point which was he easily picked out. Her heartbeat rang loudly in his ear, the thudding beat of it as it began to speed up once he sank his sharpened teeth into her. The blood trickled down his throat; his fingers gripping onto her waist a little tighten as he groaned into her neck, pulling her closer to him so their bodies were pressed closely together. Kol could easily drain the woman, leave her body slumped against the wall in her hotel room but as he listened to her pulse weaken he pulled away. He wasn’t as heartless as people thought. The original pulled his head back, a smirk pulling at his lips as he saw the expression across her face whilst he used his thumb to wipe away the blood that was on the corner of his lips. “We came here after a few drinks, had some fun then I left and you went to sleep.” He told her as he caught his gaze, his pupils widened as he compelled her.
Shortly after, he pulled away from her completed to collect his jacket which lay across the back of the chair along with making his way from the room and out of the hotel onto the bustling streets of New York. His hands moved into his pockets as he began to walk, not exactly heading in a particular direction or destination. His eye caught a few places that he could go but nothing scream out to him for his attention until he reached a small bar, something different than the others which seemed to be overcrowded with drunk teenagers with fake IDs.
He completely ignored the bouncer at the door, walking inside and immediately taking a seat at the bar, it wasn’t too quiet but it was loud enough that it would drive him made or annoy him enough to leave. He order a beer, paying the bar tender as it was placed in front of him and his gaze moved across those who were in his viewing sight. He spotted easily those he could quickly pick up a conversation with, a smirk settling on his lips as he quickly picked out those he could have a lot of fun with. The original vampire had so far enjoyed himself greatly whilst being in the big apple, causing a little trouble here and there which was probably expected from him. He’d spoke to Elijah on the phone, being questioned about his motives within the city but he’d simply told him he deserved to have some fun after being in a box with a dagger in his heart.
It was getting later and the atmosphere within the bar grew immensely. Kol had even moved from his seat at the bar after being approached by a female, who seemed worthy of his attention, and was now dancing closely with her to the music which pounded in his ears. His hands placed on her hips, his lips trailing up her neck as her fingers gripped at his hair, her back pressing against his chest and the woman practically rocking her hips into his. He found it amusing, already growing bored of how easily it was for him to get into this position with her. “I’m going to get another drink.” He sweetly groaned into her ear, slipping himself away from her before leaving her dancing alone.
As he advanced towards the bar, he easily picked up on the confrontation going on at the edge of it. Normally he wouldn’t have got involved, why would he when it wasn’t any of his concern? Well unless the male was truly hurting her, then he’d of course be a gentlemen and step in. But he spotted who the blonde female was, knowing who she was instantly and swiftly made his way towards them. His fingers latched around the male’s wrist, squeezing it maybe just a little too hard. “I believe the woman asked for you to let her go.” His voice was low, his eyes darkening a little.
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thehollowwords-blog · 11 years
Any Way You Want It
A smirk began to pull at his lips as he could feel the man’s fingers beginning to loosen on Serena’s arm, knowing that not only was his grip on the male’s wrist the reason behind it but also the look he held. At the moment he didn’t pay much mind to the expression across the blonde face, his focus on still burning deep into the other male’s eyes as he held it. “I won’t ask again.” He quietly spoke even though the edge and darkness of his words practically rolled off his tongue effortlessly. It was easy for him to pick up on when Serena had finally pulled her arm away from the grip, Kol loosened his own but only enough so he wasn’t crushing anything. He was all for making a scene but he didn’t want to scare Serena who already appeared to be shaken up. This puzzled him, wondering what it was about the girl that made him actually care enough to do such a thing.
Kol’s eyes still had the darkening look, he could feel the quickened beat of the male heart through the pulse point in his wrist and this only made him smirk even more whilst he held onto him. His tongue licked across his teeth, he had control but this was always something which excited him, he could feel his teeth begging to lengthen and sink into his flesh. But he restrained himself, releasing at last the man’s wrist whilst waiting him sulk back towards the other end of the bar.
He finally turned to face the blonde whom he had met less than a few days ago whilst venturing here. His eyes had lessen with the darkening they’d held a moment ago, returning to their normal colour and he ran his fingers through his short hair before letting his smirk fall into a soft smile. “It was nothing.” He brushed off the matter, leaning against the bar on his forearm as he spoke, his head turned towards her. His eyes followed her fingers as she tucked a few strand of her long hair behind her ear, watching closely as a few strand fell forward. Very slowly he reached forward, tucking those strand behind her ear also, he withdrew his hand slowly and let his gaze focus on her expression as he did so. “We wouldn’t want to hide since a beautiful jawline.” 
His soft smile didn’t turn up into a smirk as it usually would when a woman used those words in front of him, instead he shook his head. “That won’t be needed, Serena. I did what any decent human being should do when they see something similar to that.” His words came out quietly, knowing due to how close they were she would easily be able to hear him along with keeping their conversation private from eavesdroppers.
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thehollowwords-blog · 11 years
Any Way You Want It
He kept quiet for a few moments after she’d asked if she could buy him a drink, thinking over what he would answer her with considering she was being so sweet and kind to him. If only she knew what he was, then she would be running in fear, but in a sense he liked this. Like having people know nothing about him, he had wanted a fresh start after all and being in since a large city was perfect for it. Deep down under all the sarcasm, the darkness and the generally flirt he could be; his human side fought to be heard and shown. He could be a civil gentleman, when he wished to be.
It was hard for Kol to actually remember the last time he’d stood up against someone in the honour of protecting a young woman, especially someone as captivating as Serena. Kol found it equally as hard to remember the last time he’d sat down and had a long, lengthy conversation with anyone other than his siblings and that was excluding the conversation with Serena on the train journey over here. He’d been daggered and stuffed in that coffin for far too long, but his brother Finn had been in there much longer, although he hadn’t lasted very long out of it either.
“Well I guess I wouldn’t be able to refuse that offer, although I’m curious to know how much attention you were paying during our last conversation.” He could feel how her body was lingering beside his, each of them taking small steps now and again which drew them closer. Kol being his bold self; closed the distance completely which gave them the privacy he wanted them to have. His lips barely brushed her ear, his breath a soft whisper against her skin as his fingers gently ran down her arm. “If you can remember what I drank then, well you can order that for me. If not, well then you’ll have to take the no you simply don’t want to take as my answer.”
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thehollowwords-blog · 11 years
Without a Beat of My Heart | One Shot
There was nothingness… utter darkness. There was no beacon, no hope, now driving force to push one’s senses into the light, into consciousness. There was simply the night, eternal and unyielding, pressing against her like a great flood. She was awash in it, floating, beneath the tide. She could do it… she could remain here in this infinite darkness forever. She could lay here and let eternity wash over her like waves lapping upon the shore. She could just fade away… But what would happen? What would happen if she remained as such, under the waters, in the murky depths of her mind and soul, battling for the last remaining flecks of humanity to remain solidly within her. What would happen if she simply gave it all up and refused to return, no matter how hard the rest of her pushed? Nothing. Nothing would happen. This wasn’t her. This wasn’t Elena Gilbert. She never gave up. No, Elena was stubborn, tenacious to a fault, almost to the point of being annoying. Alright, seriously to the point of being annoying. At least in Damon’s eyes she was annoying. Damon… Damon? Why? Why him. Why not Stephan, Jeremy, Bonnie? Now who was annoying? He needed to stay out of her damn mind. Like a shock wave it entered her, like someone had just sent electricity through her body and jolted her away. She sat up sharply, gasping for breath as if she’d drowned. Wait… hadn’t she? The last thing she remembered was pointing to Matt… making him go before her. She had gone over the bridge… as if it were fate, as if she was meant to be beneath that still water, with the souls of her parents, the ones who didn’t survive, because of her. She gripped whatever she was laying on, feeling it nearly crumple in her hands, she screamed, overwhelming emotions spreading through her like the same electric shock she’d felt before. The unwavering sense of dread, doubt, fear, hate, love, compassion. Everything. She felt everything, and yet she felt nothing. She was cold, too cold, she felt dead. All she could do was scream, for her pain, for her anguish, for her confusion. No words. Simply screams. Pain shot thought her, like a rushing tide carrying her out to sea. She gasped, only realizing then that no air comforted her lungs. She couldn’t breathe, she panicked. What was happening?! She groaned her jaw popping as she opened her mouth, oh it hurt, it hurt so bad. Why was this happening to her? Had she not been through enough pain, enough anguish, enough terror? Had her heart not withstood enough? Her heart… it wasn’t beating… it was dead… she was dead… WAS SHE DEAD?! Rattling could be heard, Elena’s head jerked toward the door. Someone was coming. She could smell them. Suddenly, with little thought to what she was doing or where she was going, Elena leaped from her bed and out the window, glass shattering round her, the light glinting off the small pieces of the window, twinkling in the small light from the hospital. Thank goodness it was night, thank goodness she couldn’t be seen. But where, where would she go? Who could she go to? Why wasn’t Stephan with her in the hospital room? What was going on? The phone rang at the Salvatore home, Meridith was terrified about what she was about to tell Damon… how could she tell him that the moment Elena awoke, she began screaming… and then simply disappeared into the night. “Hello… Damon… It’s Meridith… Elena woke up… but… she’s gone Damon. The window is shattered and she’s gone.” Meridith was at her wits end, how was Damon going to react to her words… Her feet still made sounds as she walked through the grass. Or was it that her hearing was just more acute, more able to sense the slight differences in the silence? Still, the gentle shuffling of the blades against her bare feet was comforting. The cool earthy feel of them against her skin calmed her a bit. She didn’t really know what she was going to have to face now. She was alone and confused… scared and utterly lost. It was as if there was this huge hole in her, it made it hard for her body to listen to her, it made it hard for her mind to comprehend what was going on. All she knew was that she must keep heading forward, to wherever her body was taking her. Suddenly she heard a voice, it was familiar. But who was it? Elena ventured forth to a house, small lights trickling out into the night. She peered in through a window and saw him. His black hair and dark eyes the same as they were before. Only this time, she could see them more clearly. She could see the small registration in the corner of his eyes, the hint of frustration in his lips as they flattened into a hard line. The tweaking of his cheeks like he was clenching his teeth. It was Damon, only it was Damon in high definition. He was utterly fixating. Moving to the door, Elena gingerly reached out for the handle, expecting the chill of the night to have made it icy. But it wasn’t, in fact, it felt slightly warm to her touch. Why? Perhaps her touch was cold… would it warm? She certainly hoped so. Twisting the knob and pushing the door open softly, all be it a bit harder than she expected, the door swung open before her. Elena stood in the doorway, unsure as to whether or not to venture inside. Damon would have surely heard her by now… could she really face him? Could she really see him now, now that she was the very thing she always feared becoming? Could she fight it, her desire, her hunger, her rage? Elena remained frozen in the doorway of the Salvatore Manor… lost is thought and restraint, doing everything in her power to fight the overwhelming urges that seemed to flow constantly through her body. She needed help and she needed it now.
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thehollowwords-blog · 11 years
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Purgatory is a 5x5, original character roleplay, created by edwardkenway-1x1. Purgatory is a city where the souls of humans wait for judgement. But judgement isn’t exactly as you thought it would be. While your life conditions you to how hard your temptation will be, it’s even harder for the angels and demons who struggle against free will to guide you into heaven and hell respectively. You can’t die in Purgatory. At least… not permanently.
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thehollowwords-blog · 11 years
Writing Sample for "Uncarted" 4x4 Plot
    So this was it… the moment where everything fell apart and the world came to a sudden, alarming, terrifying, awe-striking stop. This was the very instant where lives flashed before people’s eyes, where people looked back on their past achievements, past faults and fails, past regrets and decided if … right now… they died… would they have fulfilled their grand design. That moment, took an eternity. Everything slid in front of Jade as if the world had come to a stand still, as if luggage and masks and magazines and the occasional shot bottle of tequila went whizzing by her, weren’t actually there. As if she was standing at a cross roads between life and death, as if she was standing in front of a sign and reading the inscription. Sadly, the inscription was illegible… unreadable, and yet she knew exactly what it said. Come whatever may, she was prepared.          Jade Michaels had worked her entire young life to become the person she was, sitting on the airplane, on her way to do a vacation piece for her magazine. Her down home southern charm and already won the locals over of her destination. They truly adored her accent, her drawl, her sweet tea attitude. It was as if everything was falling into place. So, she had boarded this flight, she had packed for warm weather and sunlight, her purse stocked with sun screen, note pads, her iPad and other assorted items for her trip. Though, at the moment, her purse could be at the back of the plane for all she knew. Everything, was out of place.         So she stood, sat, huddled between her legs with her hands over her head, but in her mind she was on the ground, watching the sun rise over a brilliant horizon and she had to make a decision. The light of day was striking, sobering… illuminating. She wanted to live, she had the will, the drive, the desire, to do good in the world. It wasn’t fair that she be taken, from her mother, father, friends and family. Then again, it wasn’t fair for anyone else to be taken either. So why was it happening? Retribution, redemption, fault and error, human ignorance? Who knew, all she knew was…                      IMPACT.         Pain. All she knew was pain, agony. She was alert, blinking, breaking, coughing, wincing. Looking to her side, red liquid oozing out of her arm and leg. The plane had turned into shreds, sharp, painful shreds. Jade was lucky to be alive, lucky that no arteries were cut, lucky that the wounds were superficial, deep… painful, but not life threatening. A needle, thread, alcohol, her t-shirt, perhaps some Tylenol and she’d be right as rain. But would she get those? Was she alone? Immobile? She was hurting, so she wasn’t dead.         Grimacing slightly, shaking fingers reached for torn buckles, unclasping them, her oxygen mask long gone. Her hair drenched, her cloths soaked, stained, torn. She was a hot mess, or a cold one, depending. Could she stand? Yes… she could. Moving. slowly, but with purpose, Jade made her way to an opening and fell out onto the sand. She cried out, the sudden jolt causing anguish to grip her once more. She opened her eyes, looking out at the horizon… the brilliant sunrise… the sobering, somber, painful, bloody sunrise.         Then… everything went black.
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thehollowwords-blog · 11 years
Title: Secrets and Shame Status: Open Characters: Kyla Donovan (Emma Stone) as the Irish Mob Heiress and Emilian Hearn (Toby Hemmingway/Open) as the Gypsy Genre: Drama, Horror, Mature Setting: New Orleans, Present (ish) Inspiration: Gypsies, Irish Mafia, From Can to Cant - Corey Taylor, my Imagination Notes: I will be playing Kyla. Toby Hemmingway is a recommended FC, if you think of someone better… just pitch it to me. I’m pretty open about it. Plot: As January drew to a close, many people’s excitement grew. Mardi Gras was a mere two weeks away… plans were being made, cakes baked, dresses fitted and drinks mixed. This year was lucky 13… it would be the best party, ever. As Mardi Gras drew near, the happy little ‘family’ was making plans for their next big score. They would tell fortunes and outwit the modern population, much like the shadow man down the alley. Though, they had more flair and less fright. Yes, they would do just fine this year, con many a man and woman out of their precious coin. After all… that was the gypsy way… Flowing gowns, grand masks, bartenders and chanaliers.. the life of the rich and infamous. Allegedly. It was the world of the higher ups, the world of money and power and blood. Bright eyes, flowing curls, prettied up face in a mask, hiding her true identity. This was the life of the lady of the Irish Mob, the daughter and Heiress of one of the most powerful (and oldest) crime associations in the country. It seemed as if everything was going as planned, no one had been caught, money was fine, the world was at their fingertips… or so they thought. Mardi Gras a time of booze and brooding, dancing and death. It was a world within a world… and this is where Kyla met Emilian… beneath the neon signs and flying beads. Masks on, twirling in the streets, scuffing shoes and spilling beer. They knew one another, yet they didn’t. Everyone knew that New Orleans was fully of gypsies and everyone knew the Irish mob had it’s hand in everything and yet… as they danced in the tequila tinged afterglow, none of it seemed to matter. That was until everything came crashing down… in a poof of smoke and gunpowder. The question is, in a world of drawn, blurred, and crossed lines… where do you stand.
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thehollowwords-blog · 12 years
A Memorable Return // Victoria && Drexel 9
Eager. Needy. Wanton. She let her mind rule over her body more often than not... to have someone she barely knew, had just meet make her feel as he did should have caused her more alarm. She could see desire mirrored in his own eyes. Shared between them. Almost to the point where she felt the training room would not be enough to contain the breadth of it. The all consuming force.
The scratch of fabric across her back was almost enough to be distracting as he pulled her against him once more. She was suppose to wear tops woven by hand, but didn't. Victoria was so far past caring for any of that rhetoric. Even if her skin felt more sensitive with her power leaking through. The grip of his arm like iron around her as she shifted to fit herself against him just so. Bodies fitting into place against one another's with ease.
There was a feeling of cold, sinking into the bones of her hands as she held his face. So close to freezing. So very near danger. That horrible smirk he had at her words just made her give him one in return. Each of them daring the other to take the next step. So near taunting was the challenge.
When he leaned in, she thought if he were living they would be sharing the same air. There breath the same sustaining force every being that lived relied on to sustain themselves. That was until her breath caught in her throat when he put space between them and licked his lips. Her own tongue flicking out, only to realize he was tasting her on his lips as she had just tasted him.
Victoria reacted quickly when she was lifted. Curling her arms around his neck to keep her place before tucking her head underneath his chin. Knowing how fast a vampire could move at will, let alone with his challenge still ringing in her ears. The day-walker's brand of acrobatics making her practically pule with vitality.
Once they were level on the roof, solid footing underneath her feet once more she took two small steps back. His hands were still on her. Breaking his grip hadn't been her goal simply putting some distance in between them to take in a lungful of crisp night air. The contrast between being in the open from the large room which was still to small to contain the pair of them stark.
“Am I suppose to be surprised by that?” She didn't need to add in the 'of course you lied.' Victoria simply rolled her eyes. Being alone with him, truly alone now where one could find them should have made this easier... but he was far to old to be anything but complex and she had never been simple. She knew she shouldn't enjoy the thought of the challenge he presented her. He wasn't tedious. He was interesting with layers that could keep her interest for hours if she thought she could pull just right. To understand him and not solely what he was.
“You have no idea how tired I am of proving myself... Drexel.” The first time she said his name, letting it roll of her tongue like some treat in and of itself. He wouldn't have an idea. Not now, but it could be seen by anyone with eyes enough to care. At least in the guild.
She turned her back to him. Knowing what he was and leaving herself vulnerable.. but that wasn't the wild thought that had her heart pounding once more. Glancing over her shoulder she gave a veiled smile before taking two more steps back. A slight tightening around her eyes showing the unexpected discomfort from her scaring, but it passed quickly as she leaned against him to keep the weight off. “Kiss me again.” Reaching back she grasped his wrists, using them to pull his arms to settler around her waist once more. “Here,” she pointed at her lips waiting a moment.
“And-” This... this was the dangerous part on her end. The answer to his challenge as she tilted her head to the left. Pushing her hair out of the way to reveal a pale column of throat. “...Here” Her finger nail scraping across the now exposed jugular vein he could no doubt see pulsing just beneath the skin.
Drexel could tell she was stirred, not by him though, not by his vampirism, but by the fact that she must prove to him. He knew it was taxing for her, he knew she didn't like it. There was a shift in her aura, a distress and anger hidden within everything she was showing and things she wasn't. Things she was trying to hide, like her need to be accepted no matter what. Her desire to no longer have to prove her worth to anyone, to the hunters, to her father. He knew this, he did it on purpose. He needed to read her properly and to do so, there were certain things he must do. He felt her body slide against his and he did his best to hold back a grin, the heat from her body was enjoyable enough, even if any contact her skin came with his stung slightly. It was something he'd already grown accustomed to. It's like holy water a priest once threw at him, easy enough to deal with after a few moments of feeling it. He felt her skin and it smelled divine, he could feel the blood rushing through her veins, he could almost taste it. Though, he needed to exercise restraint, which is what he would do even if he desired nothing more than to taste her blood and her flesh in his lips. Perhaps some other time then. For now, he would do as she asked and maintain himself. He know she would not falter and nor would he. Leaning in, he pressed his lips gently against hers, savoring the moment before sliding downward. His lips caressing along her cheek. He took his time, slipping his lips down her jawline and to her neck. He then lingered there, his lips pressed right against her jugular. He could feel the beat of her heart rushing into his lips. He could smell her blood in her veins, sliding through her neck as if nothing was happening. He allowed his teeth to jut out and graze ever so softly along her neck. He did not break skin, but he knew that she could feel his teeth. Pulling back after a long moment, he began to kiss back up to her lips. Lingering momentarily along her jawline once more before pressing his lips against hers firmly. He turned her around, his arms holding onto her arms and keeping her pressed against him. He slid his tongue along her lips before his fang grazed her soft flesh tenderly. Breaking the kiss, Drexel looked down at her, his bright eyes darkening slightly, though still a brilliant blue. "I do not know if we should do this." He whispered, his words cold, but honest. She was such a pure being, even in her human form, she had something within her that shouldn't be tainted. He wasn't going to be the one who would corrupt her innocent soul.
((OOC: Victoria goes accredited to Snape1x1 and Drexel is accredited to me. This story is written over email between us. It is our writing, please DO NOT take it.))
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thehollowwords-blog · 12 years
A Memorable Return // Victoria && Drexel 8
Darkness seemed to swirl around the room with her the only light. The pair of them like perfect foils. Ones that could only be seen when the other was show as well. The appearance each put out as true merely smoke and nay say to hide what truly lie beneath the skin. Living and dead. Vampire to angel. Light to dark and darkness to light.
The longer he stared at her like that. Silent enough to set her instincts on edge along with something more, only made her think the moment could spin out into eternity if they allowed. The feeling coiling within her as his bright eyes pierced her near silver... Victoria knew she should move, but she felt as if the first break between them would cause judgment to rain down upon their heads.
The tension between them reaching new heights. An edge added to the way she could sense his being filling the room until she could name it... hunger.
Lessons that had been pounded into her head for ages should have rocketed to the forefront of her mind. There was nothing coming to her. Victoria wasn't calling out to it. She was allowing him to stay as he was because she wanted him to be. Desired his focus whether she had caused it or not. To keep him where he was until the end of the moment they both seemed with to stretch out.
Until he answered. A breath that broke the quite and caused her to realize how fast her pulse had been beating through her. Their was a light protest that should have fallen from her lips, but she knew they were both so use to pain a touch was nothing. Not when it felt more like an anchor between them.
One instant they were standing in the room and the next she felt her back hit the wall behind them, taking her weight. Stealing her air, breath becoming ragged from that but far more so the sudden solid bulk of the marble skinned man above her. The weight against her distracting from the sharp pain she had felt in her back. As if there was something there when she hit the wall when there was not. So the feel of bending bone and the strike of wing to wood ignored.
Drexel was far more consuming as he watched her reactions. Movements of the living against his still form. She could almost feel his hunger. Taste his want. Sense his desire. The first time she named the thing between them that night.
He kissed her. She would have claimed she saw it coming was it not for the force of it. The way he sought to plunder and the ease of which she allowed him to. So very cold. It might have felt like burning if she were anyone else. The hand which had been at his cheek circled around to hold the back of his neck as the other dug into the fabric at his chest. The very world narrowed down to the press of lip upon lip. A welcome invasion of ice that could not freeze her. She imagined he almost tasted like temptation but would be more a kin to sin.
When he pulled her to him, the space between their bodies gone, the hand at his neck raised to his hair and she gripped the short dark threads. The sharp feel of a fang against her lip, reminding her of what he was only caused the slightest moan to escape her before being swallowed by his own lips. At least for the moment before contact between them was broken and she'd dropped her hands to her side as well.
There was a question in her eyes, the pupil dilated enough to hint at a more normal color, which she would not voice. Knew better to than to ask. Not when they both knew the answer as to why. Victoria archer her back, pressing her weight against her shoulders more to force pressure off her birth scars. An act which easily closed the distance between their two bidies once more. Until she felt the ice radiate off him and sink into the heat of her own. She raised both hands to cradle his face in her own for a moment before looking at the dent he left in the wall and arching an eyebrow. She whispered, as silently as she could when she could hear her blood sing through her veins, “I'm not afraid.”
Everything about them radiated, their pressure, their need, their desire. It all seemed to flow from them, around them, and into them at such an alarming rate that it was nearly tangible. Their forms pressed against one another, she'd returned his kiss with such reckless abandon it nearly stole his senses and threatened to send him over the edge. Over to the side of blood and screams. But he nothing if not a man of impeccable control. He was able to sway the urge for her throat in his teeth with every passionate fervor that swept over her. She was so human, so volatile in her emotions and her reactions. The feel of his hair being tugged slightly and his pristine pressed dress shirt being crumpled beneath her small, yet surprisingly strong, hand. She didn't disagree with the sentiment of his lips against hers and that pleased him, her moan was enough to tell him that. He couldn't help but smirk into her lips, he'd gotten a moan on the first try... part of him wondered what else he could get, how far he could go, how loud he could make her, but for now... he was content with her lips. Even if the underlying desire was laced with an indescribable hunger, Drex was still enjoying the fact that she reciprocated the desire. When the kiss was over, his eyes remained fixated on her own. She shifted, the hand that was once at his side went back to her back, his strong arm wrapping around her petite frame and keeping her against him as he stepped back from the wall... at least enough to allow her to adjust herself. He really hadn't expected the salle to actually be wood all the way through. Then again, trainers were human, the room wasn't built for vampires. Not that he cared right now. He felt her hands on his cheeks once more, the sting apparent, but he was readily getting used to it. He'd felt much worse in his time and the feel of her skin against his was something he could deal with. He was caught for a moment in her hands, listening to the soft sing song of her skin, the gentle melody of her blood rushing through her veins. Delicious. But it was her words that caught him off guard and made him smirk wickedly... He leaned in once more, his face close to hers again. He could feel her breath on his lips, though he did not kiss her again, no... not yet. First he wanted to see how truly unafraid he was. His lips caressed hers tenderly, barely grazing against her lips. Leaning back a moment later, Drexel smirked darkly, his tongue jutting out momentarily to slide across his lips, to revel in her taste. "Prove it." His other arm wrapped around her instantly, and he was rushing through the salle and toward the outside. His hand reached out and made quick work of the latch on the window. Leaping out into the night, Drexel vaulted up the side of the building to the roof, using one hand to hold Victoria close to him and the other to lift his form up the walls with ease. When he landed safely on the roof of the building, he loosened his grip on Victoria, so she could move if she desired. "I lied before," he said with a dry smirk. "A moment or two is all I could spare for that gaggle..." He looked down at the woman before him. He was perplexed and fascinated by her, by her abilities. He wanted to know what she was made of, what she could do. But most of all, he just wanted to be away from all those droll little people. "So Victoria... prove that you do not fear me." He wasn't going to tell her how, he wanted to see what she would do. He wanted to see where this would lead them both.
  ((OOC: Victoria goes accredited to Snape1x1 and Drexel is accredited to me. This story is written over email between us. It is our writing, please DO NOT take it.))
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thehollowwords-blog · 12 years
A Memorable Return // Victoria && Drexel 7
The transformation came over him. Different from the vampires she had seen in the past. The few she had hunted as well. This was no brute shift into the form of a monster... No. The darkness that he exuded was elegant and so much more. She could fell the staccato beat of her heart pounding in her ears, but that was merely instinct kicking in.
He stood before her. He named her. Even with the way he looked, her own hand felt as if she was clutching ice, it couldn't prevent the thrill of it from shooting down her spine. The pulse of energy under her skin kicking in minutes behind that of her hunters instincts. The feel of it what made her sure that the touch of his skin against hers like this would cause her no harm... She'd never been told if it could do much to a vampire in full form though. He seemed so right this way, though most would call him a beast. In this true form of his, which made his body seem it's own center of power.
“Yes,” she replied, “or something close enough. Can you see all of me, day-walker?”
A great deal of effort was required to reach this part of herself. The side that she knew so little of but in times of high stress and dangerous situations came out with force. Survival a main key in unlocking it. For now she could rally it. To allow herself to be the lone pillar of light the dark tendrils of power which rippled off of Drexel could not taint. Her skin felt more sensitive than usual and she dropped his hand. Almost as if a barely concealed light was playing beneath the surface, which was foolish. Nothing could be seen, but it is what she imagined. Like sun through stain glass in the bowels of a cathedral.
Even as she came as close as she could to her full powers being unbound, eyes flashed silver, she would not ask. Would not question him as to what set her apart... If he could see the outline or shimmer of wings that were not and had never been placed on her back. Not with the scars all the descendants of Animus bore at birth.
Wouldn't ask if there was a color to them even with the back of the dress pressing against her skin and causing it to itch. The feel of it so desperately close to unbearable. Victoria simply roller her shoulders to relieve the tension... Then she reached up, the first truly tentative gesture of the night, as she placed her hand against his cool cheek. Thumb crossing back and forth only once before stilling. Her own head tilting slightly to the side as she asked, “Does my touch harm you?”
“I thought it best you know now, so there are not surprises in the future.” Victoria was not sure if she was talking about the possibility of training in the future or not. She did not feel as if she was. As if things were far more personal with the many faceted pieces of them clicking into place so easily. It made her want to unravel him to the very core despite the danger that would surely haunt that course of action.
He could sense her, all of her. The little tremors of her skin, the beat of her heart steadily rising. The instinct within her, screaming at her: danger. He could feel it all, sense it all, taste it all. It was the urge and driving force that kept him going in the world, the tantalizing scent, flavor, feel of reaction to his form. He was splendor and he was horror. He was a nightmare and a perfection that was rarely able to be described. He knew this, she knew this. It was what made the game all the more fun, all the more brilliant, all the more erotic. He could tell she was shifting, even before the signs became apparent. He sensed the difference in her form, the fluctuation of her body's aura and her soul's presence. It was similar to realizing the changes in any other supernatural being, but with her, it was more enjoyable. To see her body react to him, as if she was answering back to his call. It excited him, that she was being this way. It made her all more desirable to him. He remained silent as her light shone through into his darkness, as she revealed herself to him. He didn't need to tell her what he saw, she knew, he knew, they knew, that was all that mattered. He wasn't going to ruin this moment, he wasn't going to let silly little words get in the way of what he wanted, what he need from her. No. That time would come whether he spoke or not, but the less he spoke, the more he could listen, the more he could feel, the more he could taste. He was very sure of himself at the moment, he was very sure in his solidarity and his ability to not lose control, even if he wanted to. He felt her touch on his skin, it burned, her purity against his damnation wasn't exactly something that wouldn't hurt. Something so pure, could he really taint her? Would he want to? He smirked, his crystalline orbs peering into her own breathtaking gaze. "It does... but not enough for me to make you stop." His hands moved like lightning, his body was solidly against her own and within moments, seconds, he was pressed against her - pressed against the wall. His face was mere centimeters from hers, his heart still against her rapidly beating one, his lack of breath apparent against her rising and falling chest. He heard it, the breath, the heartbeat, the flutter of her lashes slicing through the air as she looked at him. He wasn't going to stop, he wasn't going to let her go until he'd gotten something he wanted. He'd shown her his inner demon, and she her inner angel. Now, he wanted something. Leaning in, his lips crashed against hers. He wasn't forcing himself upon her, but in a way, he wouldn't take no for an answer. Even if it was the only time their lips would ever meet, he wanted to taste her, the wanted to taste the angel within her. It burned, but it tasted divine. He could taste the lightness of her skin, the hint of perfume from the mist that she more than likely sprayed on herself. He could feel the silken softness of her lips against his own, he could literally taste the heat radiating off her form. His arms where on either side of her, one arm moving from the wall to right at her waist, pulling her firmly against him, so that there was nothing between them. His fangs jutted out momentarily and graced her lip lightly, a reflex, but they did not pierce her skin. His bottom lip quivered slightly as he pulled his head away from her and let her go. He separated himself from her a fraction, his hand dropping to his side, while the other remained against the wall, idly he hoped he hadn't put a dent in it from the force... if so, he'd make up one hell of a story.
  ((OOC: Victoria goes accredited to Snape1x1 and Drexel is accredited to me. This story is written over email between us. It is our writing, please DO NOT take it.))
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