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Another day in the Sullivan household
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Mairuma + text posts
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Daily reminder to watch/read welcome to demon school iruma kun to all the people who haven’t read it
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Neverland Curse by Caspyre
Summary: The King hauls him up, but it’s gentler than Iruma expects.“There you are,” King Derkila says, words meant for the two of them before his voice thunders across the whole school in a way that makes Iruma’s knees want to give out from under him.“I have missed you, my son.”
OR: Turns out, Iruma is the son of the Demon King himself. Who knew! (Hint: Not Him!)
Rating: G
Relationships: Demon King Derkila & Suzuki Iruma, Lord Sullivan & Suzuki Iruma, Suzuki Iruma & Everyone
Characters: Suzuki Iruma, Lord Sullivan (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun), Opera (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun), Demon King Derkila (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun), Asmodeus Alice, Valac Clara, Naberius Kalego
Additional tags: Implied/Referenced Child, Neglect Suzuki Iruma has Seperation Anxiety, Demon King Derkila is Suzuki Iruma's Dad, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Demon Suzuki Iruma
Language: English  
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🍍iruma kun!
I haven’t watched anime in like two years and I come back to watch Welcome to Demon school because yeah.
Apologies for not drawing Asmodeus yet I ran out of motivation !!!!!
Click for better quality cus WOW that looks blurry
Speedpaint under the cut :3
also linky here to a longer speedpaint on yt 🔥🔥🔥
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IruClarAzz Master Post Bonus 1
Just collecting all of the cuteness of the Love Trio and adding my commentary. So this is the extra parts of the manga up to ch 285. (Also warning I may make jabs at the IruAmeri ship here and there just small comparisons showing why I don’t like it as much, no hate but if you don’t like your ship being talked about even slightly negatively probably look away.)
If you didn’t see it Part 1 is here, Part 2 is here, Part 3 here Part 4 here  Part 5 here Part 6 here Part 7 here Part 8 here
Keep reading
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How to raise a Devi-kid: A not so accurate guide by Anonymous
Summary: As part of their curriculum, Kalego pairs up the Misfit Class and assigns them a new task: take care of their own devi-kid for a weekend.Naturally, they flip the script and challenge Kalego to do the same; unfortunately for Kalego, he’s stuck with the partner he wants the least: Opera.
Rating: T
Relationships:  Asmodeus Alice/Suzuki Iruma,  Naberius Kalego/Opera, Abnormal Class | Misfit Class & Naberius Kalego
Characters:  Suzuki Iruma, Asmodeus Alice, Opera (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun), Naberius Kalego Abnormal Class | Misfit Class (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun)
Additional tags: Humor, Fluff 
Language: English
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I have seen several iruma is the reincarnation of delkira theories and I find it pretty interesting. I am curious what everyone’s thoughts are on this because I am open to just about any theory and the reincarnation angle is a pretty neat idea.
My guess is that Iruma is the reincarnation or incarnation of the demon king. After seeing the demon king left cherry blossoms at the harvest festival and Iruma created cherry blossoms in class, I think they are connected.
Everyone in the netherworld says the demon king just vanished one day but I’m becoming kinda convinced that he left to reincarnate himself.
Plus it was really suspicious that irumas grandpa immediately brushed him off when Iruma noticed the flowers were the same.
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¿Are you ready?
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Lil low-fi meme comic I made last week due to Chapter 297 events 🤭
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Gonna be more active!
I set up this account a while ago and I want to try and be more active on it so I am gonna starts reblogging and liking any and all demon school related material that I find on and off tumblr.
I will of course have my own rules regarding reblogs and posting but most of it will be sfw Iruma material. Any nsfw will probably be rare but if I do then it will be just strictly adult characters and will have appropriate warnings.
 Recommendations are welcome. It can be anything demon school related, such as fan art, fanfiction, and any videos (youtube, tiktok, etc.) If I reblog or post anything it will have links and be properly credited. If anyone wishes for me to take down any future posts just send a dm with the reason why and I will do so.
I will also be continuing to post my own thoughts and analysis on the characters and the world of demon school. This will open up discussions of a variety of topics and any asks are also welcome.
See you all later!
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Thoughts on Narnia and Iruma's conversation
Yo! I am back! It’s been a while. Hyper Fixations are crazy like that! But I am back in the welcome to demon school hell and I am super pumped by all the new chapters. I have a lot I could talk about but let’s talk about an interesting chapter. Which one? 
Chapter two ninety six. Specifically the talk between Narnia and Iruma. Mild spoilers ahead naturally but if you have already read up to at least two ninety six then you are fine. Alright let’s talk.
Now the conversation between Narnia and Iruma is very interesting for several reasons. 
One: It offers us an insight into Narnia's character. Something we got hints of in previous chapters but now we have definite traits. Specifically how manipulative and truly evil he is.
Two: One of the other goals of the six fingers and what Bal is up to. As well as what might be confirmation that Narnia is working for them or is allied with them all for purging the underworld.
Three: Iruma’s growth and remaining insecurities.
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We will go in order and start with one. Narnia Naberius, Kalego’s older brother and someone who works for the border patrol in the shadows. We knew for a while that Kalego had some unknown family members such as Narnia and the yet to be seen uncle. Now we have a definitive member and he is very messed up to say the least.
We got hints of this when it was revealed that he was the one to recommend Shiida and Atori. Already that is a red flag, he works for border patrol and he just so happened to recommend two six finger members as teachers. That wouldn’t have happened unless he was allied with them in some way. 
While we could safely say he was involved with them at that point, we still didn’t know to what degree and why. He wasn’t a character at this point and Kalego himself wasn’t giving away much. The most we could tell was that Kalego didn’t have fond emotions for his brother but again we don’t know the reasons.
Then a couple of bombs drop, one is the deviculum and Narnia is a candidate for a crown position. Another hint that Narnia is a powerful and influential demon but another red flag as going for a 13 crowns position can be seen as a power grab.
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Alright, we can fast forward to the actual deviculum now. Narnia is revealed with the twist that Kalego is confronting Henri disguised as Narnia and that Narnia is actually hidden and talking to Iruma. Which is terrible especially after what Azz revealed about Narnia.
Narnia before the conversation is described as very intimidating. He is a lone wolf, nobody can talk to him unless he chooses them, especially his prey. He tortures criminals, anybody who disrupts the underworld. He is the guard dog of the underworld itself, able to sniff out any disturbance within it and eliminate it. I am not even covering everything that was said but you get the idea. Narnia is death itself and he is chatting with Iruma right now.
Now onto the conversation itself and I want to draw a parallel here. Let’s compare the conversation Narnia has with Iruma in this chapter to the conversation Henri has with Iruma in chapter thirty eight. Why? Because it reveals many things about both Iruma and Narnia himself.
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To refresh in chapter thirty eight Henri talks to Iruma and confronts him about sending him back to the human realm. This was back when Iruma was still getting used to the underworld and wasn’t comfortable in the school or around his classmates yet.
Iruma is very insecure during this phase because he feels like an intruder. Someone who doesn’t belong and will be killed when discovered. This was the perfect time for Henri to really get at Iruma and possibly break him into wanting to return to the human realm. 
But he doesn’t. Iruma is terrified during the conversation and Henri isn’t helping with the boiling jokes but it’s a mostly comedic conversation. Henri even goes out of his way to mention, without saying outright that he knows Iruma is human, that he will be protected and sent back with no problems. He even says his friends and relatives will have their minds wiped which is sad but it also means they will be okay and won’t be worried or punished for associating with him.
Henri didn’t take advantage or try to manipulate Iruma into returning and just gave Iruma the option. He even checked on him to make sure he wasn’t being abused or was hurt. Henri clearly just wants to make sure Iruma is okay and that he knows the danger he could be in while giving him a way out. 
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Now compare this to the conversation that Iruma has with Narnia. Narnia starts off by initiating the conversion and goes on to talk about how ruthless and intimidating the border patrol members are. A subtle way to put Iruma on edge when talking with him but disguised as a networking opportunity for Iruma.
He asks Iruma about demons and Iruma proceeds to gush and talk about his friends and classmates which seems to throw Narnia off a bit. Iruma even mentions that he wouldn’t be here without his friends and relatives. Which leads Narnia to asking Iruma about what he thinks the future of the underworld should be if he is king.
Narnia at this point is gathering information. Why? We will see in a bit as Iruma answers that he wants a kind underworld for the demons around him. Which is a good answer and a very Iruma answer. 
Which makes it all the more shattering when Narnia proceeds to twist and use his answer against him. This is where we see how manipulative and evil Narnia really is. Which makes sense, he tortures criminals and demons are known for being physically resilient. Breaking a demon physically is one thing but breaking them completely from the inside out is another.
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Narnia also reveals a goal that the six fingers have. The complete eradication of everything that is not a demon. Narnia’s response is basically the equivalent of someone saying they want to make the world better for mankind and then someone responding with ‘so you want to exterminate all animals then.’
It's an intentional twist but Narnia takes it a step further by talking about how humans don’t belong and they should be exterminated on the spot. How a human would just cause chaos and disrupt the balance towards all demon kind. 
Iruma doesn’t belong.
He is just causing chaos and disrupting the peace by his very presence. 
This echoes what Iruma’s deepest insecurity is telling him. He doesn't belong. He isn’t a demon. Thoughts that he has always held and even worried about during the deviculum when he wasn’t sure if his grandpa wanted him to come. An insecurity that Narnia was able to sniff out thanks to Iruma gushing about his friends and how he wouldn’t be here without them. 
Narnia even asks Iruma what he thinks about humans just to drive the stake even further. He is interrupted by Azz’s mom thankfully but the damage is done.
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Narnia is a deeply manipulative person. He picked up an insecurity that Iruma had and used it to weaken his resolve and to draw a line between Iruma and his support system. He made Iruma feel like he didn't belong with his friends and relatives. All individuals who have given him nothing but love and support for over a year now.
I am not going to act like I am an expert in manipulation tactics but separating someone from their support system is a very good way to hurt them. Isolation and chipping away at a person’s self esteem seems to be things that Narnia is very familiar with. 
This conversation shows a lot, Narnia is very different from Kalego and Henri and he is now a 13 crowns. This is not good to say the least. Having someone this manipulative and genocidal on the crowns will just lead the underworld into a potential war zone as it is split into radical sides. Which seems to be what the six fingers want.
Narnia showed that he was allied with the six fingers and the genocidal nature of them is not all that surprising. The organization already ran on the idea that demons in their baser instincts were more powerful and superior, Narnia’s views are just the extreme of that vision. Bal either agrees or just doesn’t care and will go with these views for power. 
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We are given a clearer idea on how the six fingers think and what lengths they are willing to go with to achieve their demons brought back to chaos idea. Which includes eradicating the deities which is bad for literally everyone. How they achieve this we will have to see but they definitely plan to be sneaky at least for now. Narnia being a manipulation master on the crowns seat is an obvious sign of this. 
But this also brings us to the final point, which is Iruma’s character development and what this conversation meant for him. This was an important point for Iruma because this was one of the first times he was confronted by someone who truly and deeply hated him with every fiber of his being and nothing Iruma could do would change it. 
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Iruma has met people who didn’t like him like Kalego at the beginning of the school year but true hate was something he hadn’t encountered yet. Iruma is a charming and kind character, down to his very bones. People who didn’t like him eventually warmed up to him or didn’t truly hate him. Iruma could live with that, it's just a part of life.  
Iruma has also been surrounded with wonderful individuals who love and support him. It was a normal thing for Iruma to wake up and see the smiling faces of his friends and grandpa. It had become a normal, precious thing to Iruma and he was grateful for this. He wants to believe in this love and support with all his heart.
But he isn’t a demon. He doesn’t belong and he will bring nothing but chaos. He is a parasite who should be exterminated for simply existing. The love he has is undeserved because he has tricked so many people around him and intruded upon their lives.
All complete nonsense of course but it’s what Narnia makes Iruma feel. Iruma back in chapter thirty eight would have been broken by this because he would have agreed with it. He would be aware of how unnatural it is for him to be there and he would have wanted to leave as soon as he could. The Iruma that we see now is insecure and it does get to him but it doesn’t break him.
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He needs a pep talk and feels horrible but he isn’t broken, far from it. Even when confronted with pure hate, Iruma is still okay. Deep in his heart, he does believe in the love and support shown to him. He has changed and it’s thanks to those around him that helped him. It's a good way of showing Iruma’s insecurities without backtracking on his development.
He is a teenager after all, a teen who has been used and abused a majority of his life. That doesn’t just go away, even after all his accomplishments and support. He falls back into his old habits and thoughts, he is still human and still needs to hide and lie about that. It would get to anyone after a while, especially someone who isn’t used to affection. 
The important thing is that Iruma still listens to others. He still lets people in and he will grow and recover from this. He has grown from the terrified teen he once was, he is shy and insecure but he isn’t as scared as he used to be. He has support and that will be what gets him through. Iruma is such a wonderful, relatable character. He shows what we are capable of when we let people in and try our best to grow and understand those around us. 
I love this manga and I could talk about the themes and ideas all day but this is long enough. Let me know if you agree and what your thoughts are about all of this. Also let us appreciate that super nice slap that Amaryllis gave because damn. Love her for this.
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Iruma character thoughts
This is just my thoughts on Iruma and the things I noticed regarding him, his personality and why he is the perfect demon king candidate.
Warning: This is a long ass post and it contains mild manga spoilers, nothing too major but still. It’s also not the most structured as it’s just my random thoughts but I hope you enjoy.
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This has been bouncing around my head for a while but one thing I really find interesting about Iruma’s character is his observation skills. This skill becomes the most obvious when he finds out Crocell Kerori is Kuromu by noticing her hands and how she holds herself. It’s such a small detail to notice but Iruma does this almost constantly throughout the series, he notices the smallest details regarding a person and uses that in some way.
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Another time he uses his skills is during the student council arc when Amelia has undergone her cute phase. He notices someone in the crowd acting weird and then proceeds to use his friends' help in tracking him down along with the evidence that he was the culprit. This happened at the same time all the other members were so convinced it was the obvious suspect (Ronove). 
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Even the latest chapters where Iruma compliments Azz’s fire magic. Iruma says that Azz always lowers the temperature to keep Iruma and Clara safe from the flames, Iruma even notes how difficult this must be. He noticed something that I don’t think many people would have really thought about and even if they did they probably wouldn’t have considered this feat difficult considering it’s azz doing it. Iruma does notice and proceeds to express how thankful he is and it clearly means a lot to Azz not just because Iruma said it but because it’s an acknowledgement of a skill that he has worked so hard for. Most people would have just said “of course you could do that everything you do is great.” and then brushed it off.
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You could even possibly tie this into iruma’s rough past. Iruma has worked his whole life and developed his skills through that work. Being observant was most likely a big part of that and was necessary for him to survive. In order to dodge well you would have to see where something is coming from to begin with after all. On top of that I imagine Iruma would want to be praised for all the hard work that he puts in, during his time in the human realm I don’t think that happened often. As a result Iruma has learned to observe his surroundings but to also notice others, especially when they are working hard. 
On top of that Iruma is also exceptionally honest to the point where I don’t think there has been a point where he has willingly lied before. He has kept being a human a secret but that’s understandable. This honesty combined with his ability to notice others, it’s no real wonder why everyone who gets close to Iruma inevitably likes him. He is genuine which seems to be a hard thing to find in the demon world. He also takes the time to acknowledge others and what their strengths are, he sees the good in everyone and knows what they excel at.
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Demons are said over and over again to be selfish and self centered so having someone give them a rare form of praise would be so appealing to them. On top of that person being so sincere about it and letting them know that they truly mean the praise they are giving them. This is how Iruma makes friends and creates bonds with others. Even Kirio ‘likes’ Iruma, it’s a twisted form of liking but Kirio is a little twisted himself so that would figure.
This also goes to explain Iruma’s behavior during his evil cycle. While Iruma did change a bit during his evil cycle, his personality was still that of Iruma. He just grew more confident and assertive doing whatever he wanted and acting like a bad boy. His skills remained the same, it was just in how he used them that changed. Iruma can see the strength in others and his evil cycle showed that completely. He assigned each of the misfits to tasks that he knew they would be best for and excel at. How did he do this? If I had to guess it was because he noticed their talents and abilities ahead of time and now in his evil cycle he had the confidence needed in order to lead them and use their skills to the fullest.
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Normal Iruma couldn’t do this not because he lacked the skills or knowledge to do so, he just needed more confidence and an assertive personality. Irumean was forceful but only because he truly believed that the misfits were exceptional demons that just needed the push to show just how great they were.
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Now I will admit that a lot of this is just my assumptions but I do think that Iruma prior to his evil phase cared greatly for his classmates and wanted better for them. His evil cycle just gave him the means to express how much he wanted better for them. After all he never had classmates before this, he was always too busy working. Now he does and while they are overwhelming and a little violent at times, they are still fun and he likes them. That’s enough for his evil cycle to go to the lengths he does.
Everything Iruma does is for the sake of others but it’s also because he never had anything like this. He never had anyone he could call a friend, he never had a fun school experience, he could never just relax and have fun. Now he can and he will make the most of it, his evil cycle is just showing the absolute extreme of his feelings.
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All these strengths also show how Iruma really is the perfect demon king candidate and how he will be a great king, a force to be reckoned with. A king who can see the strengths in his subordinates and makes them known. A king who can inspire devotion by simply acknowledging someone’s hard work. A king who wants the best and will strive for the best no matter what the obstacle is. A king of greed and gluttony. Greed because he will also desire the best not just for himself but those he cares about and won’t care about the obstacles in his way. He has the best of friends and they will receive the best treatment no matter what.
Gluttonous because he won’t know when to stop. Iruma cares for the demon world now and much like his friends, he will want the demon world to be at its best. He will want to show everyone how great the demon world is and his greed and gluttony will eventually allow him to do so.
A perfect king to a world full of demons.
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That being said I think Iruma still has a long way to go before getting to that point, he is starting to become more confident but he still lacks a few more things such as being more forceful. I think it would also be good to point out that while these traits will make him a good king, it’s also traits unusual for a demon. Which makes sense. Iruma isn’t a demon but it’s for that reason that he is the perfect candidate. Demons are all about excitement and new interesting things. They are all about disrupting the status quo in the name of fun and entertainment. Why wouldn’t their king be a human? Not just any human either but a human who is both selfless but greedy. A human who shows compassion for others which is strange for demons. Who saves others no matter the risk and acknowledges strength that isn’t his own. A human who can and will eventually embody greed and gluttony. 
Iruma is the least demon-like and that is exciting to see as a demon who likes disruption of the norm. It’s his kindness and empathy that will help him become king but it also sets him apart and makes him very undemon-like. Which is exactly what the demon world needs right now.
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Okay so this went on longer than I expected and I hope this makes sense honestly. I could go on for days about this series but I will cut it here for now. A lot of this was my assumption so feel free to disagree with this if you like. I am cool with it, I just like talking about this series honestly. Also feel free to ask me anything about welcome to demon school. I am up to date with the manga and I have more thoughts locked and loaded so try me!
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! See ya later.
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