#this was a long post
purrassicjet · 6 months
In my mind (and with very little canon backing), Sandra Lynn has some sort of Seperation Anxiety Disorder.
It wasn't as much of a problem when she was a kid, she didn't like going to class without her friends and sometimes struggled to go to school at all, but when she was kicked out of her adventuring party as an adult it really kicked in.
Being left alone without anybody to rely on led her to rely on herself, but also heavily on Baxter as the only constant. She tried to live in a cheap apartment when she first came back to Elmville, but she had nights filled with crippling stomach pain and panic attacks because she couldn't be near Baxter, and feared for his life. She quickly moved out and lived in various shelters she built in the forest. It was cold, but it was the only place she could be near her mount and know he was safe. That he wasn't going to leave her too.
It appeared to calm down when she married Gilear. Due to quitting his job, he mostly stayed at home so she knew where he was at all times. She could half-trust something bad wasn't going to happen to him. But she also feared having an attachment to just one person, leading to the unfaithfulness. She was setting up Gorthalax as somebody she could hold onto if something happened to Gilear.
She struggled to let Fig out of her sight once she was born, but also didn't want Fig to have the same struggles with seperation she does, so did her best to push through to avoid projecting those issues on.
The divorce caused it to flare up again, she was once again relying solely on Baxter as her point of attachment. She worked a lot because while she hated being apart from Fig, she was still focused on not making Fig inherit her issues. This causes her harshness in Freshman Year.
Getting with Jawbone was incredibly helpful. He led her towards getting professional help after seeing some of her symptoms, and just having somebody as stable as Jawbone was a huge help. She still couldn't fully trust her attachment to him not to snap, so she did the same thing she did with Gorthalax with Garthy, but recognised her behavior before it could go as far as it did with Gorthalax.
As of Junior Year, she has more trust in the security of her relationships, due to having more of them (the other bad parents as friends, the knowledge that Jawbone will forgive her if she's truly sorry, a better relationship with Fig, etc), but she still retains the insecure attachment to Baxter from her past. Her hands shook a little when she let him to with the Bad Kids as Zayn's escort, but she was able to calm herself down somewhat with the things she'd learned.
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jakeotters · 1 month
*taps mic* is this thing on...?
i've been off of here for so long and i apologize i was busy with school amongst other life stuff, and i took ended up taking a longer than expected hiatus from this account.
ANYWAYS, twisters came out during the time i was gone, and my love for david corenswet aside, i logged back on here and wanted to share my thoughts about it.
for anyone new here, my name is ro and i'm currently majoring in biology before transferring and majoring in meteorology. i've been obsessed with weather (tornadoes, specifically) since i was 8 years old (i'm 19 now), i've been a certified storm spotter with SKYWARN since 2021, and i've taught myself everything i know about weather over the past 11 years.
this movie completely exceeded all of my expectations. i've seen it multiple times since it came out and every time, i'm still amazed. they nailed the science, the CGI, almost everything about it is perfect. the chasing isn't 100% realistic, but it's fun, intense, and exciting. twisters has reinspired me in so many ways and has been such an exciting reminder of how thankful i am to be in this field.
the movie and the cast portrayed this thing that i love doing so incredibly well and i wish i could thank them for that. on behalf of the weather community, we were all blown away (no pun intended) by how awesome this movie is.
if you feel it...
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thesaltwateremu · 8 months
I’ve seen a lot of people saying that norris and chester can’t be jmart because you’re able to listen to tmagp without any knowledge of tma. Here’s why I disagree
I feel like it’s fairly common for sequels to be written with the intention that it’s still understandable from an outside perspective. With movies especially this makes sense since i at least don’t think it’s uncommon for people to watch sequels without seeing the original (I mean really, how many of us have seen every marvel movie. Or with the new hunger games movie, a lot of my friends who watched it had never seen the original triology)
From a monetary standpoint, you want to make your sequel accessible to as many people as possible. With tma, there’s 200 episodes. That can be really overwhelming for someone unsure if they want to listen to protocol. By making it possible to listen to tmagp without having listened to tma, they are way more likely to listen, and might even go back and listen to tma. Marvel is a good comparison here: there’s a lot of marvel movies. It’s overwhelming for someone to have to watch all of them to understand the plot, so marvel makes their sequels work as standalones, while it is obviously more enjoyable if you’ve watched others. Same deal with hunger games. Also the friends I mentioned before who had never watched the original movies now really want to see them, bringing more money to the franchise
Jmart being in tmagp really wouldn’t be that alienating for new listeners. The main thing that would make tmagp difficult to listen to without context from tma is worldbuilding. However, this problem is avoided due to tmagp taking place in a completely different universe. Even original tma fans don’t have much world building to go off of. This is actually a big reason why I think the fears will be different in tmagp. It took so long for that world building to occur, it’d be boring for old listeners to hear the same thing again, and confusing for new ones to go on without it. Jmart is different because they’re just two characters. Sure, we’ll have a better understanding of who they are if we’ve listened to tma, but I feel like it’s not that difficult to quickly sum up their realtionship and their past in a way that’s understandable to new listeners. Plus we would need some backstory anyways since we don’t really know how they ended up in the tmagp universe
I almost think it’d be a missed opportunity if they didn’t have jmart or some other direct connection to tma in tmagp because one big reason for making sequels is bringing more attention to the original piece of media. Having a direct connection to tma, especially if it’s explained in a way that’s brief and intriguing could make new listeners more likely to go back and listen to tma
TLDR: tmagp could have jmart because it’s pretty common for movies and other media to make their sequels understandable for new viewers, and it wouldn’t take that much effort for there to be a quick explanation of who jmart is for new listeners
This wasn’t meant to attack anyone who’s been saying this, I’m just providing a counterpoint. If you disagree, that’s completely fine, I’m not here to start beef with strangers on the internet. Feel free to leave your thoughts agreeing, disagreeing, or otherwise, just be nice about it :) (this goes for all posts of people posting their thoughts and theories btw, we have so little info to go off of, just let people speculate without shutting them down)
(also I realize this post kinda sounds like I’m saying rusty quill is only making a sequel for money and attention. This is absolutely not what I’m saying, these are just often reasons that sequels are made, in addition to loving the story, characters, fandom, etc)
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Thoughts about a second Fes Card for Ichika
So the first round of Fes cards are coming to a close, with only 3 left, and as some have been speculating it's possible we get a second round, starting with Saki's first and Ichika's second. As I am very totally normal about Ichika, I have a few thoughts about how it could look, and potentially tie in to a future character arc/story for her, as well as tie in to the previous Fes trained card. It's gonna be a long post so buckle up. Send in asks if you love it, or absolutely despise it!
The untrained is Ichika passing by other characters in the game, the rest of L/N as well as Kanade and Mafuyu. This directly ties into the side story for these cards. It begins with Ichika in school, talking to Honami and Kohane about how far they've all come. Ichika begins to think about how she really hasn't gone through much in comparison to others, and how she was never able to truly help when they needed it the most (And at this point flashbacks occur relating to the rest of L/N and others she has a close connection to). This plays on her mind throughout the day, and when she gets to Sekai she's early. She notices a fragment, and recognising it after the previous one, decides to head in on her own. The typical blinding light appears before her, and we actually see her in the fragment for a bit. It resembles a long art gallery, but one where the paintings are being worked on that moment. Tins of coloured paint line the floor, and there are spots for the eventual denizens of this Sekai. at that moment, however, there are the 19 other main characters (At this point Ichika has met them all).
This could be the second part of the side story, but there's another good place for it. As she walks past them, they are all absorbed in working on their art, all self portraits. All relate to how they see themselves, and their struggles. So for Saki it's her in the hospital alone, for Mizuki it's being on that rooftop, surrounded by gossip, and for Mafuyu it's nothing but a black void. Some are being secretive and not showing others, some are constantly trying to improve. Ichika arrives at her own spot, inbetween Saki and either Mizuki or Kanade (Last character in the order or last leader). This is the other place I would end the first part.
Miku appears and explains that this is for Ichika to represent herself and her struggles, and show who she is. Once she is happy, she can leave. Ichika struggles for a bit, thinking about who she is and what she want's to show. Looking over at everyone else, though, she has an idea. Flashbacks play of interactions with other characters, how they've helped, and their meaning for Ichika. Ichika collects paints, and begins her artwork. The trained version of this card isn't shown in the story, but is placed here thematically. It's Ichika, or rather her art, with all 20 of the colour's that represent each character, and a 21st for Miku, covering the painting, through her outline. Put simply, it is her made up of everyone else. Miku approaches and asks what it means to her, to which Ichika explains.
She is, more than any other character in the game, someone to who the people around her, and those she cares about, is shaped by. Everyone she is friends with has helped her discover more about herself, understand where to go forward, encourage her. She is made up of the rest of the cast, and will move forward with a small part of each of them. She explains that she will never finish this art, it will always be added to, but that that's okay, that's who she is, someone who is striving to be the best person for others.
Miku smiles, and says that it's time for her to go. Ichika protests, and says that she needs to help everyone else, some of them don't know what they are trying to make, some are scared to show others their art, and some are focused on bettering their art because they need to be good enough. Miku explains that, they aren't there, really. It's just how they are all doing, and how they are feeling. Ichika tells miku "In that case, I will be the one to help them finish their art. To make them feel happy with what they've accomplished, to allow them to take a break, and to know that they don't need to be scared. I won't leave them to struggle alone. Not again"
She leaves, and ends up back in sekai just as the rest of Leo/Need are beginning to wonder where she is. A small memento of her trip remains, that being the painting she made, hanging up proudly on her wall. The story ends with her beginning practice, with renewed vigor and determination
To me, this would effectively counter those who say Ichika has no personality or is boring. It shows that she is caring for others, and gives her something to explore both in her own stories, and in others, as someone who is perceptive to others feelings, and makes sure they know that they are not alone. In future Fes Cards, have Ichika appear, maybe not as herself, but have the Ichika that other's see do as Ichika said, help them make it through, show them that they have done something truly impressive. Ichika is often seen as an audience surrogate, or someone who is seen as the dev's favourite. So why not show that Ichika is someone more, and is a character to love.
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joeymiya · 2 years
just finished the main story of regressor instruction manual, and, jesus fuck. Woah. That was. a lot. I went through almost all of the chapters in one day, hundreds. and. god. Lee Kiyoung really does just gaslight, gatekeep, girboss his way out of most of the problems he finds, doesn’t he? gods.
i am feeling a lot right now. Though not sure what. just feeling. Kiyoung is so fucking thick in the head in terms of how much he underestimates how his team would react to him sacrificing himself over and over with the added mental damage of the “reveal” that he basically has a magic terminal illness that will take all of his memories via mind degradation and weakening of his body, which isn’t real in the slightest, which is really fucking funny not going to lie about that. 
Shit just snowballed and hit the fan hard in their perspective. A complete tragedy for them and lucky “wow that was a big brain plot move that i totally intended to happen and will reap the benefits(?) of” for Lee Kiyoung in terms of plot progression if we’re talking books. I will not be talking about the ending. I am-
-admittedly having a bit of a time processing it. so yeah. Also there’s. apparently more stuff after the main story????? just read them and god damn. woozers.
And that’s just the translated ones, there’s a fuck ton of it. and it’s only so far a few handful of side stories chapters, meaning you’ll have to find the raws and mtl the rest of it. which I do  not have the means to, unfortunately.
I am deathly afraid of buying them in fear of getting my ass handed by my parents. I also have no idea where and how I’d fucking find the god damn raws of the released side story chapters anyway. 
So, as much as my story-devouring heart wants it, the fucking barrier is a god damn pain in the ass, and my fear of using money is another, so I can’t buy the raws. I’ll pray to god that some bastard out there translates the raws for the rest of the fandom because my fucking guy, as poor as my vision is, I read fast and clear as fuck.
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henchfry · 1 year
tally hall
My favorite song by Tally Hall has to be ‘Spring and a Storm’.
Around the time I first started listening to it, I had first started talking to my partner @satisfiedskye .
Granted, it was really the first time I started listening to them period. But that song, really struck a cord with me /positive.
I had this animatic in my head for a OC I had for their universe. My oc Percy was originally made for that universe (long before Batman lol). She was a mother of two who had gone through a mutation due to radiation, and sought out Skye’s OC for help. My little pea brain was like “omg what if I shipped her with him that would be so crazy”
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And I did, in my MIND.
Because of the story my partner had laid out for their character, my oc and her oc couldn’t really be canon, but it was something we enjoyed nonetheless amongst ourselves.
(I can’t find the old art of them I sadly think it’s gone <\3)
Anyways, the song.
It played out in my head like she was trying to find him in a storm. In more ways than one, not only does this connect to the characters, but it connects to me and my partner as well. I used to think that Tally Hall’s song ‘Haiku’ was more about us, but I realize that’s not the case. ‘Spring and a Storm’ to me is something hopeful. It’s about battling struggles. Something me, and the character were going through at the same time (excuse me for my self indulgence).
For the animatic itself, considering that it sounds like a STORM. The beat, the tempo, the pacing…as you listen, it begins to FEEL like the sound of hard falling rain.
Then it’s calm for a moment.
Then back to intense downpour.
This was the initial idea for the animatic. Her walking through a wooded area as it starts to drizzle. Various parts of her life flashing the more she walks, the cracking of lightening at somepoint makes her pace faster, as if she’s following the storm. Then there’s a clearing, it’s peaceful. She THINKS she sees her children, but as she approaches, a crack of lighting hits a tree beside her, causing her to start running.
By the end of the animatic, she finds the place shes looking for, laying on the steps of the porch, just as Skye’s character is walking outside.
That was just a base premise, and I have no idea if I’ll ever go through with this animatic idea. But someday when I have the energy, I’d love to work on it. For now, I’m advancing the character into the Batman universe (and possibly altering her character SLIGHTLY for my partners own universe) where I have more stories to tell and share with her/them.
LAST IMAGE IS BY @satisfiedskye !!
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it's important to me that I don't lose perspective about my relationship to my love work and stuff bc I feel like I have an unhealthy relationship with things that are like mildly obligatory like it's at will but like it's also a choice you make when you have nothing sooooo
what I mean is I don't to forget that working is a part of my life, it's something I spend time doing sometimes for financial gain but it's a part of my life not the focus of my life, my life isn't something that happens around it, that occurs in between instances of labor, I am living while I'm working as well that is also my life, work is secondary.
idk if I'm doing a good job explaining what I mean but i hope so, I spent much of my adolescence waiting for things to be over, waiting for a fateful day where I can truly start living and completely ignored the idea that just bc it's not something i chose freely doesn't mean I can't make it my own and chose to make it part of a life I'm living if that makes sense
like i put no effort into my life bc I didnt feel it was truly mine it was my school's it was my parents but that surrenders my own agency in that, like wgat I mean is at some point I chose not to pursue my own happiness, I opted out of things that might have made me happy and I refused to put effort into things that might have been great because I was so bitter and angry but mostly heartbroken about the things that I was sort of obligated to do or think about or care about and if it wasn't mine why should I care, it's just something I have to get through
obviously being an adult is pretty different like you have so much more agency over your life but like still you have things that you're obligated to do sometimes ie work but one shouldn't let go of the agency they have even during times where you'd rather be doing something else bc it's still a responsibility you have to yourself to make your life enjoyable however you can and that's wgat I mean
I don't want to forget that even if it's work it doesn't mean it have to be a depersonalizing experience and I don't have to relinquish my agency to get through it, in fact the best way to get through it is to remember that you have it <3
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climbingthefloors · 15 days
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obsessed with this baby hippo from thailand's khao khew zoo.. she has been so utterly betrayed by the world
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hydrattan · 3 months
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I was feeling agitated and artblocked yesterday so I decided to give my brain a rest by watching TV and then the next thing I knew these were in front of me
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nondivisable · 3 months
I need to say something and I need y'all to be calm
if it isn't actively bad or harmful, no representation should be called "too simple" or "too surface level"
I have a whole argument for this about the barbie movie but today I wanna talk about a show called "the babysitters club" on Netflix
(obligatory disclaimer that I watched only two episodes of this show so if it's super problematic I'm sorry) (yes. I know it's based on a book, this is about the show)
this is a silly 8+ show that my 9 year old sister is watching and it manages to tackle so many complex topics in such an easy way. basic premise is these 13 year old girls have a babysitting agency.
in one episode, a girl babysits this transfem kid. the approach is super simple, with the kid saying stuff like "oh no, those are my old boy clothes, these are my girl clothes". they have to go to the doctor and everyone is calling the kid by her dead name and using he/him and this 13 year old snaps at like a group of doctors and they all listen to her. it's pure fantasy and any person versed in trans theory would point out a bunch of mistakes.
but after watching this episode, my little sister started switching to my name instead of my dead name and intercalating he/him pronouns when talking about me.
one of the 13 years old is a diabetic and sometimes her whole personality is taken over by that. but she has this episode where she pushes herself to her limit and passes out and talks about being in a coma for a while because of not recognizing the limits of her disability.
and this allowed my 9 year old sister to understand me better when I say "I really want to play with you but right now my body physically can't do that" (I'm disabled). she has even asked me why I'm pushing myself, why I'm not using my crutches when I complain about pain.
my mom is 50 years old and watching this show with my sister. she said the episode about the diabetic girl helped her understand me and my disability better. she grew up disabled as well, but she was taught to shut up and power through.
yes, silly simple representation can annoy you if you've read thousands of pages about queer liberation or disability radical thought, but sometimes things are not for you.
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willinghands · 4 months
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i think r/BenignExistence is my favorite subreddit 🥲 i love these pleasant little glimpses into strangers' lives
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whiteshipnightjar · 8 months
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Zoozve, my beloved
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yumenikkii · 19 days
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just another average day in gravity falls
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velvetcloak · 1 month
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The Olympics but high fashion by Wisdom Kaye
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sleeplessv0id · 1 month
what doesn't kill you makes you weird at intimacy
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christadeguchi · 5 months
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