thehotsister · 10 years
Send ✎ for a school headcanon.
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back when saeko was in high school she was a real punk! she definitely hung around people you could call the “wrong crowd”. it wasn’t necessarily a gang, but saeko and her friends definitely got a rep around the neighborhood— going around smashing mailboxes and doing graffiti on some abandoned (and not so abandoned) houses.. rebel girl..
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thehotsister · 10 years
➷ ✚
 ➷ for a sports headcanon.
saeko isn't much for playing sports and much prefers watching them! i suspect she'd be good if she actually tried, but who has time to learn all those rules?? not this girl. of all sports, she loves watching volleyball the most. it could be from her super cool brothers playing, or a certain small giants passion--but the intensity from watching a single set is enough to get her all revved up!!
✚ for a prized possession.
ok....so....it's not actually hers. but it's definitely something she holds close to her heart! when going to her rehearsals she always makes sure to use the same drum, which to her--sounds and feels better than anyone elses. so it might as well be hers right??? YEAH!!
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thehotsister · 10 years
Send 'SPIT IT OUT!' and I'll randomly generate a number. Whatever number it is, my muse will blur it out to you!
It’s gonna be a mixed bag. Go with caution!
Numbers: 1 - 50
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thehotsister · 10 years
Send me symbols to learn more about my muse
Send ✚ for one of my muse’s prized possessions. Send ✿ for a happy memory. Send ➷ for a sports headcanon. Send ♆ for something my muse hates. Send ϡ for a sleep headcanon. Send ღ for a crush my muse has had. Send ✄ for a favourite movie of my muse’s. Send ☂ for a weather headcanon. Send ✎ for a school headcanon.
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thehotsister · 10 years
☆ i know you're in fucking high school
The crowd is big tonight, Saeko muses, finally getting near the front line she had been waiting in the past few minutes. It was a popular nightclub that she usually attended, well known from what she could clearly see. She'd attended some nights, only able to describe them as truly exhilarating. Bodies of all kinds dancing together as if moving in the same wave length, filling you with energy one couldn't define. That, and the beer was good too. The blonde absent mindedly rubs her arms through the thin black jacket she wears, not doing much to protect her on top of her classic black tank that doesn't quite cover her stomach (or breasts, for that matter). The quick paced music oozed out to the chilly outside as the blonde whips out her identification--driver's license--giving the doorman a wink before heading inside. 
The cold air is immediately replaced with warmth once she enters, the thumping rhythm easily matching her heart beat in perfect time. It doesn't take long for her to get wrapped up in the movements of swaying bodies, dancing her way through the cluster of people. Once you stepped in it was like magic. As if the you before entering hadn't existed--it could be compared to being reborn, if you must. Or at least that's what was written on the billboard. Saeko had to admit though, as much of an odd metaphor it was, she wasn't exactly disagreeing. 
It's not long till she finds herself at the bar after sliding through the congregation of people on the dance floor. There's a wave to the bartender as she sits herself down, smiling familiarly at passing faces she'd already come to recognize. After what seemed like no time she'd already become a nightly regular---it was no lie that the place was nothing but top quality. 
There is one face in particular she doesn't recognize, however. It's one with tanned skin she can barely make out in this lighting. One with jet black hair, slightly messed up and resembling a type of bed hair you look like you'd have to practice to get. And, not to mention, a relatively fit body that didn't look half bad in that tight fitting black v neck. Eyes trail down to more interesting darker jeans, till a certain something poking out of one pocket catches her interest. 
Perhaps this figure wasn't as unrecognizable as she thought.
"Well hello there," She speaks in a teasing tone, jumping two stools so she's placed right next to the male. A small hand delves down to the pocket in a quick snap, taking hold of what she'd guess was a fake ID. How devious. "Mr. Kuroo Tetsurou." Saeko barely remembers him really, she'd only caught a glimpse of him when she had dropped off little Hinata and Kageyama way back during their training camp in Tokyo. 
She does happen to remember that he's only 17, though.
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A small giggle comes out before she says; "Isn't it past your bedtime?" 
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thehotsister · 10 years
☆ stop right there! [ suzuya + saeko ]
It's a cafe she spends most of her time at these days, a cute one in the heart of the busy capital of Hydread, Lunctum. It's oddly out of place somehow, in the busy capital. It's old, home-sy sort style puts Saeko at ease. It was too much of exaggeration to say it was a home away from home--the tanaka household was way too much for that--but it held similar qualities, in the very least.  It was bustling with energy but not overcrowded, and the patrons who attended reminded her of those home. The deserts and drinks being good were an added touch. 
The blonde sips loudly at her next to done ice coffee, slamming it down with a satisfied exhale. Her last piece of cake was long past finished and it was bout time for her to pay. The chair that pushes behind her screeches slightly once Saeko gets up, making her way towards the paying booth. She takes out the money to pay from her purse, then sets her bag down, leaving her bag and garbage at the table. It was a small walking distance away, there wasn't much need to take all her things in one trip. She takes out the money to pay from her purse, then sets her bag down. Of course, it's that decision that brings her to the next scene--a very unlucky situation really. 
It happens in a second. One moment Saeko's paying the lady at the desk, the next she notices a figure taking her bag right from the table she set it on, making their quick escape. 
"Wh--Hey!!" She squawks undignifiedly, now squabbling past tables and entering couples. She jumps the small fence bordering the cafe, chasing the perpetrator with strong purpose. Truth be told there wasn't much of value in the bag, that was, if you asked anyone else. Just a couple mints, her now empty wallet, and some coupons to a nearby restaurant by her apartment.
"Hoooold iiiiiit!" The blondes pace slows down as the mid day rush begins to hit, moving past more people the more time went by. "I was gonna get steaaaak!" It's a desperate cry she lets out, eyes scanning for the thief. Once she spots someone with similar clothing Saeko's hand instantly reaches out grabbing onto the others with a tight grip, forcing them to face her.
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"Caught red handed you thief!"
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thehotsister · 10 years
Wild night parties weren't something Saeko attended usually if you would believe, back in the country there weren't as many things like that around. Sure, the occasional 'let's fuck off instead of study' college party events occurred. And yeah, occasionally she'd be invited to some drinking parties by the team or maybe some coaches--she attended her fair share of those things, but there was an extreme lack of nightclubs in her hometown. The experience of dancing, surrounded by sweaty bodies filled with energy moving only to the music pumping through their veins was a whole new experience. 
The clock had struck 3am now, which seemed like an appropriate time to head back to her apartment--she was pretty damn tired, a sweaty mess if you will--still hot, though. Just...multiple definitions of the word, you know? She stumbled her way out of the club, receiving and returning various winks coming her way. The way the club was arranged was slightly confusing, especially in her tipsy state. It was connected to multiple buildings, different hallways getting you to different locations. In other circumstances, it may have been really convenient! That was, if you weren't half drunk looking for an exit. 
But unfortunately for the blonde she was. Not drunk enough to not realize she was lost, but drunk enough to miss the last 3 exit signs. It was fine. This was fine. Probably. If anything it was kind of like an adventure in the big city! Except she was stuck and potentially trapped since she wasn't exactly sure when the building locked their doors and gee--it sure seemed like a while since she'd seen an actual human being. 
After what was a good 10 minutes of mindless travel, Saeko finds herself in an empty looking mcdonalds. It's weird, kind of eery even. The fluorescent M was still allight, as well as the registers at the desk. That's unfortunate, she'd think. She was getting pretty hungry.
Saeko plops herself down in one of the seats, exhausted by all the walking and exploring she'd done. With a hand down her pocket she grabs at her phone, turning on the power and heading directly to twitter. It seemed something like #savebokutosweakass was trending? She couldn't help but laugh--she didn't recognize the name within the hashtag, or the user to be honest. Now bored and a little curious the blonde allows herself to scroll through said Pizzakings tweets, barking out with laughter with each one. Stuck in an empty Mcdonalds? What was with that? 
After a few seconds everything clicks.
Saeko, coincidentally, was also in an empty mcdonalds. And, right on cue (RIGHT ON CUE!!!! RIGHT on cue), she hears some small banging noises behind the desk, and even with her half drunk self she manages to put the pieces together. Here, in the same relatively empty Mcdonalds was Mr. Bokuto's "weak ass" that needed saving. She giggles a giddy kind of giggle as she slowly gets up, slipping off her boots to make ensure some silence as she walks. Soon, she's sneaking while making her way closer and closer to the desk. 
Mouth tight shut and making sure not to make a sound she lets herself peak over the table, seeing oddly coloured hair and that she assumed belonged to Mr. Bokuto himself. He was shivering a little, probably concerned he'd get found out sneaking in she'd guess. She chokes down a laugh, whips out her phone and takes a picture--and then another few for good measure. Tucking said phone in her back pocket, Saeko's body slithers on top of the desk till most of her stomach is rested on it, her head hanging above the others. The spikes tickle her nose. 
"Eehheh--" Oops. The snicker is already out by the time her hand comes to cover her mouth. Well...if she was already caught now....
She shimmies a bit farther onto the table, her head now upside down and in front of the volleyball players. 
"Bonjour, muchacho! Wahaha! Looks like I found ya!" She laughs heartily, still hanging.
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"Hey hey....if ya' try and eat that whole bottle of mayo I won't show yer' ass sneaking around in Mcdonalds to the coppers." She wondered if you could even be charged for this. Probably, right? This was breaking an entering...probably. And also maybe stealing food and making a sick ass sandwich? Nah, that was too hilarious to be put in the cellar for. But she was also drunk, so. 
(that one vine voice) BRUH
It was just another night up in Mickey D’s, the male pushing open the glass door to walk inside. It was already late, the click hitting such a late time that was around 3AM, the dead of night and how the animals outside had hooted and scampered around as the male stuck his head in and looked both left and right  to see that the establishment was abandoned. Confused, he took a few more steps behind him as he known someone was to be working here tonight but there was no one?
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Pulling out his touch screen, these Mcdonald’s owners with such nerve for not having anyone around; how was he to eat!? Either way, he was ready to leave until he thought of something. Taking a picture of the empty fast food place and uploading the twitter app on his phone, it was marked so that if anyone in the vicinity was nearby could automatically see his update since he tagged where he was. He had many followers of course, he was good at his game when it came to volleyball of course.
"Yaaa.. aaaand send." Uploading the image onto the site, it wasn’t long until he was able to get enough RT’s that requested for him to do what he said. Ok, why was this place empty like there was no one around and this was fair game. "Dude, I am so hungry though." Nothing but musings to himself as he tapped his screen, the item lighting back up as he saw a comment that requested for him to actually do it, in which this person had to be one of his many fans. Alright, alright. He was about to take his fans for a ride. Arm raised as he ran fingers through his two-toned hair, amber optics making sure no one was here as he started running towards the counter, hand extended out first to be placed on the surface as he jumped up and over with ease.
"EEEYYY I MADE IT." There was really NO ONE here, that was weird as hell. Though he won’t about to complain. Holding up his phone to take a picture of behind the scenes, he couldn’t write much in the 140 characters, but hitting the tweet button and sending another image to his lovely, LOVELY followers. "Alright, alright, alright, as I wait for that." The male smacked his hands together as he looked around, seeing that the fries were in the grease still frying. Tomatoes were left out that seemed that need to be finished cutting, but looking back to his device and seeing he got the necessary RT’s. Putting his phone in his pocket, the male found the bread and it wasn’t long until he found where the slices of anything were. Hell, he just picked up one thing after the other. If it was edible, it could be picked up.
When he was finally finished with his masterpiece and was able to send it to his followers, he didn’t know if this was stale or what. This chicken biscuit, fish fillet monstrosity was not cutting it. But it did the job right. It hit that spot in the stomach even though it was taking too many bites to get down. Casually coming from the back where he made his food, he noticed someone shutting the doors in which, he dropped to his knees wondering what they came from. Digging his phone out and holding it up, damn he should have seen who it was but what if it was the worse case scenario..
The next message sent to his twitter followers as he spoke up from behind the counter, but he stayed right there so no one could see him. He couldn’t get locked up for making him a sandwich man. "IF YOU LET ME FREE, I’LL GIVE YOU ONE OF THESE." Here he was, holding up the monster that he created in his spare time.
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thehotsister · 10 years
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who is she
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thehotsister · 10 years
"Oh thank god!"
She lets out a tremendous sigh of relief when the boys responds, very closely resembling a wheeze. In her small fit of excitement she brings the boy close to her chest, squeezing probably too hard for someone who just got it by a car--she was oblivious to all of that, naturally.  It seemed there was no real damage done, though she had managed to knock the wind of them. He seemed physically alright so to speak, her van looking fine as well--but she'd guess that's the last thing the blonde should be thinking about.
Saeko gives him some breathing time as he relaxes. Once he's able to form proper sentences and Saeko's able to communicate without yelling, she removes her tight grip on the kid, letting her hands fall to her lap. 
"Maaaan, you really gave me a scare! Though I guess I gave you a bigger one...Sorry, again." The driver rubs the back of her head sheepishly shrinking within herself. "This usually doesn't happen." There's a small silence between the brunette and the blonde as they sit idly in the road. It's a new situation to her, really. She'd never been in any sort of accident, believe it or not--given temporary trauma to her brother while driving him to school? Sure! But she'd never hit anyone! What else do you do in this kind of predicament? 
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"Eheh, I guess you're right about that..." It's an awkward laugh to fit the awkward mood. As the familiar silence returns and both parties begin to settle, Saeko finally realizes they're still in the middle of the road. In the pouring rain. Not to mention the woman was still clothed in her infamous tank top and jeans, now looking rather worse for wear. After one particular hard shiver she decides to speak up.
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"Yanno.." She starts, "It's kinda pissy being stuck in the rain like this. It's really goin' down hard! I could give you a lift if ya' need?" Theres a little bit of timid laughter in between her sentences before she resumes. "I mean, I guess it might be weird to get a ride from the gal who just hit ya--But I promise I'm usually great! I got a rep back home for my driving!" It's not a lie when she says it. Sure, it might be because of her wild type of travelling, but that information could come at a later time. 
engines revving [ open ]
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thehotsister · 10 years
As the woman before her continued to spout, Saeko would nod accordingly--a dopey sort of smile plastered on her face most would say resembled her brothers--though they'd deny that in a flat second. She concluded this girl had a real interesting way a speech. It held that sort of 'fancy-shmancy' sort of feel to it, the kind you'd never really hear in her side of the country. To be blunt, Saeko wasn't sure she'd heard anyone talk like that, not even some of her professors. Haa, this girl was probably something. 
She gives out another huff of laughter before replying.  Her words might have been confusing, but the blonde was beginning to get the gist of it. Maybe they were more alike than she had first thought. 
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"You got that right! Right on!" She exclaims, excited that her point of iew is clearly shared. A wild life style was definitely the only road Saeko was interested in--although she acknowledged most of her responsibilities, there was no way she was going to be tied down to some desk job. No, that was never the blondes style.  Drumming and driving--and she guessed getting a relatively satisfying income, that was more like it. 
The heart attack joke was a little out of place, but so was Saeko, technically speaking. She responds heartily; "Pft--that'd make this quite a killer painting, wouldn't it? Wahaha!" 
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"Man...you artist folks got real depth, don't ya'? That's really admirable." The topic is dropped for now though, or perhaps not, the conversation didn't make much sense anyhow. In any case, the girl who is presumably called Sugar introduces herself--unnaturally, of course but what else could you expect. "So you're Sugar, huh! They do go along together! You looking for a crew or something? Wahaha--just jokin'!!"
gimmie some sugar [ saeko + sugar ]
When the laughter of the other female resounds throughout the air, Sugar can only feel the grin on her face grow wider. Laughter is, to her, such a marvelous thing to hear and for someone to laugh within her presence makes her heart practically soar. Even if it’s fake, laughter can make one feel so much better and to know that the other female seems to enjoy the blonde’s company enough to allow a chuckle to escape her lips makes Sugar feel rather mirthful.
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"A wild child perhaps, for I lack many conventional things that another may have. But being wild also just means that one is able to have more fun :-)," she responds calmly, a giggle coming shortly after her words. "But such a joy to hear such a thing from you. I do hope that it doesn’t cause you to have a heartattack and die," because that would suck, especially since this girl seems to be shaping up to be a very…
Very dear friend.
"Everyone and everything may see things differently than another; this is no different. To hear different perspectives on one singular piece of art is truly incredible," another laugh from the blonde as she tilts her head at the other female, her smile still present. “Saeko and Sugar. The two practically go together like bandaids and cuts, don’t you think? :-)”
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thehotsister · 10 years
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☆ hey hey! saeko mun here...i already did an intro on my rin matsuoka acc, but--!! im amie, 16 yrs and go by she/her pronouns. i have 3 charas here, being rin matsuoka, ryouko otonashi and now saeko tanaka! im not sure why i do this to myself..... 
ANYWAY bc im super excited to be rping saeko again like this for a starter if you wanna! or you could check out my open whatever floats for ya! capping at 2!
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thehotsister · 10 years
engines revving [ open ]
★ - Rain drops were drip dropping on the outside of Saeko’s windshield as she drove down the busy streets. Probably a little too fast for the current state of weather if you asked anyone else, but she wasn’t too concerned about that. Said blonde quirked a wild grin as she increased her speed, out of impatience and sheer excitement. It was always funner when she was going faster after all!
The road was clearing up now, traffic becoming less and less of a problem while she swerved by cars and people alike, cackling as she did so. It was a little less than legal, but Saeko loved the thrill of it all. She practically immersed herself in the angry complaints thrown at her as she drove past the sensible drivers now seemingly miles away. 
Don’t get her wrong, her punk days were behind her. She wasn’t a highschool student anymore and she acknowledged her duties (snrk) and responsibilities as an adult as she should. But hell, if she didn’t miss the thrill she got from doing stupid shit like this. Driving like she used to, in dangerous weather and rough conditions was something she practically got off to. Crunching the slightest bit harder on her lollipop Saeko realizes she’s only miles away from her destination. 
“Alright, I’m gonna floor it!" She exclaims, leaning into the wheel. 
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She wasn’t expecting however, a figure to appear in front of her vehicle immediately upon making her previous decision. Stressed and alarmed beyond all relief, Saeko slams down on her breaks, eyes shutting on reflex. So much for not hitting anyone.
Well, she wasn’t actually sure if she hit anyone, her eyes still locked tight. Gatherin up all her courage, her painful grip on the wheel slipped away, opening her van door in a flash and running towards the person she may or may not have hit, getting soaked by rain in the process.
In retrospect, they didn’t seem that injured. But Saeko was in a tizzy, her hands cupping the others face and shaking.
Naturally, the first words spoken are; “Holy shit!”
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“Christ, are you ok?! Are you still with me, buddy? Oh my god. OH MY GOD!! I’m so so sorry!" 
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thehotsister · 10 years
"I'll deliver ya to Tokyo faster than you can blink."
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thehotsister · 10 years
She'd already acknowledged that the person who took the place beside her had looked pretty funky--not necessarily in a bad way, if anything it intrigued the blondes interest. She looked cool. Not your typical definition of cool...but cool, nonetheless. It was part of the reason she acknowledged the stranger! Saeko flashed a wild type of grin as she noticed said stranger beginning to respond, shifting Saeko's way.
Her smile dropped bit by bit as the other actually began to speak, her words as confusing as the art before her. That only lasted a moment though, as the blonde barked with laughter. 
"Wahaha! You're a real wild one, aren't you?" She said, clasping a friendly hand over the strangers shoulder. Talking about the sound of a painting? Was she missing some kind of profound metaphor or something? All thoughts of this gallery-goer being cool were immediately confirmed. They seemed to be one of those adults that were mature, but didn't exactly have their shit together? Saeko put a hand on her hip, facing the stranger but eyes towards the art. 
"Ahh, I'm not real sure about hearing the painting.." She paused to think. "But it's got a killer attitude to it. Kinda pouncing at me, yanno?"
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"Ha! You sure seem to get this more than I do. I'm Tanaka Saeko! Nice to meetcha!"
gimmie some sugar [ saeko + sugar ]
It’s relatively a rarity of sorts for the blonde to stick around at her art showcases. Though, even if she does at some odd time, she is never recognized due to her wish to remain anonymous for multiple reasons. One reason she favours in particular, is being able to walk inside the gallery without speaking to anyone and instead simply watching their facial expressions change depending on which work they are viewing. The looks of awe and wonder, and even one of deep thought…
They’re all so inspirational.
Perhaps this is why she finds herself in the art gallery this time, simply walking along outside the crowd as she observes the faces of each and every person inside the gallery. However, one person in particular seems to catch her bang-covered eyes, as the blonde finds herself sneaking in closer to her, watching the stranger look on at Sugar’s many canvases with varying degrees of confusion and interest. Though she possibly favours this stranger among the rest, she decides to slither around to the back for a moment, seeing if anyone had decided to view her most attractive piece by far.
And with some stroke of luck, the stranger appears alongside her not too long after. Fate seems to smile on Sugar just as much as she smiles at it.
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"The volume of this particular piece is very loud, that I can hear. Its practically yelling into my ears and piercing my eyesight, urging me to paste my eyes onto it and it only. :-)” she replies rather coolly, her gaze still cast onto the canvas before them.
"I wonder, can you hear it, too…? Or do your little hearing devices pick up something else entirely?"
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thehotsister · 10 years
gimmie some sugar [ saeko + sugar ]
★ - A giant yawn erupted from the 20-something blonde, sitting around an old busted cafe in New York city. She'd gotten off work early today, which would seem like a blessing--if she wasn't bored out of her damn mind. Everyone was either busy, working, or a bore and it was really killing the blondes normally fiery attitude. Saeko bit her cheek, twirling her straw in the drink she'd ordered 20 minutes ago.
The elderly owners yells were her cue to leave. Grumbling as she got up, she looked over her options for the day. Day drinking wasn't a good idea, as she'd just pass out at 3pm and wake at 7 the next morning with a ridiculous hangover. Plus, day drinking alone? She wouldn't reach that level of despair. Not today, anyhow. How pathetic. She was in the big city for christ's sake! How could Tanaka Saeko be bored--
It was then in the midst of her musing, Saeko came across something with potential.
"An art gallery, huh?" She says to herself, pushing the door open and stepping in. It wasn't too big of a thing, really. A small building with white walls, a small gift shop in the corner--nonetheless, it held some ground compared to the other shows 'round town. The blonde strode, taking in each painting with more and more confusion. This was probably abstract, right? The art was cool--the colours striking, the shapes so dramatic it was if they were attacking the canvas. She liked it. 
She reached the end of one hallway, viewing one painting in particular alongside another stranger. She motioned toward them.
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"Hey hey, this is pretty cool right? I don't really get it, but it's kind of like-- bam! In your face! Right? Ya' get me?" 
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thehotsister · 10 years
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hhhhello! rin matsuoka-mun/amie here, rping tanaka saeko! i gotta intro over here and im ready 2 rock n'roll. or something. like for a starter perhaps? capping at 2! 
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thehotsister · 10 years
"Ooo? What's this? A talkin' robot? The future really is here, huh.."
She grinned widely, only one obvious answer coming to mind. 
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"My Taiko drum, naturally!"
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