their-divine-magick · 2 years
Other witches: has a whole ass altar, does awesome preparations for their spells, eighty crystals, moon status all figured out, has every clue what they are doing
Me: *lays out small sheet on my carpet to prevent spices from going everywhere and proceeds to still get spices everywhere*
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their-divine-magick · 2 years
Kitchen Witchery - Quick Spell
Just a quick spell for good dreams or to help give you a bit of a boost of positivity before bed. No measurements, all to taste. This is really one of those spells that you can make your own very easily.
A perfect spell for beginner witches as well!
This is especially for my witches who don't like tea.
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Here's what you do:
Grab a cute mug (optional but preferred because who doesn't love cute mugs?!)
Put some milk of your choice in it. I chose 2% but nondairy would work too. Heat the milk up either on the stove or in the microwave.
Toss in some honey, or your fav honey alternative, to calm the mind.
Dump in a good bit of cinnamon for psychic protection.
Put in a bit of cloves, the tiniest amount otherwise it overpowers the other flavors, for banishing negativity or bad vibes.
A dash of nutmeg for love and good dreams.
Finally, add a tiny bit of salt, this will help balance the flavors and adds more protection.
Stir counter clockwise to dispel any negative energy, then clockwise while focusing on the intent of this spell. You can even say it out loud if you'd like. (Example: With this, I banish my nightmares/have restful sleep)
Feel free to top it off with whipped cream.
Sometimes I'll add sugar as well if I don't want to use honey.
This simple kitchen witch spell helps me calm down. You can use it before you go to bed to encourage a restful night's sleep or to go back to sleep after a nightmare has woken you up. Using a bit of lavender syrup can help promote psychic dreams as well, just don't use too much or it'll taste soapy!
It takes all of 5 minutes tops and it's all done to your taste so you also get a delicious drink at the end!
Sleep well witches <3
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their-divine-magick · 2 years
Low Effort Magic 🌙
I have a hard time doing something that involves magic every day, even though I've been on this path for quite some time.
Practicing magic a lot is by no means mandatory but it does help (in my opinion) to get better at it and it just helps with everyday problems. So here are some low effort activities you can do everyday that will hopefully help those of you with similar problems!
Write words like "protection", "healing" or whatever you want into your drink with a straw or spoon before you drink it. Or draw sigils in it.
If you feel super exhausted for no apparent reason, open a window and scream or, if you like it, put on some angry punk or metal music to banish whatever is feeding on your energy. While you're doing that, keep in mind that you want to banish. Otherwise you're just playing angry music. Yelling "Fuck off" also does the trick.
When you eat or drink something, try to pinpoint at least one magical property of each ingredient in your drink/food. It can also be one that has no historical evidence but is personal to you. That will help keep you in the magic mindset and also helps you to get all if that info into your long-term memory.
Open the window, stand in front of it and breathe in the air deeply with your eyes closed while you remind yourself that tge wind is part of nature and that you're connected to it. It doesn't have to be a half hour meditation, 5 seconds get the job done as well.
Offer everyday activities to your deities. For example: cooking for Hestia, standing up for yourself for Loki, practicing magic or **self care time** for Freyja, disposing of trash the correct way to your local nature spirits, etc
Take a shower or a bath, or just wash your face or brush your teeth with the intent of cleansing yourself from all that negative energy that has built up over the day.
That's all for this time. If you like it I'll do another one. :)
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their-divine-magick · 2 years
If you don’t store crystals in your bra when you go out do you even do crystal magick?
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their-divine-magick · 2 years
Yeah this didn’t age well.
I did some tarot reading for me and my mom’s 2022 and holy fucking shit
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their-divine-magick · 2 years
I did some tarot reading for me and my mom’s 2022 and holy fucking shit
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their-divine-magick · 3 years
Crystal Care 101
Alright witches (and non-witches), let me give you a crash course in Crystal Care.
Universal Ways to Charge Crystals
Any of these ways can be used without damaging your crystals:
Moonlight. The moon is our best friend, she is amazing, she will not harm your crystals at all.
Touch. You can hold your crystals in your hand to charge them with your own energy and intention. It is a very personal way to charge your crystals.
Smoke. You can run your crystals through smoke from your incense, candles, or smoke cleansing sticks.
Sigil. Place a sigil meant for charging underneath your crystal to charge it.
Selenite. Some people use Selenite to charge their other crystals. I don't know why Selenite is associated with charging crystals, but it is.
Basic Crystal Safety
Do not consume any crystal or crystal powder under any circumstances.
Some crystals are toxic when in water, make sure yours isn't before you charge your water.
Do not heat your crystals with a flame.
Do not have Himalayan Rock Salt Lamps if you have a cat, they can lick it and become very dehydrated, which can lead to death.
In fact, make sure all of your crystals are out of reach for any of your pets, or children if you have them.
Amber, Angelite, Black Tourmaline, Calcite, Carnelian, Celestite, Halite, Hematite, Jade, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Lodestone, Malachite, Mica, Moldavite, Moonstone, Obsidian, Opal, Pearl, Pyrite, Selenite, Tangerine Quartz, Turquoise
Amethyst, Apatite, Aquamarine, Aventurine, Calcite, Celestite, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Fluorite, Green Amethyst, Opal, Rose Quartz, Sapphire, Smokey Quartz, Topaz, Turquoise
Amber, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Citrine, Coral, Emerald, Jade, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli, Malachite, Moonstone, Obsidian, Onyx, Opal, Pearl, Touramaline.
This is just a 101 Guide, it's by no means a full list, so please make sure to also do your own research on your individual crystals as well. I hope this helps!
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their-divine-magick · 3 years
Can someone please help identify this Crystal for me?  I thought it was red jasper but then I looked up pictures of red jasper and I was like,,no.  If someone knows please let me know! :)
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their-divine-magick · 3 years
Speaking of deity work, I’ve been doing my tarot and setting the intentions to see what deity is trying to connect with me.  Since then, I have been seeing lots of spiders (haha, nice being afraid of them riht about now) and when I say lots I mean LOTS.  big, little, huge…a lot.  If I kill them will this drive the deity away or offend it?  Am I just having a spider infestation and linking it to deities out of hopefulness?
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their-divine-magick · 3 years
I’ve been thinking about trying to get into Deity Work.  I’ve been all over the internet and I’m saving tabs to read, I have been scrolling through tiktok, and I’m going to try to find books from the library.  If anyone has any advice i’d really love to hear it!
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their-divine-magick · 3 years
Cleansing my Crystals
I just went to the Crystal store and got three new varieties of Crystal.  I got a small tiger’s eye, a small Rainbow Moonstone, and a Fluorite bracelet.
Before I use any of these, anyhow, I am going to cleanse them.  It is very important to cleanse new crystals before using them in anything because who knows what kind of energy they’ve absorbed before coming into your possession!
So, in order to cleanse them, I am going to separate them by the odd one out.
Tiger’s Eye and Moonstone are both water safe, so for them, I am going to be doing a Water Cleansing.
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A water cleansing ritual is just how it sounds, running crystals under water.  What I do is I turn on cold tap water and visualize the water pushing negative energy from the Crystal.  Your intuition will tell you when it’s good.
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I always take my crystals and make sure they’re thoroughly dried 😌
now, seeing as fluorite is NOT water-safe, I am going to be doing a candle cleanse for that one.
I take a white candle and light it, passing the fluorite through it.  I visualize the smoke cleansing the negativity from the Crystal, and pass it through until intuition says it’s all good.  I affirm, saying “The negative energy is cleansed from this crystal.” Once or twice throughout the ritual.
I didn’t trust myself enough with fire to take a picture so imagination time 😃
hope this helped Y’all cleanse your crystals!  Make sure to DO YOUR RESEARCH before water cleansing!
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their-divine-magick · 3 years
I wanna bring my crystals with me to tae kwon do but I really don’t trust them to stay put in my bra what with all the jogging and physical exercise but I don’t have pockets in my uniform. I could put them in my bag I suppose but they don’t work as well when they’re not in contact with me, right?
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their-divine-magick · 3 years
I am slowly going to begin building myself an altar.  However I am a broke-ass fifteen year old so it’s gonna be a while 🥲
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their-divine-magick · 3 years
Self-Confidence Spell
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This is the charged crystal.  Obviously you can’t see whether it’s charged or not but hey I wanna show off my crystal okay.
ANYWHO the spell I used goes like this, I found it on Pinterest.
Things you need: 
~Orange Essential Oil
~A Candle (I used white cause that’s what the picture portrayed)
~Rose Quartz
~Dress the Candle with the Oil.  I also put some on my third eye area for mental clarity (I read that in a book)
~Light the candle and pass the quartz through the flame and smoke (it’ll be fine.  It might get a little blackened in some areas but it rubs off.) while saying aloud “I am confident, capable, and worthy.” Repeat this 5-10 times or whenever feels best.
~Take the charged crystal with you whenever you need some confidence!  ~Make sure to cleanse it at night, I put my crystals on top of a light bed of salt. I
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their-divine-magick · 3 years
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I have no white candles anywhere, so hopefully using a white, beeswax, no longer used chapstick will work for this spell I’m attempting
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their-divine-magick · 3 years
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I have no white candles anywhere, so hopefully using a white, beeswax, no longer used chapstick will work for this spell I’m attempting
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their-divine-magick · 3 years
My mom won’t let me burn sage by myself.  She says she wants to watch me do it so I don’t light anything on fire.  Honey.  I am fifteen.  I can do this perfectly fine.  I will not burn down the house.  Or the outside deck.
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