theinfernalcollective · 31 minutes
We hate it when people say "oh I have D.I.D! yeah it means I have multiple people inside my head!" No you don't!😭 you have a separated identity of YOURSELF. They are not other people they are parts of yourself. They. Are. You. Whether you like it or not. It was discontinued for it being called MPD for a very obvious reason.
Sorry for sounding a bit aggressive, but this is something that has always irked us the wrong way. Like, its called Dissociative Identity Disorder not Multiple Personality Disorder for a reason. - Vayu
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Stress is figuring out how to tell your parents that they're coming to a therapist session to discuss your D.I.D diagnosis but your terrified for how they will react due to their reaction to you being transgender.
We are in for a WILD fucking ride with this. And we are not exited. The last experience we had with something similar it was taking our dad to see a psychiatrist who was helping us with testosterone.. the first thing that man said after we left was "she's (the psychiatrist) full of shit" - Vayu
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Do you have a brain? No stress = no new part.
You will not gain an alter from hyperfixating on something. Your brain will not go "oh cool looking person let's just *forms new alter*" parts are a defence mechanism due to trauma. No trauma = no system or parts. Same with any sort of hyperfixation. You aren't experiencing some sort of distress you will not gain an introject. That is the basics of this disorder. - Vayu
Hot fact
You can't gain an alter from hyperfixations. That ain't how it works. It is a very slim chance that if you go through a traumatic experience while having a hyperfixation that you will gain an introject. But more than often, you won't. A more common thing to introject will be your abuser. Not a Prince Stolas or an Alastor as soon as new media has come out. (This is NOT about polyfrag systems) - Vesper
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by saying “you can only split from stress” does that not include eustress? genq
We don't know what that is sorry - Vayu & Apostolis
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theinfernalcollective · 18 hours
Imagine loosing an argument because you can't agree with medical facts so you block the person you lost the argument to. L bozo - Apostolis 💛
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theinfernalcollective · 18 hours
You do you then and deny medical fucking facts. You will not split an alter without a disturbance. That is the only reason a new alter will split, is from stress, whether its alot of stress or not. You cannot just split an alter out of thin fucking air. So we implore you to do some actual fucking research then come back. - Apostolis
wow what an insufferable person you must be to shit on people who split easy. have the day you deserve.
Okay? Sorry that its facts that you can't just watch a show and you gain introjects without any disturbance like stress. Cause if you can/could. That would make you "mixed origin" or "endogenic" or some of that bullshit. Because parts are a trauma response they will ONLY form from stress (later in life IF you have DID/OSDD) and trauma - Apostolis 💛
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theinfernalcollective · 19 hours
I'm not sure if anyone has said this yet but you are not wrong about the split tolerance + stress/trauma = alter equation, even with polyfrag.
A low split tolerance is directly correlated to a low stress tolerance, polyfrag systems are people that have such low stress tolerance that normal things in daily life can exceede their tolerance and cause a split to hand a specific thing. We had a fairly low split tolerance and a low fuse tolerance, we had a low stress tolerance that meant that it didn't take much for us to feel overwhelmed and would split a fragment that had a high chance of fusing once we figured out how to handle the situation comfortably. In therapy we've been working on managing anxiety which has increased our stress tolerance and has as you can guess made us less likely to split.
All of this boils down to having very high anxiety levels, if you can manage your anxiety you can increase you stress and split tolerance.
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theinfernalcollective · 19 hours
Parts are a TRAUMA RESPONCE. Low split tolerance and polygragmented or not it is medically impossible to split a new part without some sort of disturbance. Our therapist, who has worked with people who have D.I.D multiple times seconds this heavily.
wow what an insufferable person you must be to shit on people who split easy. have the day you deserve.
Okay? Sorry that its facts that you can't just watch a show and you gain introjects without any disturbance like stress. Cause if you can/could. That would make you "mixed origin" or "endogenic" or some of that bullshit. Because parts are a trauma response they will ONLY form from stress (later in life IF you have DID/OSDD) and trauma - Apostolis 💛
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theinfernalcollective · 23 hours
No problem! ^^
I just don't like it when people immediately assume things. And as I've read, you have a hard time with wording and tend to be blunt. Which probably doesn't help at all.
But I hope it will at least help, and others would get the memo. ^^ -🧸☁️
Yeah thank you. Here's to hope hahah
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theinfernalcollective · 23 hours
Hello. As a polyfragmented system, I'm here to speak for you.
It's okay not to understand it. Tbh, it's quite complex, and we are still learning ourselves. But with the hate you seem to be getting because of that post talking about fictives (I hope you know what I'm talking about) I recommend editing it and saying that you aren't talking about polyfragmented systems and you don't know enough to make a say about it.
-A polyfrag system on your side 🧸☁️
Thank you for the advice!!! - August & Vayu
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i think all of the hate you're getting in regards to the splitting post is due to the phrasing? it's not that splitting easily *isn't possible*. i don't think you were trying to say that; in general, we got the vibe that your post ignored the existence of polyfragmentation, clinically acknowledged more recently as Complex DID. but even then: you're right.
even in cases of polyfragmentation, it's not a split for "no reason". Complex DID comes about after a victim of abuse develops *zero* effective non-dissociative coping mechanisms. therefore, splitting is very common in cases like this, because the brain knows other coping mechanism, even in regards to everyday stressors. a person with Complex DID will have a different system structure to boot — it's very fascinating to look into, if you have the stomach for it!
another example where splitting would be more common could be in the case of those who experience chronic pain. from experience, a lot of our splits come from this cause in combination with our polyfragmented system structure (which is, *again*, more than just "many alters"). it may *seem* like our splits are from nothing at all, but that's only because it's in regards to stress that we're used to.
this isn't to say that these two explanations are a "one shoe fits all" type of deal, but it may help contextualize the "my splits just happen because i liked this guy too much" for both sides of the argument.
infodump aside, i'm sorry for all the hate you all are receiving! i truly don't think that you had any foul intentions with your post, no matter how hostile it was phrased (imo). hope it ends soon!
Yeah our post probably could have been worded a tad better. Wording is definitely not our strong point. We also don't acknowledge plolyfragmentation that much because we don't know enough to speak on it, so we want to avoid it before we have a good understanding on it. You Definitely make some good points! - August & Vayu
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Edit: sorry, i meant introjects not just fictives***
Its alg!
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Oh my god, people really don't understand splitting. Like the brain splits as a survival mechanism. It splits to create amnesic barriers and separate parts to allow itself better chances at survival in stress and trauma. The brain isn't going to be like 'ooo fun lil character in a show I like, time to split an alternate state of consciousness for absolutely no reason other than I like this guy' ???
Sure you can have previously split alters form into fictives because they connected or like or identify with the character. But you're not going to split an entirely new alter just for fun cuz you love a show or whatever. People really need to remember systems and splitting are medical terms with real definitions and criteria, not just silly terms you can throw around.
(not directed at you, just at all these anons coming after you. I'm sorry you have to put up with their ignorance)
Exactly! Its giving endogenic vibes from them tbh. Their utter stupidity is quite amusing honestly - Vayu & August
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i was the anon abt the maladaptive day dreaming thing:
that is. so bad. i do ask how the hell they keep track of how many hours they do that because we. cant. its hard. ugh i hate this sorry to dump this in your ask box. its genuinely not a quirky fun thing and i sound like a broken record player but i can already tell that we are going to get fake claimed for having maladaptive daydreaming and it sucks. i hate fakers y'all are not cool for faking stuff. please get a life and just. not.
Your perfectly fine for having this in our ask box! If you need to rant your feelings shove it in one of these we dont mind <3
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People can actually split easily and we’re very much anti-endo :) you’re a piece of shit and no better than other fakeclaimers, hope you have fun failing to get diagnosed <3
Jokes on you already diagnosed. Splitting easily has nothing to do with forming alters without trauma or stress. You will not form an alter without stress or a traumatic incident. So honestly go cry about it if you can't handle medical truth
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we're sorry to hear about all the hate you're getting regarding our post on splitting / what comes with it.
(going anon for this because i don't want my host to know that i made this but you're completely right!) introjects don't just form for no reason, there has to be an underlying cause and its insufferable when people don't understand it.
it isn't (as the last anon your responded to said) 'shitting on people who split easy' its just pointing out a truth. if your body / mind does not perceive a threat then you won't split. its as simple as that. there's nothing to do with how high or low your tolerance is, its just saying that no trauma/stressors = no splits.
once again, very sorry for the unwarrented backlash you're receiving. have a wonderful day ^^
Its alright! Some people just can't handle the truth we guess. And thank you, you have a wonderful day too!! :DD - August & Vayu
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as a system with maladaptive daydreaming:
please tell me people arent going to start faking it. this genuinely disrupts our day to day so much. i already see people trying to claim maladaptive daydreaming being their 'system origin' and i cant handle being fakeclaimed for having both maladaptive daydreaming and DID. its not quirky it messes our life up so bad. (not aimed at you btw just to make sure)
Unfortunately its already looking that way. Especially in the tiktok comments with people saying "OMG I HAVE MALADAPTIVE DAYDREAMING I DO THIS FOR THREE HOURS A DAY" and. Its ALOT, of comments saying this kinda stuff. - Apostolis 💛
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